B-106 Lyric Theatre Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 03-10-2011 .. I / NPS Form 10-900 £ase.ment (3-821 OMB No . 1024-001 8 Expires lO-Jl-87 United States Departmen~ of the. Interior B-106 National Park Servic:e For NPS UH only _Jational Register, of Historic Places received Inventory-Nomination Form date entered See instructions 'in How to·complete National Register Forms Type all en.tries-'complele applicable sections · 1. N.-me historic Baltimore Music Hall, Music Hall ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- and or common Lyric Theatre (preferred) 2. Location street & number 124 West Mount Royal Avenue NI A not for publication city, town Baltimore Seventh Congr essional District Maryland 24 independent city state code county code 510 3. Qtassificatio.n Category .. Ownership Status Present Use _ district _ public _!__ occupied _ agriculture _ museum ~ buildlng(s) .._!_ private _ unoccupied _ commercial _ park _structure _ both _ · work in progress _ educational _ private residence _ site Public Acqui•ltion Accessible x_ entertainment _ religious _ object _ In process -2L yes: restricted _ government _ scientific ~ being con~i~ered . _ yes: unrestricted _ industrial _ transportation A not appl.icable _ no _ military - ..- ' _ other: name The Lyric Foundation street & number 1304 St. Paul Street Bplt. :j..I,n~ re HLJ:,. vicinity. of state Mar yland 21201 courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Baltimore City c'ourthou se street & number 100 North Calvert Street Baltimore city, town state Maryland 21202 &. "8presenl:atio~ .. i~ ~xisting Surveys Maryland Historical· Tru's t '· title Historic Sites Inventory has this property been determined eligible? _x_ yes _ no deposltor;y t~r .survey reco~ds 21 State Circle city, town Annapol is state Maryl and 21401 . t 7 . escription ' > \ B-106 Condition Che.ck one Check one . .JL excellent _ _ deteriorated _ unaltered i original site _ _ good __ ruins _1l altered __ moved date ____, N;.;;/'-'A"'---------- _ _ fair __ unexposed Describe t he present a nd origina l (if k nown) physical appeara nce f_ )>-;J :.,. ;...;..---- -Number of Resources Number of previously !isted National Contributing Noncontributing Register properties included in this - --l 0 buildings nomination: 0 --0- 0 sites --0 - 0 structures Original and historic functions _ _o_ 0 objects and uses: entertainment l - - 0- Total DESCRIPTION SUMMARY : The Lyric Theatre is a large r ectangular shaped gable roofed brick structure built in 1893-1894 to which a sizabl e brick addition in modern design was made to the front and south in 1981. The original building is r ed brick and the new tan brick. Three of the original elevations r emain exposed (north, south, and east) but only the east or Ma r yland Av enue elevat ion r emains fully exposed . This elevation is decorated i n a Renaissance Revival manner with rus tication on the lower level s and pilast ers supporting an entablature with dentilled cornice above . The historic interior s paces consist primarily of the auditorium and the original lobby, l abel ed foyer in the enclosed floor plan. These spaces r emain fairly intact in decorative detailing to the earlies t period . The d ecoratlve detailing is classical in influence. The lobby is marked by paneled pilasters with Cor i nthian capit:als, arched pedimented doon.ays, and dentilled cornices. The doors are new . The audit orium is lavishl y decorated with paired flat pilasters, round keystone arches with decorative panels inscribed with the names of composers , a heavy mod illioned and dentiJled cornice bel ow a cove pierced with r ound windows and a beamed ceiling. The intrados and extrados of the proscenium arch are beaded moldings flanking a cove decorated with gold l eafed designs . The proscenium arch is detailed at the center with a cartouche d ecorated with the Calvert family coat-of-arms, a knight ' s armor , and musical instruments. The spandrels have winged figures. The balcony which runs along three ~i d es is d efined by a pierced balustr ade with wing figures as newels. The present arrangemen t of seats and boxes , floor and base of the s tage date from the 1980s r enovations. In 1928 the balcony was expanded to the west i nto an area that was or iginally a small theater . ~. NPS Form 10·900·• OMB NO . 10?4-0018 13·112) Expires 10 - 11-87 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form Lyric Theatre Continuation sheet Baltimore City, Mar yland Item number 7 Page 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION : The Lyric Theatre is a rectangular brick building with a moderately sloped ga ble roof , the ridge following the longitudinal axis of the auditorium within. Of the original proncipal facades , only the one facing Maryland Avenue, at the rear of the stage , was completed to its intended design. That facade is constructed of red brick, with its four visual stories, a s represented by tiers of windows, divided into a base and piano nobile surmounted by a gabled attic facade . In that this is a rear stage wall, the windows have no correspondence to internal s tory divisions. In the tW'O-story base, the brick is coursed to r ecall rusticated ashlar . At the ground story there are three large rectangular windows in the central bays and round-headed doorways in the outer twu bays on each side. The second story contains seven arched openings , one in each bay. All are gl azed except the central one - an elevated l oading door at the level of the stage. The tt.U - story piano nobile i s articulated into seven bays by shallow brick pilasters resting on a r ed terra cotta belt course atop the pseudo-rusticated base . The pilasters have bases and Corinthian capitals of r ed terra cotta and support an entablature wit h a brick frieze and pressed sheet metal architrave and denticulated cornice. The c entral three bays are defined by paired pilasters, the others by single ones. The central five bays contain two tiers of wide rectangular w~ndows ; the outer bays being visually strengthened by smaller windows and relatively larger brick massing. All windows are of the single-light, double­ hung type, constructed of \..U od and framed by wooden mullions and transom bar s. With the exception of the fourth l evel , all have transom lights. The attic facade is marked, immediately above the cornice, by a row of seven round windows and, higher, by a semi- circular louvered ventilator . The facade is capped by a prominent pressed metal coping. The side elevations, always foreseen to be obscured by adjoining buildings, are of red brick with simple fenestration. The main front of the Lyric, on Mount Royal Avenue , was intended to be developed as a semi-circular l obby and stairway, with a highly embellished facad e . A monument to unrealizable ambition, this treatment was never completed , although a small return of the proposed facade was applied to a portion of the south side of the building . As constructed, the Mount Royal facade was a blank brick wall, intended eventually to be encased as an internal e l ement . The encasement occurred in 1981 , when a lobby wing providing the f unction , if not the design, of the intended original wa s built . The 1981 lobby a nd a contemporary stage extension are considered t o be not contributory to the historic character of the Lyric, the historic portion being bounded by the outer faces of the original exteri or walls . See Continuation Sheet No . 2 NPS Form 10-900·• OMB No. 1024- 0018 0·82) expires 1 0 - 31 - 87 j B-1 06 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form Lyric Theatre Continuation sheet Baltimore City, Maryland Item number 7 Page 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION (continued) The priocipal historic interior spaces are the inner foyer and the auditorium. Sever al spaces under the auditorium and stage r etain certain of their original features , but , as service spaces, have been, and will continue to be, alt e r ed t o suit the changing support requirements of the theatre ' s productions. After passing through the 1981 lobby , one enters the historic Lyric through its original foyer . This space is approximately 30 by 40 feet in dimension, with a r elatively l ow, flat ceiling. Its Renaissance styling is consistent with the rest of the building . Each of t he walls i s divided by Corinthian pilasters into three bays . Each bay contains a blind arch, each arch , in turn, framing a doorway. At the ends, the doors are simply framed and multiple , constituting the principal entry to the auditorium.
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