Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Vol. 28, No. 1, 2009 Liquid - Liquid Equilibrium of (Methylcyclohexane + Methanol + Ethyl Benzene): Experimental Data and UNIQUAC Model Ghanadzadeh, Hossein*+; Khayati, Gholam; Khodaparast-Haghi, Ali Akbar Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Guilan University, P.O. Box 4163-3756 Rasht, I.R. IRAN ABSTRACT: The determination region of solubility of methanol with gasoline of high aromatic content was investigated experimentally at temperature of 288.2 K. A type 1 liquid-liquid phase diagram was obtained for this ternary system. These results were correlated simultaneously by the UNIQUAC model. The values of the interaction parameters between each pair of components in the system were obtained for the UNIQUAC model using the experimental result. The root mean square deviation (RMSD) between the observed and calculated mole percents was 3.57 % for methylcyclohexane + methanol + ethylbenzene. The mutual solubility of methylcyclohexane and ethylbenzene was also investigated by the addition of methanol at 288.2 K. KEY WORDS: Liquid-liquid equilibria, Phase equilibria, Plait point, Ternary system, UNIQUAC model. INTRODUCTION The precise liquid-liquid equilibria (LLE) data is in the system, which can be obtained by experiments. The necessary to rational design of many chemical processes UNIQUAC equation can be fitted to the experimental and optimize extraction processes. Many researchers have composition by optimizing the interaction parameter. investigated various kinds of multi-component systems in In recent years, there is increasing attraction in adding order to understand and provide further information about a range of oxygenated compounds, mainly alcohols and the phase behavior and Archivethe thermodynamic properties of ofethers, to gasolineSID due to their octane enhancing [11]. such systems [1-8]. In some countries, the oxygenated compounds such as, In order to be able to predict LLE in multi-component methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), tert-amyl methyl ether systems, we need an adequate equilibrium model. Several (TAME) and ter-amyl alcohol (TAOH) have been used. LLE systems can be correlated with the solution model of Methanol is one of the most appropriate oxygenated the UNIQUAC [9,10]. This model depends on optimized compounds for this purpose because of its physical- interaction parameters between each pair of components chemical properties. Methanol can be easily produced * To whom correspondence should be addressed. + E-mail: [email protected] 1021-9986/09/1/1 5/$/2.50 1 www.SID.ir Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Ghandzadeh, H., et al. Vol. 28, No. 1, 2009 Table 1: The UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters (u12 and u21) optimized for the system methylcyclohexane + methanol + ethyl benzene. Components Methylcyclohexane methanol ethylbenzene Methylcyclohexane 0.000 425.760 32.675 methanol -112.337 0.000 -54.406 ethylbenzene 9.17 135.369 0.000 from a variety of organic materials [12], petroleum, and Table 2: The UNIQUAC structural parameters. coal. However, phase separation and the high vapor Components r q pressure of methanol in gasoline had been a restriction for Ethybenzene 4.600 3.510 achieving a wide application. Therefore, thermodynamic studies and the precise liquid-liquid equilibria data for Methylcyclohexane 4.640 3.550 Methanol and representative compounds of the gasoline methanol 1.4311 1.4720 are necessary in order to determination region of solubility of methanol and plait point of the interest system. 19 mm Present study is an to show experimentally that methanol can be used as an appropriate oxygenated compound in gasoline formulations. In view of this, we will apply for the first time, the liquid-liquid phase Inlet port 40 mm equilibria data are presented for three different ternary systems: methylcyclohexane + methanol + ethyl benzene 10 mm at 288.15 K. Where the paraffin is methylcyclohexane a Solvent phase 80 mm representative component of the gasoline, methanol, is 2 mm Magnetic port stirrer Temperature the oxygenated compound, and the aromatic hydrocarbons Aqueous phase control port are benzene and ethyl benzene. A high aromatic gasoline 50 mm (35.4 vol % aromatic, 60.4 vol % saturates, and 4.2 vol % olefins) having density of 0.738 g/mL was used in this study. The UNIQUAC model was used to correlate the Fig. 1: Liquid-liquid equilibrium cell. experimental liquid-liquid equilibria data. The values for the interaction parameters were obtained for the schematic diagram of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. UNIQUAC model. The effect of aromatic compounds on The temperature of the cell was controlled by a water mutual solubility of methylcyclohexane and methanol jacket and measured with a copper-constantan thermo- was also investigated at 288.2 K. couple and was estimated to be accurate within ± 0.1 K. A series of liquid-liquid equilibria measurements were EXPERIMENTAL performed by changing the composition of the mixture. Materials The prepared mixtures were placed in the extraction Methanol, toluene, Archivemethylcyclohexane and ethyl- ofvessel, and SIDstirred for 2 h and then left to settle for 4 h. benzene were obtained from Merck at a purity of about All mixtures were prepared by weighing with a Mettler 99.5 % and used without further purification. The purity scale accurate to within ±10-4 g. All visual experiments of these materials was checked by gas chromatography. were repeated at least three times in order to acquire high accuracy. This procedure gave consistent and reproducible Apparatus and procedure results. The liquid-liquid phase equilibria measurements Samples were taken by a syringe (gas chromato- under ambient pressure and temperature (288.15 K) were graphy’s Hamilton 0.4 µL) from both the upper (methyl- carried out using an apparatus of a 300 mL glass cell that cyclohexane) phase and lower layers (aromatic phase). 2 www.SID.ir Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Liquid - Liquid Equilibrium of … Vol. 28, No. 1, 2009 Both phases were analyzed using Konik gas chromato- Table 3: Experimental and predicted values of the plait point graphy (GC) equipped with a thermal conductivity and the percentage of relative error. detector (TCD) and Shimadzu C-R2AX integrator. Components Experimental Uniquac Relative error % A 2 mm (i.d.) Porapak QS packed column was used Methylcyclohexane to separate the components. + Methanol + 0.5996 0.6480 0.917 Ethylbenzene RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 1 compares graphically the observed and Ethylbenzene 0.7 calculated phase behavior (liquid-liquid equilibria data) 0.3 for three ternary systems: methylcyclohexane + methanol Exp 0.8 0.2 + ethylbenzene) at temperature of 288.2 K. Uniquac The liquid-liquid phase diagrams exhibit type 1 0.9 0.1 systems and as expected for these type systems, the diagrams show plait point (where the two phases in 1.0 0.0 equilibrium become experimentally miscible). Due to the 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 variation of tie-line, the measuring of plait point is really Methanol Methylcyclohexane difficult. The value of the plait point is important and it is a necessary value to define the interval of solubility that Fig. 2: Experimental (⎯ ) and predicted UNIQUAC (---) LLE present in components of a system. On other hand, this data at 288.2 K. point can define the appropriate quantity of oxygenated compound that can be added to gasoline without phase where the interaction parameters describe the interaction separation. The plait points were determined using a energy between molecules i and j or between each pair of graphic method [14]. The values of the plait point for compounds. Table 4 shows the calculated value of the these systems are presented in table 3. UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters for the mixture As it can be seen from Fig. 2, the ternary systems methanol + ethylbenzene using universal values for the present a small region of partial miscibility that limited UNIQUAC structural parameters. The equilibrium model by the plait point. It means that, methanol is totally was optimized using an objective function, which was miscible with the gasoline in a wide interval. The developed by Sorensen [15]. experimental results show, although, in representative The objective function obtained by minimizing the compounds of the gasoline, the region of completely square of the difference between the mole fractions miscibility and also the plait point values are nearly the calculated by UNIQUAC model and the experimental same and independent of the type of aromatic data. The UNIQUAC structural parameters r and q were hydrocarbon (see Fig. 2 and table 4). This provides an calculated from group contribution data that has been advantage as it can define the appropriate quantity of previously reported [14,15]. The values of r and q used in oxygenated compound (methanol) that can be added to the UNIQUAC equation are presented in Table 4. The the gasoline. goodness of fit, between the observed and calculated The UNIQUAC model was used to correlate the mole fractions, was calculated in terms root mean square Archive ofdeviation (RMSD)SID [1]. The RMSD values were experimental liquid-liquid equilibria data. As it can be seen from Fig. 2, the predicted tie lines (dashed lines) are calculated according to the following equation: in good agreement with the experimental data (solid n 2 3 lines). In other words, the UNIQUAC equations exp cal 2 ∑∑∑()x ijk −x ijk adequately fit the experimental data for this multi- k===1 j 1 i 1 RMSD =100 (1) component system. 6n The optimum UNIQUAC interaction parameters uij between methylcyclohexane, methanol, and ethylbenzene Where n is the number of tie lines, x indicates the were determined using the observed liquid-liquid data, experimental mole fraction and the calculated mole 3 www.SID.ir Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Ghandzadeh, H., et al. Vol. 28, No. 1, 2009 Table 4: Experimental and predicted LLE for the ternary system (methycyclohexane + methanol + ethylbenzene) at 288.2 K.
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