47 巻 3 号 2009/12 Land Use Changes in the Uplands of Southeast Asia: Proximate and Distant Causes Introduction ............................................... Stephen J. LEISZ et al. Linkage of Forest Policies and Programs with Land Cover and Land Use Changes in the Northern Mountain Region of Vietnam: A Village-level Case Study ....................... DAO Ming Truong et al. Continuity and Discontinuity in Land Use Changes: A Case Study in Northern Lao Villages ................ Thatheva SAPHANGTHONG et al. Dynamics of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in the Upper Ca River Basin of Nghe An, Vietnam ........................ Stephen J. LEISZ Understanding Changes in Land and Forest Resource Management Systems: Ratanakiri, Cambodia ...................... Jefferson FOX et al. Agrarian Land Use Transformation in Northern Laos: from Swidden to Rubber ..................................... Sithong THONGMANIVONG et al. Changing Adaptive Strategies of Two Li Ethnic Minority Villages in a Mountainous Region of Hainan Island, China ........................................................... UMEZAKI Masahiro et al. 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Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. 藤 田 幸 一 * FUJITA Koichi* (4) Manuscripts must be submitted in an electronic Tel. +81-75-753-7344 format either by e-mail or by regular mail. Figures, Fax. +81-75-753-7356 AYAMI 速 水 洋 子 H Yoko charts and maps should be provided in a camera-ready e-mail: [email protected] 杉 原 薫 SUGIHARA Kaoru パトリシオ N. アビナーレス Patricio N. ABINALES 小 泉 順 子 KOIZUMI Junko 柳 澤 雅 之 YANAGISAWA Masayuki 東南アジア研究 47 巻 3 号 平成 21 年 12 月 31 日 発行 マリオ I. ロペズ ** Mario I. LOPEZ** 〈 特 集 〉 編集責任者 Special Editor of This Issue 編集・発行者 京都大学東南アジア研究所 河 野 泰 之 KONO Yasuyuki 〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町 46 * editor **managing editor 印 刷 中西印刷株式会社 〒602-8048 京都市上京区下立売通小川東入ル COPYRIGHT © 2009 By Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. ©京都大学東南アジア研究所 2009 All Rights Reserved ISSN 0563-8682 東 南アジア研究 47巻 3 号 2009年12月 目 次 Land Use Changes in the Uplands of Southeast Asia: Proximate and Distant Causes Introduction ……………………………… Stephen J. LEISZ and KONO Yasuyuki et al. ……(237) Linkage of Forest Policies and Programs with Land Cover and Land Use Changes in the Northern Mountain Region of Vietnam: A Village-level Case Study …………………………… DAO Ming Truong et al. ……(244) Continuity and Discontinuity in Land Use Changes: A Case Study in Northern Lao Villages ………………………………… Thatheva SAPHANGTHONG and KONO Yasuyuki ……(263) Dynamics of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in the Upper Ca River Basin of Nghe An, Vietnam ………………… Stephen J. LEISZ ……(287) Understanding Changes in Land and Forest Resource Management Systems: Ratanakiri, Cambodia ……………………… Jefferson FOX, John B. VOGLER et al. ……(309) Agrarian Land Use Transformation in Northern Laos: From Swidden to Rubber ………… Sithong THONGMANIVONG, FUJITA Yayoi et al. ……(330) Changing Adaptive Strategies of Two Li Ethnic Minority Villages in a Mountainous Region of Hainan Island, China ………………………………………… UMEZAKI Masahiro and JIANG Hongwei ……(348) SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES Vol.47, No. 3 December 2009 CONTENTS Land Use Changes in the Uplands of Southeast Asia: Proximate and Distant Causes Stephen J. LEISZ, Introduction …………………………………………………………(237) KONO Yasuyuki et al. DAO Ming Truong et al. Linkage of Forest Policies and Programs with Land Cover and Land Use Changes in the Northern Mountain Region of Vietnam: A Village-level Case Study ……………………………………(244) Thatheva Continuity and Discontinuity in Land Use Changes: SAPHANGTHONG, A Case Study in Northern Lao Villages ………………………(263) KONO Yasuyuki Stephen J. LEISZ Dynamics of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in the Upper Ca River Basin of Nghe An, Vietnam………………………………(287) Jefferson FOX, Understanding Changes in Land and Forest Resource Management John B. VOGLER et al. Systems: Ratanakiri, Cambodia ………………………………(309) Sithong Agrarian Land Use Transformation in Northern Laos: THONGMANIVONG, From Swidden to Rubber ………………………………………(330) FUJITA Yayoi et al. UMEZAKI Masahiro, Changing Adaptive Strategies of Two Li Ethnic Minority Villages JIANG Hongwei in a Mountainous Region of Hainan Island, China ……………(348) Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 47, No. 3, December 2009 Land Use Changes in the Uplands of Southeast Asia: Proximate and Distant Causes Introduction Stephen J. LEISZ,* KONO Yasuyuki,** Jefferson FOX,*** YANAGISAWA Masayuki† and Terry A. RAMBO†† Humans have been influencing changes in land cover through their changing patterns of land use since the invention of agriculture. The initial small footprints left by agricultural settlements have grown larger overtime and today it is estimated that roughly 50% of the earth’s land surface has been affected and transformed by human activities [Vitousek et al. 1997; Haberl et al. 2007]. This impact is not static, but rather is constantly changing as resource use patterns, farming systems, and settlement patterns change. Since the 1970s, with the application of information from satellite sources to the study of worldwide land use and land cover changes, interest in questions of how and why land use is changing and the impacts of these changes on the natural and built environment has grown. Studies focusing on land use and land cover change have been grouped under the title of “land change science,” an inter- disciplinary field that investigates and attempts to understand the dynamics of land use and land cover changes within coupled human-natural systems [Turner et al. 2007]. The papers that make up this special issue fit within the scope of this field and attempt to address one of the central questions that land change scientists are addressing today: causes of land use change. Turner et al. [2007] note that most of the proposed causal variables of land use change are proximate factors, such as immigration, subsistence farmers’ impacts, deforestation, or local common property resource management strategies [Lambin and Geist 2006] and that more distant factors, such as nat ional policies, tend to be difficult to connect empirically to land use change outcomes. This special issue attempts to address this issue within land change science by focusing on one region of the earth, the montane uplands of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Hainan Island (China), in Southeast Asia that has * Department of Anthropology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A. ** 河野泰之, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University e-mail: [email protected] *** East-West Center, U.S.A. † 柳澤雅之, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University †† Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand 237 東南アジア研究 47 巻 3 号 witnessed an
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