- 84 - Ss. Cyril & Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church 135 River St., Olyphant, PA 18447-1435 Telephone: 570-489-2271 Fax: 570-489-6918 Web Sites: www.stcyrils.maslar-online.com www.parishesonline.com/sscyrilmethodiusblakely E-Mail: [email protected] Rev. Nestor Iwasiw, Pastor - 7 - - 2 - grounds from 11am to 4pm. Eat-in or der 10) $6.00. All are welcome!!! May 31, 2015: Sunday of All Saints Take-out. Adults $12.00 and Children (un- Epistle: Heb. 11:32 - 12:2 Gospel: Mt. 10 32-33, 37-38 & 19: 27-30 Mon., June 1 8:00 + Mary Bohn (Evelyn Trently) Sobor Deanery Meeting — Thursday, June 18 There will be an important meeting con- ing is to facilitate the implementation of Tues., June 2 8:00 + Andrew & Anna Smagula (Son Joseph Smagula) ducted by staff from the Archbishop’s the various conclusions of the Sobor in Wed., June 3 8:00 + Michael Romanovitch (Jean & Matt Kunchick) Chancery, regarding the “Summary” and each Deanery. All participants are asked “Report” of last year’s Sobor Conference and to familiarize themselves beforehand Thurs., June 4 8:00 + William Evancho (Joseph & Margaret Brewinski) held in Philadelphia. This meeting will with the fi nal Sobor report, available on- Fri., June 5 No Services Today. take place on Thursday, June 18, 6:30 line at our Archieparchial website: www. p.m., at St. Vladimir Parish, 70 Zerby Ave, ukrarcheparchy.us (click on the link ‘So- Sat., June 6 8:00 + Anne & Michael Shumek (Michael Shumek Family) Edwardsville. Light refreshments will be bor 2014’). It is hoped that the participants 10:30 Confessions. served. Our Deanery Pastors, Sobor del- in this meeting on June 18, will be able to 2:00 pm Confessions. egates from last year, Pastoral and Finance convey the fi ndings of the Sobor more ef- 4:00 pm + Richard Harrigon (Wife Mildred) Council members from each Deanery par- fi ciently on the parish level, and thus bet- Sun., June 7 9:00 + Irene Paczkowski (Leo Danylak) ish, and any and all interested parishio- ter implement the Vibrant Parish vision of 11:30 For Our Parishioners ners are asked and encouraged to attend. our Major Archbishop, Patriarch Sviato- There should be no observers that are slav Shevchuk. This is vital for the future The Feast of All Saints not members of our parishes. Members life and existence of our parishes. only, please. The purpose of this meet- Celebrated by the Early Church on the Sunday after Pentecost All Saint’s Day is a Christian holy cause of their differing understand- day observed by Eastern churches on ings of the identity and function of the Collection Processing Team... the fi rst Sunday after Pentecost, keep- saints, what these churches do on the The Collection Processing Team for the liam Vervan, Sr., Roger Barren and Jerry ing the traditional date as celebrated in Feast of All Saints differs widely. For month of May is Team #1: Team #1: Wil- Sereditch. the early church. The feast was trans- Roman Catholics, Eastern Christians, ferred for the Latin church to Novem- both Catholic and Orthodox, and to Sunday Collection for May 23 & 24, 2015: $3,314.00 ber 1 in 835 by Pope Gregory IV. The some extent, Anglicans, All Saints is a day now honors all saints of the church, day to remember, thank God for, but even those not known by name. also to venerate and pray to the saints Altar Boy and Lector Schedule for June 6 & 7, 2015 All Saint’s Day is celebrated by in heaven as intercessors for various Altar Boys Lectors Roman Catholics, Eastern Christians, helps. 4:00 pm Nicholas Chludzinski -- Daniel Chylak John Sakson both Catholic and Orthodox, Angli- In the early days the Christians 9:00 am Michael Roberts -- Joseph Skirpan Pat Marcinko cans, and Lutherans. However, be- were accustomed to solemnize the an- 11:30 am Samuel Sczesniak -- Thomas Radle Frank Lesnefsky - 6 - - 3 - niversary of a martyr’s death for Christ John the Baptist were honored by a Olyphant Queen City Nights in July 2015. these fund-raisers! at the place of martyrdom. In the fourth special day. Other saints were added Please help to keep our Church open with century, neighboring dioceses began to gradually, and increased in number Chicken BBQ interchange feasts, to transfer relics, to when a regular process of canoniza- divide them, and to join in a common tion was established. As early as 411 All Saints Church invites everyone to their ited tickets at door. Contact Ann schlasta feast. Frequently groups of martyrs there is in the Chaldean Calendar a Chicken BBQ on Saturday, June 6th from 570-383-0785 or Pat Stafursky 570-342- suffered on the same day, which natu- Commemoratio confessorum for the 12 - 3 pm. Adults: $12. Children: $6. Lim- 6731 for tickets or more information. rally led to a joint commemoration. In Friday after Easter. LUC Meeting - Sunday, June 7, 2015 the persecution of Diocletian the num- In the sixth century, Pope Boniface ber of martyrs became so great that a IV accepted the Pantheon as a gift from North Anthracite Council LUC will Francis to Philadelphia in September; and separate day could not be assigned to the Emperor Phocas and proclaimed meet on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at SS. Pe- the October LUC Convention in Lansdale each. The Church, feeling that every May 13, 610 as the Feast of All Holy ter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church, PA. martyr should be venerated, appointed Martyrs. He dedicated it as the Church 20 Nottingham Street, Plymouth, PA. Former members and new members a common day for all. of Santa Maria Rotonda in honor of Moleben prayer service is scheduled for are warmly invited to become involved The fi rst trace of the observance of the Blessed Virgin and all martyrs. 3:00pm., business session at 3:30pm fol- in the LUC as active participants in the this feast on the Sunday after Pente- During Pope Gregory III’s reign, lowed by reception and fellowship. Vibrant Parish movement throughout cost is found in Antioch. In the fourth the festival was expanded to include Main agenda items include the recent our worldwide Ukrainian Greek Catholic and fi fth centuries there is also men- all saints and a chapel in St. Peter’s bus trip to New York City’s St. George Church. For additional information con- tion of a common day in a sermon of church was dedicated accordingly. Ukrainian Street Festival; the proposed tact Dorothy Jamula, President at 570 Saint Ephrem the Syrian, and in the In 835, Pope Gregory IV changed heritage outing to the August Tryzub Fes- 822-5354 or any LUC member. 74th homily of Saint John Chrysostom the date to November 1 for the Latin tival in Horsham PA; the visit of Pope of Constantinople. Church and the name to Feast of All International Dinner Club At fi rst only martyrs and Saint Saints. St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, will start with Smoked Chicken Canneloni 320 Miffl in Ave., Scranton, Pa. will pres- and an Insalata Salad. The Entree will be A Thought On Summer Church Attendance Do we apply the same standards of you faithful? If your refrigerator quits ent “THE TASTES OF ITALY” on Thurs- Veal Osso Bocco and the Dessert will be faithfulness to our Church activities for a day now and then, do you excuse day evening, June 11, 2015 with seatings at Fresh Summer Berries. Choice of Coffee, that we expect in other areas of life? If it by saying, “Oh, it works most of the 5:30 and 6:30pm. The price is only $20.00 Tea, Soda or Water is included and a Cash your car starts one out of three times, time.” If you miss two out of twelve per person. Please call with reservations to Bar is available. do you think it’s faithful? If the paper mortgage payments a year, does the 570-343-5151 by June 8, 2015. The menu boy skips the Monday and Thursday bank say, “Well, ten out of twelve isn’t Old Fashioned Chicken Bar-B-Que editions, aren’t they missed? If you bad?’ PUNCH LINE: If you fail to fail to come to work four or fi ve times worship God in Church, one, two or St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, their Old Fashioned Chicken Bar-B-Que a month — does your employer call more Sundays a month, can you be 320 Miffl in Ave., Scranton, Pa. will have on Sunday, June 14, 2015 on the Church - 4 - - 5 - called faithful? If we expect faithfulness God expect the same — and more — deavor to provide ministry to people re- this purpose. Please use the specially from other people and things...does not from us, His people? siding in developing missions in eastern prepared envelopes provided for this Ukraine, in Europe, in areas of the Mid- purpose in your parish. You may also Decide to Celebrate dle East and Africa, and North America. send your gift to the Ukrainian Catho- There was a widow living in a small bushes nearby. The widow opened the Your generous assistance is needed to lic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, 827 N apartment with her two children. She door and saw the bags and bags of food support clergy and religious to serve Franklin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123. was struggling to survive and support and supplies. She rejoiced, calling the these missions and to aid in the develop- Tax receipts will be issued. God bless all her children. The Landlord was an athe- children, and praising the Lord! She con- ment of these new missions.
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