Eastern Illinois University The Keep March 2006 3-9-2006 Daily Eastern News: March 09, 2006 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2006_mar Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: March 09, 2006" (2006). March. 18. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2006_mar/18 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 2006 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in March by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "Tell the h'Uth and don't be afraid. " SPORTS + Jim1111 Klattar drafted by Major Indoor Soccer League : page 12 THE DAILY THURSDAY MARCH 9 2006 dennews.com Eastern Illinois University, Charleston Insurance BY LAUREN MOORE STUDENT GOVERNMENT More inside EDITOR + The Student Senate tackles Studenr Senate budget and debt members debated on issues. the possible $28.50 Pagel increase of che health --------­ inswance fee. which would bring ic co $101.95 per semester, ar its meeting Wednesday nighr. ERIC HILTNERITHE O'JLY Wl'ERN NEWS Mark Bates, co-chair of che Tuirion and Fee Review Art profnsor Jeff Boshart rahts a ctau of otaa11pape in toast to llildrtd &rnll 1i•mon llllrinc a ffftptio1 at tile Tarftlt Am Ctnttr Committee, said this fee is the only one chac srudenrs WtdlltSday afttr1oon. T1m11oa1 ltft htr tsfatt to bsttra witll tltt intention of e1dowin1 tltt Tarltlt Arts Ctnter. can opt out of, buc overall students rend co stay with it. He also said a lot ofsrudents use ic as a primary plan, and scnace members need co go ouc and 6.nd what sru­ denrs think about ic. "Go and find ouc how do srudents use this plan, and Allllllila s entire make sure chey know what it is," Bates said. "This is one of the biggest concerns the srudents have - rising medical cosrs ... Members had several concerns with the insurance estate to Eastern program such as dental and mental illness costs. Representatives for the fee came to speak on behalf of BY MAn KELLY "Timmons gave her entire escare co ocher icems. the increase and to answer any questions chat arose. STAFF REPORTER EIU," Hencken said. Eastern has received more than $10 Student Body President Ryan Berger said he was Because of cuts in funding to public million in the last cwo-and-a-half years. pleased with having the numbers, bur he wanrs co hear The Tarble Ans Cenrer received nearly universities, Eastern relies on funding In 1990, Timmons established that all specific stories about the good or bad points with this $325,000 from the lace Mildred Grush from donors like TlDlDlons ro maincain her money be used co establish the plan. Tunmons in a reception held Wednesday. the quality of che university, he said. Mildred Grush Timmons American "(Hearing siruacions and stories) would justify the Starting in full of 2007, the ccnter will Hencken said the university needs every Regionalists Collection ac the Tarble Arts increase more," Berger said. receive $14,000 annually. dime it can get. Center. Eastern President Lou Hencken Money from donors has gone co schol­ SU SENATE PAG£ l announced and acapted the endowmenc arships, endmved professorships, campus SEl TARBLE PAGE 9 on behalf of the university. maintenance and funds for crave!, among Two weeks lacer, another four men from New fire Charleston were deployed to help. Phipps and his men helped the fire department and intro­ duced the mutual aid system to New Orleans. ..I would like to spread MA.BAS co train chief takes with other agencies," Phipps said. Nor only is Phipps transitioning to his new role as fire chief, but he is also finishing a Board of Trusrees Degree at Eastern. He has two more classes to rake before graduating this command spnng. On his fuse day of dass, Phipps walked in and was mistaken as the professor by other scudencs. Phipps has 24 ~It's a unique experience," Phipps said. "I usually see che bad side of students when they years with local aren't in the best of moods because they were in an accidenc or in a fight at the bar. But in these classes, I've seen how smart the students fire department really are." E RIC HILTNH/THE CWl.Y EASTERN NEWS Phipps is currencly in History of American BY KllSTEN LARSEN Iris Phipps offioiallJ ,.,1ao1tl Darnl lltts as tltt Charleston Firt Dtpartmtnt Firt Chltf Sah11·1ta,. Journalism with professor Pecer Voelz. CITTEOITOR Plaint bi lttt1 a • •r of ttM CFD for 24 ,.. ,.. "Being an older srudent he is more marure than the resc of the class," Voelz said. Although his fire jacket may still say assis­ Phipps always knew he wanted fu be a fire Hurricane Katrina as part of the MuruaJ Aid Phipps decided to go back to school to show wu on it, Kris Phipps has had all che respon­ 6gllter and cook che EMT test when he was 18 &x:. Alarm System. his seven children how important education is. sibilities of being fue chief since Sarurday. years old. The syscem sraned in the Chicagoland area le also has given him and his daughter, who Phipps is now in charge of the 32 members He served with the Wmdsor Ambulance and helps other fire departments nationwide in goes to the University of Mi$isfilppi1 a some­ of the Charlestoh Fire Oepamnenc. Service. In 1982, he became part of the a nariona1 crisis. what different relationship than before. His was chosen out of the 27 applications Charleston Fire Departmenr and was promot­ When Hurricane Katrina hit, the New "I'll call her up and we talk about each dw came in nationwide after the retirement of ed to captain in 1994. Five years lacer, he was Orleans Fire Deparcment W3S working ouc of a other's midterms char :uc coming up and bmcr fire chief Darrel Nees. again promoted to assistanr fire chief. nursing home and the mutual aid system assignments," Phipps said. -We had a lot ofq ualiry people," said Mayor After 24 years of ambulance runs, Phipps deployed Phipps along with three other men Phipps feels lucky co have the opponuniry of John lnyan. "Kris came through che process has seen a lot of unique calls. He was called co co help during the fim wc:ck of the disaster for having his job, he sad tbbugti as a top choice." the Blair Hall fire and ~t down to help With two weeks. ·1Jo¥c · ro wodc: GET YOUR BLOG FIX @ DEHNEWS.COM 'labeling the college student "Keep 'em coming Louie. I'm as a terTorist would set a right with you. " dangerous precedent ... 11 Eastern':. begun searching for a director ofa pro­ 111e bar has just closed, and you're mean­ gram that doesn't exist. Good atll. dering home or to afterhours, seemingly safe I meant that seriously. It can be hard ro cell when Hom HENSCHlN and inebriated.. A lictle bit ofstumbling never someone is being sarcastic and when they are being POlfllCAL S0£NCE SENIOR sincere on the lnccmet, but I'm serious this time. GRADUATI SlUDfNT hun anyone, right? JOURNALISM l>WOR COLLEGE BOWL FIVE-DAY WEATHER TODAY FridaJ Saturdar Sunday I M~nday 63 57 67 6563 44 50 50 48 42 Heavy Rain Partly cloudy Chance t-storm§ Chance rain Chance rain WTF? Growing Aussies need bigger pots Ttl ASSOCIATED PRlli Sydney tabloid The Daily '!Clcgraph that toilet seats need to be Strength­ SYDNEY, Australia - Sturdier toi­ ened for larger Australiam. lecs may be on their way in Australia "If you arc going to sit on ic, you co cope with the country's increas­ want ir to hold you," he said. ingly obese population. ERIC HllTNU/THE CWl.Y EASTERN Standards Australia, a nongovem­ No Taken for Malaysian Senior recreation 1dministration ujor lildra Witten ads 1p It EIU laus i• the llartia l.utlltr line Jr. UaiYenity ment group that establishes safety Bigf oot Permits Union Wednesday aftemoon anti triea to pick up the spare while bowting witll some clanmatea. and design standards, is considering recommending strengthening loos KUAI.A LUMPUR, Malaysia - for larger users, a spokeswoman said Apparently nobody wants to meet COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY NEWS Tuesday. Bigfoot. Obesity levels have been rising for The Malaysian Forestry years in Australia. Deparunenr says there arc no takers Time off school proves beneficial Standards Australia spokeswoman for pennies on offers to explore a Kate Evans said the current industry protected forest for the mythic.ii standard for toilet seats is just 100 aearurc, despite initial excitement pounds and that the group is looking over reponed sightings of the beast, for some, disastrous for others co increase it to 330 pounds. The Scar newspaper reported BY GINA CADAVID how FM along they were in their days of shoocing, we got a story line, Experts will examine the scars Wednesday. Jiff [)..\tLY VIDfnE (II UNOIS STATE U I degree program," Roser explained. we got different locations, and we "from the perspective that people arc Authorities printed 500 applica­ got a 15-person crew and they just getting bigger," Evans said. tion forms anticipating a rush, bur NORMAL - Frustrated and rim! mtvU holding 'Best Band did an awesome job," AF.A guitarist Steve Cummings, a committee none has been 6.lled, Che Hashim from midterms? Thinking about tak­ on Campus' competition and songwriter Jack Pachniak said. member for Standards Australia and Hassan, the department's director in ing a semester off? While caking time Regisrrarion ends Monday, head of research and devdopment at the southern state of Johor, was off is a bad idea for some, studcms BY AllX PACHECO March 13, and according to Jason toilet maker Caroma Dorf, told quoted as saying.
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