Petersson, L Priestly Source of the Pentateuch Proof-01.Indd

Petersson, L Priestly Source of the Pentateuch Proof-01.Indd Postprint This is the accepted version of a chapter published in Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Citation for the original published chapter: Petersson, L. (2013) Priestly source of the Pentateuch. In: Geoffrey Khan (ed.), Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (pp. 230-232). Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published chapter. Permanent link to this version: Priestly source of the Pentateuch Following the traditional division between due to the placement of the chiastic elements, lå-< ±òr ָלאוֹר Priestly (P) and non-P material (i.e., J[ahwistic], represented by the indirect objects -wë-la-™òšÆú ‘the dark ְו ַלחֹ ֶשְׁך E[lohistic], D[euteronomy] and H[oliness Code] ‘the light’ and material) in the Pentateuch, there are gram- ness’ respectively (compare Gen. 1.10). In other matical and lexical usages distinctive of P in words, the fronted chiastic element in the sec- relation to non-P. ond clause creates the chiastic relationship to Linguistic studies of P have concentrated the head clause by reversing the word order: mainly on lexical and morphological features wë-verb—x; wë-x—verb (where x = the chiastic (for an extensive list of P features, see, e.g., element). The chiastic pattern with repetition of Driver 1897:131–135). The most influential the same verbal root is typical of P on account studies are those of Polzin (1976), who treats of both its frequency (there are some 190 features found in the ‘P narrative’, and Hur- examples) and variety of functions. To be sure, vitz (1974; 1982) and Milgrom (1970; 1991), this chiastic pattern is also found in non-P. both of whom focus on the lexicon of the However, according to Paran (1989:51–53), in cultic material in P. These studies are primar- non-P, its use is basically restricted to two func- ַ ֽו ְ י ִהי־ ,.ily concerned with the linguistic profile of P tions: (a) contrasting two subjects, e.g wa-yhì-hÆ∫Æl ֶ֙ה ֶב ֙ל ֣רֹ ֵﬠה ֔צ ֹאן ְו ַ֕ק ִין ָהָ ֖יה עֹ ֵ ֥בד ֲא ָד ָ ֽמה in relation to the diachronic development of the Hebrew language, from Standard Biblical rò≠è ßòn wë-qayin håy< å< ≠ò∫è≈ ±≥≈åm< å< ‘Abel Hebrew (SBH) to Late Biblical Hebrew (LBH), was a keeper of sheep; and Cain was a tiller of presenting evidence that P corresponds to SBH. the ground’ (Gen. 4.2), and (b) expanding the ַוַ ֽיּ ַהְר ֖גוּ ָכּל־ ,.An example from the lexicon is the word for scope of a phenomenon or event, e.g way-yahar=gù ָז ָ ֽכר ְו ֶא ֲת־ח ֙מוֹר ְו ֶא ְת־שׁ ֶ ֣כם ְבּ ֔נוֹ ָהְר ֖גוּ šèš, whereas ֵשׁשׁ linen’: P (like SBH) uses‘ bùß. An example of a gram- kål-zå< úår< wë-±Æµ-™≥mòr wë-±Æµ-šëúÆm bënò בּוּץ LBH employs matical feature involves verbs derived from the hår< =gù ‘And they killed all the males; Hamor q-w-m employed with the meaning and Shechem his son they killed (with the edge קו"ם root ‘establish, maintain, fulfill’: in P (and SBH) of the sword)’ (Gen. 34.25–26). In addition to these two functions, which are common also in ֵה ִקים ,this meaning is found in the hiƒ≠ìl stem hèqìm, which in LBH is superseded by the new P, the Priestly writer uses the chiastic pattern -qiyyèm in the pi≠èl stem. The with repetition of the same verbal root in vari ִק ֵיּם formation pioneering study of the syntax and style in P by ous combinations that are not attested in texts Paran (1989) demonstrates that syntactic fea- attributed to non-P. The following examples tures (typical of P in relation to non-P) appear include the most frequent patterns distinctive of in both the P narrative and the cultic sections. P in the Pentateuch. The most prominent and widespread distin- guishing feature of P’s syntax is the predilection (1) The action in the chiastic clause is identical for the ‘chiastic pattern’, e.g.: to the action in the preceding head clause, e.g.: ְו ָﬠ ִ֥שׂ ָית ִמ ְז ֵ ֖בַּח ִמ ְק ַ ֣טר ְק ֑טֶֹרת ַו ִיּ ְקָ ֨רא ֱא ִ ֹ֤להים ׀ ָל ֙אוֹר ֔יוֹם ֲﬠ ֵ ֥צי ִשׁ ִ ֖טּים ַתּ ֲﬠ ֶ ֥שׂה ֹא ֽתוֹ ְו ַל ֖חֹ ֶשְׁך ָ ֣קָרא ָ ֑ל ְי ָלה way-yiqrå< ±łlòhìm lå-< ±òr yòm wë-≠å< «ìµå< mizbèa™ miq†ar që†òrƵ wë-la-™òšÆú qår< å< låyl< å< ≠≥ßè ši††ìm ta≠≥«Æ ±òµò ‘And God called the light day; and the darkness ‘And you shall make an altar (for) burning he called night’ (Gen. 1.5). incense; of acacia wood you shall make it’ In this pattern, the verb used in the head (Exod. 30.1; compare Gen. 7.15–16; Lev. 6.3; way-yiqrå< ‘he called’) is repeated Num. 9.2–3). The prefix-form in the chiastic ַו ִיּ ְקָרא) clause ta≠≥«Æ ‘you shall make’) does not ַתּ ֲﬠ ֶשׂה) qår< å< ), with an clause ָקָרא) in the chiastic clause alternation of verb-form. This alternation is indicate an action separate from that of the PPetersson,etersson, LL_Priestly_Priestly sourcesource ofof thethe PPentateuch_proof-01.inddentateuch_proof-01.indd 1 44/25/2012/25/2012 5:38:565:38:56 PPMM 2 priestly source of the pentateuch wë-≠å< «ìµå< ). In fact, the of the third ‘member’ is parallel to that of the ְו ָﬠ ִשׂ ָית) wë-suffix-form ַתּ ֲﬠ ֶשׂנּוּ) repetition of the verb is superfluous from the second (chiastic) clause, i.e., x—verb ta≠≥«Æ ±òµò ‘you shall ַתּ ֲﬠ ֶשׂה ֹאתוֹ point of view of both meaning and syntax, ta≠≥«Ænnù and .(make it’, respectively ְו ָﬠ ִ֥שׂ ָית ֻשׁ ְל ָ ֖חן ֲﬠ ֵ ֣צי ִשׁ ִ ֑טּים ,.as illustrated by, e.g wë-≠å< «ìµå< šul™ån< ≠≥ßè ši††ìm ‘And you shall make (4) In P, the chiastic pattern is not lim- a table of acacia wood’ (Exod. 25.23; compare ited to clause combinations in which there is Exod. 26.4; 27.1; 28.13). Like the chiastic clause an alternation between the prefix and suffix- in type (b) in non-P (see Gen. 34.25–26 above), conjugations (although this pattern is the most the chiastic clause in Exod. 30.1 adds a specifi- frequent). Commonly, the repeated verb appears cation to the first clause. However, in contrast in the prefix-conjugation in both clauses (ca. 35 to the Priestly pattern, the information added examples), e.g.: in type (b) could not have been conveyed by ֥הוּא ָי ִ ֖מית ֶא ָת־הרֵֹ ֑צַח .simply omitting the verb of the chiastic clause ְבּ ִפ ְג ֖עוֹ־בוֹ ֥הוּא ְי ִמ ֶ ֽיתנּוּ In a variation of the pattern above, the (2) use of pronominal suffixes is particularly con- hù± yåm< ìµ ±Æµ-hå-r< òßèa™ spicuous; in the one clause, the pronoun is suf- bë-ƒi=g≠ò-∫ò hù± yëmìµÆnnù èµ and in the± ֵאת fixed to the accusative marker other clause to the verb, e.g.: ‘He shall put the murderer to death; when he meets him, he shall put him to death’ ;Num. 35.19; compare Gen. 9.5; Exod. 28.21) ְו ִצ ִפּ ָ ֤ית ֹא ֙תוֹ ָז ָ ֣הב ָט ֔הוֹר .(Lev. 14.9 ִמ ַ ֥בּ ִית ִוּמ ֖חוּץ ְתּ ַצ ֶ ֑פּנּוּ wë-ßippìµå< ±òµò zåh< å< ∫ †åh< òr In addition to P’s frequent use of the chiastic mib-bayiµ u-mi-™ùß tëßappÆnnù patterns exemplified above, there are numerous examples of other types of chiastic constructions ‘And you shall overlay it with pure gold; inside in P that are also commonly used in non-P in and out you shall overlay it’ (Exod. 25.11). the Pentateuch (see Andersen 1974:119–140). There are some 25 examples of this usage in P In this connection, it should be noticed that the (compare Gen. 23.9; Lev. 23.11; Num. 6.9). It chiastic pattern is not attested in the few verses is significant that the object is suffixed to the attributed to P in Deuteronomy. Likewise, the tëßappÆnnù chiastic pattern is virtually absent from the ְתּ ַצ ֶַפּנּוּ) verb in the chiastic clause ‘you shall overlay-it’), since in P in general there non-P sections in Deuteronomy, in contrast to .òµò non-P in Genesis–Numbers± ֹאתוֹ èµ+suffix (like± ֵאת is a preference for Finally, there is another syntactic pattern ֵאת it’ in the first clause). The distribution of‘ ±èµ+suffix vs. verb+suffix in P is markedly differ- that must be considered typical of P in rela- ent from that in non-P in the Pentateuch (which tion to non-P (and indeed to the rest of the prefers verb+suffix; cf. Polzin 1976:100). Hebrew Bible), although it is by no means as (3) Another usage that is exclusive of P is the common and widespread as the use of chias- ‘three member’ chiastic pattern (attested some mus. In this pattern, an imperative form of a twenty times), e.g.: verb of speech or command is followed by the jussive form of the prefix-conjugation+waw, -dabbèr ±Æl-bënè ַדּ ֵ ֥בּר ֶא ְל־בּ ֵנ ִי־י ְשָׂר ֵ ֖אל ְו ִי ָ ֽסּעוּ ,.e.g ְו ָﬠ ִ֜שׂ ָית ֤חֹ ֶשׁן ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ֙ט ַמ ֲﬠ ֵ ֣שׂה חֹ ֵ֔שׁב > > ְכּ ַמ ֲﬠ ֵ ֥שׂה ֵא ֖ ֹפד ַתּ ֲﬠ ֶ ֑שׂנּוּ yi«råèl wë-yisså≠ù ‘Tell the children of Israel ָ֠ז ָהב ְתּ ֵ֨כ ֶלת ְו ַאְר ָגּ ָ֜מן ְו ַ ֧תוֹל ַﬠת ָשִׁ ֛ני ְו ֵ ֥שׁשׁ ָמ ְשָׁ ֖זר ַתּ ֲﬠ ֶ ֥שׂה ֹא ֽתוֹ to go forward’ (Exod.

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