SATURDAY JANUARY 24 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABC News (N) Kake Lost Destiny Calls Lost Jack and Ben urge the rest of the News Desperate Ent. H h (CC) News (CC) Oceanic 6 to return to the island. (CC) (CC) Housewives (CC) Tonight KSNK/NBC News (N) Wheel of Crusoe Hour 12 -- Figure Skating: U.S. Championships -- News (N) Saturday Night Live John L j Fortune The Traveler (CC) Ladies Free Program. From Cleveland. Malkovich; T.I. (CC) KBSL/CBSSATURDAYNews Paid Game Game Cold Case (CC) 48 Hours Mystery News (N)JANUARYM*A*S*H Boston Legal24 The 1< NX (CC) Program Show Show (CC) (CC) (CC) Black Widow (CC) K15CG Sun- Perfect Keeping As Time The Lawrence Welk Ro- New Red Austin City Limits Soundstage (Part 1 d flower6 PM Day6:30 (CC) Up7 PM Goes7:30 By Show8 PM 8:30 mance9 PM Green9:30 Manu10 PM Chao (N)10:30 (CC) of11 2) (CC)PM 11:30 KLBY/ABCESPN NewsCollege (N) BasketballKake : ConnecticutLost Destiny at CallsNotre WinterLost Jack X-Games and Ben Aspen, urge the Colo. rest (Live) of the (CC) SportsCenterNews Desperate (Live) Midnight Fast-Ent. HO_h (CC)Dame. (Live)News (CC) (CC) Oceanic 6 to return to the island. (CC) (CC)(CC) HousewivesMadness (CC) breakTonight KSNK/NBCUSA News(4:00) (N)Movie:Wheel Bad of CrusoeMovie: MiamiHour 12 Vice -- TTZFigure (2006) Skating Detectives: U.S. CrockettChampionships and Tubbs -- BurnNews Notice (N) Saturday Do No NightLaw & Live Order: John SVU LP^j Boys II TTFortune (2003) Thetake Traveleron drug lords(CC) in SouthLadies Florida. Free Program.Colin Farrell. From (Premiere) Cleveland. (CC) Harm (CC) Malkovich; T.I. (CC) KBSL/CBSTBS NewsMovie: My PaidCousin VinnyGame TTT (1992,Game Movie:Cold Case My Cousin(CC) Vinny48 Hours TTT (1992) Mystery An ineptNews lawyer (N) Movie:M*A*S*H LethalBoston Weapon Legal 2 The 1<P_NX (CC)Comedy) JoeProgram Pesci, MarisaShow Tomei.Show (CC) tries to free his cousin from(CC) a Dixie jail. Joe Pesci.(CC) TTTZ(CC) (1989)Black Mel Widow Gibson. (CC) (CC) K15CGWGN Sun-Boston LegalPerfect Son KeepingAn EveningAs of Time Stars TributeThe Lawrence to Patti Welk WGNRo- NewsNew at Nine Red ScrubsAustin CityScrubs Limits Honey-SoundstageMovie: (Part 1 dPa flowerof the DefenderDay (CC) UpLaBelle UNCFGoes awards By Show show. (CC) (N)mance (CC) Green (CC)Manu Chao(CC) (N) (CC) moonersof 2) (CC) ESPNTNT College(4:00) Movie: Basketball Catch: ConnecticutMovie: The at Da Notre Vinci CodeWinter TTZ X-Games (2006, Aspen,Mystery) Colo. A religious (Live) (CC) Movie:SportsCenter Cast Away (Live) TTTMidnight (2000, Drama)Fast- O_QW Dame.Me if You (Live) Can (CC) TTT mystery could rock foundations of Christianity. Tom Hanks. (CC) Tom(CC) Hanks, Helen Hunt.Madness (CC) break USADSC (4:00)Dirty Jobs Movie: Big Bad Movie:Wreck. MiamiNation Vice TTZWreck. (2006) Nation Detectives CrockettWreck. Nationand Tubbs HowBurn It’s NoticeHow Do It’sNo Wreck.Law & Order:Nation SVU P^QY BoysAnimal II VetTT (CC)(2003) take on drug lords in South Florida. Colin Farrell. (Premiere) (CC) MadeHarm (CC)Made TBSA&E Movie:CSI: Miami My Cousin Dispo VinnyCSI: TTT Miami (1992, Double CSI:Movie: Miami My CousinGrave VinnyThe TTTBeast (1992) Two An ineptThe lawyer SopranosMovie: All LethalCSI: Weapon Miami Double 2 P_Q^ Comedy)Day (CC) Joe Pesci, MarisaCap (CC) Tomei. (CC) Youngtries to Menfree his(CC) cousin Choicesfrom a Dixie (CC) jail. Joe Pesci.Happy Families...TTTZ (1989)Cap Mel (CC) Gibson. (CC) WGNHIST Boston(4:30) Movie: Legal Son AnMovie: Evening The Outlaw of Stars Josey Tribute Wales to Patti TTT (1976)WGN A Confederate News at Nine WildScrubs West TechScrubs Movie:Honey- TheMovie: Outlaw PaQ_ ofTombstone the Defender (1993) (CC) LaBellesoldier vows UNCF to avengeawards show.his family’s (CC) murder. Clint(N) Eastwood.(CC) (CC) The(CC) Gunslingers(CC) Joseymooners Wales (1976) NICKTNT (4:00)iCarly Movie:iCarly Catch Movie:iCarly TheTrue Da Vinci CodeH2O TTZ iCarly(2006, Mystery)George A religiousGeorge HomeMovie: CastHome Away TTTFamily (2000, Drama)Family QWRl Me(CC) if You Can(CC) TTT mystery(CC) couldJackson rock foundations(CC) of (CC)Christianity.Lopez Tom Hanks.Lopez (CC) Improve.Tom Hanks,Improve. Helen Hunt.Matters (CC) Matters DISNDSC DirtyZack Jobs& HannahBig Wreck.Movie: PixelNation Perfect TTWreck. (2004, NationPhineas ZackWreck. & NationCory in ZackHow It’s& HannahHow It’s That’s-Wreck. NationCory in QYR] AnimalCody Vet Montana(CC) Comedy) Ricky Ullman. (CC) and Ferb Cody House CodyMade MontanaMade Raven House A&EFAM CSI:Movie: Miami Another Dispo CinderellaCSI: Miami Story Double(2008, Movie:CSI: Miami A Cinderella Grave StoryThe BeastTT (2004, Two FreshThe SopranosFresh All FreshCSI: MiamiFresh Double Q^R_ DayRomance-Comedy) (CC) SelenaCap (CC)Gomez. (CC) Romance-Comedy)Young Men (CC) HilaryChoices Duff. (CC)(CC) PrinceHappy Families...Prince PrinceCap (CC) Prince HALLHIST (4:30)(4:30) Movie: Movie: TheUnforgiven Outlaw TTTTJosey (1992,Wales Western)TTT (1976) Clint A Eastwood’sConfederate Movie:Wild West Avenging Tech AngelMovie: TT (2007, The Outlaw Q_SW TombstoneSeraphim Falls (1993) soldierOscar-winning vows to portraitavenge of his an family’s aged gunman. murder. ClintClint Eastwood.Eastwood. (CC) Western)The Gunslingers Kevin Sorbo. Josey(CC) Wales (1976) Page 6 Colby Free Press Friday, January 23, 2009 NICK iCarly iCarly iCarly True H2O iCarly George George Home Home Family Family Rl (CC) (CC) (CC) Jackson (CC) (CC) Lopez Lopez Improve. Improve. Matters Matters cwb0005-7 DISN Zack & Hannah Movie: Pixel Perfect TT (2004, Phineas Zack & Cory in Zack & Hannah That’s- Cory in Public Notice R] Cody Montana Comedy) Ricky Ullman. (CC) and Ferb Cody House Cody Montana Raven House Successfully treating FAM Movie: Another Cinderella Story (2008, Movie: A Cinderella Story TT (2004, Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF R_ Romance-Comedy) Selena Gomez. (CC) Romance-Comedy) Hilary Duff. (CC) Prince Prince Prince Prince THOMAS COUNTY, KANSAS HALL L(4:30) Movie: Movie: Unforgiven TTTT (1992, Western) L Clint Eastwood’s Movie: Avenging Angel TT (2007, SW SeraphimOCAL Falls Oscar-winning portrait TVof an aged gunman. Clint Eastwood.ISTINGSWestern) Kevin Sorbo. (CC) Public Notice In the Matter of the Estate of cervical cancer Myrtle G. Carson, Deceased. sponsored by the cwb0005-7 No. 07-PR-29 Public Notice NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION takes early detection FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS SUNDAY JANUARY 25 Cervical cancer was once the sibly because of decreased access CONCERNED: No. 1 cancer killer of women, to Pap testing or follow-up treat- You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in this Court by Security State 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 but cases have declined with the ment,” said Bremby. “It is impor- Bank, Scott City, Kansas, duly appointed, KLBY/ABC In Touch With Dr. Good Morning This Week-George Hour of Power (CC) Paid First United NBA widely available and reliable Pap tant for women of all races and qualified and acting Executor of the Estate H h Charles Stanley America (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos Program Methodist Church Count test. ethnicities to seek early detection of Myrtle G. Carson, deceased, praying KSNK/NBC (Off Air) Paid Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Paid Paid Your Paid Colon Food Petitioner’s acts be approved; account This screening test indicates if and treatment.” SUNDAYL j Program (CC) Program Program Bible JANUARYProgram Detox Fast25 be settled and allowed; the heirs be KBSL/CBS P90X: Newspr- Cake (EI) Horse- CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Dino Sushi 700 Club Super further testing is needed so cancer In Kansas, African-American determined; the Will be construed and the 1< NX Proof ing TV (CC) land (EI) (N) (CC) Nation Squad Pack (EI) Sunday Telethon Estate be assigned to the persons entitled can be detected and treated when women die of cervical cancer at K15CG Mister6 AM Barney-6:30 Ninos7 AM Plaza7:30 Kinder-8 AM Mama-8:30 Wish-9 AM Lomax:9:30 Animalia10 AM Keeping10:30 Wealth-11 AM To11:30 the it is curable. January is Cervical a rate twice that of white women, thereto; the Court find the allowances d Rogers Friends en-Casa Sesamo garten Movies bone (EI) Hound Kids Track Contrary requested for attorneys’ fees and expenses KLBY/ABCESPN InSportsCenter Touch With (CC)Dr. GoodSportsCenter Morning (Live) OutsideThis Week-GeorgeSports SportsCenterHour of Power (Live) (CC) NFLPaid CountdownFirst United (Live) (CC) PBANBA Cancer Awareness Month, and the department says are reasonable and should be allowed; the HO_h Charles Stanley America(CC) (N) (CC) LinesStephanopoulosReportrs (CC) Program Methodist Church BowlingCount the Kansas Department of Health In addition to screening, a vac- costs be determined and ordered paid; the KSNK/NBCUSA (OffPaid Air) PaidChang- TodayEd (N) (CC)Joel Movie:Meet the The Press Shepherd (N) Paid (2008, Action)Paid Jean- Movie:Your BadPaid Boys II TTColon (2003, Action)Food Two administration of the Estate be closed; upon L j Program (CC) Program Program Bible Program Detox Fast and Environment reminds women cine is available which can pre- P^ Program ing Young Osteen Claude Van Damme, Scott Adkins. (CC) detectives battle a drug kingpin in Miami. the filing of receipts the Petitioner be finally KBSL/CBSTBS P90X:(5:50) Movie:Newspr- Air ForceCake One (EI) TTTHorse- (1997, Suspense)CBS NewsMovie: Sunday Lethal Morning WeaponFace 2 TTTZ the (1989,Dino Action)Sushi Riggs Movie:700 Club Striking Super they should schedule an annual vent cervical cancer. The vaccine discharged as the Executor of the Estate 1<P_NX ProofTerrorists hijacking TV the president’s(CC) plane.land Harrison(EI) (N) Ford.
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