Photo by Diana Haecker IRON DOG WINNERS— Team 20, Scott Faeo and Eric Quam, were the first to lead the Iron Dog race into Nome on Tuesday evening, and ultimately won the 2,000-mile snowmobile race across Alaska on Saturday in Fairbanks. See story on page 9. C VOLUME CXV NO. 9 March 5, 2015 Council: Marijuana brownies—a constitutional guarantee? By Sandra L. Medearis Nome’s city limits. The other updates smoking and At a Council work session Mon- brownies for eons. The Nome Common Council has One of two proposed ordinances second-handing smoking laws to in- day preceding its regular meeting, is- But it is in the law, individuals pushed back action on an ordinance makes marijuana violations and fines clude marijuana smoke. sues were raised concerning the protested. Having brownies in the to regulate use of marijuana within parallel alcohol laws. The smoke measure passed. proposed law. The city attorney house when the police come to call could not sit in on the meeting for on another issue could mean trouble, question via phone as phone service some said during public comment. was down. The ordinances are placeholders Opponents of all or parts of the until the Legislature has passed laws ordinances focused on constitution- concerning marijuana usage and ality and a clause that rules out pro- marijuana sales, Papasodora said. duction of edibles, to wit, marijuana The ordinances brought before the brownies. Council apply only to recreational What if someone wants to eat a use and coincide with the initiative, brownie instead of smoking mari- Proposition 2, approved by voters in juana and risking damage to their November. lungs, Councilman Matt Culley “The ordinances have nothing to asked. Should that be illegal? do with commercial operations. He didn’t care if someone ate They apply only to recreational use,” brownies in the privacy of their Papasodora said. homes, Chief John Papasodora said, The proposed laws forbid mari- but edibles could not be supplied to continued on page 4 children. People had been eating Survey sheds light on sexual violence against women By Diana Haecker experienced sexual violence, inti- A recently released survey con- mate partner violence, or both in ducted in the Nome Census area, in- their lifetime. The survey did not in- cluding the 15 communities in the clude how often women endured Norton Sound and Bering Strait re- these kinds of violent attacks. Ac- gion, as well as Nome, found that 51 cording to the survey, 301 women out of 100 women have experienced experienced violence in the past intimate partner violence, sexual vi- year. olence or both, in their lifetime. The State Council on Domestic Andre B. Rosay, Ph.D. from the Violence and Sexual Assault funded University of Alaska Anchorage Jus- the study and the University of tice Center, and Lauree Morton, Ex- Alaska at Anchorage analyzed the ecutive Director of the Center for data. In 2010, a statewide survey was Domestic Violence and Sexual As- conducted. In subsequent years, the sault presented the survey results on survey was conducted in other re- February 11 to the Regional Well- gions, including Dillingham, An- ness Forum at the Seaside Center in chorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Kodiak, Nome. Sitka, Bethel, Ketchikan, Kenai and The survey interviewed 265 the Mat-Su Borough. Last year, for Photo by Keith Conger women from Nome and the sur- the first time, the survey focused on SENIOR NIGHT— Lady Nanooks senior Lacy Erickson works against Kyley Katchatag of the Unalak- rounding communities. The results the Nome Census area and the North leet Wolfpack on Friday night at the Nome-Beltz gym. Erickson, along with senior members of the cheer- revealed that 1,463 adult women, or leading squad and Pep Band, were honored in a pre-game ceremony. See story on page 8. 51 percent, in the Nome Census area continued on page 4 Nome deep-draft port expansion could happen in 2020 By Sandra L. Medearis of Engineers predictions. 28 feet Mean Lower Low Water. Nome residents roasting hotdogs The federal ACOE released a MLLW? on the golden sands of gold rush joint study with the Alaska Depart- MLLW is an average of the lower Nome on Middle Beach could see ment of Transportation and Public of two daily low tides in a particular larger ships docking at an extended Facilities on Feb. 20 that tentatively place. Port of Nome Causeway within five selects Port of Nome for deep-water Currently, the estimated cost of years, according to U.S. Army Corps port expansion. this federal project is $150 million. That announcement caused ex- Construction of local service facili- citement among City of Nome offi- ties, which include docks, mooring On the Web: cials who have been pushing the port dolphins, utilities and security gates, improvement for years with lobby- could add up to additional expenses www.nomenugget.net ing, port alteration and improve- projected at $61 million. E-mail: ments. A cost sheet in the study shows “We’re stoked,” Joy Baker, port the federal government paying about [email protected] expansion and development man- $97.4 million, The non-federal spon- ager, said. “It is absolutely conceiv- sor, a slot City of Nome is interested able that if all the pieces fall in right, in filling, would coordinate rounding we could be looking at a port in up $113.4 million, or 54 percent. 2020.” “We will have to find all sorts of The plan calls for the existing funding,” Baker said Monday. Nome Nugget file photo 2,700-foot causeway to gain another “We’re not rolling in millions.” PORT OF NOME— A joint Army Corps of Engineers and DOT study 2,100 feet and dredging to a depth of continued on page 5 finds the Port of Nome suitable for possible future expansion. 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2015 OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Hello, week at Alaska Regional Hospital Large-Diam. NG Pipeline: ternative power or to nuclear power CNPC of China (20 %) and Novatek My name is Ryan T. Antoghame, until a guard told me it was costing Unwise Gamble soon, which would close that export of Russia (60 %), according to: on March 8, 2014 I was incarcerated the state too much money to keep me An article in the, then, Anchor- market! It is also likely that some http://www.newsworld.co.kr/de- and being housed at Seaside owned there so I was moved to Alaska Na- age Daily News by Fairbanks breakthrough may be made in mak- tail.htm?no=1375 . Each LNG car- by Geo Care. Anyhow, on March 8, tive Medical Center (ANMC). Pipeline Company on May 11, 2011 ing and storing hydrogen fuel soon, rier is 170,000 cubic meters and can 2014 I had been experiencing an There I had an ankle monitor for a entitled, “Time to face reality about which will make natural gas obso- smash 2-meter thick ice. So, it awful pain I my chest, the pain made week. Before all this my release date Alaska’s pipedreams” said, “natural lete, because hydrogen is clean, lim- seems to me that Russia is planning me shaky, I was sweating profusely was supposed to be May 22, 2014 gas futures have historically traded ... itless and renewable forever, and to take the Asian market share of nat- and was having a hard time walking. but after my incident I earned two $4 to $8/mmBTU, well below the because it has many times more ural gas away from Alaska, and it I told the Resident Monitor how I more days to my sentence as was re- $11.26 price necessary to recoup BTUs per unit weight than natural supports a concept of building an was feeling. I asked for any mode or leased May 24, 2014. I was pun- capital investments required for a gas has. LNG loading terminal offshore of transportation to the hospital, could ished for having a heart attack, I large-scale export project within a And, what about unforeseen Prudhoe Bay at Cross Island (aka they bring me? In a cab, patient suppose and laughed at because I twenty year period.”. risks? Dinkum Sands), because it would driver or even an ambulance? I was was made to walk to the hospital or So, now that the price is $2.5 to So, the Alaskan people save the huge cost of building a giant told I probably strained myself at rather laughed at because I am com- $2.8/mmBTU and continues to trend should not gamble our money and pipeline across Alaska, and because work. I was dehydrated and proba- plaining about it. The way I see it toward $2, the period of time neces- future on such a high-risk, long-term it would offer natural gas directly bly just needed water, I tried and thought I came close to dying. I lost sary to recoup the cost of a large-di- venture that may “go bust” long be- from its source, at tidewater, at a when it got worse I asked for an am- a portion of my peripheral vision. I ameter North Slope natural gas fore it pays for itself. Furthermore, much lower cost to Asian markets. bulance again. Instead I was told of was in states custody and under Geo pipeline to South-central Alaska just building such a large-diameter, natu- Truly, Daniel N. Russell, physics the inconvenience it would cause so Care’s care (Seaside). grew from twenty years to over 100 ral gas pipeline from the North Slope consultant the Resident Monitor had me fill out A person experiencing chest pain years (assuming no inflation, no cost to South-central Alaska will take P.
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