88 E.ASI NG WuLD, NORTH RIDING YORKSHIRE. [KELL'l'S Medical Officers & Pnblic Vaccinators, Coxwold district, SCHOOLS. John McCracken M.B., C.M. Coxwold; Easingwold The Grammar School was originally endowed by district, Edwd. Buller Hicks, jun. L.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P. Mrs. Eleanor Westerman, who by will, dated .A.ugus\ Edin. Easingwold; Helperby district, Charles Guy 24, 17Br, gave the dividends on £2,500 Reduced Etches L.R.C.P. & S.Eoin. HelpPrlw: Stillinu-ton dis­ Annuities, of which £54 r2s. were to be paid ro a. trict, C. H. Bullen M.D.Lond. Stillington: Tollerton schoolmaster (who must be a member of. the Chur{)b district, Ralph Sedgley Elvins L.R.C.P. &, S.Edin. of England) for teaching 30 boys Latin, English gram. Tollerton mar, reading, writing, arithmetic & bookkeeping, &; The Workhouse, Uppleby, erected at a cost of about also 30 girls reading, writing & arithmetic; the en­ £2,ooo, is a structure of brick, a-railable for 130 in­ dowment included £ro for house rent, coals & candles, mates, & ha~ an attached fever infirmary, built in £8 8s. for books, pens, ink & stationery; £2 to the 1869; new vagrant cells were erected in 1901 at a cost minister for preaching a sermon on the 26th of Ma.y of about £2,ooo; .John Thomas Leckenby, master; before the children, on the benefit of early piety, & another on the 1st of September, on some moral !Mb­ Mrs. Elizabeth LeckE'nbv.• matron; Edward Buller Hicks, jun. L.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P.Edin. medical officer ject; the schoolmaster to attend with the children EASINGWOLD REGISTRATIOX DISTRICT. upon these days & al!!o on sundays, wednesdays & fri­ Superintendent Registrar, Francis John Haxby Robin· days in each week, at the parish church. In 1876 th& son, Market place, Easing-wold; deputy, Joshua original scheme was revised by the Charity Commis­ French, Uppleby, Easin~wold sionerq, lt the school was constituted a grammar Registrar of Births & Deaths, Coxwold sub-district, Rich d. srhool for boys & had 5 free entrance scholarsh1ps, Passman, Coxwold ; deputy, Henry P1s,man, Coxwold; a"~>arded annually in July. In I9II the school was Easingwold sub-district. John R. T~ eddle, "Cppleby, taken over by the Connty Council, when new build· ings were erected &; a playing field was provided in Ea~ingwold; deputy, Wi\liam Thoma~ Curry, Chapel !ltreet, Easingwold ; Stillington snb-di•trict, William Thirsk road, at a co~t of over £3,000: it is now con­ ducted as a rural secondarv school: there are now Gibson, Stillington; depnty, Mrs. Gibson • Registrar of Marriages, John Ripon Tl,-eddle, "Cppleby, ( 1913) 7o pupils. The chairman of the governors is Easingwold; deputy, William Thomas Curry, Chapel Henry Hawking esq. J .P. ; George Sandbam B.A. street, Easingwold head master PUBLIC OFFICERS. Public Elementary Schools. Assessor &, Collector of Ta-.;:Ps & Clerk to the Parish Arthur Thomas Green, attendance officer. Council, William Georg-e Milner, ~Iartet place Church, Market place (boys & girls), erected in rB62 & Roard of Trade (Unemployment Insurance) Local Agent, enlarged in 1877, for 190 children; average attend­ William George M~1ner ance, rzo; John W. Dodsworth, master. The school Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, T. Barnes, York is controlled by 6 local managers, appointed July I, In~pector of Weights & ~-Ieasures, Thomas :Xewstead, 1903; J. Hobson, 'The Avenue, correspondent Pickering Wesleyan (mixed), Chapel street, built about r86o, & en­ Town Crier, Frederick Cowling larged in r8go & 1899, for 190 children; average at· Proprietors of ~lark et Tolls, Francis John Haxby Robin­ tendance, 170; John G. Den ham, master; Miss Louise son, & others True, mistress. The school is controlled by 6 local managers, appointed July r, 1903; W. C. Wilkinson, PLA.CES OF "WORSHIP, with time~ of services. Long street, correspondent All Saints &, St. John the Dapti8t Church, Rev. Halsall Catholic, Long street, erected in r87I, for So children; Seg-ar M.A. vicar; 8 & ro.3o a.m. & 3 &, 6.30 p.m.; avera~e attend::mce, 35; Miss E. Lanyon, mistress. daily prayers, 10 a.m The school is controlled by 6 local managers Catholic Church (St. John),Right Rev. John Ildephonsus Cummins O.S.B.; sunday, holy communion 8.30 & mass ro.3o a.m. ; E'Yening service, 6.30 p.m. ; holy Railway Station, .A.rthur Caygill, station master days 2 holy communion 8 a.m. ; mass, 9 a.m. ; evening service, 7· 30 p.m. ; daily mass, 8 a.m CARRIERS. Primitive Methodist, Rev. J. Phillips Read (supt.); To Thirsk-William Hunter, on mon. at 8.30 a.m ro.3o a.m. & 6.30 p.m To York-Robert Agars (of Coxwold), on sat Wesleyan Methodist, 10.30 I Rev. A.lfred H. Hoprer (supt.) a. m. & 6.30 p.m J & Re.-. llartrn W. 1\Ic.A.doo NEWSPAPER. Salvation Army, Capt. George J. Spackman; II a.m. Easingwold Advertiser & Weekly News, Market place, & 3 & 6.30 p.m Reginald Ern est Smith, proprietor; published sat PRIVATE RESIDENTS . J Hobson John, Avenue house Rookledge Francis Eyre J.P. Oxenby .A.lli;;on J uhn, rppleby Holmes Thomas J ohnson, Long street close .A.nderson ·M:rs. Uppleby Hood JI.Irs. Market place Rooliledge Mrs. The Villa Batty Thomas, :Market place Hopper Rev. Alfred H. (Wesley~m Rowntree Misses, Market place Beckwith Richard B. Long street :\lethodist),Wesley manse, Uppleby Sadler Mrs. J . .A.. Long street Bell Mrs. Yew Tree house J ones Miss, Market place Sand ham George B. A. (head master), Bensley l'.:Irs. Market place Lo,-e Joseph Horatio J.P. The Grammar school, Thirsk road Brown Mrs. Uppleby Hawk hills Scholefield John C Burton Charles, Market place :\Iallory Mrs. Uppleby Segar Rev. Halsall M . .A.. (vicar), Catley Mrs. Market place :\IcAdoo Rev. Barton W. (Wesleyan Vicarage Close Thoma.;;, :Market place l'viE•thodist), Wesley manse, Uppleby Smith John Wesley, D(ppleby Cowling Robert, The Bungalow ::\Iills Thomas lngham, Old Vicarage Smith Reginald Ernest, Market plae6 Cummins Right Rev. Prior O.S.B. ::Vhlner William George, Hope terrace Snowdon William, Market place (Catholic), The Priory 1Iirfield Mrs. The Haven Stephenson William Hy. The Hollie&. Denham John George, Crayke road Pickering Mrs. Uppleby Thirsk road Elliot Robert, Springfield, Thirsk rd Read Rev. James Phillips (Primitive Temple Miss, St. John's mount French Joshua, Upplebv ~Iethodist), 'feasdale ho. Uppleby Tweddle John Rippon, Upperby Harnby Simpson, Uppleby Richardson Mrs. Burn hall ·warrington Joshua, Market place Hawking Henry J.P. Avondale house Robinson Fras. John Haxby, Galtrcs Wilkinson Watson Charles, Long st Haynes James, Market place Robinson Mrs. Market place Williamson William, Providence cot· Hicks Edward Buller. sen Rocliffe Miss, Market place tage, Uppleby Hicks Edward Buller, jun COllMETICI.U,. Barker Frank, watch maker & ironmonger,Spring street Barker ~Iartin, cowkeeper, Spring street Early closing day, Wednesday 2 p.m. Bean James, cart owner, Long street Abel Ruth (Miss), ladies' boarding school, Long street Bean Robert James, hair dresser, Market place .Allan William .A.. painter & decorator, Spring street Beckwith P. & Son, drapers, Long street Alien Richard, farmer Bell G~orge, farmer, Hollins grove Baines Hubert, grocer, Long street Blacl;:er Samuel, farmer, Dodholme wood Baines Williarn (Mrs. ),brick & tile manufacturer,Crankley Blackwell George Harold, shopkeeper, Uppleby Balderson Gladys pirs. ), Royal Oak P.H Bland Robert, boot maker, Long street Bannister John C. & Co. grocers, :Market pl. &; Long st Bowman Fred, Station hotel Barclay & Company Limited (branch) (Francis Eyre Braithwaite Robert, farmer, Bank's farm Rookledge, manager), Market place; draw on head Brett John, chimney sweeper, Long street • office, 54 Lombard !itreet, London E C Britton Charles, plumber, Long street .
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