Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-28-1983 The iH lltop 10-28-1983 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-28-1983" (1983). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 84. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/84 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .. ' •• - Jt • Inside Take a walk ''On Seniors play ill • • The Yard'' with - the last home Today's Hilltop ' ·Recoe Walker Football game· • -PAGE 3 -PAGE 13 • ' • .. , t. • ~l. 59th FRIDAY, ,,.. ' •• ' ....., ' 1 year serving , OC !OBER 28, 1983 , i 1} I the Howard ·:... \ Community VOUJME 66 -... -=c.'L--.., 1 - ~ r NUMBER 9 i (:)} ; ==. • The Nation's LaJ1!0SI Black CoUeglate Newspaper• Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059 ' • troo I s to rena the best possible lo represent the By ANNA A. WILLIA,MS . word the American government uses to name of the game in this type of politics are just Pro-American colonial pup- World countries. This kind of thinking Citizens natibnally and internationally. justify murder, political oppression and Special to the Hilltop is power and colonialism. 1\ets. must stop. if third world countries '1"C to President Reagan' s invasion in Grena­ to promote capitalism. I W<?uld hope I am amazed at the bourgeois. colon­ What is so ironic about this part of it survive. It would help also if America da demonstfatcs that he is no more di­ that the people of the, United States . Somc1in1e ago I saw a short ski1 be­ ial thiliking of some ot· the Caribbean is the denouncing Reagan has received would not be so overbearingly ''gener­ plomatic thJn the ordinary man in the , would be sophisticated enough to ask ing acted out on ··Saturday Night leaders such as Dominica's Eugenia fron1 his allies who have much more to ous'' with its help. So I say to AMER­ Live'' where RonaJd·Reagan was being streets who solves a situation with a fist ''Hey what's the real deal here?·· Or Charles. Jamaica's Edward Seaga and offer America than these three islands ICA GET OUT OF GRENADA­ maybe lhey won't need to ask. Maybe portrdyed as a blundering imcqmpetenl fight . Or is the president really just Barbados's Tom Adams. Their support put together. lt is this kind of thinking RIGHT NOW-and what's mon: STAY president who pushed sy mbolic red nu ­ looking for a war which he can win . they· have figured out by now that the of this invasion demonstrates that they that perpetuates colonialism in Third OUT. clear buttons to solve every problem.' I And yet it rsnot the man himself who thought to myself then ''come on. give is at fault. Reagan is just a small part of the man a chance .. He can't be all thal the machinety that sustains such a sys­ bad.·· I was w"ong . That blundering tem. He is p~ rt of that whole so-called ln~asion questioned ~competent prcSident has come to fit'e . by Congress western dc~ocracy that aids and abets • How dare this man send U.S. troops , . murder and_ tppression of thousands of to Grenada! How dare he invade an people in pl~ces like the Philippines. By MARK AUEYNE island he has , ~Omed for the past four Lebanon anj~ Central America. The Special to the lilltop years under the pretense of keeping the purpose-to rave the world from so­ states of Barbados, Jamaica, Domini­ ca, Antigua, St." Vicent and St. Lucia. peace! Ho\!{ dare he sit cocooned in the called ''barqaric Comn1unism ... I tell In statements to the press. congress· · safety of hi s presen!ial palace and make It brought to three the number ot you if 1his islthc best of democracy. let men have questioned the legality and 'a.decision which would afft•ct hundreds areas on the worl~ where U.S. 1rOOps me have Copin1unisf"' ;i n)' day . wisdom of United States intervention in were currently deployed in con1bat or -. - ~ - -· Grenada and the chainnan of the West­ near-combat situations . Tltc c11her · . em Hemisphere Subcommittee which • places being Lebanon and El Salvador . 1 oversees U.S. policy to the Caribbean ''In no case have the congress· ques­ ANALY$IS• ' • • I has promised to get the answers. - tions about these deployments been ad­ . --- President Reagan said he committed 1 equately consulted . .. My colleagues of Jives- both and brena- · 1· the troops to protect American lives, Amencan~ There i!l ·ony in !he Grenada situa­ in. the congress and I will be seeking the dians! · tion . Only months before Bishops ''forestall further chaos·· on Grenada, • answers in the next few days. ' · The hypocrisy of Ronald .Reagan is death. hew sin An1erica seeking some and ·'to assist in the restoration of con­ Soon after the intervention the Presi ­ u~bclievable t Onl)' hours before he"ex­ kind of mt:cting ground with the presi­ ditions of law and order.'· dent explained h"is move i11 a letter to presscd heart ren~ing WQrds of gfi~f d.ent. ~e~ r;efused !O, ~vcn. speak ,to However, in reaction to the pre­ congrc.ss requi~d under the War Pow­ over the dcarh ol ovc:1· 2-hundred the Grena1Ji'bn Prin1e Minister. Ti·m6" sidal.t' s statement, Chainnan of. the-­ ers Jcg1slatlon or1·973 whil·h wasenacl· marine ctea1hs in Beirut. Then he rumed and tim~ bcfore Grenada h:1d sought to Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere -- 1 ed lo give congress greater control over around and Scnt:nineleen hun,dred "i1ore be friends w th An1erica. Each time the Affairs, Michael Barnes (D-Md.). said the depl(1yment of U.S. forces in other to Grenada. I Wonder, was he thinking requests we e refused and the represen- he needed answers to five ques1io11s . parts of the world . of the Grcna"d:i. invasion at the St\01C tarivc rude I snuhbcd by the Reagan Barnes sald he WCtodered whether the Significantly, the President 111adc no tir:ne he was mouthing words of grief to adminis1rati n. In 1·ac1 America refused Americans in Grenada were in the real mention of the provisions of the War the American people'.' to recogniz1 the tiny island. Grenada danger the administration ~aid they Powers Law in his Jetter and this could I cannol begi!1 to express my anger. did not exis for America. Yet, one of werc,andquestionedwhether1hepresi­ spark another battle between him a11d , frustration. and ab5olute outrage at !his thc faclur~ "'·h1ch precipilated the dent made efforts to seltle the issue by congress si milar to the one which erupt­ 1\lilif:lr)' l1lStillatio11 abominable act b"y this administration. nlarine inv¥ion ' was Bishop's death. means short of war. ed weeks ago over the stationing of It is an outr;tge utter disregard for hu­ Why this suCJJen concern "! What possi- .Jn a prepared statement. Barnes also · U.S. Marines in Lebanon. man lives anJ national ~ll\ e re i g11ity . ble thr'ea1 .. 6l1ld "uc t1 :1 s111a ll nation questioned whether the plan to invade The A ct requires the President to end Jusl who appointed the Great US of A present to A!n1erica'.' Grenada was hatched in Wa:.. hington the commitment of troops within 60 the godfather of thC world. anyv.·ay? Grenada no1 have substantjal and the support of the Caribbean na- ~oes days after his letter to congress unless •• What gives thi s na1ion 1he right to in· resources that the U.S. needs. It is well lions sought later as a ''multinational 1 he is authorized by both houses to keep • vade another country to ··straighten out over 1500 m lcs from the nearest Amer- facade .·· them deployed. its affairs '''? If American ddoes feel an ican border. And the Grenadian anny Barnes also wondered whether The 60 day period n1ay be extended obligation 10 111eddle in another coun­ can hard I}' t'rightcn a well trained serious consideration was given lo the by congress (as has been the case with try's affairs, thl'n What is wrong \.\.'i!h American C t. So whal is America's - costinlivesoftheintervention; andhe the Lebano11 deployment) if the Presi­ the good old fashion concept of peace ,worry? Com unisn1 ·? Maritisn1'? Is lhis · was skeptical as to whether the U.S. dent certifies that it would be in the ta1ks. country Ori ~he verge of another com- wouJd replace the Grenadian govcm- I safety interest of the troops to keep I (\!ways thought the person a natin munist scarri like the 1·94Q 's. Pardon ment with a ''democratic'' regime as it them in combat. chose lo represent 1hen1 in govemrncn1 me, b~t I w Id t1 ope rhat the people of said it would. · A Western Hem isphere Sub· was supposed 10 be wiser and mo:re America ar n1orc sophisticated now The attack on Grenada was un- committee staffef said no hearings have diplomatic than mos1 citizens ·of that than they w re 1hen. I would hope that dertak·en on Tuesday by nearly 2,000 yet been planned on the inlervention in nation . I though! he was s,upposed to be they kno~ b now that communism is a troops from the U.S.
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