FEDERAL REGISTER VO LUM E I 1934 NU M BER 87 ÜHittO ^ Washington, Tuesday, July 14, 1936 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. and Habersham Counties; thence in a southerly direction with the meanders of the stream and the County line to C hattahoochee N a t io n a l F orest—G eo rgia the junction of this stream with Sautee Creek; thence By the President of the United States of America southwesterly with the meanders of Sautee Creek to its junction with Bean Creek; thence northwesterly with the A PROCLAMATION meanders of Bean Creek to a point in Lot 13, District 6 near WHEREAS certain forest lands within the State of Georgia head of said creek, where it crosses the road between Rob- have been or may hereafter be acquired by the United States ertstown and Hickorynut School; thence southwesterly with of America under the authority of sections 6 and 7 of the act the meanders of said road to its intersection with Georgia of March 1, 1911, ch. 186, 36 Stat. 961, as amended (U. S. C„ Highway No. 75 at Roberts town; thence northwesterly with title 16, secs. 515, 516); and Highway No. 75, approximately 30 chains to the junction WHEREAS it appears that the reservation as the Chatta­ with a road leading southwest up Church Branch; thence hoochee National Forest of the said lands together with cer­ southwesterly with said road approximately 35 chains to intersection with the east boundary of Lot 29, District 3; tain other lands heretofore form ing parts of the Cherokee National Forest and the Nantahala National Forest would be thence southerly w ith the east boundary o f Lots 29, 36, 61, in the public interest: 68 and 93 to the southeast comer of Lot 93, District 3; thence westerly with the south boundary of said Lot 93 to NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Pres­ the southwest comer thereof; thence southerly with the ident of the United States of America, by virtue of the power east boundary of Lot 99, District 3, to the southeast comer vested in me by section 24 of the act of March 3,1891, ch. 561, thereof; thence westerly with the sound boundary of Lots 26 Stat. 1095,1103, as amended (U. S. C., title 16, section 471), 99, '98 and 97, D istrict 3, approxim ately 126 chains to in ­ and by section 11 of the said act of March 1, 1911 (U. S. C., tersection with a public road just east of Ledford Creek; title 16, section 521), do proclaim that there are hereby re­ thence southwesterly with the meanders of said road to its served and set apart as the Chattahoochee National Forest junction with U. S. Highway No. 129 in Lot 27, District 4; all lands of the United States within the following-described thence northwesterly with U. S. Highway No. 129 to its in­ boundaries, and that all lands therein which may hereafter tersection with the south boundary of Lot 53, District 4; be acquired by the United States under authority of the said thence westerly with the south boundaries of Lots 53, 68, act of March 1, 1911, as amended, sba.il upon their acquisi­ 77, 92,101 and 116 to the southwest comer of Lot 116, Dis­ tion be reserved and administered as a part of the Chatta­ trict 4, on the line between Districts 4 and 15, a point in hoochee National Forest: Chestatee River; thence southerly down Chestatee River Beginning at “EQicotte’s Rock," the point where the 35th with its meanders, to the southeast comer of Lot 161, Dis­ parallel of latitude intersects the Chattooga River, the trict 15; thence westerly with the south boundary of Lots cofnmon corner of the States of North Carolina, South 161 and 160, District 15, to U. S. Highway No. 19; thence Carolina and Georgia; thence southwesterly with the me­ southerly with U. S. Highway No. 19 to the south boundary anders of Chattooga River to its junction with Tallulah o f L o t 338, D istrict 15; thence w esterly w ith the south River; thence northwesterly with the meanders of Tallulah boundary o f Lots 338, 339, and 340 to the southwest com er River to where it crosses the south boundary of Lot 173, of Lot 340 which is in the line between Districts 15 and 12; District 13; thence southwesterly with the boundary of Lot thence southerly with the line between Districts 15 and 12 173 to the northeast comer of Lot 164, District 13; thence to the southeast com er o f L o t 1165, D istrict 12; thence southeasterly with the boundaries of Lots 164 and 163 to westerly with the south boundaries of Lots 1165, 1158 and the southeast corner of Lot 163; thence southwesterly with 1121 to the southwest comer of Lot 1121, District 12; thence the boundaries of Lots 163,154,. 144,135,124,115, 96, 87 and northerly with the west boundaries of Lots 1121, 1120 and 53 to the southwest comer of Lot 53, District 13; thence 1119 to the northw est com er o f L o t 1119, D istrict 12; thence northw esterly w ith the boundaries o f Lots 53, 54 and 55 westerly with the south boundaries of Lots 1117, 1068 and to the northwest corner of Lot 55, which is also the south­ 1067 to the southwest com er o f L o t 1067, D istrict 12; east corner of Lot 41, District 13; thence southwesterly thence northerly with the West boundary of Lot 1067, to with the boundaries of Lots 41 and 8, District 13 and Lots the northwest comer of Lot 1067, a point on the line be­ 8, 39, 54, 77, 92, 109, 124 and 134, D istrict 11, to the south­ tween Districts 12 and 11; thence westerly with the line west comer of Lot 134, District 11; thence northwesterly between Districts 11 and 12, to the northeast comer of Lot with the west boundaries of Lots 134, 133, 132 to a point 491, District 12; thence southerly with the east boundaries at intersection with the line between Districts 11 and 3; o f Lots 491, 492 and 493 to the southeast com er o f L o t 493, thence northerly with the line between Districts 11 and 3, District 12; thence easterly with the north boundary of Lot to the northeast comer of District 3, which is also the 557, District 12, to the northeast comer thereof; thence southeast comer of District 6; thence westerly with the line southerly w ith the east boundaries o f Lots 557, 556, 555 between Districts 3 and 6, 79.67 chains to a point in a small and 554 to the southeast com er o f L o t 554, D istrict 12; stream which point is a comer in the line between White thence w esterly w ith th e south boundaries o f Lots 554, 497, 909 910 FEDERAL REGISTER, J u ly 14, 1936 484, 427, 414, 357 and 344 to intersection w ith Mud Creek; thence southerly with the meanders of Mud Creek to in­ tersection with the public road leading from Jay to Dahlo- nega; thence westerly with the meanders of said road, pass­ ing Jay to the junction of said road with Georgia State FEDERALÄREGISTER Highway No. 43 in Lot 594, District 5; thence northwesterly with Highway No. 43, to Licklog; thence northerly with 1934 C ^A/ITEO ^ road leading from Licklog to Roy to a point about 1 mile southeast of Roy where a road leading to Cartecay bears Published by the Division of the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r , The National Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal off southwest; thence southwesterly with said road to its Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. L. 500), under reg­ junction with State Highway No. 43 at Cartecay; thence ulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, with the northwesterly with State Highway No. 43 to U. S. Highway approval of the President. No. 76 at Ellijay; thence northwesterly with U. S. Highway The Administrative Committee consists of the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer of the Department of Justice designated by the No. 76 to its junction with a road leading to Ratcliff and Attorney General, and the Public Printer or Acting Public Printer. Tails Creek; thence southwesterly with said road passing The daily issue of the F e d e r a l , R e g is t e r will be furnished by mail Ratcliff and Tails Creek, and continuing with road south­ to subscribers, free of postage, for $1 per month or $10 per year; westerly, then westerly, then northwesterly to Dennis; single copies 5 cents; payable in advance. Remit by money order payable to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing thence northwesterly, then northerly, then northeasterly Office, Washington, D. C. with the road near the foot of the mountain to Hassler’s Correspondence concerning the publication of the F e d e r a l M ill on Holly Creek; thence northwesterly with public road R e g is t e r should be addressed to the Director, Division of the near foot of mountain to its junction with U. S. Highway F e d e r a l R e g is t e r , The National Archives, Washington, D. C. No. 411 at or near Crandall; thence northerly with U. S. Highway No.
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