Finite Size Uehling Corrections in Energy Levels of Hydrogen and Muonic Hydrogen Atom

Finite Size Uehling Corrections in Energy Levels of Hydrogen and Muonic Hydrogen Atom

IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 7, Issue 5 Ver. I (Sep. - Oct. 2015), PP 60-66 www.iosrjournals Finite Size Uehling Corrections in Energy Levels of Hydrogen and Muonic Hydrogen Atom M El Shabshiry, S. M. E. Ismaeel, and M. M. Abdel-Mageed Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University 11556, Cairo, Egypt College of Sciences and Humanities, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Abstract: Corrections in energy levels of hydrogen and muonic hydrogen atom are calculated using Uehling potential with point and finite size proton. The finite size protonis used by introducing the charge density of the proton. The derivative expansion theory is used to obtain approximate finite size potentials by taking two forms of the proton charge densities (Gaussian and the exponential). The three potentials (point charge and approximated Gaussian and exponential potentials) give approximately the same results. These calculations are performed with Schrödinger and Dirac coulomb wave functions using perturbation theory. For point proton there is a very small difference (in the second decimal) in the Lamb shiftbetween the results calculated bySchrödinger wave functions and those with Diracwave functions. The finite size of proton gives values of Lamb shifthigher than that of point charge. The fine structure correction is very small compared to the Lamb shift values. Key words: Uehling potential – Point proton – Finite size proton – Hydrogen atom – Muonic hydrogen atom – Energy levels corrections – Lamb shift. I. Introduction The electronic vacuum polarization effects and in particular the Uehling potential plays an important role in the calculations of the energy levels and wave functions in muonic atoms. It is responsible for thedominantquantum electrodynamics (QED) effects in atoms with heavy orbiting particle (such as muon [1]). The Uehling potential is able to calculate relativistic corrections for a variety of levels in atoms [2]. One of the important effects is the finite nuclear size. This effect depends on nuclear charge 푍푒 and principle and orbital quantum numbers, 푛 and 푙, respectively. The low 푙 states and mostly, the 1푠 and 2푠 states are sensitive to the finite nuclear size effects. They have been used to determine the charge radius of nuclei starting fromhydrogen [3] to Uranium [4]. In this paper we calculated the Uehling corrections in the energy levels (1푠, 2푠, 3푠,4푠, 2푝, 3푝 and 3푑) of hydrogen and muonic hydrogen atom for the pointand finite size proton using Schrodinger wave functions. The Lamb shift(∆퐸2푝 − ∆퐸2푠)is calculated in case of nonrelativistic [5] and relativistic wave functions [6] usingboth point and finite size proton by applying perturbation theory. II. One photon exchange Uehling Potential A simple example of the effective Lagrangian formalism and the validity of the derivative expansion (DE) we consider the vacuum polarization process in QED. Abundant evidence exists which supports the idea that QED is the fundamental theory of electromagnetic interactions below 100 GeV. As well, it is usually considered to be the most well understood physical field theory. The simplest form is that of a theory of spin-1/2 charged fermions with field휓 and mass푚, and charge 푒, withinteractions mediated by the spin-1 massless gauge field for photons, 퐴휇 . The QED Lagrangian in the Feynman gauge is 1 1 2 ℒ = 휓 훾 푖휕휇 − 푒퐴휇 − 푀 휓 − 퐹 퐹휇휈 − 휕 퐴휇 + 훿ℒ (1) 푄퐸퐷 휇 4 휇휈 2 휇 퐹휇휈 = 휕휇 퐴휇 − 휕휈 퐴휈 One treatsthis case perturbatively about the free particle solution. For this setting, we will clearly be able to see the effect of the shape of the source density in a calculation that has the same flavor as theDE approximation. The analysis is simplified by treating the interaction as a perturbation in the coupling and comparing quantities only to풪 훼 ,where 훼 = 푒2 4휋 is the usual fine structure constant. This is accomplished by considering the modification of the free photon propagator by the 풪 훼 vacuum polarization insertion. In momentum-space, the propagator 푖퐷훼훽 푞 modified by 휇휈 푖퐷훼훽 푞 = 푖퐷0훼훽 푞 + 푖퐷0훼휇 푞 푖Π 푞 푖퐷0휈훽 푞 (2) 휇 Note that from gauge invariance푞 Π휇휈 푞 = 0, which dictates the Lorentz invariant form 푞휇 푞휈 Π휇휈 = 푔휇휈 − Π 푞2 (3) 푞2 So that DOI: 10.9790/4861-07516066 60 | Page Finite Size Uehling Corrections in Energy Levels of Hydrogen and Muonic Hydrogen Atom 푖푔 푖푔 푖퐷 푞 = − 훼훽 − 훼훽 Π 푞2 (4) 훼훽 푞2 + 푖휖 푞2 + 푖휖 2 From the Feynman rules of QED with the usual charge renormalization, the propagator polarization insertion is found to be [7] 1 2훼 푞2 Π 푞2 = 푞2 푑푧 푧 1 − 푧 ln 1 − 푧 1 − 푧 (5) 휋 푀2 0 This integral can be evaluated, and for the case of a stationary source, the momentum is space-like, 푞2 = −푞 2, and 4푀2 2 2 2 1 + + 1 훼푞 5 4푀 2푀 4푀2 푞 2 2 Π 푞 = − − + 2 + 1 − 2 1 + 2 ln (6) 3휋 3 푞 푞 푞 4푀2 1 + − 1 푞 2 To obtain an expression for the potential we fold the background spherically symmetric charge density source, 휌푐푕 (푟), over the new part of the propagator. For a time independent source ∞ 푑3푞 Π −푞2 푉퐸 = 푒푖푞 ∙푥 푅 휌 푞 (7) 푣푎푐 2휋 3 푞 4 푐푕 0 The angular part is integrated, leaving ∞ 2훼 sin 푞푟 Π −푞2 푉퐸 = 푑푞 푅 휌 푞 (8) 푣푎푐 휋 푞푟 푞2 푐푕 0 Where ∞ ∞ sin 푞푟 휌 푞 = 푑3푥푒푖푞 ∙푥 휌 푥 = 4휋 푑푟푟2 휌 푟 (9) 푐푕 푐푕 푞푟 푐푕 0 0 This expression gives the exact effect of the vacuum polarization in theDE theory (to풪 훼2 ). Since the DE coefficients has the form 휕Π 푞2 1 휕2Π 푞2 푍 = − 푠 푍 = − 푠 (10) 1 휕 푞2 2 2 휕 푞2 2 푞2=0 푞2=0 And 훼 Π 푞2 ≅ − 푞4 (11) 푠 15휋푀2 One can evaluate these coefficientsusing equation (10) and (11), giving 훼 푍 = 0, 푍 = (12) 1 2 15휋푀2 The result 푍1 = 0 is a manifestation of charge conversation, which implies that corrections to the charge density are total derivatives that vanish under a spatial integration. This allows us to write an effective Lagrangian for low energy photons that takes into account the vacuum polarization loop in an additional derivative term. The full effective one-loop Lagrangian will contain contributions for the photon-electron vertex correction that are of the order 훼2. It is reffered to as the Euler and Heisenberg Effective Lagrangian [8]. Here we are interested in the order 훼 part (only the vacuum polarization) 1 훼 ℒ = − 퐹 퐹휇휈 − 휕 퐹휇휆 휕휈 퐹 − 푗휇 퐴 (13) 푒푓푓 4 휇휈 30휋푀2 휇 휈휆 휇 The fermion part of the Lagrangian is dropped here, and an external source current 푗휇 is included. The gauge fixing term can be droppedbecause we will restrict ourselves to the time like part of the vector potential in the case where it is independent of time. The suitable form for the Euler-Lagrange equation is 휕ℒ 휕ℒ 휕ℒ − 휕 + 휕2 = 0 (14) 휆 2 휕퐴휇 휕 휕휆퐴휇 휕 휕 퐴휇 휇 휇0 Considering the time-like part of the potential 퐴0and a source current푗 = 훿 푗0, we obtain a modified form of Maxwell’s equation 훼 휕2퐴 = 푗 + 휕4퐴 , (15) 0 0 15휋푀2 0 Which for a time independent potential becomes 훼 ∇2퐴 = −푗 − ∇4퐴 (16) 0 0 15휋푀2 0 Making use of the identity ∇2 1 푥 = −4휋훿 푥 this may be written as an integrodifferential equation: DOI: 10.9790/4861-07516066 61 | Page Finite Size Uehling Corrections in Energy Levels of Hydrogen and Muonic Hydrogen Atom 1 1 훼 퐴 푥 = 푑3푥′ 푗 푥 ′ + ∇4퐴 푥 ′ 0 4휋 푥 ′ − 푥 0 15휋푀2 0 1 3 1 훼 3 2 1 2 = 푑 푥′ ′ 푗0 푥 ′ + 2 푑 푥′ ∇ ′ ∇ 퐴0 푥 ′ 4휋 푥 − 푥 60휋푀 푥 − 푥 0 1 1 훼 = 푑3푥′ 푗 푥 ′ − ∇2퐴 푥 (17) 4휋 푥 ′ − 푥 0 15휋푀2 0 As the electromagnetic coupling 훼 is small, we can solve this equation iteratively by substituting for the RHS 퐴0 with the LHS퐴0 in an iterative manner. For example, with a point-like source withcharge −푍푒 we 3 have 푗0 푥 = −푍푒훿 푥 , so 푍푒2 훼 퐴 푥 = − − ∇2퐴 푥 0 4휋 푥 15휋푀2 0 푍훼 4훿 3 푥 = − − 훼푍훼 (18) 푥 15푀2 This is the familiar term, which contributes to the Lamb shift in hydrogen [9]. To understand how useful the effective Lagrangian is, here we consider the spherically symmetric charge density, 푗0 = 휌푐푕 (푟). Solving (17) iteratively, we have for the vacuum polarization contribution to the potential 4훼2 푉퐷 = 휌 푟 (19) 푣푎푐 15푀2 푐푕 We made a comparison between the results obtained by using two densities. One in the Gaussianform, equation (21), while the second is in the exponential form, equation (22), and those obtained using Uehlingpotential 푈표 (푟), [10], where ∞ 푍훼2 2푡2 + 1 푈 푟 = − 푑푡 푡2 − 1 푒−2푚푡푟 (20) 표 3휋푟 푡4 1 1 2 2 휌 푟 = 푒− 푟 푎 ; 푎 = 푟2 21 푐푕 퐺 휋3 2푎3 3 푝 휂3 휌 푟 = 푒−휂푟 ; 휂 = 12 푟2 (22) 푐푕 퐸 8휋 푝 2 푟푝 is the mean square radius of the proton. The parameters 푎 and 휂 control the shape of the potential. III. Energy Levels Corrections To obtain the energy levels correction we apply perturbation theory 푉푃 2 푉푃 2 ∆퐸푛푙푗 = 푅푛푙 푟 Δ퐴표 푟 푟 푑푟 (23) Where 푅푛푙 푟 is the radial unperturbed Coulomb wave functions of the orbiting particle, electron in hydrogen and muon in muonic hydrogen atom [11]. 휓푛푙푚 푟, 휃, 휙 = 푅푛푙 푟 푌푙푚 휃, 휙 (24) Where 3 2 푙 −휌 2 푅푛푙 푟 = 2푘 퐴푛푙 휌 푒 퐹푛푙 휌 (25) 휌 = 2푘푟 푍 푘 = 푎표 푛 푛 − 푙 − 1 ! 퐴푛푙 = 3 2푛 푛 + 1 ! 1 푎 = 표 휇훼 휇is the reduced mass of electron in case of hydrogen atom and reduced mass of muon in case of muonic hydrogen.

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