Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The heC ster Lantern 1908 The heC ster Lantern 4-24-1908 The Lantern, Chester S.C.- April 24, 1908 J T. Bigham Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesterlantern1908 Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Social History Commons Recommended Citation Bigham, J T., "The Lantern, Chester S.C.- April 24, 1908" (1908). The Chester Lantern 1908. 32. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesterlantern1908/32 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster Lantern at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The heC ster Lantern 1908 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. RN. Vol. XI. No. 57 CHESTER, S. C.. FRIDAY, APRIL 24. «oo8. bitter, long enough? Swing Into line, Are You ready for Your Children? {The Reply Erasire. - CONFEDERATE RECORDS. Some GoTernors on Prohibition. For President of the University. JOSHWAY'S GONE TO TOWN. every farmerand planter of you: Time's "Are the great majority of men and It was during the dessert couric. Gov. Folk, of Missouri,. February Mr. James A. Hoyt, of the News flying, the birdsof prey are watching : r: The SUtns of the Work-el CeUed- 30,-1808;—-.': 1 "a'SajBiSe aod <!ourlefV Columbia bureau, Hesdames Tower and Duckworth Dis- women ready for their fliildren when He had been Sittlfiff next to he.r for you, antftffere area lot of secret coun- these come to them?" asKs' Christine the last hour and i hUlf. and was ing Them. When I became governor and had writes: cuss Their Men and Cotton and cils held regarding your movements. the power to put ftp end to saloon law- ... The election of a aucce&or to Ma- Cndit/ ^ • Terhune Herrlck In the May Wo- deeply conscious of the beautiful con- " '"To the Kditor of The New* and In fine "business" offices in "money tour of her arms and shoulders, f. lessness in tlie cities, I endeavored to jor Benjamlu Sloan aapresldeut of the •Come In, Mrs. Duckworth, an' take man's Home Companion. "Would Courier: I have seen your editorial centers," Just at this time. And the Do you kuow," she suddenly re- have the law inforoed^ For doing University of South Carolina* is a very a seat In tlie rocker here under the you commit to the care of the average r-rMftodtys tasro^ d- The News sod wires convey messages to your factors parents an important enterprise lo inarlwl. 'U'w boo tfit«.X t>ara ^'coiqanUy; ,l!»B9XUut uiaUattothauniversity and, ordeatere—pxrctcalarr (mpartaat mes* vilified by the liquor Interests itfs being generally discussed among whlc"i you were especially Interested, week. Sometimes I could almoet such "additional facilities and hetp It's shady and cool. Tlie weather' sages, you know, all about you and and their allies. It Is a business the friends of the Institution, especially and to which they had given no more scream with pain." the work of accumulating Confederate rale hot'for the time o* year. I'm your frlendsln the "lump " Oh, cred- natural tendency of which Is toward the alumni. The former students of study than they have to parenthood, "Why, what's the matter?" he ex- records In particular would require," gjad to see you this mornln', for Josh- it and cotton—cotton and credit— lawlessness and the time has come the university are nat jrally very anx- secure that rl*ght feeling und good claimed sympathetically. and beg to thank you for the sugges- way an' both th»' boys have,gone to and the "factor who steps in and sells when It will either run the politics of ious If possible-to have an alumnus of will would lusure an ultimate happy ••1 was vaccinated last week, and tion therein made as well as for ths town with tlie wagon for a load of cot- contracts-mercy on us! the state or be run out of the politics the Institution elected, and In this It has'taken'dreadfully," very complimentary terms In which ton seed meal. The gelrls went 'long "Mis Duckwuth:" llasiied Mary S of the state. connection Dr. Charles H. Barnwell, -••In spite o( the apparent light- Ills eyes fell and his gaze was curious. you speak of me. It will no doubt be too, lo t-he buggy. -They want to get an, recoiling her top kuot and sllovlng GOT. Noel, of Mississippi, February 4, of Alabama, Is mentioned. He Is a headedness with which the responsi- Hut he saw no scar." gratifying to you to know that the their spring rigs, you know, such as In the last hair pin. "1 hate debt 19(>8: brother of Mr. Wm. Barnwell and Mf. bility Is usually assumed. It Is not an 'Why," he asked Impetuously, General Assembly at Ita late session hats an'gloves, an' Sunday-go-meet'n wus'n i hate a high-land moccasin None but anarchists contend that L M. Barnwell, of this city and has easy thing to be a parent, to till this ••where were you vaccinated?" ' made a special appropriation of one shoes, an' a dress or two apiece. 1 when he's blind with plr.en!" other criminal laws tempt commssion made quite a reputation in the edu- profession Into which men and w< With a sweet smile, she raised her / thousand dollars for that purpose; don't know what else, besides, rlbbens A Member of We Two. of what they prohibit, yet human na- cational world. Another alumnus men rush without a tithe of tii eyebrows. ' 1 the word* of the appropriation being an* laces, 1 recken, same as If their L'nlon,S. C., U. No. 1. Apr. 20. ture Is the same In Ita results and whose name Is frequently suggested Is thought und preparation < hey woul "In New^York," she replied. Ex. "for collecting and arranging Confed- daddy was rich,like I heard ourteacli- workings In regard to all classes of Mr. John J. McMahao. of Columbia-, bestow upou a calling of Infinitely less erate records, one thousand dollars." er tell about a man by the name of Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea prohibited acts. The men, the money formerly state superintendent of edu- never falls to tone the stomach, purl Importance. To take charge of Die Messrs. T. K. Cunningham and A. With tills appropriation the commis- Creesus—some outlandish furrlner or and the literature that are being pro- cation, and also at one time a mem- fy the blood, regulate the kidneys, bodily welfare of a little child -I Is l-'erguson have cotton up on their sion pui poses to have made an Index other, beln'mostly made outen money. liver and bowels. The greatest spring vided by the liquor manufacturers ber of the college faculty and later a such trilling matter that a heedless Cedar Grove farm, as has also Mr. Roy card roll of every Confederate soldier My sakesl Come here, Lucy,".(to a tonic, makes and keeps you well. "3S and dealers for their bltte'r and re- rery valuable trustees. It Is an open girl with no knowledge of Hie forces, Cunningham, on the W.J. (Running- ywehafea record of here. We will little girl at play In the yard) "Take cents, Tea or Tablets. J. J. String- lentless war against prohibition prove secret that Mr. McMahan could have fellow. of hygiene, of dietetics or of ordinary ham plantation.' Lancaster News. ' then be able to locate In a moment Mis Duckworth's bonnet, honey—1 that they do not believe, In the slight- had the presidency some years ago If sanitation should assume It as lightly to much of the record of any soldier liked to forgot It—an' hang It on the est, that prohibition <*oes not greatly he had consented to consider the mat- Mistaken for Burglars. as she would the care of a new doll Three hundred Berlin streets are • \s we have and to add to It at any peg by the bureau In the big room." lessen the use of stlmulanu. ter, and that he has had opportuni- Columbus, Ohio, April 19.—Mistak- More perilous even than this are the planted with 44,000 trees, which are "lime that we should discover a new Isaac Duckworth says, the sort o' Governor Dawson, of West Virginia, ty to go into other similar fields, but en for burglars John and Wm. I). Issues Involved in the drill of a child said to represent a value of nearly item relating to him. To be able to rich people' we have In this country address May 30, 1907. has consistently declined.' Frank, sons of R. O Frank, grocer, In habits of obedleuce by a woman i^oo 000. About 1.000 gardeners aod as- add many Items to these cards after Whlch-and-Whlch, don't spend The saloon furnishes the scene and Several members of the-university were shot and Instantly'killed today without self-discipline, lu self-control sistants are employed to take care of | we have made them up It will be ne- money! they buy, Mary Susan," said atmosphere whefre bribery Is easy and faculty are also mentioned for the by City Patrolmen lleln/e and Casey. by a woman ,who does not know her- tliem. I ceasary to vastly Increase our present Mrs. Duckworth, making herself com- secure, rallies the venal votes who con- presidency, among them being Dr. Casey waa suspended. pend|ug Inves- self, In knowledge by one who Is her f collection of -records., nearly all the fortable in the rocking chair.
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