University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 1-13-1978 Central Florida Future, Vol. 10 No. 16, January 13, 1978 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 10 No. 16, January 13, 1978" (1978). Central Florida Future. 314. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/314 ... ~ Florida Technological r. ~. 1Ji1Jrfl University Vol. 10 Friday, January 13, 1978 No.16 Colbourn, currently the acting president of San Diego St-ate University, is commited to that position until June 1. The regents named Dr. Leslie Ellis, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, to serve as interim president. Colbourn new FTU president by Joe Kilsheimer named Dr. Leslie Ellis, dean of ·Graduate Studies and . ..1.tant editor Research to serve as interim president. " I guess I have to say F TU took a step toward its "second phase of development" that I was surprised when Chancellor (E.T.) York asked if I M onday as the Board of Regents named Dr. Trevor would take over until the new president arrives," Ellis said. Colbourn to · succeed Dr. Charles N . Millican as FTU's ' '. However, he thought it would be in the best interest of the second president. The Board, like the FTU · advisory committee, voted Students give opinions about new unanimously for the 50-year-old historian. He accepted the president... page 7 job·late Monday afternooh. Colbourn is currentfy the acting president at San Diego university." . State University and is committed·to remain in that position Ellis' role as .interim president will be a limited one. He until June l. Betty Anne Staton, chairperson of the BOR said he would be primarily concerned with maintaining the search committee said Millican had planned to step down as. university's programs and ensuring a smooth transition bet­ president by the first of the year and could not be expected ween Millican and Colbourn. - to remain until Colbo.urn could take over. The Regents thus President, page 7 Colbou~ ... new FTU leader .... While she worries about being beat "Motivation of Women for Entrance Prostitutes up or ripped off, there's always the Into . Prostitution," which was co­ chance of becoming pregnant or con­ authored by Jane Meyerdin,g. tracting a veneral disease, not to men­ The study dealt with the live rich,­ t ion being arrested. Such possibil.ities motivational factors which influenced could b e cla ssified a s th e price o f the a w oman 's decision fo b ecom e a trade. hooker. James' study found t h e maj o r take risks How do prostitutes become involved conscious motivator was lack of with what they do? What a re their money. The Orlando Task Force on motivations? Such questions were an­ The prostitutes surveyed loca ll y a nd Prostitution made significant inquiries swered b y the Task Force on in most a va il a ble studies uniformly into local prostitution and submitted Prostitution in their recent report to identify m a teria l a n d economic factors recommendations to Orlando Police the Orlando Police Department. · a s influencing the ir de cisions to en gage Chief-fames W. York.· The following is Paul A . Rowell, city prosecutor for . in.prostitution," the rep o rts sta tes. a portion of the report as explained by Orlando and chairman of the t a sk for­ Studies a lso indicate tha t if activ ities Raul A. Rowell, chairman of the Task c,: e, spoke to FTU students of Dr. Randy o f prostitution a re m o re v isible during Force, who spoke to a group of FTU Fisher's Sexual Behavior course about a g irl's adolescent years, sh e i.s m o re students. a prostitute's life and the purpose of like ly to bec·ome a prostitute. the task force. Many prostitutes ha ve cxpe rien ced by Richard Nelson Their aim was to find ways in which e ither a "ba d " o r tra uma tic sexu a l ex­ at.tfwrtte? the Orlando Police Department could p erience invo lv ing incest or r a p e. Ine She makes $400 a week, tax-free. She better address what York called a the Ja mes . study, 72.2 p er cent o f the is her own boss; independent and on " problem " . a dolescent subjects h a d en counte red a her own. She works her o·wn hours and However, despite what York said, b a d sexua l exp e rien ce. l ives comfortably. She's a prostitute. the task force claimed, "There is not a Another a venue fo r a g irl to' becom e YOU can find her business a long the prostitution problem." Rowell said, a prostitute is throug h the r ecruiting o ld cracked sidewalks of Church Street "Personally, I don't care, as long as it b y the pimp. A pimp to a prostitute is in downtown O r lando, although it (prostitution) doesn't hurt anybody like a n a gent to a m ovie star-­ won't be advertised in the Yellow else. Why should I care? But the law businessma n , a dmire r , pro tecto r a n d Pages. says I should care." - even lover. And though she lives without the Rowell and the task force at first en­ But usua ll y his influence over the worry of what she'll be eating the next countered problems try ing to ask the street w a lker is stro n ger em o tionally day, her " job" is still dangerous. She public for their thoµghts of street­ than a Hollywood agent to a m ovie pays the price of easy hours b y submit­ walking in Orlando. The response was star. ting herself sexually to middle-classed, almost nil. The pimp is a fathe r a nd a friend white Americans who could possibly But when their recommendation to with a dash of romantic' involvem ent be your ~eighbors. either decriminalize. or legalize street­ on the side .. In m a ny ways the As in any business, a prostitute runs walking became publicly known, the prostitute-pimp relationship is I ike risks. Risks of being beaten to a pulp by public · became vocal in protest to the · marriage. someone who's had too many drinks, task force's findings. He pays the bills, provide_s status for or of having a customer only to have Much of the results paralleled that of the hooker · him not pay for "sery ices rendered." Jennifer James in her study Prostitute, page 12 TIJrlaitJrii FuilJrEI Student power Revelations The Centurians The State Council of .Student Body For something out of the ordinary in live R eac hing 100 points in basketball is just a' Presidents including FTU's Bob White albums Genl sis' "Se conds -Out" is dream fo.r most c ollege . teams, but the want the constitutional revision of the · creat"ive instrumentation at its best: The FTU Knights are making it a habit_. They Board of Regents to inc lude the non- double album set may be the best buy of scored the magic number for the t hird ~ v oting student m ember : See story, page 3. n ew y ear . See review, page 10. consecutive time W ednesday. See story, page 14. · Page 2-Future-Jan. 13, 1978 Hear ye! Kings and queens FTIJ rlfJUJSfllJfliS Campus:organizations who want to enter candidates for homecoming king and queen must have their entry form.sin by noon Jan. I 6. Both contests are open to anyone sponsored by a registered . campus organization. To enter a candidate, an organization must fill out forms sent out by the homecoming committee. These forms can be picked up in VC204 if your Hu111anities professor organization has not already received them. A $I 0 entry fee per candidate must also be incl'uded. advises·subcom111ittee Candidates must be available to have their official contestant photographs taken on the afternoon of Jan. I6 or the morning of Jan. I 7. They must also attend the Jan. 3 I basketball game, the parade Friday, and the alumni barbeque Saturday. by Deanna Gugel The winners will be crowned at the Saturday night game. staff writer mittee he felt would h~lp i~crease the Voting will be held Jan. 30, 3I, and Feb. I from IO a.m.-2 p.m. in front of the "The moral conscience that demands public's awareness of humanitarian library and snack bar and Jan. 31 immediately before and after the basketball respect for human rights is ... , in short, concepts. He said Amercia should game in the lobby of the Education Building. No candidate will be allowed to a product of the humanistic heritage," examine models for support of the arts campaign within 50 feet of the voting bootps. · said Dr. Robert G. Flick in testimony and humanities in other nations. to the U.S. Senate's Subcommittee on "I believe that including inter­ Select Education Jan. 9 at Miami-Dade national representation in the White VC slates saucer ,speaker Community Coll'ege.
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