www.ukrweekly.com ЦГ C^.< j, -X u) ю-"Ь з: л.- ЖЛ-Г 0^<0 -оЧ о St Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., i fraternal non-profit association! о rainianWeeklV Vol. Lll No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1984 25 cents Reagan meets with Ukrainian community leaders Senate passes Ukrainian famine commission bill WASHINGTON -The Senate pass­ ed by voice vote on Friday, September 21, the famine commission bill, that would establish a "commission to study the 1932-33 famine caused by the Soviet government in Ukraine." The measure. S. 2456. had been reported favorably by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is headed by Sen. Charles Percy (R-III.). on Wednesday, September 19. The bill was introduced in the Senate by Bill Bradley (D-N..I.) in March. Since then, the tbilowing senators joined Mr. Bradley as co-sponsors: Walter D. Huddleston (D-Ky.), Gary Hart (D-Colo.). Pete Domenici (R- N.M.). Lawton Chiles (D-Fla.). Carl Levin (D-Mich.). James A. McClure (R-Idaho). Frank Lautenberg(D-N.J.), Rudy Boschwitz (R-Minn.), Donald W. Riegle Jr. (D-Mich.), Daniel Patrick Ukrainian community leaders meet with President Ronald Reagan in Oval Office. Moynihan (D-N.Y.), Paul S. Sarbanes (D-Md.), Steven D. Symms (R-ldaho) WASHINGTON - President Ro­ President Reagan met with the group and in observance of the Shevchenko and George J. Mitchell (D-Maine). nald Reagan met with representatives of on the occasion of the 20th anniversary monument's 20th anniversary. The bill provides for the creation of a the two umbrella organizations of the of the unveiling of the Taras Shev- President Reagan offered his per­ 15-member commission that would, in Ukrainian community in the United chenko monument in Washington. sonal condolences on the death of the span of two years, investigate the States on M onday. September 17, at the After welcoming the community leaders, Cardinal Josyf Slipyj, patriarch of the causes and consequences of the Great White House. he expressed regret at not being able to Ukrainian Catholic Church. In his brief Famine. The work of the commission The delegation included representa­ attend the concert in tribute to Ukrai­ remarks, Mr. Reagan commented also would be paid for by 5400,000 in tives of the Ukrainian American Co­ nian culture that was held the previous on the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine and government funds. ordinating Council (UACC) and the day at the Kennedy Center following expressed support for the work of the In the House of Representatives the Ukrainian Congress Committee of the manifestation in protest against the community in bringing the issue of famine commission bill, H.R. 4459, was America (UCCA). Soviet Union's policy of Russification (Continued on page II) introduced by Rep. James J. Florio(D- N.J.). The measure is scheduled for hearings before the Foreign Affairs Committee's Subcommittee on Inter­ Afghan demonstration demands Soviet withdrawal national Operations, which is chaired by Natalia Dmyirijuk by Rep. Dan Mica(D-Fla.). on October 3 at 2 p.m. in the Sam Rayburn House NEW YORK -Afghan speakers at a Office Building (Room 2200). demonstration calling for complete The following are scheduled to withdrawal of Soviet troops from testify before the subcommittee: John Afghanistan linked Soviet Foreign Kromkowski, president of the National Minister Andrei Gromyko's resche­ Center lor Urban Ethnic Affairs; Ihor duling of an address before the 39th Olshaniwsky. coordinator of Ame­ United Nations General Assembly to ricans for Human Rights in Ukraine; their protest. David Roth of the American Jewish According to sources at the United Committee: Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D- Nations, however, Mr. Gromyko post­ Ohio); and Rep. Florio. poned the speech to prepare a response to President Ronald Reagan's remarks before the body on Monday, September 24. INSIDE: The demonstration was organized by в Soviet defector returns to USSR the Afghan Community in America for Tuesday. September 25. to coincide - page 3. with Mr. Gromyko's U.N. appearance. a Holy Spirit Seminary dedicated However, when the Soviet foreign in Ottawa - page 5. minister postponed his address, the Afghans vowed to return on Thursday, Ш Effective media relations - September 27. the new date of Mr. page 6. Gromyko's address. Ш Book notes, letters - page 7. "This is the first defeat by the Afghan a Ukrainians greet Pope John nation," cried Zaimai Aziz, former ---„ .--„і ,:.^,,„.,...-,,....„.--- Paul II in Canada - centerfold. first secretary of Afghanistan's M ission """ -..г^яааааванаишЙИЬЙМІйІМШИйайІІШНІИИНИ^^^ЩМаїаІй Dmytniuk (Continued on ptge 11) Afghan demonstrators'placards are joined by a Free Ukraine banner. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1984 No. 40 Osipova accused of organizing stri/cesAfgha n commander charges CIA aid MUNICH lalianu C)sipo\a. one of 12 people in the women's political does not reach guerrilla forces camp in Barashevo in the Mordovian ASSR, is being accused ol'organi/inga WASHINGTON - In an article million Congress has appropriated fpr series of strikes and hunger strikes published September 12, a leader of the the Afghan covert operation durineAhe between the summer of 1983 and fall Afghan resistance charged that most of past four a half years. 1984. according to the USSR News the CIA aid meant for Afghan guerrillas "Taj Mohammad's report counters Brief published here. lighting Soviet occupation forces does the claims of government bureaucrats not even get to Afghanistan. that they are running an effective To varying degrees, all the women political prisoners in Barashe\o have Taj Mohammad, also known as Kali program," said Andrew L. Eiva, execu­ taken part in the acts of protest, while Baba, a regional commander of Afghan tive director of the Federation for Miss Osipova and Irina Kalushinskaya partisan forces in the Ghazni province, American Afghan Action (FAAA). have participated in each of them. told free-lance journalist Jack Wheeler "The controversy over the two contra­ The women staged a total of 19.^ that most of the CIA aid "never reaches dictory versions of the quality of aid is strikes and 218 hunger strikes. Among those of us fighting inside." reaching the boiling point. The first the strikers were Misses Osipova and The Afghan commander's charges version, generated by government Ratushinskaya, Natalia La/areva, Raisa came four days after a Washington Post bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., be­ Rudenko. Galina Barats-Kokhan, Lagte article described growing concern in hind a covert smokescreen, paints a Parek, Lidia Doronina. Edita Abru- Congress over the CIA's failure to glowing picture of a superb, cost- tiene. Jadvyga Bicliauskiene, OIha Tatiana Osipova deliver effective military aid to the effective operation. Independent wit­ Matuscvych and Sofia Beliak. The ly imprisoned and nothing is yet known Afghan guerrillas despite the S325 nesses in the field, however, unanimous­ twelfth, a Ms. Vinogradova, was recent- about her case. ly describe the aid program as a logisti­ cal disaster that systematically con­ demns the Afghan resistance to a slow Afghans regain valley death." Refuseniks issue New Year's message NEW DELHI - Afghan insurgents Matthew D. Erulkar, legislative NEW YORK The Greater New Ashkenazim. to young and old, to have apparently regained command of director of the FAAA, applauded the York Conference on Soviet Jewry today immigrants and sabras, to those learned the upper part of a strategic Soviet- fresh media attention on the CIA's released the text of a New Year's in the torah and to people who are not occupied valley that controls key supply ineffective aid: "The new reports of in­ message which was cabled from the \et well-versed in it the time has routes in Afghanistan, Western diplo­ effective aid shed more light on the Soviet Union by a group of 51 refuseniks come for decisive actions in defense of mats said here on September 11. motives of State Department and CIA from Moscow. Leningrad. Riga. Latvia, the Jews of the USSR, and our future bureaucrats who have stonews^,!led for Reports from two Western embassies over two years Tsongas's resolution and Odessa. Ukraine. depends to a large extent on you. Let in Kabul said the rebels were apparently The message said: each person realize his responsibility calling for effective aid to the Afghans." in control of an area of the Panjshir The Tsongas-Ritter Afghan assistance "You have the good fortune to live in before a misfortune occurs. Let each Valley, extending from Khenj to the your own land. We do not. We arc Jews person understand how much depends resolution is co-sponsored by 69 sena­ Anjuman Mountain- pass in the north, tors and 165 representatives. Sen. Paul who want to be repatriated from the upon him personally, upon his heart, according to the Associated Press. USSR. We appeal to you remember upon his hands. Yes, the gates of our Tsongas (D-Mass.), its original sponsor, The 100-miIe-long gorge, northeast has said he will seek to bring the your brothers and sisters! For years, for exodus are closed today. Yes, many of of Kabul, was captured nearly three decades we have been trying to realize our brothers are languishing in prison resolution to a vote during this session months ago by Soviet and Afghan of Congress. our indisputable right to live with our today, but we are convinced that a time government forces, forcing a rebel people in the Jewish land. A growing will come tomorrow when we will be in , leader, Ahmad Shah Masoud, to re­ wave of official anti-Semitic propa­ Israel. If it is the will of the Almighty, treat. ganda, a ban on the repatriation of this moment will come for all of us.
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