January 28, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1685 subsection (b), shall apply with respect to (2) DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS.—Any Simeon Rice and Warren Sapp have been se- violations of that section occurring on or willful violation committed contempora- lected to play in the 2003 NFL Pro Bowl; after the effective date described in section neously with respect to the social security Whereas each player, coach, trainer, man- 3(c). numbers of 2 or more individuals by means of ager, and administrator dedicated this sea- SEC. 9. CRIMINAL PENALTIES FOR THE MISUSE mail, telecommunication, or otherwise, shall son and their efforts to ensure the Tampa OF A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. be treated as a separate violation with re- Bay Buccaneers reached the pinnacle of the (a) PROHIBITION OF WRONGFUL USE AS PER- spect to each such individual. sports world—a Super Bowl Championship; SONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER.—No person (3) ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES.—The provi- and may obtain any individual’s social security sions of section 1128A of the Social Security Whereas Buccaneer fans and the Tampa number for purposes of locating or identi- Act (42 U.S.C. 1320a–7a), other than sub- Bay community are to be commended for fying an individual with the intent to phys- sections (a), (b), (f), (h), (i), (j), (m), and (n) their long-standing support, perseverance ically injure, harm, or use the identity of the and the first sentence of subsection (c) of and pride in the team: Now, therefore, be it individual for any illegal purpose. such section, and the provisions of sub- Resolved, that the Senate— (b) CRIMINAL SANCTIONS.—Section 208(a) of sections (d) and (e) of section 205 of such Act (1) commends the loyalty, perservance and the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 408(a)) is (42 U.S.C. 405) shall apply to a civil penalty pride of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ fans; amended— action under this subsection in the same (2) congratulates the World Champion (1) in paragraph (8), by inserting ‘‘or’’ after manner as such provisions apply to a penalty Tampa Bay Buccaneers for their historic win the semicolon; and or proceeding under section 1128A(a) of such in Super Bowl XXXVII; and (2) by inserting after paragraph (8) the fol- Act (42 U.S.C. 1320a–7a(a)), except that, for (3) recognizes the achievements of the lowing: purposes of this paragraph, any reference in players, coaches and support staff who were ‘‘(9) except as provided in subsections (e) section 1128A of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1320a–7a) instrumental in helping the Tampa Bay Buc- and (f) of section 1028A of title 18, United to the Secretary shall be deemed to be a ref- caneers win Super Bowl XXXVII. States Code, knowingly and willfully dis- erence to the Attorney General. SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Senate shall plays, sells, or purchases (as those terms are transmit a copy of this resolution to Tampa defined in section 1028A(a) of title 18, United SEC. 11. FEDERAL INJUNCTIVE AUTHORITY. Bay Buccaneers owner Malcolm Glazer and States Code) any individual’s social security In addition to any other enforcement au- head coach Jon Gruden for appropriate dis- account number without having met the pre- thority conferred under this Act or the requisites for consent under section 1028A(d) amendments made by this Act, the Federal play and transmit copies of this resolution Government shall have injunctive authority of title 18, United States Code; or to each player and coach of the Super Bowl with respect to any violation by a public en- ‘‘(10) obtains any individual’s social secu- XXXVII Championship team. tity of any provision of this Act or of any rity number for the purpose of locating or amendments made by this Act. f identifying the individual with the intent to injure or to harm that individual, or to use f NOTICES OF HEARINGS/MEETINGS the identity of that individual for an illegal SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS purpose;’’. Mr. CAMPBELL. Mr. President, I SEC. 10. CIVIL ACTIONS AND CIVIL PENALTIES. (a) CIVIL ACTION IN STATE COURTS.— would like to announce that the Com- SENATE RESOLUTION 26—COM- mittee on Indian Affairs will meet on (1) IN GENERAL.—Any individual aggrieved MENDING THE TAMPA BAY BUC- by an act of any person in violation of this Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 10:00 Act or any amendments made by this Act CANEERS FOOTBALL TEAM FOR a.m. in Room 485 of the Russell Senate may, if otherwise permitted by the laws or WINNING SUPER BOWL XXXVII Office Building to conduct a business rules of the court of a State, bring in an ap- Mr. NELSON of Florida (for himself meeting to organize for the 108th Con- propriate court of that State— and Mr. GRAHAM of Florida) submitted gress by electing the Chairman and (A) an action to enjoin such violation; the following resolution; which was (B) an action to recover for actual mone- Vice Chairman of the Committee and tary loss from such a violation, or to receive considered and agred to: to adopt the rules of the Committee up to $500 in damages for each such viola- S. RES. 26 and any other organizational business tion, whichever is greater; or Whereas on January 26, 2003, the Tampa the committee needs to attend to. (C) both such actions. Bay Buccaneers defeated the Oakland Raid- Those wishing additional information It shall be an affirmative defense in any ac- ers 48–21 in San Diego, capturing their first may contact the Indian Affairs Com- tion brought under this paragraph that the Super Bowl title; mittee at 224–2251. defendant has established and implemented, Whereas Buccaneers head coach Jon with due care, reasonable practices and pro- Gruden became the youngest coach in Na- f cedures to effectively prevent violations of tional Football League history to win the AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Super Bowl, and led Tampa Bay to the title the regulations prescribed under this Act. If MEET the court finds that the defendant willfully in his first year with the team; or knowingly violated the regulations pre- Whereas Buccaneers safety Dexter Jackson COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND scribed under this subsection, the court may, was named the Most Valuable Player of TRANSPORTATION in its discretion, increase the amount of the Super Bowl XXXVII, becoming the first play- Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I ask award to an amount equal to not more than er in Super Bowl history to intercept two unanimous consent that the Com- passes in the first half of the game; 3 times the amount available under subpara- mittee on Commerce, Science, and graph (B). Whereas the Buccaneers defensive unit fin- (2) STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.—An action ished the 2002–2003 season as the NFL’s num- Transportation be authorized to meet may be commenced under this subsection ber one ranked defense and recorded a Super on Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 2:30 not later than the earlier of— Bowl-record, five interceptions against the p.m., in SR–253, to consider the State (A) 5 years after the date on which the al- NFL’s Most Valuable Player, Oakland quar- of the United States Olympic Com- leged violation occurred; or terback Rich Gannon, and the NFL’s number mittee. (B) 3 years after the date on which the al- one ranked offense; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without leged violation was or should have been rea- Whereas Buccaneers linebacker Derrick objection, it is so ordered. sonably discovered by the aggrieved indi- Brooks, the NFL’s Defensive Player of the vidual. Year, sealed the Super Bowl victory with a COMMITTEE ON FINANCE (3) NONEXCLUSIVE REMEDY.—The remedy 44-yard interception return for a touchdown Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I ask provided under this subsection shall be in ad- with 1:18 to play; unanimous consent that the Com- dition to any other remedies available to the Whereas the Buccaneers offensive unit was mittee on Finance be authorized to individual. led by Brad Johnson’s 215 yards passing, Mi- meet during the session of the Senate (b) CIVIL PENALTIES.— chael Pittman’s season-high 124 yards rush- on Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 10:00 (1) IN GENERAL.—Any person who the At- ing, Joe Jurevicius’ team-high 78 receiving torney General determines has violated any yards and Keenan McCardell’s two touch- a.m., to hear testimony on the Nomi- section of this Act or of any amendments downs; nation of John W. Snow to be Sec- made by this Act shall be subject, in addi- Whereas the Tampa Bay Buccaneers com- retary of the United States Treasury. tion to any other penalties that may be pre- pleted the 2002 National Football League reg- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without scribed by law— ular season with a 12–4 record, capturing the objection, it is so ordered. (A) to a civil penalty of not more than NFC South Division Title; COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS $5,000 for each such violation; and Whereas the Buccaneers defeated the San (B) to a civil penalty of not more than Francisco 49ers, 31–6, and the Philadelphia Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I ask $50,000, if the violations have occurred with Eagles, 27–10, to win the NFC Championship; unanimous consent that the Com- such frequency as to constitute a general Whereas Buccaneer players Mike Alstott, mittee on Foreign Relations be author- business practice. Derrick Brooks, Brad Johnson, John Lynch, ized to meet during the session of the VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:05 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00187 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S28JA3.REC S28JA3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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