Badulla Dlstrict 2021 Yala Season Description Major Minor Rainfed Total lrrigation lrrigation Cultivation Extent Paddy land extents planned Ha. 2,228.13 8,836.90 4,146.70 15,211 .73 Description Urea TSP MOP Total Fertilizer need Mts 2,707.28 351.27 764.75 3,823.30 Commercial price Rs / 50 Kg 4,136.62 3,212.0A 3,383.27 Commercial value Rs 223,979,523.01 22,565,347.11 51,747 ,424.83 298,292,294.95 Subsidized price Rs / 50 Kg Subsidized value Rs Government cost Rs. 223,979,523.01 22,565,347.11 51,747,424.83 298,292,294.95 ?.77 Ministry of Agriculture State Ministry of Production and Supply of Fertilizer and Regulation of Chemical Fertilizer and lnsecticide Use National Fertilizer $ecretariat - Fertilizer Distribution 2021 Yala Season District Badulla Requirement and Allocation Metric Tons Description Urea TSP MOP Total Requirement 2,707.28 351.27 764.75 Ceylon Fertilizer Company 7 41 .44 93.54 209.23 Colombo Commercial Fertilizer Company 1,966.24 257.72 555 52 Ceylon Fertilizer Company Distribution Zone Urea TSP MOP Badulla 164.39 21 44 47.12 Welimada 500.87 61.67 139.96 Mahivanqanaya Arnbaqasdowa 75.78 10.43 22.16 Bibila Total 741.44 93,54 209.23 Colombo Commercial Fertilizer Company Distribution Zone Urea TSP MOP Badulla 01 983.24 *8.42 278.?8 Badulla 02 s83.00 ltY. t v 277.25 Total 1,966.24 257.72 s55.s2 ,ra Mi nistry of Agricu lture State Ministry of Production and Supply of Fertilizer and Regulation of Chemical Fertilizer and lnsecticido Use National Fertilizer Secretariat - Fertilizer Distribution ?021Yala Season District Badulla Fertilizer quantities to be distributed in each Month Fertilizer Company basis Fertilizer Company Fertilizer Quantity Allocated for each Month Mts. Tvpe March April May June July August Total Ceylon Fet1ilizor Uroa 148.21 296.42 222.31 37.05 22.23 14.82 741.04 Company (r TSP 37.42 37 42 2( 5.61 2.81 0.94 93.54 MOP 10.46 10,46 83.69 83.69 16.74 4.18 2AS 23 Total 196_0S 344.25 315.36 126.36 41.78 19.94 1,043.81 Colombo Commercial Urea 393.2s 786.50 589.87 98.31 58.99 39.32 1,966.24 Fertilizer Company TSP '103.09 103.09 25.77 15.46 7.73 2.58 257.72 MOP 27.78 27.78 222.21 222.21 44 44 11.11 555.52 Tatal 524.11 917.36 837.85 335.98 111.16 53.01 7,779.48 Total Urea 541.46 1,082.91 8',|2.18 135.36 81.22 54.15 2,747.28 TSP t40.51 140.51 35.13 21.48 10.54 3"51 351,.27 MOP 38.24 38.24 305.90 305.90 61.18 15.30 764.75 Total 720.20 1,261.66 1,153.21 462.34 152.94 72.95 3,823.30 279 Ministry of Agriculture State Ministry of production and Supply of Fertilizer and Regulation of Chemical Fertilizer and lnsecticide Use National Fertilizer Secretariat - Fertilizer Distribution 202'l Yala Season District Badulla Fertilizer quantities to be distributed in each Month Distribution zone basis Company Ceylon Fertilieer Company Distribution Zone Fertilizer Quantity Required Mt. Type March April May June July August Total .i )o Badulla Urea 32.88 65.76 49.32 8.22 4.93 164.39 TSP 8.58 8.58 2.14 1.29 0.64 0.21 21 .44 MOP 2.36 2.36 18.85 18.85 2. 7'1 0.94 47 "12 Welimada Urea 1QO.17 200.35 150.26 25.44 15,03 10.02 500,87 TSP 24.67 24.67 6.17 3.74 1.85 0.62 61.67 MOP 700 7.00 55.98 55.98 v.2a 2.80 139.96 Mahiyanganaya Urea TSP MOP Bibila Urea 15.16 30.31 22.73 3.79 2.27 1.52 75.78 TSP 4.17 1.04 0.63 0.31 0,10 1Q.43 [/10P 1.11 1 .11 8^86 8.86 1.77 0,44 22.10 Urea MOP Total Urea 148.21 296.42 222.31 37.05 22.23 't4.82 741.04 TSP 37.42 37.42 9.35 5.61 2.81 0.94 93.54 MOP 10.46 10.46 83.69 83.69 16.74 4.1& 209.23 Company Colombo Commercial Fertilieer Company Distribution Zone Fertilizer Quantity Requirqd Mt. Type March Apr"il May June July August Total Badulla 01 Urea 196.65 393.30 294.97 49.1 6 29.50 19.06 983.24 TSP 51.21 51.21 12.80 7.68 3.84 1.28 128.Q2 MOP 13.91 13.91 111.3't 111.31 22^26 5.57 278.28 Badulla 02 Urea 196.60 393.20 294.90 49.1 5 29.49 19.66 983.00 TSP 5r.88 51.88 12.97 7.78 3.89 1.30 129.70 N4OP 13.86 13.86 110.90 110.90 22.18 5.54 ?77.25 Urea TSP MOP Urea TSP MOP Total Urea 393.25 786.50 589.87 98.31 58.99 39.32 1,966.24 TSP 103.09 103.09 25.77 15.46 7.73 2.58 257.72 MOP 27.78 27.78 222.21 222.21 44.44 11 .11 555.52 t80 Ministry of Agriculture State Ministry of production and Supply of Fertilizer and Regulation of Chemical Fertilizer and lnsecticide Use National Fertilizer Secretariat - Fertilizer Distribution 2A21 Yala Season Company Ceylon Fertilizer ComPanY District Badulla Distribution Zone Badulla - CFC Total Urea 164.39 TSP 21.44 MOP 47.12 Agrarian Services Fertilizer Quantity Required Mt. Centre Type March April May June July August Total Passara Urea 14.17 28.34 21.25 3.54 2.13 1.42 70 84 TSP 3.85 3.85 0.96 0.58 0.29 0.10 9.64 MOP 't.03 1.03 8.25 8.25 1.65 0.41 20.62 Rambukpotha Urea 10.23 24.47 15.35 256 1.54 1.02 51.17 TSP 2.77 2.77 0.69 042 0.21 0.07 O.VZ MOP 0.74 0.74 5.95 5.95 1.19 0.30 14.87 Kumbalwela Urea 8.48 16.95 12.71 2.12 1.27 0.85 42.38 TSP 1.95 1.95 0.49 0,29 0.15 0.05 4.88 MOP 0.58 0.58 4.65 4.65 0.93 0.23 I t.oJ Urea TSP MOP Urea TSP MOP Urea ISP MOP Urea TSP MOP Urea TSP MOP Urea TSP r\roP Urea TSP MOP Urea TSP MOP Urea TSP MOP Total Urea 32.88 65.76 49.32 8.22 4,93 3.29 't 64.39 TSP 8.58 8.58 2.14 1.?9 0.64 0,21 21.44 MOP 2.36 2.36 18.85 18.85 3.77 0.94 47.12 2ti I M inistry of Agriculture State Ministry of Production and Supply of Fertilizer and Rogulation of Chemical Fertilizer and lnsecticide Use National Fertilizer Secretariat - Fertilizer Distribution 2A21Yala Season Company Ceylon Fertilizer CompanY District Badulla Distribution Zone Welimada Total Urea 500.87 TSP 61.67 MCIP 139.S6 Agrarian Services Fertilizer Quantity Required Mt. Centre Type March April May June July August Total Sapugolla Urea 14.74 21.47 16.11 2.68 1.61 1,47 53.68 TSP 2.72 11n 0.68 a.41 0.20 0.07 6.81 MOP 0.76 0.76 6.09 6.09 1.22 0.30 15.23 Keppetipola Urea 11.08 22.17 16.63 L 77 1.66 1.11 55.42 TSP 2.54 2.54 0.64 0 38 0.19 0.06 6.35 MOP 0.76 0.76 6.07 07 1.21 0.30 15.18 Yalipalatha Urea 20.'lo 40.20 30.1 5 s.03 3.02 2.Q1 100.51 TSP 5.19 5.19 1.30 0.78 0.39 0.1 3 12.98 MOP 1.40 1.40 11.2? 11.22 2.24 0.56 28.05 Thannekumbura Urea 13.16 26.31 '19.73 3.29 1.97 1.32 65"78 TSP 3,02 3.02 0.75 0.45 0.23 0.08 7.54 MOP 0.90 090 7.21 7.21 1.44 0.36 1B^Q2 Boralanda Urea 16.49 32.97 24.73 4.12 2.47 165 82.43 TSP , 10 3.78 0.s5 0.57 4.28 0.09 9.45 MOP 1.13 1.13 9.03 9.03 1.81 0.45 22.58 Kotawera Urea cc7 11.14 8.35 1.39 0.84 0.56 ?7.84 TSP 1.48 1.48 0.37 0.22 0.1 1 0.04 3"70 MOP 0,40 0.40 3.21 3.21 0.64 0.16 8.04 Barnbarapana Urea 6.39 12.77 9.58 1.60 0.96 u.oq 31.93 TSP 172 1.72 0.43 0.26 0.13 0.04 4,30 MOP 0.46 0.46 3.70 3.70 0.74 0.1 9 9.26 Uvaparanagama Urea 820 16.40 12.30 2.05 1.?3 0.82 40.99 TSP 1.88 1.88 0.47 0.28 0.14 0.05 4.7Q MOP 0.56 0"56 4.49 4.49 0.90 0.22 11.23 Maspanna Urea 8.46 16.S1 12^68 2.11 1.27 0.85 42.28 TSP 2.34 2.34 0.58 0.35 0.1 I 0.06 5.84 MOP 0.62 0.62 4.95 4.95 0.99 0.25 12.38 Urea TSP MOp Urea TSP MOP Urea TSP MOP Total Urea 100.17 200.35 150.26 25.04 15.03 10.02 500.87 TSP 24.67 ?4.67 6"17 3.70 1.85 0.62 61.67 MOP 7.00 7.00 55.98 55.98 11.20 2.80 139.96 282 Ministry of Agriculture State Ministry of Production and Supply of Fertilieer and Regulatlon of Chemical Fertilizer and lnsecticide Use National Fertilieer $ecretariat - Fertilizer Distribution 2021 Yala Season Company Ceylon Fertiliter Company Distriet Badulla Distribution Zone Mahiyanganaya Total Urea - TSP - MOP Agrarian $ervices Feltilizer Quantity Rsquired Ml" Centre Type March April May June July August Total Mahiyangarraya Urea TSp MOP Nagadeepaya Urea T$P MOP Urea t-e If MOP Urea TSP MOp Urea TSp MOP Urea I 5t', h/toP Urea tlr MOP Urea lbr MOP Urea TSP ilroP Urea TSP MOP Urea TSP MOP Urea Te0 MOP Total Urea TSP MOP Ministry of Agriculture $tate Ministry of Production and Supply of Fedilizer and Regulation of Chemical Fertilize!'and ln$scticido Lrse National Fertilizer Secretariat - Fertilizer Distribution 20?1 Yala $eassn Company Ceylon F ertilizer Ccm pany Di$trict Badulla Sistribution Zone Bibila Total Urea 75.78 T$P 'r0.43 MOP 22.16 Agrarian Services Fertilizer Quantity Required Mt.
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