Index Abu Sa'id, Abu'l Khair 85 Balkhi, Ahmad 64 advice literature 3 Balkhin, Moayyad 64 Afaq 2, 54, 63-4, 68 Bandello, Mandello 17 Alaqih, Fatimah 52 Barbad 165-74 alchemy 130-1, 134 Beelaert, Anna Livia 88 Alexander the Great 5, 52, 59, 62, Berte!, Ye.E. 6, 189 129-30, 132-5, 163 Bible and biblical verse 75, 84 allusions and metaphors 47, 55, 133, Bigdili 7 145, 149, 163 Bihruz Sarvatiyan 37 Almagest 132 "Bijan and Manizheh" 68 Andrews, Walter 9, 27f Book ofAgriculture 146 animals and animality 39-40, 43 Book ofAlexander; Anis al-'ushshaq 83 see Jskandamamah Anvari, Awhad ad-Din 2-3, 142 Book of Blessings, see lqbalnameh arabesk music tradition 36 Book of Happiness 60 arboriculture 142, 147, 150-1, 156--7 Book of Honor; see Sharafnameh Archimedes 130 Book of Kings, see Shahnamah 'Arefi 73 Book ofMarvels 155, 158 Aristotle 9, 59, 130, 133-4, 136, 163 Book of Passion, see Havas Nameh Aruzi, Nizami 68, 168 Borhan-e Qat'e 147 Ascension of the Prophet see mi'raj botanical allusions 145 Asrar at-tauhid 85 Boyce, Mary 164-5 astrology 131-2 Brethren of Purity 129, 133, 135-6 Athar wa ahya 146 Brooke, Robert 17 'Attar, Farid al-Din 3, 21, 73, 86, 88, Browne, E.G. 2, 170, 189 90, 181 Bukhari, Muhammad 86 Awfi 7 Burge!, J. Christoph 6, 9, 51, 57, 59, 'Ayyuqi 16, 41 61-2, 72-3, 77f Burhan-e qati' 170 Bacher, Wilhelm 5-6 "Buy-e juy-e muliyan ayad harni" 168 Bafiqi, Vahshi 90 Baiqara, Sultan Husain 69 Chahar maqalah 168 Bakhtin 43 Christensen, A. 170 Bakhtiyar, Pizhman 7 chronotope 43, 48 Balinas 59, 134-5 classical Persian tales 67 206 Index Clinton, Jerome W. 9, 165 Garden of Lights, see Rowzat al-Anvar court of Husey in Baykara 31 Garden of Verities, see Hadiqat court poetry 1 al-Haqiqat cynicism and corruption 25 Garipname 30 Gathas 61 Dabashi, Hamid 1Of, 60 Gelpke, Rudolf 37 Daqiqi 60, 64-5 Gencebay, Orban 36 Darabnama 85,90 Ghazali, Ahmad 88 "Dastan-i Bahram ba Kanizak-i ghazals 41-2, 73, 164 Khish" (Story of Bahram with Ghaznavid poets and poetry 155-6 His Slave-Girl) 56-7 Ghazzali 133 Dastgirdi, Hasan Vahid 6, 37, 185-6, Ghurar al-sayar 165, 167, 169 189 Gift of the Noble, see Tuhfat al-Ahrar Davis, Hadland 73 gnostic concept 52, 133 Dawn of Lights, see Mat/a' -Anvar Gohrab, Asghar Abu 9 De Fouchecour, C.-H. 10, 187f golnar 158f Discourses 86 Gordafarid 64 Divan-i Kabir (Great Divan) 1 Gorgani 16 Divan of Manuchehri Damghani 165, Great Divan, see Divan-/ Kabir 170 Gulsehri 30 Dustkhah 60-1 Gurdieh 64 Gurgani 75, 164 El-Roman, Rafet 36-7 Elahinameh 181 Hadiqat al-Haqiqat (Garden of epic writing 53, 57, 64 Verities) 3 hadith 68 Fables of Bidplay, see Kalila and Hafiz, Shams ad-Din Muhammad 84, Dimna 89 Farabi 9, 129 Haft Paykar (Seven Beauties) 4-6, 47, Farangis 64 53-4,56-9,61-2,129,144,152, Farhad 52, 145, 147, 151, 157 179, 184-7 Farrokhi 155-6 Hakimi, Muhammad Riza 7 Fayyaz, Khaled ibn 166-8, 171 Halnama 73 female characters and characterization Hamdhani, al- 167 4,23,51-8,62-4,67-9,71-7 Hatifi 83 see also women Havas Nameh (Book of Passion) 58 Feneh 57 Hekmat,A.A. 17-20 Field, Claude 189 Helali 73 Firdawsi, Abul al-Qasim 1, 9, 16, 51, Hermes 59, 73, 132-3 53-7,60,64-8,77,97,119-20, homosexuality 53, 74-5 168-9, 171-3 humanist rationalism 57, 59, 137 Five Treasures, see Panj Ganj Husain's reign 69 Fuzuli 9,32-5,40-2,47-9 Ibn 'Abd Rabbih 167 Ganja 2-3 Ibn al 'Awam 146 Ganjavi, Nizarni, see Nizarni Ibn al-Baytar 152-3 Index 201 Ibn Dawud al-lsfahani 83 Khamseh 143, 145, 147, 149-50, 155, Ibn Hajar 73 157 Ibn Hisharn, 73 Khaqani 88, 142 Ibn lshaq 72 "Khayr va Shar" (Virtuous and the Ibn Khurdadhbih 166, 170 Evil) 61 Ibn Quataiba 83, 166--7 Khazrai, Firoozeh 10 Ibn Qutayba 167 Khosravani-ha ("royal modes") 169-70 Ibn Sad 73 Khusraw, Amir 16, 31, 83 Ibn Sina 143, 154 Khusraw and Shirin 3-4, 6, 52, 54, Ihya 'ulum at-din 133 58-9,61,66,98-101,103, imitatio/nazire 32 106--9, ll1, 114, 116--21, 123f, "In Condemnation of Women" 71-2 132, 142, 163-4, 169, 185-6 Iqbalnameh (Book of Blessings) 5, Khusraw qubadas va ridak (Khusraw 129, 132, 163 Qubadan and his Page) 165 'Iqd al-Farid 167 Kirmani, Afzal al-Din llO-ll, 127f 'Iqd al-ula llO-ll, 127f Kirmani, Khaju-yi 84 Iran sous les Sassanides 170 Kitab, al-aghani 83, 167 Iranian culture and philosophy 60-1 Kitab al-buldan 167 Iranian minstrels 164 Kitab al-hayawan 167 Iranian society, twelfth-century 53 Kitab al-lahw wa al-malahi 166 Isfahani, al- 167 Kitab al-mi'raj 180 Isfahani, Abu'l Faraj al- 83 Kitab ash-shi 'r wa shu'ara 83 Ishaq Musali 167 Kitab at-ta 'arruf li-madhhab ahl Iskandar, see Alexander the Great al-tasawwuf 86 Iskandarnamah (Book ofAlexander) Kitab Azzahra 83 5-6,52,59,62-3,98, 119,129, Kitab-i Masnavi Ma'navi (Spiritual 133-4, 137, 163 Couplets) 1 Islamic hijab 52 Layli 4, 6--7, 9, 18, 20, 23-5, 35, Ja'fari, Muhammed Taqi 7, 55 37-9,46,49,52-4,57-60,88, Jahiz, al- 167 90,91 Jami, Abd al-Rahman 3, 7, 9, 31, 40, Layli and Majnun 3-4, 6, 9, 15-25, 51,53,68-77,83,190 29-32,37-9,53-4,57-60,68, Jarireh 64 75,87-91,98,110,185 Jesus 40 Levend, A.S. 37 jinn 87, 93 Leyla ve Mecnun 33 Juvayni 127f literary themes dichotomy between men and Kalila and Dimna (Fables of Bidplay) women 76 85 good versus evil 61-2 Kalpakli, Mehmet 9 love and morality 60 Katayun 64 portrayal of sexuality 59 Kermani, Khaju 3 portrayal of women 51,53-5,58-9, Khaju-yi Kirmani 84 63,75-7 Khamsa (Quintet), see Panj Ganj pursuit of pleasure 107 (Five Treasures) religion 52 208 Index love poems 16 Mustawfi 170 Luther, K. Allin ix, 97-8, 119-20 Muvahhid, Abd al-Husayn 7 lyric poetry 40--1 mystical lyrical poetry 1 mystical narrative poetry 1, 25 Maghribi, Muhammad Shirin 89 mysticism 34-5, 37, 40, 47,72-3, 86, magic 9, 134 89-90, 134, 181 Mahmmud of Gazna 30 Mahmud and Ayaz 73 Nafisi, Sa'id 7 Majnun 4, 9, 17-21, 23-5, 35, 38-49, natijah 18 57-8,83,87-93,144,154 Nazir and Manzur (Regarder and Makhzan al-asrar (Treasure House of Regarded) 90 Mysteries) 1, 3, 8, 61, 98, 133, neoplatonism 134 181, 185 Nevayi 31-2 Maktabi 83 Nizarni male characters and characterization and the art of speech 59 23,65 early life 1-2 Manizheh 64 imitated 68 Mantiku't-tayr 30 social restrictions 57 Manuchehri 142, 155-6, 170, 172 use of vocabulary and images 144 Mary the Copt 130, 136 wives 63 Marzban-nama 84 Nizarni's literary themes Mathnawi 133 kingship 5, 9, 120 Matini, Jalal 52, 189 love 9, 38, 53 Matla'-Anvar (Dawn of Lights) 3 moral education of kings 4 Maybudi 181 nature and man, man in nature 6 Mazandaran 169 pursuit of pleasure 107 Meddah, Yusuf-i 41 religion 52 Medieval Persian Court Poetry 6 women 5, 9, 52-4, 56-9 Meisarni, Julie 5-6, 9, 10f, 26f, 51, Nofal 18-9 53,57,65-6, 78~ 189 Nurbakhsh, Jawad 89 metaphors and allusions 47, 55, 133, 145, 149, 163 occult science 9, 129, 134-7 mi'raj (Ascension of the Prophet) Onsori 155-6 179-86 orthodox Islam 53 Moayyad, Heshmat 51, 64, 189 Ottomans 33, 35 morality 68-9,73-4, 99 Moscati 60--1 Pahlavi texts 165-6 Mu'in, Muhammad 7 Panegyric poetry 102-5 Mumawwar, Muhammad 85 Panj Ganj (Five Treasures) 1-2, 6, Munshi, Abu'l Ma'ali Nasr Allah ibn 10f, 59 Muhammad ibn 'Abd'l-Harnid "Parthian Gusan and the Iranian 85 Minstrel Tradition" 164 music and musicians 9, 10, 133, 136, Parthian minstrel 164-5 163-5, 167-9, 174 Pasa, Asik 30 musical attributions to Barbad 174 passive figure 24 musicians and poets 165 pathos 19 Index 209 Persian poetry and science 143 Romeo and Juliet 9, 15-25 Persian poets 33 Rosary of the Pious, see Sub hat Persian romance tradition 6 al-Abrar pharmacological knowledge 141, Rostam 65-7 147-57 Rowzat al-Anvar (Garden of Lights) 3 Plato 9, 59, 133-6 "Rudabeh and Zal" 64-5 "Plato's Music Making" 163 Rudaki 168 Plato's Republic 135 Rurni, Jalaluddin 1, 133 Poem of Medicine 143 Rushanak 64 poets and musicians 165 Rypka, Jan 6 political philosophy 9 pomegrante 9, 142, 150, 152-7 Sa'di 68,75 pomegrante tree 142, 145, 147-9, 156 Sahidi 30-31 post-Timurid Perso-Ottoman poetry Sa'idi-Sirjani, A.A. 3, 6-7, 52 34-5 Salaman and Absal 69-73 pre-Islamic Arabian poets 25 Saljuqid 2-3 pre-Islamic open society 58 Samangan 65 premodern versus modem literary Samani, Amir Nasr-e 168 works 24 Samarqandi, Dawlatshah 7 Prometheus Unbound 84 Sana'i 9, 60, 181 Pseudo-Callisthenes 136 San'an, Sheikh 21 psychological struggle 43 Sarvatiyan, Bihruz 7-8, 37, 52, 55 Ptolemy 132 Sasanian empire 78f Puruchist 61 Satari, J alai 6, 190 Sawanih al-'ushshaq 88 Qays, Majnun 19-21, 23, 25, 57 serkeh and angabin 62 Qazvini 155 serpent 9, 83-86, 90-93 "Qiblah of Love" 74 Seven Beauties, see Haft Paykar Quran 1,60, 75-6,97,143 sex and sexuality 47, 52, 56, 58-9, 71, 73-6, 106 Rabi al-abrar wa nusus al-akhbar 167 Shabdiz 166 Rahat al-sudur wa-ayat al-suru 9, Shah Rukh 69 97-8, 100, 119, 121 Shah va gida 73 Rashid a!-Din, Fazl-Allah Hamadani Shahnamah (Book of Kings) 1, 16, 51, 146-7 53-4,56-7,64-6,97-8,102, Rashid, Muhammad R.
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