OCTOBER 1972 65 cents volume 2, number 12 CARL GOLDBERG MODELS THAT G R A N G E R 4 2 The Versatile Almost· ARE REALLY Ready-To-Fly Full. Model. $1995 GREAT TO FLY! SKYLANE 62 ® © Takes Single To 4 Channel Proportional Radio. Molded Fuselage...One Piece Molded Wing, Stabilizer and Vertical Semi-Scale Beauty in Fin. Also Free Flight. Span 42". Weight 26 oz. For .049— .10 Engines. a Great Flying Model! Tough Roomy Cabin and Front End. For 2 1 ^ 4 Channel Proportional Steerable Nose Gear. Span 62". Weight 4>/2-5 Lbs. For 35 Tn .45 Engines. 10 FEATURES: Now With 1-Piece Full-Length Sides. Takes 2 to 4 Channel Pro­ portional. Span 56". Weight 3 Vi-4 tø lbs. For _15-.19-.35 Engines. • See-through cabin, with die-cut plywood cabin sides FEATURES: • Shaped leading edges plus sheeting • Semi-symmetrical wing section • Coil-sprung nose gear. • Cleanly die-cut parts that fit formed main gear • Clark Y wing section, hardwood struts • Shaped and notched leading and J R Ο κ η Α Μ ί trailing edges For Single or 2 Channel, Pulse or Digital. Span 37" • Steerable nose gear, formed main gear • Cleanly die-cut ribs, fuse sides, Weight 18 oz. For .049 formers, etc. • New simple "Symmet-TRU” Engines. $8.95 1/2A SKYLANE $9.95 wing construction For Single or 2 Channel, Pulse or Digital Span 4 2 ". Weight 22 oz. For .049 To • 10 Engines S k o e s t i m q $2995 The Goodyearfinndvpar RarprRacer With EnoughFnmioh ^ Area and Stability So You Can Fly It! For 4 Channel Proportional. Span 54"; Area 540 sq. in.; Weight 4tø-5 lbs. For .19-.40 Engines. FEATURES: • Shaped leading edges plus sheeting • Symmet-TRU wing construction • Full-length sides, sheeted trailing -I edges LOOK WHAT A MODELER SAYS' which , have just com· • Cleanly die-cut ribs, formers, etc. “ Fnri0Sed is a photo of a model of your SKYLWj that ( have built in 25 • Formed spring aluminum landing Dieted I enjoyed building this plane, itis t . men hying some R/C mode s gear ? e a rs Several months ago I observed a group of men jiy ^ an R/C • Semi-symmetrical wing section. and this rekindled my interest m mo P ^ gr some investigation l settled model, I was dubious which model to bui · d(fierent from anything that I THE FLYING nn voiir kit and I was not disappointed. tnupther very easily. The plans FALCONS K il te"«* »"11 «actl* *;» were complete, le« mrtfiní to ^ e a » 'k . t o » » mot«., a«»* OS40. More Falcons have been built and flown in the ! ώ ν . - * ,ο» I - "»» past 10 years than any much I appreciate this kit and I hope other R/C. For values and features in a functional, rugged airplane, your best bet is a Falcon. to be able to build all of your planes AVAILABLE IN CANADA Every design element engineered for simplicity and fast-building. eventually. Again thanks for such a FALCON 56 $19.95 Medium-Size Trainer. Single To 4 Channel ^ine ^ Arnold B. lohnson Proportional. Span 56". For .15-.19-.35 Engines. Troutville, Virginia SR. FALCON $36.95 Standard Big Trainer. 4 Channel Propor­ Γ GoldbergM1»™"" tional. Span 69". For .35 To .60 Engines. I I .m ,o,deChiCag0' MI· 60608 JUNIOR FALCON $7.95 Small Trainer. Single or 2 Channel. ■ «·"»you I *nd Rad,° Control Definitions/ 0 EquiPm*°t. Span 37". For .049 Engines. (75t 35« Ο«' item I * a m e _ CARL GOLDBERG MODELS imT ADDRESS« 2546 WEST CERMAK ROAD · CHICAGO CITY. - ili-INOIS 60608 .STATE . -ZIP. RADIO CONTROL-SEMI-SCALE S U P E R . O ΐ Ή Χ Γ IS HERE! THE PLANE THAT THRILLED MILLIONS- A.R.F. INJECTION MOLDED FOAM - FANTASTICALLY AEROBATIC ...brush up in Flyology with the’’professor of Stunt pilots” Airplane ^ Pilot not incl. n o . 126 FULL HOUSE OR CHANNEL $ 24.95 INE .10-.19 RETRACTS OPT >AN 46” SIG BRUSH ON FINISHING RESIN FOR A SUPER-SMOOTH FINISH A SPECIALLY PREPARED RESIN FOR FILLING BALSA, SILK OR OTHER FABRIC CREATES A CLASS-SMOOTH BASE FOR DOPE OR ENAMEL ·* EASY TO APPLY * SETS QUICKLY * EASY TO SAND *LO W COST Pint $1 95 WITH HARDENER Quart *3 99 WITH HARDENER SW Λ\Λ\ΊΙΙΛΓΜΐηΧΐ; <:».......... lUontcz....... low» The MODEL BUILDER 1 Hey Man! “Fast Richard” and all the Other Cats in “Snyder Swamp" w ill tell You... NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT... The JUILDER 12552 DEL REY DRIVE SANTA ANA CALIFORNIA 92705 The MODEL BUILDER is published monthly. Regular sub­ scription rates are $6.50 for one year and $11.50 for two years. Add $1.50 for subscriptions outside of U.S. and Canada. Please enclose check or money order. Do not send cash. N a m e ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Address City State One year at $6.50 Begin with Issue Two years at $11.50 The MODEL BUILDER 2 The OCTOBER 1972 volume 2, number 12 STAFF CONTENTS E D ITO R FEATURES Win, C. Northrop, )r. WORKBENCH..................- ........................................- ........................................ 4 GENERAL MANAGER Bill Northrop Anilj Northrop FREE F L IG H T ........................................................................................................12 E D IT O R IA L ASSISTANT Mel Schmidt Lc Gray RADIO CONTROL.................................................................................................. 16 SECRETARY Bill Northrop Bobbie Tyler CONTROL L I N E ...................................................................................................22 CIRCULATION MANAGER Dick Mathis Bill Phillips SCALE F / F ..................................................................................- .................... 26 CONTRIBUTORS Fernando Ramos Bill Hannan FAA C O D E ..............................................................................................................30 Ben Hogensen R/C SOARING - - - ........................................................................................... 34 Dick Mathis Le G ra y Walt Mooney P Y LO N /4 .............................. - ............................... ....................- .......................38 Fernando Ramos F re d Reese P Y LO N ................................................................................................................... 39 Fred Reese Chuck Smith Mel Schmidt ELECTRIC AIRPLANES ..................- ........................................... - .................42 Chuck Smith Roland Boucher ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES R/C C A R S ................................................- - ..................- - ............................. 44 EAST: Chuck Gill. 835 Gilbride Road, D ean B ro w n Martinsville. N.J. 08836 <2011 469 308? CONSTRUCTION WEST Bob Upton, 20626 Clarendon Ave. Woodland Hills, California 91364 STEPI IENS-AKRO, Brad Shepherd ................................ ............................................. 8 <2131 883 7681 M INI-FAI, L o re n Williams . ............. _ .............. - .............. .. 20 B STOUT TROPHY WINNER, a i Rohrbaugh................................................30 Subscriptions $6.50 per year, $11.50 two years. Single copies 65 cents. Add $1 50 for BELLANCA PEANUT, D o n B u t m a n ................................................................. ... 31 postage per year outside of U.S. and Canada (Except APQ) Copyright 1972 The MODEL BUILDER. All rights reserved Reproductions without per mission prohibited. Cover: Bob Karlsson, Wilmington, Delaware, placed 11th at the 1972 Nats with Published Monthly by The MODEL BUILD this 1-3/4” scale F4U-1 Corsair. Ship weighs 14 1/2 lbs., span is 71” , O.S. Max .80 power, 14 x 6 Top Flite prop, Orbit radio. A machined E R Magazine, 12552 Del Rey Dr., Santa Ana. steel shaft extension and spinner add 12 oz. of much needed weight to the Cahf. 92705 Phone <7141 544 1321 nose. Flaps and retracts also operate. Fuselage is a balsa box with carved Second Class postage paid at Santa Ana, Ca, foam planks covered in 1/16 sheet. Ship threw spinner weight and crashed at the Nats, but is now repai ed and lying again. Photo by Bill Northrop The MODEL BUILDER 3 "Darn right / believe in the Builder-Of- The-Modei rule. I let my old man build this H.L.G. for me, and look what happened the first time / went for an o fficia l!" John S tu b b le fie ld , age 3, H ouston, Texas • f r o m B i l å ňlor+hrop* w o r k b e n c h · · · • It is with a great deal of pride and sat­ isfaction that we announce the official recognition ol The MODLI. BUILDER as a magazine to be reckoned with in the model hobby publishing business. In case you hadn’t noticed, and this is very possible, we have been named to that exclusive clique of "lim ited circu­ lation” publications by another member of the clique, which, by the way, is truly limited, in that it deals with only one phase of our great hobby. Because of this limited subject mat­ ter, and also because ot its apparent inability to find cover material which pertains directly to the hobby, we had discontinued regular reading o f this "model” magazine several years ago. However, in the last few days we have been receiving phone calls and letters from modeling friends who were quite disturbed about some statements by the editor, in the October issue of this magazine, pertaining to The MODEL "The day shift at Lockheed." Almost any time of the day, or night, this was the scene in the BUILDER. AMA hangar at Glenview Naval Air Station, north of Chicago, Illinois, during the Nationals. MB's editor in some mighty good company; LCDR Al Geimer in whites, "Happy 5th Anniversary," somewhere over Texas. En route to the and CDR Bob Needham. They were THE NAVY at Glenview. Nats, aboard a Navy DC 6, Alex and Marlene Chisolm celebrated. 4 The MODEL BUILDER "We had some rain..." Fourth place C finalist Norm Page appeared to " . and we had some sun."Deputy chief judge Bob Upton checks up be used to such things. Note xm itter "baggie." It really poured down! on judges Watkins. Lane, and Sitko. Jim Whitley calls for Steve Buck. Curious to see exactly what it was any more space in this or future issues all aboul, we attempted to buy a copy, for the purpose of continuing this “ lim­ which turned out to be rather difficult ited interest” debate. since many shops in the area had discon­ * * * tinued carrying the publication.
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