annual FAIR report 2016/2017 annual FAIR annual yearfair report 2016/2017 Hey! Psst! Did you know that – in a former life – the pages of this year’s annual FAIR report grew on fields as sugar cane leaves and corn cobs? After the harvest, the waste product was combined with a whole bunch of other leaves and stalks, and the eventually turned into the paper for this annual only way FAIR report. We think praise is in order here, so and love, is up So, just like our chocolate, we applaud Paperwise! And another thing: the sun.. water.. lots of love yup our printed materials are environmental impact of this paper is 47% lower A-OK. Graphius, our than that of FSC-certified woodchip paper and sustainable printing partner, 29% lower than that of recycled paper. uses non-alcoholic and plant-based inks, and its operations are climate- neutral and environmentally friendly. Nice and green, in The cover is made of uncoated, FSC-certified recycled other words! And there’s paper. No china clay or chalk was used in its production no alcohol involved (hic). and the materials that went into it are 100% recyclable. So you never know; this cover may have been a good book when it was young. Or a terrible one.. Does the paper look familiar to you? Very perceptive! Our chocolate bars are wrapped in the same paper. NovemberNovember 2016 2016 Tony’sTony’s milestones milestones So Somuch much chocolate.. chocolate.. NovemberNovember 2016 2016 traceabletraceable cocoa cocoa butter butter from from Holy Holymoly! moly! Our Classic Our Classic family family just can’t just can’tstop stop The relayThe relaybar hands bar hands over theover baton the baton A lotA has lot happenedhas happened in the in chocothe choco arena arena IvoryIvory Coast Coast so solittle little time! time! growing.growing. Welcome Welcome to two to newcomers two newcomers in our in our to anotherto another surprising surprising flavor flavor every every a presencea presence in – nearlyin – nearly – all –states all states We’veWe’ve wanted wanted to make to make the the range:range: white white and white and white with raspberrywith raspberry and and overover the pastthe past fiscal fiscal year year(which (which ran fromran from What’sWhat’s been been happenin’ happenin’ with with our our six months.six months. Milk cinnamonMilk cinnamon roll. roll. 1 October1 October 2016 2016 to 30 to September 30 September 2017). 2017). Tony’sTony’s US operations US operations are doing are doing really really well. well. productionproduction of cocoa of cocoa butter butter in in chocolatechocolate in 2016/2017? in 2016/2017? We’re We’re a little a little crackling crackling sugar. sugar. These These white white chocolate chocolate We startedWe started in Portland in Portland and our and presence our presence is is West AfricaWest Africa traceable traceable for a longfor a long OooohOoooh yeah! yeah! That’sThat’s why whywe’re we’re kicking kicking off this off thisannual annual chocoLATEchocoLATE (heehee), (heehee), but here’sbut here’s a a varietiesvarieties actually actually have havetraceable traceable cocoa cocoa butter butter spreadingspreading like wildfire. like wildfire. Our productsOur products are are time. time.We ran We a ran pilot a inpilot Ivory in Ivory Coast Coast in them.in them. Alriiiiight! Alriiiiight! FAIRFAIR report report with with our keyour keymilestones. milestones. now availablenow available in stores in stores in nearly in nearly every every last yearlast andyear it and worked it worked a dream! a dream! briefbrief list oflist what of what happened happened this thisyear. year. state!state! You can You also can find also findus in usBelgium in Belgium and and What’sWhat’s great greattoo is too that is thisthat will this will DecemberDecember 2016 2016 Sweden,Sweden, and we’ll and we’llbe entering be entering the German the German resultresult in a major in a major reduction reduction in our in our Put itPut in orit inunder or under your yourtree. Wetree. We carboncarbon emissions. emissions. Nothing Nothing but but NovemberNovember 2016 2016 makingmaking & measuring & measuring impact impact marketmarket soon. soon. Our international Our international operations operations don’t don’tmind. mind. Yes, it’s Yes, our it’s very our firstvery first are ourare platform our platform for putting for putting our mission our mission win-win-win-win.win-win-win-win. FromFrom now on,now our on, our The roadmapThe roadmap shows shows how we,how as we, a chocolate as a chocolate chocolatechocolate milk willmilk be will be ChristmasChristmas bar. Mulled bar. Mulled wine wineflavor. flavor. on theon global the global map. map. A barA with bar 0.1with percent 0.1 percent alcohol. alcohol. business,business, want wantto change to change the cocoa the cocoa industry industry read moreread morein Tony’s in Tony’s leads leads by by presentedpresented in a svelte in a svelte from fromwithin. within. Audit Audit firm firmPwC hasPwC reviewed has reviewed how how slim-fitslim-fit jacket. jacket. Look Lookat at Sweet!Sweet! Just makeJust make sure yousure don’t you don’t read moreread moreabout about serious serious business business in in example:example: from from bean beanto bar to bar JanuaryJanuary 2017 2017 drinkdrink and drive, and drive, mmkay? mmkay? far we’vefar we’ve come comein this in process. this process. They’ve They’ve audited audited that detail,that detail, and that and that We’reWe’re positively positively eggcited eggcited and and our financialour financial results results and performedand performed an external an external Tony’sTony’s leads leadsby example: by example: business business is boomingis booming nipped-innipped-in waist. waist. Ooh lala! Ooh lala! eggstaticeggstatic about about our new our egg-new egg- verificationverification of nine of non-financialnine non-financial performance performance cellentcellent egg addition. egg addition. Dark Dark indicatorsindicators based based on our on roadmap. our roadmap. This allowsThis allows bitterbitter chocolate chocolate stories stories almondalmond sea salt sea for salt Easter. for Easter. SeptemberSeptember 2017 2017 us to usshow to showthat ourthat efforts our efforts to achieve to achieve our mission our mission Tens ofTens thousands of thousands of children of children in Ghana in Ghana and and Delish!Delish! are important,are important, effective effective and scalable. and scalable. IvoryIvory Coast Coast are victim are victim of forced of forced labor laborand and Oh dear,Oh dear,choosing choosing can be can so be so AprilApril 2017 2017 difficult..difficult.. But fear But not!fear Thenot! The humanhuman trafficking trafficking for the for purposes the purposes of cocoa of cocoa JanuaryJanuary 2017 2017 Like aLike challenge? a challenge? This This rainbowrainbow selection selection is here. is here.It It checkcheck out the out conclusions the conclusions in our in roadmap our roadmap production.production. BITTER BITTER is an isimpressive an impressive photo photo We launchWe launch the ValenTony’s the ValenTony’s LimitedLimited bar is bar right is rightup up containscontains six little six barslittle inbars all in all and inand the in assurance the assurance report report exhibitionexhibition about about children children from fromBurkina Burkina Faso Faso bar inbar the in US: the a US:romantic a romantic your yourstreet: street: white white six flavors.six flavors. here hereto stay to stay who workwho workon cocoa on cocoa farms. farms. The exhibition The exhibition Valentine’sValentine’s bar for bar that for that will gowill on go tour; on tour;go to goour to website our website to find to findout out carrotcarrot and walnut.. and walnut.. We launchedWe launched not one, not butone, two but new two classics:new classics: SweetSweet with awith hint a ofhint of specialspecial person person in your in your our darkour darkmilk chocolatemilk chocolate bar and bar our and dark our darkmilk milk wherewhere it is right it is rightnow. now. life. I’mlife. in I’m love in withlove with seriousserious friends friends make make impact impact together together spice.spice. A taste A taste chocolatechocolate pretzel pretzel toffee toffee bar. Making bar. Making a dark a dark sensation!sensation! youuuhouuuhouuuuuuu!youuuhouuuhouuuuuuu! ChocofansChocofans be like.. be like..Serious Serious Friends Friends Forever. Forever. milk chocolatemilk chocolate bar requires bar requires about about 9% more 9% morecocoa cocoa read moreread morein Tony’s in Tony’s creates creates awareness awareness SeriousSerious friends friends support support our mission our mission and and beansbeans than thanmaking making a regular a regular milk chocolatemilk chocolate bar. bar. SFFs SFFsstep thingsstep things up just up another just another notch: notch: they they And remember..And remember.. more morecocoa cocoa means means more moreimpact. impact. SeptemberSeptember participateparticipate actively. actively. You can You sign can upsign as up an as an So, threeSo, three cheers cheers for Team for TeamTony’s! Tony’s! 20172017 SFF onSFF our on new our websitenew website and in and our in webshop. our webshop. anti-childanti-child labor labor legislation legislation July July2017 2017 MakeMake way for way our for our All theAll SFF the tools SFF toolsare right are rightthere there for you. for you. AprilApril 2017 2017 for morefor morelaunches, launches, see the see back the coverback cover In theIn Netherlands. the Netherlands. we managed we managed to get to get Well, Well,hello hellothere, there, dark darkmilk &milk & LimitedLimited Editions. Editions. You canYou share can share our story our storyby downloading by downloading AprilApril 2017 2017 Fiiiiiiiiiiiinally!Fiiiiiiiiiiiinally! more morethan than10,000 10,000 people people to sign to thesign the dark darkmilk pretzelmilk pretzel toffee. toffee. How How This year,This year,we’re we’re offering offering a 3-course a 3-course our funour and fun exciting and exciting show-and-tell show-and-tell materials, materials, Milk chocolateMilk chocolate with honeycombwith honeycomb Our TinyOur Tony’sTiny Tony’s petitionpetition ‘Zorgplicht ‘Zorgplicht Kinder Kinder arbeid’, arbeid’, YOU doin’..YOU doin’.
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