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Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CI Issue 18 January 27, 2016 Caf employee’s dismissal prompts pushback BY TATUM HUNTER ticed,” Johnson said regarding destroyed by some comment an interest in managerial positions, 7KDW\RX·UHQRWDIÀOLDWHGSUHWW\ Editor-in-Chief the alleged inaccuracies, “People employee made. (Employees) Kiah said. In the last 10 years, much.” Ray Johnson took to social started bringing me their pay DUHQ·W KHUH WR ÀQG D FLUFOH RI only one entry-level employee Yolanda said that if an em- media on Jan. 10 to protest his stubs for me to check.” friends. It’s a job.” applied for a management posi- ployee goes to management suspension from his job as a A confrontation in the work- No other employees have tion, and that applicant withdrew. with a complaint about payroll cafeteria worker at Hoff Dining place between Johnson and lodged complaints about pay- Kiah attributed this to the high inaccuracies, management does Commons. Hoff manager Ed DeVoid was roll, and no employees have been likelihood that managers will be QRW À[ WKH SUREOHP LQ D WLPHO\ “I do not feel the need to the cause of the suspension, ac- shorted, DeVoid said. transferred to different locations, manner. She added that if Hoff bottle myself up for an insti- cording to Johnson. He said the “Mistakes happen. But our de- adding that many employees employees work catering gigs in tution whose founding princi- confrontation stemmed from fault is to go with what the em- don’t have the educational qual- Cintas, they sometimes do not ples are: Education, diversity his complaints about the payroll. ployee says,” he said. LÀFDWLRQV WR SXUVXH PDQDJHULDO receive the catering wage they are and service,” Johnson wrote in Johnson received multiple writ- DeVoid also said that roles. promised. a Facebook post providing the ten warnings about his workplace Chartwells does offer its en- “If I sensed even an iota of “There is no room for Xavier Auxiliary Services email behavior before the confronta- try-level employees opportunities ‘No you’re done and we won’t growth,” she said. “The manag- and asking students and cowork- tion occurred. for advancement. let you be that,’ I wouldn’t let ers will refer to us workers as ‘the ers to show their support. DeVoid declined to comment “There is equal opportunity that happen,” he said. “We have help.’” The post did not go unno- on the incident since the Midwest for everyone. If you want it, it WRWDNHDIÀUPDWLYHVWHSVWRPDNH Directives about interacting ticed by students, with 120 likes Food Service Workers Union is can happen. If you want my job, sure that we do our very best to with students can be confus- and 39 comments expressing still investigating Johnson’s ter- come and get it,” he said. develop the people and make ing and contradictory, Yolanda support for Johnson. mination as part of an appeal Chartwells contracts with sure they have the potential and said. However, personnel decisions process. Xavier Auxiliary Services to op- skills to rise in their careers. We “We’re supposed to talk with in Hoff are not made at the uni- “It’s really hard not to say any- erate Hoff, and cafeteria workers would never sponsor or endorse them or what not. We’re not sup- versity’s discretion. Chartwells, WKLQJEXW,FDQ·WMXVWSXOOKLVÀOH are Chartwells employees. The our contractors doing business posed to touch them. But some the third-party company that and say ‘Here’s a thing, here’s a university has not independently contrary to those principles.” students will walk up and hug operates Hoff, is still in the pro- thing, here’s a thing.’ This was all operated the cafeteria for more Xavier President Fr. Michael you. What are you supposed to cess of terminating Johnson’s VXSSRVHGWREHFRQÀGHQWLDO$QG than 30 years. Graham declined to comment do, push them away? It’s double employment. by taking to social media, he ru- Director of Auxiliary Services on Xavier’s relationship with jeopardy. You want me to talk Johnson worked at Hoff ined that,” DeVoid said. Jude Kiah said that Xavier has a Chartwells or the dynamics to them and love them, but they for three years before he was $W ÀUVW 'H9RLG VDLG WKDW thorough vetting process to make among workers, managers and can’t embrace me? I don’t get suspended for what managers Hoff employees should not be sure the third-party companies it students in Hoff. that. And there’s really nobody deemed disruptive and inappro- on campus if they’re not at work contracts with share the univer- Hoff employee Michael W. that you can tell something to priate behavior in the workplace. and should steer clear of social sity’s values. He added that any has worked at the cafeteria for and get something done.” But tension between Johnson engagements with students, add- claims that Hoff employees are 18 years. He said that he gets Yolanda said that Ray Johnson and his managers had been ing that those situations “always not welcome to attend campus along well with coworkers and was well liked by most of his building for some time, he said. HQGEDGO\µ+HWKHQFODULÀHGWKDW events are “categorically false.” students and that, while prob- coworkers. The causes of the tension, employees are allowed to attend “It’s the other way completely. lems with payroll occur, they are “He’s the kind of guy that asks according to Johnson, were his cultural and educational events I want them to come to events HDVLO\ À[HG +H VDLG KH ZRXOG a lot of questions and calls (the complaints about payroll inac- on campus. and feel part of the community,” feel comfortable attending events managers) out on it. They wanted curacies, his frustration with the DeVoid said that employ- he said. on campus, although he doesn’t to get rid of him,” she said. lack of upward mobility for em- ees are encouraged to inter- Kiah said the directives Hoff make it to many. Although many students have ployees and his interactions with act with students, but are dis- employees receive about their in- “I’ve been invited to a lot of demanded Johnson’s return on students. couraged from any behavior teractions with students are not (events),” he said. “But I don’t social media, Johnson said that Johnson said Hoff manag- that might make students feel problematic. know when I’m going to be on largely, Xavier students remain ers verbally told employees to “uncomfortable.” “None of our people are in- campus.” uninterested in the lives of the refrain from attending campus “Something like saying hi, ask- structed on how to deal with stu- Yolanda O., another Hoff em- people who work on campus be- events like speaker series and ing how classes are going, that’s dents. They’re instructed on how ployee, sang a different tune. cause these issues do not affect theatre shows. He also said that ÀQH%XWZKHQLWJHWVLQWRWKLQJV to deal with customers,” he said, “They’re always saying you students directly. the employees’ pay stubs were OLNHKXJVDQGÀVWEXPSVZHGRQ·W noting that Hoff has sold 1300 can’t do anything with the stu- “It takes distractions,” he said. consistently inaccurate and that really want that,” DeVoid said. meal plans to people living off dents. I don’t feel welcome to “But if at the end of the day, stu- he was not paid for the overtime “Sometime that humor doesn’t campus. do anything at Xavier except dents get to where they want to he worked. cross the line well. Students will Lack of upward mobility cook the food and go home. get to, that’s all that matters to “I’m just the one that no- email me because they’ve been within Hoff is caused by lack of That’s how they make me feel. them.” Toolbox primed for return BY ERICA LAMPERT rehearsals would be at the same quiet, however our ending goal Staff Writer time as rehearsals for the depart- is to get the Xavier community Due to the decline of Xavier’s ment’s shows, understandably re- to say, ‘Let’s go see a Toolbox student-run theatre group, Xavier ducing attendance.” show.’” Eden said. Players, improv troupe Toolbox Toolbox focuses on short Ferrari and Eden are planning LVVWHSSLQJXSWRÀOOWKHYRLG improv games and audience on having a show at least once a The idea for Toolbox original- involvement. month that may involve perfor- ly stemmed from Xavier Players. “We want to give our audi- mances with Xavier’s Don’t Tell Players had been around for ence that Comedy Central feel- Anna (DTA). roughly 15 years and reached 140 ing when they come to see us “We want to entertain stu- members in 2013. After the gen- perform,” Toolbox co-Director dents, and have their own sug- esis of the Theatre Department Tyler Ferrari said. “We plan on gestions come to life within our that year, students stopped sign- having a ton of shows, to develop short game segments,” Eden Photo courtesy of Toolbox ing up.
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