TME WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE CAMP DAVID, DCX:EMBER 1, 1984 MARYLAND TIME DAY ll:OO a .m. SA'IURDAY PHONE B.. ~u 0: ~ ..• a:• 11: 00 ll:ll R The President talked with forrrer President, Richard M. Nixon. 11: 13 R The President was tele1:honed by his Air Force Aide, Maj . Thanas L. Carter. The First Lady took the call. 11:16 ll: 22 p The President talked with llis Assistant for National Security Affairs, Rd:lert C . McFarlane. 4:17 4:20? p The President telephoned Senator Jc:hn c. Stennis CD-Mississippi) . The President talked with Mrs. WaTibel, Walter Reed Army Medical Center. 6 : 06 6 : 07 p The President talked with Physician, Dr. John E. HUtton. 7 : 40 7 : 42 R The President talked with his Special Assistant, David C. Fischer. 8 : 02 8:03 p The President talked with Douglas R. Flutie, student and football player at Bosten College and recipient of the Reisman Trophy. ? ? The President and the First Lady watched the movie "Oh God You Devil." EMJ Page_l_of_l_Pages TliE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE D~ER 2, 1984 CAMP DAVID, TIME DAY MARYLAND 11:42 a.m. SUNDAY PHONE ~ 'P ._ _, !!~ ~~ _____ .. a: 11:42 12:10 '!he President and the First Lady flew by Marine helicopter fran Camp David to the South Gromds of the White House. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A. " 12:11 'lhe President and the First Lady went to the seoond floor Residence. 12: 29 p 'lhe President telephoned his Counsellor, Edwin Meese III. 'Ihe call was not canpleted. 12: 40 'lhe President had lmdl in the West Hall with: 'lhe First Lady Ted Graber, decorator with the William Haines Canpany' Beverly Hills' ca.lifornia 2 : 32 2: 35 p 'lhe President talked with Director of the U.S . Infonratim .Agency (USIA) Olarles z. Wick. 5 : 23 '!he President and the First Lady went to the Blue Roan. 5 : 23 6: 30 'lhe President and the First Lady hosted a recepticn honoring the seventh annual Kennedy Center Hcnors for Lifetime Adlievem:mt. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B." '!he President and the First Lady participated in a receiving line to greet hcnorees and guests. 6 : 15? '!he President and the First Lady went to the East Roan. 6 : 17 ? '!he President addressed awroximately 389 guests attending the recepticn. 6 : 30 'lhe President and the First Lady returned to the second floor Residence. 6:50 '!he President had dinner with: 'lhe First Lady Mr. Graber 7: 35 'lhe President and the First Lady returned to the South Gromds. 7:36 7 : 40 'lhe President and the First Lady motored frcrn the South Grounds to the Jc::hn F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Garage level B. 7: 45 'lhe President and the First Lady went to the Presi dential Box Ante Room. Page__ 1 ot __ 2 Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE JOHN F. KENNEDY CENTER FOR 'lliE PERFO™ING ARI'S CECEMBER 2 - 1984 WASHINGI'CN , D. C. TIME DAY 7 : 45 P-m. SUNDAY PHONE "8 ."' ~ :i: ii: a: ..• a:• 7:45? 'Ihe President and the First Lady were greeted by: Roger L. Stevens, Chairman of the Board, Jdm F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Mrs. Roger L. (Christine) Stevens 'Ihe P:resident and the First Lady went inside tile Presidential Box Ante Room and greeted: George P. Shultz; Secretary of State Mrs. George P. (Hel ena) Shultz Roger B. Smith, Chairman of the Board and <llief Executive Officer, General Motors Corp:>raticri Mrs . Roger B. (Barbara) Smith 8 : 00? 10: 25? 'Ihe Presidential parcy attended a Gala Perfonnance in hcnor of the Kennedy Center lbmrees. 'Ille perfonranoe was taped to be broadcast aver television at a later time. Manbers of the press 9 : 15? '!he Presidential party returned to the Ante Roan and greeted the 1984 Honorees: Lena Horne, singer and entertainer Danny Kaye, canedian and entertainer Gian Carlo Menotti, opera canposer Arthur Miller, playwright Isaac Stern, violinist 'Ihe President and the First Lady returned to their seats in the Presidential Box . 9 : 30? 10 : 25? 'Ihe President and the First Lady ccntinued to attend the seoond half of the Kennedy Center Gala. 'Ihe President and the First Lady returned to their I10torcade. 'Ihey were aca:rnpanied by Secretary and Mrs . Shultz. 10: 29 10: 34 'Ihe President and the First Lady motored fran the Jdm F . Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts to the South Grounds of the White Hoose. 10:38 The President and the First Lady returned to the second floor Residence. 11:07 'Ihe President retired. EMJ Page_2_ot_ 2 _ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE IECEMBER 3 , 1984 THE WHITE IUJSE TIME DAY WASHllCI'CN , D.C. 7 : 50 a.m. M::NDAY PHONE 3 :? !! g ... a: ...• a:• 7 : 50 The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9:05 The President went to the Ollal Office. 'Ihe President met with: 9:05 9:27 James A. Baker III, Chief of Staff 9:05 9:27 El:lwin Meese III, Counsellor 9 :05 9:27 Michael K . Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff 9 :17 9:27 George H. Bush, Vice President 9 :27 9:42 The President met for a national security briefing with: Vioe President a.tsh Rebert C. McFarlane, Assistant for National Security Affairs John M. Poindexter, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Mr. Baker Mr. Meese 9 : 42 10 :01 The President met with: Vioe President Bush Kenneth w. Dam, Deputy Secretai:y of State Oiester A. Crocker, Assistant Secretai:y of State for African Affairs Mr. Mc:Farlane Mr. Poindexter Phillip H. Ringdahl, Director, African Affairs, National Security Council (NSC) Mr . Bak.er Mr. Meese The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the current situaticn in southern Africa. 11:03 The President went to the cabinet Roc:rn. 11:03 12: 12 The President participated in a meeting to discuss nondefense budget spending reducticns with the Budget Core Group. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A." 12:12 The President returned to the Oval Office. 12: 15? The President had 11.11dl . 12:39 12:42 R The President talked with his sen, Michael E. ~agan . 1:00 1:45 The President met with: Richard B. Wirthlin, President of Decisicn Making Information, Washington, D. C. Mr. Baker Page_l_ot_3 _Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE DECEMBER 3 , 1984 '!HE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGI'CN I D. C. 1: 50? p.m. MONDAY PHONE ~:ti ~ g Q. a: CL• a:• 1 : 50? 1 : 55? The President participated in a Eboto opportunity with: IDu Rawls , singer and entertainer Melvin L. Bradley, Special Assistant for Policy Developnent Rebert R. Hcbson, Senior Staff Merrber, OffiCE of Policy Developnent 2 : 05 The President returned to the cabinet Ro:m. 2:05 3:39 'Ille President participated in a rreeting to oontinue the discussion of noodefense budget spending reductioos with the Budget Core Group. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A. " 3 : 39 'lhe President returned to the <Nal OffiCE. 3: 44 3:45 p 'lhe President talked with Senator Ted Stevens CR-Alaska) . 3:47 3 : 51 p 'lhe President talked with his caretaker for the Reagan Ranch , Rancho del Cielo, Lee Clearwater. 3 : 54 3: 55 p 'lhe President talked with Senator BOO Packwood (R--Oregcn) . 3 : 59 4:02 p The President talked with Pat Kearney, Director of Colmnmications, Private Sector Initiatives. 4 :05 4 : 07 p 'lhe President talked with sareone naned Paul, at 'lhousand Oaks Meat Locker r 'Jho\.ISand Oaks I california. 4 : 15 'lhe President returned to the Cabinet Ro:m. 4 : 15 4 : 35 The President participated in a rreeting to discuss the fanine situatioo in Ethiopia with a group of bipartisan Merrbers of Congress, who recentl y returned fran a trip to Ethiopia. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B." 4: 35 'Ihe President returned to the Oval Office. 4 : 37 4: 46 'lhe President rret with Rcy M. Brewer, Labor Ccnsultant, IDcal #695, Somd Technicians Union, Los Angeles, California. 4:48 5 : 00? 'lhe President participated in a photo opportunity with a group of new White House correspoodents. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "C . " 5 : 05 'lhe President returned to the second floor Residence. Page_2_of_3_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE THE WHITE HOUSE DECEMBER 3, 1984 WASHING'KN , D. C. T1ME OAY 5:25 p.m. MCNDAY PHONE i' i:i · ~ ~v a: £ ..• a:• 5 :25 5 : 31 R 'Ihe President talked with Mr. McFarlane. 6:41 6: 42 p 'lhe President talked with William F . Buckley, Jr. , Edi tor in Olief, National Peview Magazine, New York, New York. 7:00 '!he Presi dent had dinner with: The First Lady Maureen Reagan Revell, the President' s daughter Ted Graber, decorator with the William Haines Ccnpany, Beverly Hills, california 10: 40 The President retired. EMJ Page_3_ of_3_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE IECE!-IBER 4 I 19 84 'lliE WHITE HOUSE TIME OAY ~.o . c . 7:35 a .m. 'IUESDAY PHONE 3 -p ~ g ..... ~~~~~...... ~ ~ a. a: 7: 35 '!he President and the First lady had breakfast. 9:05 '!he President went to the Oval Office. 9:05 9 : )'.) '!he President rret with: Jan-es A. Baker III, Chief of Staff F.dwin Meese III, Co1..TISellor Michael K .
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