Patels'Airtemp (India) Li.mited Ref. No.PAT/BSE/Jul, 2020-21/24' Date: 26th July, 2020 To, SSE Ltd. Corporate Relation Department Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, . Dalal"Street, Fort, Mumbai: 400 001 SSE Scrip Code: 517417 ISIN: INE082C01024 Sub: PUblication/Advertisement in Newspapers for Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended 30th June, 2020. With regard to above, please find enclosed herewith copy of news papers AdvertisemenUPublication for Unaudited Financial Results of the C')mpany for the Quarter ended on 30th June, 2020 which has been published .in Indian Express (English) and Financial Express (Gujarati), Ahmedabad edition on 20th July, 2020. You are requested to take the aforesaid matters on record and placed on your website for information to the Public & Shareholders. Yours faithfully, , For, PAT e:l: f. I. ' ~·'1 ~lvlF (INOlA) LTD. ,~ . Karan.K Asst.Company Secretary Encl : As stated Above ISO 9001 : 20 15 COMPANY USA Crtfice ; ~ Regd. Crtfice: QMO l1 ~~rks : 5th Floor, Kalpana Complex. Patels Airtemp (USA) Inc. Ii1 805, 806,807. 810, Rakanpur 382 722. Nr. Memnagar Fire Stati on, Navrangpura, 4548, Talisman SI. ASME 'N' / ' NPT" , 'MO"'U" I ' UZ' I'S' Via: Sola · Bhadaj Village, Ta. : Kalol, Ahmedabad _380 009 Gujarat, Ind ia Torrance, CA - 90503 USA. NATIONAL BOARD 'NB'I'R' Disl. Gandhinagar, GUjarat. India Ph. : +91 79 27913694 I 95 / 96 MEMBER OF . HTRI- USA Ph. : 323 2077793 , Ph. : +9127642866341 35 , 286480181 , Fax: +91 79 27913693 . CIN NO. L291 90 GJ 1992PLC0 17801 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +91 2764 286301 Email : [email protected] Email , wo rks@patel s ai rt eml pp~. c:om~__-==~===- ~ ____________________ __________ www.patels8irtemp.com_ @¼û¼y¼¡¼¼y, ¬¼¼Ìû¼¡¼¼, t¼¼. 20 ]Æÿ¼¼A, 2020 | ö¼ü¼‡¼¼½‡¬¼ü¼ÿ¼ @¼ÌL¬¼Š¼œÌ¬¼ | 5 CORRIGENDUM TO THE LETTER OF OFFER FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC SHAREHOLDERS OF SELANSELAN EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGY LTD. SELAN INEOS STYROLUTION INDIA LIMITED CIN: L74899DL1985PLC021445; Website: www.selanoil.com FOR DELISTING OF EQUITY SHARES Regd. Ofice: J-47/1, Shyam Vihar, Dindarpur, Najafgarh, New Delhi-110 043 Corporate Identity Number: L25200GJ1973PLC002436 E-mail : [email protected]; Tele Fax No. : 0124-4200326 Registered Ofice: 5th Floor, OHM HOUSE - II, OHM Business Park, Subhanpura, Vadodara-390 023, Gujarat; Company Secretary: Abhijaat Sinha; Compliance Of cer: Amita Mistry; Extract of Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended March 31, 2020 i ` Tel.: +91 (265) 2303201; Fax: +91 (265) 2303203; ( in Lakhs) E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ineosstyrolutionindia.com Quarter Quarter Year Year Ended Ended PARTICULARS Ended Ended Delisting offer (“Delisting Offer”) made by INEOS Styrolution APAC Pte. Ltd. (“Promoter”) Mar 31, 2020 Mar 31, 2019 Mar 31, 2020 Mar 31, 2019 to the Public Shareholders of INEOS Styrolution India Limited (“Company”) in accordance (Audited) (Audited) (Audited) (Audited) with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity 1. Total Income from Operations (net) 2,064 2,178 8,960 9,333 Shares) Regulations, 2009, as amended (“Delisting Regulations”) 2. Net Proit / (Loss) for the period (before Tax, 542 1,133 4,127 5,383 Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) This corrigendum (“Corrigendum”) to the letter of offer dated July 6, 2020 (“LOF”), is being issued 3. Net Proit / (Loss) for the period before tax -358 1,133 3,227 5,383 by the Promoter in respect of the Delisting Offer and should be read in continuation of and in (after Exceptional and Extraordinary items) conjunction with the LOF. Capitalised terms used but not deined in this Corrigendum shall have 4. Net Proit / (Loss) for the period after tax -326 1,140 2,243 5,151 the same meaning as ascribed in the LOF. (after Exceptional and Extraordinary items) In paragraph 4.5 of the LOF, where the brief summary of the inancial performance of the Company 5. Total Comprehensive Income (after tax) -308 1,148 2,267 5,160 has been disclosed for the inancial years ended on March 31, 2020, March 31, 2019, and 6 Equity Share Capital (face value ` 10/-) 1,520 1,583 1,520 1,583 March 31, 2018, the header of the table titled “Other relevant information” inadvertently states that 7. Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserves as 31,256 30,998 shown in the Balance Sheet of previous year) the details provided are for the inancial years ended on March 31, 2019, March 31, 2018, and 8. Earnings Per Share (before & after extraordinary March 31, 2017. The table titled “Other relevant information” with the rectiied header is provided items) of ` 10 each below: Basic : -2.15 7.20 14.64 31.54 NOTICE Financial year ended March 31 Diluted : -2.15 7.20 14.64 31.54 Other relevant information Notice is hereby given pursuant to Regulation 29 read with 2020 2019 2018 Notes: The above is an extract of the detailed format of Annual Financial Results iled with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Earnings per share Requirements) Regulations, 2015 that a Meeting of the Board Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of Basic (5.41) (7.09) 37.66 the Quarterly Financial Results is available on the stock exchange website : www.nseindia.com and www.bseindia. of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on com and on the Company’s website : www.selanoil.com. Saturday, 1st August 2020 at 3.30 p.m. at the factory (Works) of Diluted (5.41) (7.09) 37.66 the Company at 805,806,807,810-Rakanpur-382722, Via: Dividend % 0% 20% 40% for SELAN EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGY LTD. Sola Bhadaj Village, Ta. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat, R. KAPUR Return on net worth -1.56% -2.00% 10.28% inter-alia to consider and approve the Standalone Unaudited Place : New Delhi Chairman Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended on 30th Book value per share 346.47 354.41 366.50 Date : 18 July 2020 www. selanoil.com DIN:00017172 June, 2020. Apart from the header, the contents of the table remain unchanged. Except as detailed in The said notice can be accessed on the website of the this Corrigendum, the other contents and terms in the LOF remain unchanged. A copy of this Company at www.patelsairtemp.com and may also accessed Corrigendum is expected to be available on the websites of the Stock Exchanges (www.bseindia.com on the stock exchange website on www.bseindia.com where and www.nseindia.com). the shares of the Company are listed. For and on behalf of INEOS Styrolution APAC Pte. Ltd. Further, pursuant to the Code of Conduct of the Company for Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- BEFORE THE NATIONAL COMPANY LAW TRIBUNAL Insider Trading and SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) PRINCIPAL BENCH, AT NEW DELHI Regulations, 2015, the Trading Window for dealing in the Name: Stephen Mark Harrington Name: Yeh Yong Cheng Name: Tan Ter Yee COMPANY APPLICATION NO. CA (CAA)-186 (PB) OF 2019 Designation: Managing Director Designation: Director Designation: Secretary (under Sections 230-232 of the Companies Act, 2013) Equity Shares of the Company is under closure and shall IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013 remain closed upto 48 hours after the declaration of Unaudited Date : July 18, 2020 AND th IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPOSITE SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN BHARTI AIRTEL LIMITED, Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended 30 Place : Singapore rd PRESSMAN BHARTI AIRTEL SERVICES LIMITED, HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS INDIA LIMITED AND HCIL COMTEL LIMITED June, 2020, i.e. upto Monday, 3 August, 2020 for all Directors AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SHAREHOLDERS AND CREDITORS including Employees, Promoters, Statutory Auditors & all AND connected persons and their relatives as per the Insider IN THE MATTER OF: Trading Code of the Company. The Insider Trading Code is Bharti Airtel Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at Bharti Crescent 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, Phase II, New Delhi – 110070. available on the Company's website www.patelsairtemp.com. …Transferor Company 1/ Applicant Company 1 FOR PATELS AIRTEMP (INDIA) LTD. AND Sd/- Bharti Airtel Services Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at Date: 18th July, 2020 (KARANSINGH I. KARKI) Bharti Crescent, 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, Phase II, New Delhi – 110070. …Transferor Company 2/ Applicant Company 2 Place: Rakanpur (Dt. Gandhinagar) Asst. Company Secretary AND Hughes Communications India Private Limited (formerly known as Hughes Communications India Limited), a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at 1, Shivji Marg, Westend Greens, Standalone Consolidated NH-8, New Delhi – 110037. Quarter ended Year Ended Quarter ended Year Ended …Transferee Company 1/ Applicant Company 3 S.No. Particulars 31.03.2020 31.03.2019 31.03.2020 31.03.2019 31.03.2020 31.03.2019 31.03.2020 31.03.2019 AND Audited Audited Audited Audited Audited Audited Audited Audited 1 Total income from operations 1,07,850.48 73,761.21 1,23,778.05 83,357.30 1,06,074.35 76,244.68 1,26,824.90 92,544.40 HCIL Comtel Private Limited (formerly known as HCIL Comtel Limited), a company incorporated under the 25Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (before Tax, Exceptional and / or ,000.25 (17,315.17) (11,712.50) (27,098.55) (6,328.82) (20,156.66) (37,515.04) (40,165.91) Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at 1, Shivji Marg, Westend Greens, NH-8, New Delhi – 110037. Extraordinary items) …Transferee Company
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