Address Set By President MOSCOW (A P ) — U ie un­ O n Economy manned Soviet apace vehicle Luna 18 went Into near-lunar U.S, Envoy WASHINGTON >(AP)— orbit to<)ay, Taaa aald. The White House (l]]. The c i^ t approached the nounced today President around it at Nixon will address a joint t**® o' » flve-day night dur- session of ixig which several corrections In 19-an ‘**0 vehicle’s trajectory were 12:80 p.m. E D T Thursday made. Fails in Cambodia on his new economic poli- Tass said ground control had cies. 29 "communications sessions" PHNOM PENH Cambo- ^ embassy. The 18-pound Pqlloe ssid the bomb was dla- ProM secretary Ronald L. with the -automaUc station dur- f AP\ Torm riata plastic explosive, concealed im-, covered under the long bread Zlegler' said the Joint session ing the night, o W der ""m e loaves of French loaves In a basket on the back would convene at 12:1B p.m. ' Th^ mission of the craft has shoved a wmb-lMen bi- ^ detonate on of the bicycle only when and Nixon would sp e^ IB min- still not been divulged, but cycle into the path oi VJ.o. with - the car. Cam- Swank’s Cambodisn'^bodyguard utes later. some Western specialists antiol- Ambassador Ehnory ' C. bodlan pcdlce said. stopped and ordered a search Hls; announcement at the pated that another automatic . Swank’s limousine today But the Mcycle brushed by military police, White House came after con- moon rover, Lunokhod 2, will but the assassination ,a t- against the limousine and turn- The vehicle was pushed tn m gresslonal leaders had made be rolled on the lunar surface, tempt fell throuffh when wed harmlessly into the street, the two young men the disclosure on Capitol Hill Others expected a second soU- the explosive failed to go they said. Swank continued to- on niotorcycWs who made their that Nixon would address Con- scooping operation- o f f • ward tte embassy unaware of getaway up tfad aUey and onto Tass said the station braked The riderless bicycle lurched the attempt on his life, embaa- another street, they said.The Nixon met for a UtUe over v^en approaching the moon to- from an alleyway as Swank sy spokesmen said. poUce eou K ^ two hours today with his Cabi- day and was swung into a was being driven to work from The 49-year-Wd diplomat be- caused the bomb net Council 'bn^ International round orbit about 80 .miles from his residence half a mile- from gan work as usual at 7j80 to malfunction. Boonomlc. PoUc^ with the the moon's surface, L id learned of the aseasslnii. main foscus on U.S. com- Luna 18 was orbiting the tlon attempt only at mldmpm- detonator had been ab petition in world maiicets. moon at the rate of one turn Ing, the spokesmen said. Swank . * Ziegler said Nixon’s remarks every hour and BO minutes at a c^tlnued normal embassy ^ to the gathering centered on 3B-degree inclination to the Key Drive business and refused comment tlm d lp to ® ^ service ih this field. He said there was a motm’s equator, on the incident. IMS. He has served In good deal of discussion on the Though Tass didn’t say so,. It " It ’s ■ part of -life here, . Shanghai, Tslngtao, Batavia, Jakarta, Moscow, Bucharest necessity for establishing new W£is thought scientists a,t Planned By spokesmen said. plants and equipment so that ground control would try to and Vientiane. He Is a native of U.S. industry can be more com- guide the craft to a soft land- South Viets BVederlck.; Md. - petltlve In international trade, ing. The bomb attack was tbs Ziegler- said the discussion Tass said telemetrlc data in- Sfth aimed at the American also included the international dlcated that the onboard equlp- By OBXmOB -|S8PEB Eimbassy and Its membsrs monetary situation and trade Associated Pre^xW rtter since war erupted beta last matters, including the meeting (See Page Twenty-Foil^) year. this week in Washington of U.S. SAIGON (AP) — Arilsr^ Last Dec. 1 a bomb blasted and Japanese Cabinet m'embers infantrymen have moved Intp the embassy building during on economic relations. two forward Are bases to free the preda'wn bouia, causing ex­ tensive damage but Injuring no [Following the President’s ad­ South Vietnamese troops for a dress, ttie House and flmate Legislators one. major drive near the I siotlan Bi April, another tenartM w ill remain in the House cham­ border, mUltary spokesmen re­ ber for a reception for the btnnb that failed to'^eaqriode was ported today; three Ap<^o 15 astronauts. In State T o contained in a school bsg In another developmoit, two thrown from a paartnc mo­ Tire' congressional leaders U.S. Air Force F4 fighter- made their report while Nixon torcycle at an American Skn, bombers attacked Inside North bossy car waiting to pick vq> a met with top advisers on inter­ Study Vetoes Vietnam in the BStfa so-called national economic poUcy. A passenger. protective rekoUcn strike this .. Simultaneous attacks were high-level Japanese delegation HARTFORD (A P ) — Gov. year. The supersonic planes, ab Is due in town later in the week Thomas J. Meskill said this made June l on a Marine tacked antiaircraft guns B1 guard residenee cmd quarters to discuss trade problems. morning he hoped the ml- miles north of the demilitarised .for members of tbs U A mili­ Among those scheduled to at- norlty RepubUcans in the legis- zone and. destroyed two of them tend today’s meeting were lature would back his vetoes of after they f i ^ on an unarmed tary equipment delivery team. Treasury Secretary John B. two bills up for reconsideratioo reconnaissance plane, the U.S. Two amerleans were Injqrad m Oonnally; Secretary of State later.In the day. Command said. None of the AMBASSiADOB SWANK these attacks. WiUiam P. Rogers; Defense vetoed U.8. planes was reported dam­ aecretaiy MWvIn R. Laird; Dl- before, but were passed aged. rector George Shultz of the Of- HiiHng ffie General As- U.S. BB2 bombers meanwhile flce of Management and Budg- gembly’s special session on launched IB more strikes In the et; Oialrman Paul McCracken Republican governor region around Khe Sanh south JetCrashes of the President’s Council of promptly„-o~i>tlv vetoed them ’ again.again, of the DMZ to soften up North H oliday Economic Advisers; Ambassa- requiring _another____ "tra_____ iler" ses- Vietnamese poelUons for the dor Carl J. GUbe^ Nixon’s ^ legislature to re- new westward push by 12,000 lu Germany; speclal trade rep^entatlve; t^e bills, South Vietnamese troops. Road T o ll and Ambassador-at-Large Da­ / But there was no significant vid M. Kennedy, former secre­ One of them, a b ill to/In­ Schools in Manchester and surroundinsr towns are opening. Pages 11, 12, IS contact reported \rtth the ene- crease state payments to the and 14 of today’s Herald are devoted to information about school opening and Put at 614 21 A re K illed tary of the Treasury. (See Fsgs Twenlijr-Fen) c ii^ L lly M d R ^ r s w ill be the Good S h ej^rd to bus routes. See Page 7 for last minute changes in schedules for eight' buses. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HAMBURG, Germany (AP) the le a d li U.S. participants In H t^ o rd for the c ^ ^ glr s - The coolness and ddll o f a discussions Thursday and Frl- who are w a r^ of W a ta te , is ■iTamoTlraftlc accidents across methe pu„t were oisdttsd day marking the Annual U.S.- " W “ " a c a d e m lc " ^ e Mes- ^ti» clatoed Uvaa ^ontliig a greater J a ^ se meeting of cabinet WU sWd, be^e/ilw^^ the three-day Labor Day week when a West Gsm an ministers on trade and cconom- has already bepn cloeed. In Michigan end. charter_____ ________ airliner________cradled after ic affairs. The other, a- measure provld- The National Safety Qouncll attempting an emeigncy land- The Japanese ministers are ing $1.7 million In state aid for bad estimated In advance that pn a supeihlgfaway. expected to purti for repeal of School construction In Brldge- 600 to 700 persons might die on One-hundred of the 121 pea- icetrlctlgns on the sale of Jai>a- port, has ^ e n less -merit now Women Chain Selves Together streets and highways during gajjgpja and crew members on aese products In the United than It did'^before, Meskill said. the period from 6 p.m. local survived the crash, po- States, including a 15-per-cent because tne school buildings in tlme BMday to midnight Mbit- said after .sortliig out ooit surtax on imports lmi>oeed quMtloii are "still not in' con- day. fUcting casualty figures (or Aug. IB by President Nixon as formlw with state fire regu- The Labor Day weekend traf- more than 20 hours. part of a sweeping new policy latl( To Protest School Busing Plan^ Ac death toU last year was 612. -me 21 dead included a stew- designed tb curb Inflation and ^ p . Nicholas Panuzib, R- The hoUday’B highest toll since ardees, they added, pre-. Under police orders, the World War n was 688 in 1068. Forty-Ave persons on beard protect the dollar. m dgeport, a candidate for PO N T IA C , Mich. (A P ) gether. at the entrance to a were evacuated Ih bis Labor Day message ^ a y o r uiin theuic rPark u n City,t tried*.»•=«* scnoolschool busDUS yaruyard min a bidoiu to10 uo-de- uauuuii.caution.
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