1 [very Americdn Boy's ldedl J'J1D te4 In U. Iii • .A.. ~ 1 e bru ary I, 1943 Page~ THE BAPTIST HERALD fFrl)) The Baptist ~ erald W H AT'.r .H APPE-Ml MG • • • Published semi-monthly • on the first and fifteent h of each mont h by the tDITOlllAL ROGER WILLIAMS P RESS On Sunday, Jan. 3, the lighted by a pageant, "The Child Di­ e 3734 P ayne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Rev. A. Stelter , pastor of G eneral Conference vine,'' which was very effective. Mr. the B a p ti s t Church of Albus wrote that " it presented t he Martin L. Leuschner. Editor America n F alls, Idaho, had Postponed scenes of the nativity before a back­ ground of angels which really added t he j oy of baptizing 16 per­ "For the D uration" Con •ten ta sons on confession of their Bec a u s e of the present war materially to the effect and brought faith in Christ and of receiv­ situation and t ravel restrictions, the birth of the Savior closer to all of Co v E: r D esig n ... .. Harold :If. Lambe rt Cleveland, Ohio, February 1, 1943 ing t hem into the church. The it seemed wise to a number of our us." W h n t"s H a ppening ... .... .... 2 V olume 21 Number 3 pastor expressed this prayer Eil i to rla l- leading brethren that the 1943 e The Immanuel Baptist Church of '" Your F r iend and His '" .. .. .. 3 in forwar ding this brief p ara­ Genera l Conference should be post­ Milwaukee, Wis., has r aised more than '"S i x ~a li e nt Ste ps i n t h e Chris t ian graph of news : " May this new poned to August, 1944. A resolu­ $3100 in cash for its " F aith Offering" Life" l.>y Dav id G. V e tter . .. 4 revived spirit remain in our tion to this effect was pr esented to which set as its goal $2500 by Chr ist­ " l:lro: aldng .\ II D ecem be r Records!'" "Your ~r iend and ~i s " church t hroughout the whole the General Council, the members mas of 1942 over and above the by D 1·. W illia m Kuhn . .. .. 5 EVERAL years ago the editor was pr iv-ileg ed to secure the year!" of which a pproved it by over­ church's regular g iving. Almost all of "Bu ilding T o rnorr ow' s L ea ders.. e The Rev. J. C. Kraenzler whelming vote. Should t he war the "Faith Offering" will g o toward by John A. ' Vilme r ....... 6 a utograph of one of America's best known ministers in a of Emery, So. Dak.; pastor of not be ended by 1944, then this debt reduction. At t he same time the ""The Miracle Boole Cl u l> " copy of one of his books. W e were ~ specia ll y delighted to matter may be submitted to the by F 1·an k Waggo n e r, Jr... 7 S the P 1 u m . C r ee k Baptist mission offerings and curr ent expense fi nd that this a mbassador of Christ, whose earnest .zea l and General Council again. contr ibutions of the church increased ""J'hE: Army Si n g s a l F ort S ill, Ok la."" Chur ch during the past 5 by Martin L. L c u sc h n e r .. .. 8 consuming passion for th e Kingdom of God ha ve brought tens Ill yea r s, presented his resigna- The resolution approved by t he considerably. Dur ing t he month of "The Pacific Garden Mission•· t ion on J an. 3rd a nd announced his ac­ Council calls for postponing the January the Rev. Thorwald W. Ben­ l>y R ev. C a r l F. H . H enry .. .. 9 of th ousands to a confe.ssion of fa~th in Christ as Savior, h ad ceptance of the call from the ·Baptist 1943 General Confer ence together der , pastor , centered his Sunday morn­ "'Chris tmas i n t he Ch ild r e n 's Home " inscribed these wor ds over his name, "Your Friend and His." Chur ch of Goodrich, No. Da k. He will with our Centennial Celebration ing messages on the t heme, "Wonder­ liy Dor oth y Gu tze lt Lutz . ... H R t pons f rom the F ie ld .. ....... ... l 5 Tha:t is the pulsating heart of the most effective evangel­ begin his new pastorate on March 15, and the publication of our denomi­ ful Words of Life,'' which were as f ol­ O b i t u a ries ... .... .... .. .. .. .. 1 8 succeeding t he Rev. A. Reeh, now of nationa l book until 1944 or until lows : "Grac e," (2. Cor . 12 :9) ; The Hom egolng o f the R e v. F. l'. ism. Through the channel of friendship we make our contacts La Salle, Colo. While in the Plum such t ime as the General Council " Peace," (Phil. 4: 17) ; "Joy," (Rom­ K r u s e ... .. ......... .. l ~ with oth ers and then lead these, whose trust and confi dence Creek Church Mr. Kraenzler baptized will decide because of the war ans 14 :17); and " Victory,'' (1. John 43 persons a nd received 6 others by conditions. 5 :4 ). • we have won, to Jesus Christ. Augustine sajd th at "one loving letter. WM. KU H N, Coming! sp.i!l:rit sets another on fire." In the opening cha pter of the· gos­ • At the Watch Night Service of the e The Rev. Ralph Rott, pastor of the Executive Secretary. F irst Baptist Church of St. Joseph, 'l' H 1':\" f; AVE 'l'HANii:S TO G O DI pel according to J ohn we read of a succession of men who Immanuel Bap tist Church of Chicago, :\'li ><s La un.1. I.!:. R e ddig o f th e Ca m e ­ Mich., the first hour was in charge of roon s has s e n t two t ran s a tla ntic A ir ca me to know Jesus as Master because others had brought Ill., for the past year a nd a half , has the young people who presented a Ma ll articles abou t t h e '.l'h a n lcsglving has been in failing health in r ecent resigned and announced his accepta nce " Salute to Our Service Men." Thir ty Uay a n d Chris tmas cele b r a tio n s of the them saying, "As your friend I want you to know the greatest weeks, but he was happy to receive Ch r is tian n atives of Soppo to b e p ub­ of the call extended to him by the Bap­ members and friends of t he St. Joseph lis h ed with s p ecia l pl <; t u 1·es in "'l'he Friend of all, Jesus of Nazareth." It is tru ~ , as T. R. Glover the written and personal congra tula­ tist Church of Nort h Freedom, Wis. Church ar e in t he Armed Forces of l:l n 1>li s t H e rald." has r eminded us that " the Gospel began with friendship." Mr. Rott will begin his ministry in tions from a large circle of friends. the gover nment. During the last hour J,; (JL I P SE The German Men's Club of the F orest Nort h Freedom on March 1st and will of the Watch Nfght service, the Rev. For t h e la r ger p a rt o f the y e a r, b e ­ How we need to recapture this lost radiance of the Chris­ succeed the Rev. T homas Stoer i, now P a rk Church sang a number of songs L. H. Broeker, pastor, ba ptized 3 young g i nn in g with t h e n e xl Iss u e, the n ew in Mr. Koch's h onor at his home. The and. as some sa y, t h e b est n ovel b y tian gospel! We ar e too prone to relegate the responsibility pastor of t he Round Lake Chur ch near women on confeS'sion of their f aith in Paul Hutch e n s w ill appear in s erial Gladwin, Michigan. Shell Cr eek Baptist Church of Nebras­ Christ. On Sunday morning, Dec. 27, ch a p t e r s in "Th e Baptis t H e r a ld." This for evangelistic endeavors to the preacher, the Sunday School ka, of wh ich he was the minister in e xci ting rom a ntic s tory will l> e awai ted e Since Nov. 15, 1942, the Rock Hill Mr. Broeker extended his thanks to with cage r a n tic i p a tio n b y man y of our teacher, or almost anyone who is supposedly better brained Baptist Church of Boston, Mass., has two pastorates, sent a gif t and many r eade rs. greetings to this beloved former pas­ the church for its patriotic Christmas for this ministry. But we fail to realize that some of the most enjoyed t he ministry of its new pasto1-, gift to him in the form of three $1{)0 SAINTS OF Jf:S US C H R I S'!' t he Rev.
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