Covel' ~cful'e THE TOWER of the Arts Building at the Uni­ versity of Manitoba is pictured on our cover. The University was founded in 1877, func­ tioning until 1904 as an examining body, in­ struction being given in three denominational colleges affiliated with the University. The University of Manitoba has these Faculties and Schools: Arts and Science, Medicine, Engineering and Architecture, Agriculture and Home Economics, Education, Social Work, Music, and Nursing Education. There were 4,387 students enrolled in the regular session and 1,069 Veterans in two special sessions. Our Beta Gamma chapter, which was in­ stalled on this campus in 1932, is one of the hostess chapters for the international con­ vention in Toronto, Canada, August 5-8. )IGMA KAPPA [Jr{angle JUNE 1946 Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, Waterville, Maine, November, 1874 VOL. 40 NO.2 CONTENTS GRAND COUNCIL Final Call to Our Victory Convention . Alice Hersey Wick 3 Grand Prtsidtnt-Ruth Ware Greig (Mrs. William R. Greig), 1964 N. Toronto Will Fascinate You . 5 Alexandria, Los Angeles 27, Calif. Speed's Advice on WJ;lat to Pack . 7 Extras About Convention . 7 Grand Vice Prtsident-Helen lves Corbett (Mrs. Laurence W. Cor· Among the College Delegates . 8 belt), 244~ Sheridan ave. S., Min­ , Among the Alumnre Oelegates . 10 neapolis ~. Minn. Engineer Outstanding Careers . 16 Run a Convention-to Pieces! . 16 Grand Counselor-Juanita Piersol Warren (Mrs. Virgil A. Warren), Theta Is Re-activated on Illinois Campus with 151 Initiates 136 W. Twenty-fourth ave., Spo· .. ... ... ; .. .. .... .. Bertha Burkhardt McClure 18 kane 9, Wash. Epsilons Point with Pride to Their Kate . 24 Lou Ann Lloyd Wins National Oratory Contest . 25 Grand Secretar.;--Marion Race Cole (Mrs. Russell). 15516 Appoline st. , What to Do about Rushing .. .. Martha Galle her Cox 27 Detroit 27, Mich. Won't You Help with Rushing? ... Irene D. McFarlane 29 Acting Grand Trtasurer-Margaret Register Sigma Kappa Legacies- Now . 29 Hazlett Taggart (Mrs. E. D. Tag· Send Your Names and Rushing Prospects to These Ch~ir - gart), Room 805, 129 E. Market men . 30 Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Alumnre Rush Advisors 1946-47 . 31 Epsilon Reveals Rushing Party Techniques . .... FOUNDERS .. .. ..... .... ... .. .. Betty Baderman 33 LouisB HBLEN CoBURN, Skow· Sigma Kappa's Help Really Counts at Maine Sea Coast Mis- began, Me. sion . 36 MRS. L . D. CARVER, nee Mary It's Fun to Direct Play Plans for 5,000 . 37 Caffrey Low (deceased) Life at "Happy Life Blues" Internment Camp .... .. .. .. .. ... .... ... ... Dorothy Latham Mattocks 39 ELIZABETH GoRHAM HoAG (de· We Have a Real Responsibility for International Good Will ceased) . .. .. .. .. ... .. .... ... Pauline Bakeman • 41 Mas. J, B. PIERCB, nee Ida M. Sigma Kappa Pictorial . 43 Fuller (deceased) With Our College Chapters . 49 Mas. G. W. HALL, nee Frances E. Pledges . 60 Mann (deceased) Initiates . 62 With Sigmas Everywhere . 66 BOARD OP EDITORS Milestones . 74 Editor-Jn-chitf-FRANCBS WARREN Directory . 78 BAKBR (Mrs. James Stannard Ba· ker), 18644 Gainsborough rd., De­ troit 23, Mich. SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in the months of March, June, October, and December by the George Banta Publishing Company, C#l/tgt Editor-HBLEN RBYNOLDS offici&! publishers for Sij:ma Kappa Sorority, at 450 .Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis. SubscriptiOn price $2 a year; single copies ~0¢; life BliCK (Mrs. Broussais C. Beck, su_bscription $1~ . Jr.), Seahurst, Wash. Send change of address'rsubscriptions, and correspondence of a business nature to Mrs. E. D. aggart, 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or AINmn• Etlitor-JBAN RAGON, 42~ 129 East Market Building, Indianapolis, Ind. W. Second st., Apt. '· Dayton 2, Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. J. S. Ohio. Baker, 289 Woodland road, Highland Park, Ill. Chapters, college and alumnae must send manuscript in time to reach their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and September. CENTRAL OFFICE Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazines As· Director-MARGARET HAzLETT TAG· sociated, 1618 Orrington avenue, Evanston, Ill. GART (Mrs. E. D. Taggart), Room Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wis. 80,, 129 E. Market Bid&., Indian­ under the act of March 3, 1879; accepted for mailing at special rate apolis, Ind. of posta&e provided for in the act of October 3, 1917. Skyline of Toronto seen from Centre Island Jhe Je'1a/ 1}ork ...Jjotef J.n Joronlo _j.3 Jhe Setting Jor Ou,. 194 6 Convention &final Call to (9ur Victory Convenlt.on By ALICE HERSEY WICK, Convention Chairman and Confirmed Conventionite HE travel and resort slogan this sum­ Panhellenic luncheon on Wednesday, when mer. is "You've earned this vacation, the remainder of the afternoon is free for T now enjoy it." Sigmas may well para­ sight-seeing, teas, shopping, or anything you phase a good idea by deciding "We·ve all wish. earned this convention-and-vacation trip, so All trains arrive in Toronto in the early let's ALL enjoy it together." What better way morning, so Monday, Aug. 15, will see the to enjoy anything than to meet with other registration desk manned bright and early by Sigmas from all corners of the country, with Peg Hazlitt Taggart, AI, our ever-knowing all sorts of campus traditions and chapter Grand Treasurer and Director of Central customs to exchange, accents to admire, old Office, who can tell at a glance if you've paid friends to greet, new friends to meet? Our your dues or not; your Convention Chair­ Panhellenic world does deserve such a gather­ man; and two typists graciously provided by ing-let's all see that this convention makes Mr. McNally of the Toronto Convention and up for the lost war years. • Tourist association. By the time you have A Super-Vacation Trip run our gauntlet, received your room keys and unpacked, we'll arrange the seating of Early in April I made a quick dash to the delegates, so tl;lat our first formal busi­ Toronto to check pre-convention details, and ness session may start promptly at 2 P.M., returned more enthused than ever at the really ready for business. prospect of our meeting of the Royal York, When Grand President Ruth Ann Ware Hotel. Everyone I met in Canada was ·so Greig, A, opens that session, be sure you're friendly, so gracious, so glad we were com­ ready for discussion of the Items of Business ing there for convention that I'm sure and proposed Constitutional amendments. we'll all have a super vacation-trip as well as We have a great .deal to accomplish in just a thrilling Sigma Kappa experience. a few days; it is your responsibility, as an Clothes? I was assured by several people official delegate to an International Conven­ that Toronto would be warm in August, with tion, to know what the business is about and sheers and regular summer clothes in order, be prepared to discuss matters fully and in­ although with a need for a warm coat in the telligently. evenings. I rather hoped we'd need sweaters, but even if we can't wear them then, the Traditional Birthday Dinner stores do have some yummy woolens in stock Monday night the New York City, Long and should have more by summer, so you Island and New Jersey alumnre chapters will can plan to spend some of your extra dollars preside at the traditional birthday dinner. (remember we get a 10% discount too) on You won't have to tell what year you were those lovely soft models for yourself, or on born in, only what month. Melba Paige mackinaws for your men. Anyone who stays Rosen, T, will be toastmistress. There will be in Canada forty-eight hours or more may some musical program, awards, the Maine bring in $100 worth of goods to the States Seacoast Mission program, all followed at 9 free of duty. So bring your regular summer P.M. by the reception to officers. After that outfits, something suitable for a formal formality, Provinces will meet informally luncheon for the Panhellenic party, formals just to get acquainted, with their own Prov­ for the birthday dinner and formal banquet. ince President andjor Province Alumnre For the visitors, swimming is possible but Director in charge. the water will probably be pretty cold in the Tuesday morning there will be round lake even in August, and anyhow~the only tables, college and alumnre .delegates sepa­ time that the delegates will be able to con­ rately, under the general chairmanship of sider a swimming jaunt will be after the Grand Counselor, Juanita Piersol Warren, SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 3 Ar, and Director of Alumnre Relations bers of the services, the Wacs, Waves, Katharine Tener Lowry, 0. Luncheon will Marines etc. of whom we are so proud, be the Special Interests (Honor Societies) but the Red Cross workers abroad and at party, arranged by Nu chapter. Phi Betas, home, the Nurses Aides, all those who did Mortar Boards, Theta Sigs, all the special their share during the war years. On the groups will have their own tables and the item of war uniforms, our editor Speed table for Confirmed Conventionites (those Warren Baker, ~. who is to be master who have attended three or more conven­ of ceremonies at the dinner, wanted to bring tions) gets larger each time. her Hoover apron and mop; your Conven­ Tuesday afternoon the round tables will tion Chairman wanted to wear . her back­ continue, college and alumnre jointly discuss­ less gardening overalls, but certainly we ing rushing. The formal banquet Tuesday want our Service Sigmas, Nurses Aides, and evening will be under the supervision of Red Cross workers to bring their uniforms! the Syracuse alumnre chapter, whose own gracious Beatrice Strait Lines E, will be Elect New Council Thursday toastmistress.
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