DOCOHENT 2E3011 ED 104 236 HE 006 358 AUTHOR Atmakususa, A.; And Others TITLE The Role of the Provincial Universities in Regional Development in Indonesia: An Assessment. INSTITUTION Regional Inst. of Eigher Education and Development, Singapore. PUB DATE Jun 74 NOTE 93p. AVAI.ABLE FROM Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development, c/o University of Singapore, Cluny Road, Singapore, 10 (S5.00) EDRS PRICE HF-S0.76 HC Not Available fros EDRS..PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Cooperative Planning; Developing Nations; *Economic Development; *Foreign Countries, *Higher Education; Institutional Role; Planning; *Regional Cooperation; School Community Relationship; *Universities IDENTIFIERS *Indonesia ABSTRACT This research project was designed to study the present situation and function3 of the provincial universities and to assess their role in regional development as well as to make recommendations for the more effective contributions to the development of the provinces in which they are situated. This project covered universities in 11 provinces (out of 26) in Indonesia. The institutions under study include both government and private universities. But in terms of geographical distribution and types of institutions, the 11 universities covered In this study can be said to be fairly representative of the provincial universities in Indonesia. The objective of the study was to determine how effective the relationship between universities and the planning agencies in the province is, and how adequately the universities are able to make aeaningful contributions to the economic, social, and political growth of the provinces where they are located. From the results of the study it is obvious that universities participate actively in regional development in Indonesia. The appendix contains background information on the 11 universities studied and statistical tables that accompany the text. (Author/PG) 01. THE ROLE OF THE PROVINCIAL UNIVERSITIES IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA: AN ASSESSMENT by A. Atmakusuma I.G.B. Teken A. Soeharjo P.S. Asngari T116 PP WY .; 4k P1U(YII(I MAIE w AtEY MICRO U$ DEPARTMENT OFWEALTH. BE E ft (.14ANTE U BY EDUCATION &WELFARE ilfiE,E ONLY/ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF nalLei If2+t. EDUCATION 411W-4.6 Dth. %RENT .14S BEEN REPRO :wsel s OPERT FROM f w ANC': ,AN 1 to f Ca A( Ttv AS Erni at, v:F w «.RE E YE TM THE NA '.E Pt RSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN Du(A113p4 PO; POS Of %,,EVIr OROPINIONS 'I ON Ou T SIDE .L N. W c/E wstoO, , (ESSANIL REPRE w .A F c 20 NO' NE Of Ill ul.'RE1 PERMIS 01. A NATIONAL INSTITUTE 1.0 1w POLICY E nPvw LMT 0.104ER E A ON POS. T 'ON OR tit ifht tutt.of Higher Edta anon and Development Singapore June 1974 2/3 Regional In%tituteot Higher Education and Development tfo University ot Sinklapore Rol(ftI imah Hoed. Singapore. W. PRINTED E3V LIANG 141-40S. iPTE) LTD. des CONTENTS Chanter Page Introduction 1 Historical Background of the Establishment of the Universities in Indonesia. 5 III The Role of the Universities in Regional Development 11 IV Problems Encountered 25 V Government Policy in Univeristy Development 33 VI Conclusions and Recommendation 41 Appendix 51 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The writers wish to expresstheir appreciation to RIMED and the Directcrate of Higher Cdu Lan Ministry of Education and Culture,Republik of Indonesia, as sponsor of this study and to themany individuals, groups, government and other institutions and organisations who have contributed to the team's research effort. 7 FOREWORD In May /.4 the Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development, with the approval of the Executive Committee, commissioned a research study I he Role of Provincial Universities in Regional Development in Indonesia: An Assessment-This research project was submitted to RIHED by the Directorate of Higher Education of Indonesia (this Directorate has since been elevated to the Directorate General of Higher Education). The study was carried out bya team offour Indonesian scholars from the Bogor institute of Agriculture i 1 PB). T hey were Dr Achjani Atmakusuma, team leader. Dr. I. G. Bagus ltriten. Ir. A. S Marjo and Dr. P. Soeparman Asngari. In keeping with the objectives of RIHED, this research project was designedtostu ivthe presentsituation and functions of the provincial universities and to assess their roles in regional development as well as to make recommendations; for their more effective contributions to the development of the provinces in whit h they are situated. This project covered universities in eleven provinces (out of a total of twenty-six) in Indonesia. The institutions under study included both government and private universities. But in terms of geographical distribution and types of institutions,the eleven universities «wered in this study Cdfl be said to be fairly representative of the provincial universitiesinIndonesia.The team spent two weeks at each university interviewing administrators and staff, observing services and activities on the campus. administering questionnaires as well as gathering reports and other published materials, The assessment was based on the data gathered from each institution and those collected from the provinces, especiallyin terms of rural economy and development. On behalf of the Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development, wish to express my appreciation of the work by the team of researchers who had stir r esstolly completed this study and .ny gratitude to the Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia for their support of this study. E. sp.% onv I wouldliketo thankDr. Achjani Atmakusuma. the project director. who, in spite of his very busy schedule, had agreed to make a trip to Singapore rti tinceile the research report. In addition to his responsibilities as E . t. letary of the Ayr miltural Sciences Consortium and as Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. IPB, Dr. Achjani Arr,!itkosci.,,1 has ,tx entIv been appointed Director of Research and Public (-;ervi, n the D:lek ',write General of Higher Education, In this new position, DrA( hiari, Arr-ndkusiond is responsible to Prot, Dr. Makaminan Makagiansar, Dire( forGeneral ofHigher Education. Ministry ofEducation, Indonesia. G.-me.irr..mv,,,. Prof. Or Makarriman Makagiansar serves as Vice-Chairman of the HIM 0 Exeitive Corn ,iittee and the Governing Board. I wish also to express Inv sing ere gratitude to the Government of Indonesia for its continued support of HINE U and for its full cooperation in the Institute's activities. 1974 Amnuay Tapingkae Director CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION a INTRODUCTION The First Five-Year DevelopmentPlan of the Republic of Indonesia (1969-19741 states thattheeducationalobjectivesofthe Planare: (1) To link education with the needs of,as well as opportunities for, economic and social development in order to equipyoung people for "ieir life and at the same time to meet themanpower needs of the community. (2) To adapt programming in the educationalsector to the need of supporting priority sectors, .e. agriculture, agriculturalsupporting industries, small ana light industry, infrastructure andtourism. (3) To prepare a reform of education thatwould make the school an integral, suitable and useful element in the lifeof the community. Accoqngly, the universities in Indonesiaare currently attempting to contribute constructively to the nationaldevelopment process. At the provincial level. universities are very often regardedas institutions for regional planning in view of the available manpower and research facilities. The practice of involving universitiesin development planning has been strengthened by the instructions of theMinistry of the Interior to all Governors, to preserve one per cent of the provincialincome to be utilized by institutions of higher education in therespective regions. This instruction isin line with the directives of the Presidentof the Republic of Indonesia in 1972to alt Ministers and Governors to involvethe universities in research and developmental projects. 1. Objective of the Study Faced with the task of formulatingthe Second Five-Year Development Plan.itis importantto know how effective the relationshipis between universities and the planning agencies in the provinces,and how adequately the universities are able to make meaningful contributionsto the economic, social and political growth of the provinceswhere they are located. 10 2 THE ROLE OF PROVINCIAL UNIVERSITIES The specific objective of this study is to assess the existing situation of theuniversitiesintheirroleofregionaldevelopmentinIndonesia. 2. Methodology The study is concentrated on universities in the provinces with Faculties of Agriculture,in addition to Faculties of technology and social sciences, The reasons are threefold, viz. (1) The limited tinge and budget constraints, precluded a study encompassing di! institutions. (2) A range in the abilities of the universities to contribute to the development of the respective regions was sought. (3) Indonesia is an agricultural country, and in the nation's current stage of development, agricultural development had been accorded the highest priority. Based on the above criteria the following universities were selected in the sample 1. Syiah Kuala University in Aceh; 2. North Sumatra University in North Sumatra; :3. Andalas University in West Sumatra; 4. Sriwijaya University in South Sumatra; 5 Pachadjaran University in West Java; 6. Diponegoro University in Central Java; 7. Brawijaya University 4n East Java; 8 Udavana University in Bali; 9. Hasanuddin University in South Sula4.esi; Sam
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