Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/proceedingsentom41ento -^7/^^ FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Entomological Society OF ONTARIO 1910 (PUBLISHED BY THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TORONTO) PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO 1) h ' /- ^ TORONTO: Printed by L. K. CAMERON, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty 1911. D A I Printed by WILLIAM BRIGGS, 29-37 Richmond Street West, TORONTO. To the Honourahh John Morison Gibson, K.C., LL.D., etc., etc., etc. Mat it Please Your Honour : The undersigned begs to present herewith, for the consideration of your Honour, tlie Keport of the Entomological Society of Ontario for 1910. Respectfully submitted, JAMES S. DUFF, Minister of Agriculture. Toronto, 1911. [3] CONTENTS. Page. Letter of Transmission 6 Officers for 1910-1911 9 Canadian Members 9 Annual Meeting 11 Reports on Insects of the Year: Division Xo. 1, Artiiui: Gihson 11 Division No. 5, F. J. A. Moitws 16 Division No. 2, C. E. Grant 18 Division No. 6, R. S. Hamilto.n 18 Division No. 3, J. B. Williams 19 Division No. 7, R. C. Trehkrmo 19 Insects of tlie Year in Ontario: D. Caesau 21 The More Injurious Insects in Canada in ]91(i: C. Gokhdn Hfwitt 27 Notes on the Season of 1910 : T. W. Fvles 30 Report of the Council 32 First International Congress of Entomology: H. H. Lyman 32 Report of the Montreal Branch 37 " " Toronto Branch 38 Librarian 39 Curator 39 Delegate to the Royal Society 40 The Role of Insects in Water-life: J. G. Nicediiam 42 Exhibit of Specimens 43 Beetles found about Foliage: F. J. A. Mourns 45 The Pool: T. W. Fyles 51 The Bean Maggot in Ontario in 1910 : J. E. Howitt 56 The Horse-radish Flea-beetle: A. P. Winn 59 The Migration of some Native Locusts: Norman Ckiddle 60 On the Practical Importance of the Study of Parasitic Insects: C. GoituoN Hewitt 62 The Coccidae of Canada : T. D. Jarvis 64 Aleyrodidae of Ontario: T. D. Jarvis 78 Some Insects of the Larch: J. M. Swaine 81 Insect Notes from Ste. Anne's: J. M. Swaine 88 Basswood or Linden Insects, IV: Arthur Gib.son 99 The Entomological Record, 1910: Arthur Gibson 101 Financial Statement 121 Index 122 M FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Entomological Society of Ontario 1910 To the Honourable James S. Duff, Minister of Agriculture. Sir,—I have the honour to present herewith the Forty-first Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario. The Forty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Society was held at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on Thursday and Friday, November 3rd and 4th, 1910. The proceedings are given in full in the following pages, and include the reports of the various officers and branches of the Society, together with the addresses delivered and the audited financial statement of the Treasurer. The " Canadian Entomologist," the Society's monthly journal, has been issued regularly during the past year, and has now completed its forty-second volume. It continues to maintain the wide circulation and high scientific value which have characterized it in the past. I have the lionour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, Edmund M. Walker, Editor. Biological Department, University of Toronto. [6] Professor Tennyson D. Jabvis, B.S.A. (Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph). President of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 1908-1910. [6] V ^«» A J-/. f^ A I L injured. Plate A.—1. Work of Lesser Apple Worm. Note the large area 2. Feeding punctures of Plum Curculio made by the new beetles in autumn. 3. Cherry Fruit Flies. (Natural size.) 4. Opened Cherry showing maggot about full-grown inside. (See pages 21 and 24.) U] defoliated by Plate B.—5. Sweet Cherry tree on the left almost completely the Slug; tree on the right only slightly injured. 6. Galls on White Spruce caused by Chermes siviilis. 7. Galls on Norway Spruce caused by Chermes abietis. (See pages 24 and 26.) [8] " — Entomological Society of Ontario. OFFICERS FOR 1910-1911. President—Dr. Edmund M. Wai-ker, Lecturer In Zoology, University of Toronto. Vice-President—De. C. Gordon Hewitt, Dominion Entomologist, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Secretary-Treasurer.—Mb. J. Eaton Howitt, M.S.A., Lecturer in Botany, 0. A. College, Guelph. Curator—Mr. Lawson Caesar, B.A., B.S.A., Lecturer in Entomology and Plant Dis- eases, 0. A, College. Librarian—Rev. C. J. S. Betitune, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S.C, Professor of Entomology and Zoology, 0. A. College. Directors—Division No. 1, Mr. Arthur Gibson, Dept. of Entomology, Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa; Division No. 2, Mr. C. E. Grant, Orillia; Division No. 3, Mr. A. CosENS, Parkdale Collegiate Institute, Toronto; Division No. 4, Mb. C. W. Nash, East Toronto; Division No. 5, Mr. F. J. A. Mokbis, Trinity College School, Port Hope; Division No. 6, Mr. R. S. Hamilton, Collegiate Institute, Gait; Division No. 7, Mr. R. C. Tkeherne, Grimsby. Directors (Ex-Presidents of the Society). Professor Wm. Saunders, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S.C, F.L.S., Director of the Experimental Farms of the Dominion of Canada, Ottawa; Rev. C. J. S. Bethune, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S.C, Guelph; W. Hague Harrington, F.R.S.C, Ottawa; Professor John Deaeness, Vice-Principal Normal School, London; Henry H. Lyman, M.A., F.E.S., F.R.G.S., Montreal; Rev. Thomas W. Ftles, D.C.L., F.L.S., Hull, P.Q.; Professor Wm. Lochhead, B.A., M.S., Macdonald College, P.Q.; John D. Evans, C.E., Chief Engineer, Central Ontario Railway, Trenton; Professor Tennyson D. Jabvis, B.S.A., Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Editor of the "Canadian Entomologist —Db. E. M. Walker, Toronto. Delegate to the Royal Society—Professor J. M. Swaine, Macdonald College, P.Q. Auditors—Professors S. B. McCbeady and J. W. Ceow, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. LIST OF CANADIAN MEMBERS. Province of Ontario. Abbott, Dr. A. R 10 THE EEPOKT OP THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. No. 36 CANADIAN UKiABERS.—Continued. PEO^^NCE OF Ontario—Continued. British Columbia. Miller A The Entomological Society of Ontario. ANNUAL MEETING. The forty-seventh annual meeting of the Society was held at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph, on Thursday and Friday, November 3rd and 4th. Pro- fessor Tennyson D. Jarvis, President of the Society, occupied the chair during the day meetings, and at the evening session the meeting was j)resided over by Mr. C. C. James, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. Amongst those present were Mr. H. H. Lyman, Montreal; Dr. C. G. Hewitt, Mr. Arthur Gibson and Mr. Groh, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa ; Prof. Swaine, Macdonald College, St. Anne's, P.Q. ; Mr. John D. Evans and Miss Evans, Trenton; Mr. F. J. A. Morris, Trinity College School, Port Hope; Dr. E. M. Walker and Messrs. C. W. Nash, J. B. Williams and A. Gummer, Toronto; Prof. Needham, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. ; President Creelman, Professors C. A. Zavitz, W. H. Day, S. F. Edwards, E. J. Zavitz, C. J. S. Bethune, Messrs. J. E. Howitt, J. W. Eastham, L. Cajsar, D. H. Jones, Morley Pettit, of the stati; and a number of the students of the Ontario Agricultural College. Letters expressing regret at their inability to attend were received from Dr. William Saunders, Director of the Dominion Experimental Farms, Ottawa; the Eev. Dr. Fyles, Hull, P.Q. ; Prof. Wm. Lochhead, Macdonald College, P.Q. ; Messrs. E. C. Treherne and G. E. Sanders, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa; Messrs. A. P. Winn and G. Chagnon, Montreal ; Dr. Watson, Port Hope ; Mr. C. E. Grant, Orillia; Mr. A. Cosens and Miss Brodie, Toronto; Mr. E. S. Hamilton, Gait; and Prof. J. Dearness, London. On Thursday morning a meeting of the Council was held, at whicTi the report of the proceedings during the past year was drawn up, and several questions con- cerning the welfare of the Society were discussed. Amongst others was the con- sideration of a proposal to hold the next annual meeting at either Macdonald Col- lege, P.Q., or the Experimental Farm at Ottawa. This was referred to the Execu- tive Committee for further action. Dr. Bethune was elected a Life Member, in recognition of his services to the Society since its inception 47 years ago. In the afternoon the proceedings began with the reading of reports by the Directors on the insects observed in their respective districts during the past season. No report was furnished by Mr. C. W. Nash, Director for District No. 4, East Toronto. EEPOETS ON INSECTS OF THE YEAR Division No. 1, Ottawa District—Arthur Gibson, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Throughout the Ottawa district, injurious insects were remarkably abundant during the season of 1910. Most of the regularly-occurring pests were present in greater numbers than usual. The season, on the whole, was much drier than that of 1909, the rainfall being below the average: July and August were particularly dry. 1-^' THE EEPOKT OF THE No. 36 Attacking Field Crops. The Hessian Fly {Mayctiola destructor, Say) was conspicuously present in wheat fields in the district. In 1909 no trace of it could be detected in fields where it (lid noticeable injury in 1908. During the past season large numbers of broken- down straws were seen in the middle of July, and all examined contained the well- known " flax seeds." In one plot on the Central Experimental Farm fully 10 per cent, of the plants were infested. The " flax seeds " were just above the first and second joints of the stems.
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