Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange The Kenyon Collegian College Archives 12-6-2001 Kenyon Collegian - December 6, 2001 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/collegian Recommended Citation "Kenyon Collegian - December 6, 2001" (2001). The Kenyon Collegian. 402. https://digital.kenyon.edu/collegian/402 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kenyon Collegian by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. iW.J New facilities spe- Simpson experi-ence- s Rhodes honored with Dance concert to Football wins under cial, p. 16 football, p. 7 new chair, p. 8 visually delight, p. 10 lights, p. 13 Hole K - E - N -Y - O - N 'U JL E -- G -- I - A -- N Volume CXXTLX, Number 12 ESTABLISHED 1856 Thursday, December 6, 2001 Bruening resigns; Zipp to take over BY JAY H ELM ER AN D moving on to take a job as an as ball coach in 1994. In the spring ing, "We have coaches now who Head Field Hockey Coach Wendi BRYAN STOKES II sistant professor of sports manage- of 1999, former Athletic Director are focused primarily on or.e Weimer, who would have been in Collegian Staff ment the department of Kinesi- Robert Brunell stepped down. That sport." likely candidates to fill the void left ology at the University of Con- summer she had the interim part The transformation was due in by Bruening's departure. However, Just a few weeks after plans necticut in Storrs, CT.The position of her title removed and served as part to the hiring of talented Bruening felt that it would be- were announced for a new multi-millio- n of Interim Director of Physical Kenyon's Athletic Director for the coaches, but also increased budget hoove the Kenyon program if both dollar Fitness, Recreation Education and Athletics will be past two and a half years. When allowances for coaches. A major Ardiuni and Weimer would remain and Athletic center, Kenyon Ath- Doug Zipp, who currently holds asked what she thought was the focus of Bruening's career was to focused on coaching their teams. letic Director and Head Volleyball the post of Special Assistant to the biggest change in the Kenyon ath- maintain a capable staff of head "This is why Dean Omahan and I coach Jennie Bruening announced President for Student Facilities letic program during her tenure, coaches. Already there are two as- chose Doug Zipp," she said, "be- that she is leaving Kenyon at the Development. Bruening pointed to the improve- sistant athletic directors, Head cause he's not a head coach, and end of the semester. She will be Bruening was hired as volley ments in the coaching staff, say- - Football Coach Vince Ardiuni and see AD, page two 1 A look at Greek life Time to Buy Some Holiday Presents low as 2.0," BY TRACY MILLER quirement, "some as according to the proposal. Editor-in-Chi- ef Moving rush to sophomore If a faculty committee gets its year, states the proposal, "will en- wish, Kenyon may be slightly less able students to achieve better con- Greek next year. A proposal sub- trol of their academic pursuits be- mitted to Senate last Friday calls fore taking on membership in fra- fora higher minimum GPAfor fra- ternities or sororities. Furthermore, ternity and sorority members and it will remove the incentive of a ban on rush for freshmen. 22 fac- sophomore housing preference for ulty members and one administrat- fraternity membership, thus reduc- or signed the proposal. ing a major source of tension be- "- ''.TV - ' The basis of the proposal was tween affiliated and independent C an analysis conducted over the students." summer of 2001 by members of "Last year there were a num- the Psychology department, in ber of issues and incidents raised 1 which Greek-affiliate- d students by students about Greek organ- w were found to have lower grade izations... that led faculty to be point averages than independent concerned about student life and students. If the proposal is adopted, academic priorities at Kenyon," students will need a minimum said Professor of Biology Joan Russell Smith GPAof 2.75 to join a fraternity or Slonczewski, author of the faculty were con-se- e sorority. Currently, organizations proposal. "Some of us Members of the Kenyon and Gambier communities explore the wonders of the annual Gambier Craft Show. vary in their minimum GPA re GREEKS, page two Watergate exposed Scandal on the science quadrangle ing the demolition process," John pose of the furniture in a way ben- II BY ROBBIE KETCHAM BY BRYAN STOKES said, "I could see desks and furni- eficial to the school or to others. News Editor News Assistant solved ture ... that looked very new ... and An auction was held, netting pro- Water dilemma you could see the shovel of the ceeds of approximately $3200 for A leak in the water pipelines "I am slightly concerned that Kangaroos return crane tear desks in half." Spragens Kenyon's Chemistry, Math and now-demolish- corpse of the ed Philip Phil Mather's mutilated believes that this furniture could Psychology departments. In addi- Mather Science Hall, carrying an retire might pollute our groundwater. Members have been donated to charity, a tion, departments were allowed to estimated water loss of 99,000 gal- And one of those chairs might have point affirmed by a telephone call forage through the building and lons per day, was a prime contribu- the same. come in handy, too," said freshman to the Salvation Army, who said "If select any items they desired for tor to the Village of Gambier's re- After a review by Tim Black Michael Billmire of the Phil it's in good condition, we will ac- themselves. "The furniture was cent water funding troubles. Ac- of Pipeline Leak Detection, Mather deconstruction. Several cept it." broken or worn out and not worth cording to Village Administrator Inc. .Village Administrator Jim questions of safety, waste and pro- According to Maintenance the labor cost to store for resale. Jim Lenthe, reporting at Monday Lenthe reported that Philip cedure have been raised concern- Superintendent Tom Lepley, how We now have a large pile of chairs night's Village Council meeting, Mather's "meter was working, ing this demolition, many of which ever, all efforts were made to dis the undetected leak in the science reading about 200 gallons a day, remain unanswered. hall, along with four malfunction- which is pretty normal, not outra- Sophomore John Spragens ing fire hydrants, created a net geous, but then when the water '04 believes that the chairs, tables, Showers. High 55F, Saturday: Showers. High 47F, water loss of around 99,000 gal- was turned off November 6, the desks etc. that were destroyed with Tonight: low . low 26F. lons per day, causing the Village's main meter on 229 was not using Phil Mather, amid the cheers of 33F it Partly cloudy. High Sunday: Partly cloudy. High water bills to soar over budget approximately 99,000 a day that students, could have been put to Friday: use. "As I was watch 48F, low 34F 47F, low 32F. while metered water usage seemed see VILLAGE, page four nuch better 2 The Kenyon Collegian NEWS Thursday, December 6, 2Q0i AD: In transition Student facilities planned both because of the scope of what ' ment to the project. CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE ter." BYJAYHELMER with we're talking about and the lack of Perhaps, however, Keny. because he has experience the Zipp, who already has a rela- Sports Editor have-- not need to have administration. tively full plate as chairman of the scope of what we " does all the money Bruening's legacy to Kenyon steering committee for the new "This is going to be one of the As previously reported, Spe- for the project quite yet. The Coll- to President for egian has learned that Denison Uni- includes a soccer team, which has FRA, takes on another massive re- best facilities in any division any cial Assistant the - started a recovery to its past glory, sponsibility as athletic director. where in the country." . Student Facilities Development vciaujr, niiu la wuiwilg on 3 nt chair- and a volleyball team that made a However, Zipp feels confident that That was the description of se Doug Zipp, who serves as the $60 million campus commons, also in- has with the help of Gund, has drastic improvement. "We are he can excel in both roles, saying, nior Andy Mills on the new Fitness, man of the steering committee yet & debted to Jennie for the excellent 'This position will allow me to be- Recreation and Athletic center said that the funding for this project raise the full amount needed forth leadership and the clear direction come immersed in the athletic (FRA). Nearly a month after the will not draw from the money raised endeavor. she has provided the Department of department's daily operations, be in- plans were first announced to the during Kenyon's recently com- Another issue that has beei Physical Education, Athletics and volved with coaches, student ath- Gambier Village Council, many pletely 5 year raised this past week is what Recreation over the course of the letes, facilities, and really give me seem excited about what this facil $116 million dollar campaign. Kenyon will do for a field house past two and a half years. She will the opportunity to be in the middle ity will have to offer.
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