Wednesday, August 2, 1961 Page D-2 THE PRESS YOUR GUIDE TO K The Very Best In Entertainment A FINE DINING lw^ i ______. ^\ Theater And Entertainment in the Greater Guide Los Angeles and ****** Torrance Area International Youngsters Enter (hucko to Pass on Title Family Festival Junior Pet Show Plans in Order Peck Park will hold Its an­ At Clown Week Festivities Robert Den ton of Lomita nual Junior Pet Show again Chucko, the Birthday duced by Charles Runyon and this week was chosen festi­ this year. Clpwn, will pass on his Clown Ray Kabat. Tom Burrows di- val director of the South J3ay's The pet show !s for a 11 of the Year title, awarded jects and music is by organ- Fourth Annual International boys and girls and pets, ad­ him in 1060 by the Clown ist Johnny Duffy. Family Festival. mission is free. Club of America, as the cli- The event is scheduled Oct. The show will be divided max of National Clown Week WASTE 21 through Oct. '22 at Avia­ into five catagdries: Dogs, festivities on "Chucko's Car- Jefferson, Ohio, Gazette: tion High School, Kedondo Cats, Birds, Aquatics, and toons" Monday, August 7, at "The politicians love to talk Beach. , Miscellaneous. P^ach entry 8 a.m. over KABC-TV, Chan- about economy in govern- EXPERIENCE will receive and arm band nel 7. I ment, but take a look at somt The committee plans to number and Peck Park Jun­ The schedule for National evidence of 'economy' uncov- again give the South Bay ior Pet Show pin at time of Clown Week activities on ered b>r th« House Armed community an opportunity to registration. "Chucko's Cartoons" follows: iServices Investigation experience, without charge, This pet show is conducted numerous wonders and beau- for the' purpose of giving the Tuesday, August 1, Chucko tie^ of the world. Exotic dan- youngsters a chance to show will give his initial salute to tors and charming folk sing­ off their pets. National Clown Week. In the ers will highlight the exhibits Rules for the pet show are activity segment^ Chucko has of art and handicraft from as follows: the children draw clowns and FAirfax 86375 many lands. (1.) All types of pets han­ name them after he gives the Wednesday Thru Saturday history of clown's names. "HOMICIDAL" Children will hear the dled by Junior Handlers ac­ Also Sidney Poitier fltories of far-a-way places, cepted; (2.) Pets must be Wednesday, August 2, the "A RAISIN IN THE SUN" see the costumes, sing the kept on leash or in cages in children play "pin the nose Will not play at Wed. & Sat. songs and learn the dances. areas designated; (3.) Provide on Chucko" and dance th e Matinees Hokey Pokey in clown faces. The whole family may attend water; (4.) Participants stay Wednesday Matinee the international buffet which in designated areas with pet Thursdaj% Augs 3, in the THE SPOOK CHASERS" will be served during the until classifications are called; story time segment, Chucko Also event with donations cover­ and (5.) Handler must be cap­ tells the touching naVrative of THE INCREDIBLE ing expenses. able of handling own pet. "What Is a Clown?" SHRINKING MAN" LOVE OF CULTURE Winners will be awarded Friday, August 4, Fred Saturday Matinee "This is an event for the trophies, ribbons and food for Baker, president of the "FRANCIS IN THE NAVY" Hughes Culver City Employ­ Also community," Mrs. Garrett pets. Abbott and Costello said, "Which is molded from The pet show will be held ees Association Clown Club, "MEET THE the talent, artistry and love August 18 at one p.m. at Peck and representatives of the KEYSTONE COPS" of c B 11 u r e to be found Pork (direct6rs office), 560 N. club present Chucko an Hon­ Sunday and Monday orary ' Membership in Clown throughout our area." Western Ave., San Pedro. "THE HOUSE OF FRIGHT" Persons desiring to offer The show is sponsored by Alley for ". his devoted and their time or talent to the the Los Angeles City Parks efforts toward making chil­ "TERROR IN THE festival may contact Mrs. and Recreation Department. dren's dreams a reality." HAUNTED HOUSE" Henry Schroer'luke, 620 23rd Monday, August 7, Chucko will pass on his "Clown of the JAPANESE MOVIES Paddleboard Races Clown, Mr. Raymond Bick- EVERY TUESDAY Year" title to' Ray ford, the 3630 247th Place, Harbor City, at Clown Week, on "Chucko's Cartoons," Monday, August 7, DA 5-3976. CHUCKO, the Birthday Clown, will pass on his Clown of the ford of Bernardston, Massa­ Slated in August Year title as the climax to the week-long festivities of Nation* at 8 a.m. over KABC-TV, Channel 7. ________ chusetts, selected by the Tonight The paddleboard race from Clown Club of America as the "ESCAPE IN JAPAN" the Isthmus of Catalina Is­ amateur tends to hold back, "1961 Clown of the Year." (Color) Wonderfully land to Manhattan Beach pier but the pro glories in his au­ R dience. He pulls it to him. Fred Baker, West Coast rep­ "THE DEAD ONE" AIIECUID August 20 will have a keener Area Manuscripters Organization Meeting resentative of the club, will (Color) competitive edge than before plays to its response, and TIN DEI writes knowing there will be accept the title for Rayford. O with greater competition "Chucko's Cartoons" is pro< Thurs., Frl. end Sat. Chicken lined up for Tom Zahn, 36, at least one reader to whom winner in four out five pre­ Features Lecture From Noted Local Author his story will be a memorable A Pat Boone mrf WILL DONI done^wlth therapeutic writ- experience," he said. Florence Hancher, Ev Four- Barbara Eden vious races across 32 miles of "If your heart is pure, your readers. '" , .- -,-,- TELL READER cause is just, your courage WHOSE .PLEASURE? ing; he would have to shake nier and Wanda Irwin. "ALL HANDS Spare Ribs choppy channel waters. Persons interested in writ­ ON DECK" Competition will come fi r strength is great He works for their pleas- oftfUbein1f /°P e*Rlly 8,atisf>fd "And don't forget to use ing, beginner or professional, D from JamesTo^« Mo-Mica,- a, 21, a '"" '' ' y'""' ---- " -- '. - Wlthwiui wnatwnui neuc doesuues,- foriui theme- skill as a pro to tell the (Color) COCKTAILS scrappy 1,'MXpound paddle- >'ou c?Jn overcome airobsta-, ure, not his own. He weaves profcssional is by necessity a are invited to attend the next . immediately what the meeting. August 18, at 8 p.m., I Michael Gough S«rv*d in all 4 Dining Room boarder who finished a mere c] in lhe Patl) to reach vour ?, 8P_elL°_f _ .a?!?J An' A iak^ perfectionists; he would have story is all about. The ama- "KONGA" . - themintni intoimo a wormworld 01of ureamsdreams to discard ;;'his favorite offbeat, soryt J ._s .._a tna .. _ Clark Stadium, 861 Valley OPtN OAILT. »UM. 15 minutes behind Zahn last nealt. s i we (Color) M «.«. M II t.m. if Ml. Thismis is methe sun.ystory toldiuiu byu.y where - - ---he whispers-----~r -- -reassur- - thuiumes, ieeivwi«leavi themmem tow theme- vte.mjce |tendsO COnceal tc it." Clifton Drive, Hermosa Beach. For DAY BEPORI HOLIDAY I year the closest second place story-tellers down through ances. He causes the reader professional who probably added further information call Mary U that Zahn has Experienced, all Edith L i n d s a y, secretary, * * AtAI theme recommendation of01 history»»tory," said Mark Clifton, ^ exclaim after reading; his ldn>t t h ^ with a ,]n ' essen(^;, Cliflon con. DRIVE-IN THEATER Zahn and other paddlers, race noted Redondo Beach writer, story By go{IJ- ^^ j ten-foot pole; and he would dudedi «Wrile for your ^ad- FRontier 2-6159. M Redondo Beach Blvd. officials this year eliminated "because of a seemingly per- 1 hats what l ve Known *n have to quit reacmg for pleas- not for yourseif. You, as DA 42664 the "open" classification and petual human need to be re- along ^ I<oi the professional ure at ,cast Wlthm hls own wr i t e r will still... show. have confined it to a "stock" assured of this." , * , field, and read for all the into your work but LUNCrifcON Mtmbtrt i all SpeakingbpeaKing beforeneiore a recentunt-m. words -» « whatVV the readers7i wanttl * minimiuuues,ititudes »iOf techniquesu^mmiur* it COCKTAILS board race. This means all _ _ A _ l» _~ IT,-. rvi i , *\rt + K n *M **rV* n f translating your own DINNER * .f theB meeting Otof J^OUinWfSLSouthwest Man-man- to«- hca.r...~n .. He.-~ "„.-.-gives them----- what ---- wou]flwouia beUt? totu hisins beneUUUCJILfit toiu irJpac intr. th«s iinivrrs-ilitip*! Din«ri Club competitors will be in uscripters in Hermosa Beach, they want, Clifton summed master ,n ghort( he hag tQ ideas mto the imncisdlities R.dendo »«ach ilvd. same race. Hawthorn* Hv4. OIL t-9917 Contestantsv^^lu,,,,, leave .,.. the,.,. Tsth....... Clifton, in describing the "Pro up. contract to work for others r^iVf L-l ^It rprpnt mw«»l FK 3-2331 AT LAST! 11 ltd St. o*4 mus at Catalina Island on a Point of'View," said the pro- Clifton, represented In at a very hard job, and on ..^ '"'^lhe^ VonVT i".'^ the HewthenM llvtf. 32-mile course toward the fessional writer takes care to more than 20 short-story an- their terms. mar*" a lamnonn on Wash- GENUINE Manhattan-- Reach- ' pier'' --- -^«- « ^ ^ thologies, author of numerous SPEciALlZE fng on. DC *™ JiS Wen 'n^^rnTn^^f ±k Drawi »* from his own ** «"fd to Dotibledav and is due ITALIAN novels and a non-fiction book p^rienc (:iifton advirw writ.
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