SELF-CONCEPT PORTRAYED IN THE MAIN CHARACTER OF WINSTON GROOM’S FORREST GUMP NOVEL: HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH RESEARCH PAPER Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department By: AFIFAH BAYUNING ISTIQLAL A320160273 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION SCHOOL OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH SURAKARTA 2020 APPROVAL SELF-CONCEPT PORTRAYED IN THE MAIN CHARACTER OF WINSTON GROOM’S FORREST GUMP NOVEL: HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH RESEARCH PAPER Proposed by: Afifah Bayuning Istiqlal A320160273 Approved by the supervisor to be defended before the Board of Examiners. Surakarta, December 19th 2020 Supervisor, (Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S.) NIDN.0602095901 ii ACCEPTANCE SELF-CONCEPT PORTRAYED IN THE MAIN CHARACTER OF WINSTON GROOM’S FORREST GUMP NOVEL: HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH Presented by: AFIFAH BAYUNING ISTIQLAL A320160273 Accepted by the Board of Examiner School of Teacher Training Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta On December 26th 2020 Board of Examiners, 1. Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. (Head of Examiner) 2. Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed. (Member I of Examiner) 3. Titis Setyabudi, S.S., M.A. (Member II of Examiner) Dean, Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum. NIP.19650428199303001 iii iv MOTTO Be kind, be true, be brave, stay loyal and be humble. Every soul has their own battle, so, please be kind to one another. If you can‟t be kind, just try to be kind. v DEDICATION This research paper is dedicated to: 1. Her beloved parents, mama and ayah. Thank you for the endless love, many kind of blessings, and many kind of support that both of you gave to me all the time. I love you from the bottom of my heart, ma, yah. 2. Her beloved two younger brothers whom always being the supportive yet playful to their big sister. 3. Her beloved and supportive long-lost sister, Dew. Thank you for all the love, support, and memorable life experience in Griya Pink, wise advises, I am wishing you a healthy and tons of abundance in your life. 4. Her beloved and supportive red semur members; Kak Dea, Disa, Raras and Zahra. Thank you for all the love, support, and the memes, it was such a pleasure to meet and know you all in my life. Thank you for always setting up the good mood and keeping me sane during pandemic. Best of luck, stay happy and healthy, semurdeul. 5. Her beloved and supportive friends: Mita, Resti and Bella. Thank you for the all bittersweet memories while I am in Solo. I will miss you all, much loves. 6. Her beloved and supportive friends in department from the freshman until final year: Shakesha, Annisa Aprilia, Aliffia, Dama, and Auli. Thank you for being a great help during my university year, I am so grateful that I could meet and know you. Wishing you many blessings, may the force be with you all. 7. Her beloved virtual soul mates, The Shining Wolf and The Smiling Bunny. Thank you for coming into my life, thank you for being my safe place. I hope you all the blessings the universe could give. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh In the name of Allah, whom all the praises belongs to, who has given all the blessings and strength to the author as the inspiration for the completion of this research paper entitled “SELF-CONCEPT PORTRAYED IN THE MAIN CHARACTER OF WINSTON GROOM’S FORREST GUMP NOVEL: HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH”. This research paper conducted as one of the requirements in completing education at the Department of English Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, This research paper could not be complete without the blessing, help, and guidance, therefore, the researcher wanted to express her gratitude to: 1. Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum., Dean of School of Teacher and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2. Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D., Head of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 3. Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S., the advisor who has given many helps and guidance that the researcher could finish this research. 4. All lecturers in Department of English Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta who has given the researcher lessons and experiences in learning. 5. The library of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta who has provide the references for this research to be completed. 6. All the resources to help in providing this research to be completed. vii The researcher realised that this research is still lacking from the perfect ones. The researcher will be gladly taking any comment and suggestion for the further research. Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh The researcher, viii RINGKASAN Afifah Bayuning Istiqlal / A320160273. SELF-CONCEPT PORTRAYED IN THE MAIN CHARACTER OF WINSTON GROOM’S FORREST GUMP NOVEL: HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH. Skripsi. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Desember 2020. Afifah Bayuning Istiqlal [email protected] Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S [email protected] Studi ini berjudul Self-concept Portrayed in The Main Character of Winston Groom‟s Forrest Gump novel: Humanistic Psychological Approach. Tujuan studi ini untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan karakteristik konsep diri yang digambarkan oleh tokoh utama novel Forrest Gump oleh Winston Groom yang menyampaikan makna secara eksplisit tentang konsep diri. Tipe studi ini adalah studi sastra. Tipe data yang digunakan untuk melakukan studi ini terbagi menjadi dua. Data primer merupakan teks dari novel Forrest Gump oleh Winston Groom. Data sekunder berasal dari buku-buku Psikologi, buku elektronik, artikel, thesis elektronik, dan ulasan-ulasan di internet.Kesimpulan dari studi ini yaitu: pertama, karakteristik dari konsep diri yang digambarkan dalam tokoh utama novel Forrest Gump. Kedua, Forrest Gump sebagai tokoh utama mengatasi permasalahan di hidupnya dengan mengaplikasikan konsep diri. Ketiga, alasan Winston Groom sebagai penulis menyampaikan isu konsep diri dalam kehidupan agar orang lain intuitif, terbuka dengan pengalaman baru, yakin dengan pilihan sendiri, dan tetap optimis. Kata kunci: konsep diri, pendekatan humanistik psikologi, Forrest Gump ix SUMMARY Afifah Bayuning Istiqlal / A320160273. SELF-CONCEPT PORTRAYED IN THE MAIN CHARACTER OF WINSTON GROOM’S FORREST GUMP NOVEL: HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH. Research Paper. School of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. December 2020. Afifah Bayuning Istiqlal [email protected] Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S [email protected] This study entitled Self-concept Portrayed in The Main Character of Winston Groom‟s Forrest Gump novel: Humanistic Psychological Approach. The aims of this study was to analyse and describe the self-concept characteristics of main character in the novel of Forrest Gump by Winston Groom as the author addressed the reasons of raising the issue of self-concept. The type of this study was literary study. The type of data to be conducted this study consisted of two data sources. The primary data was the text from Winston Groom‟s Forrest Gump novel. The secondary data to be used was collected from Psychology books, E- books, articles, E-thesis and reviews from internet. The conclusion of this study: firstly, the portrayal of self-concept characteristics in Forrest Gump as the main character of the novel. Secondly, Forrest Gump as the main character overcoming his problem in life applied the self-concept. Thirdly, the reasons why Winston Groom as the author addressed the issue of self-concept in life to be applied that people to be intuitive, open to new experiences, believe in oneself choices and stay optimistic in life. Keyword: self-concept, Humanistic Psychological Approach, Forrest Gump x TABLE CONTENT COVER ............................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... ii ACCEPTANCE ............................................................................................... iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................. iv MOTTO ........................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................. vii RINGKASAN .................................................................................................. ix SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... x TABLE CONTENT ......................................................................................... xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ................................................................... 1 B. Problem Statements............................................................................ 3 C. Objectives of the Study ...................................................................... 4 D. Benefits of the Study.......................................................................... 4 E. Paper Organization ............................................................................. 4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Underlying Theory ............................................................................. 6 B. Previous Study ..................................................................................
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