CASS CITY VOLUME 42, NUMBER 11. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1947. EIGHT PAGES Detroit Woman Is FOR THE NEXT CENSUS Red Cross Swim Captain and Mrs. Ferris A. Ker- See Who's Here cher of San Antonio, Texas, are Orlando Strickland, 89, long time announcing the birth of a son on resident here, died early Sunday Program Opens Killed in Auto June 26. He has been named Wil- in the county hospital near Caro. liam Ferris and tipped the scales Funeral services were held Tues- at six and a half pounds. day at 2 p. m. in the Little Funer- Accident Here Born to Mr. and Mrs. John al Home here. Rev. Herbert Wat-Here Monday Schneiegel, formerly Helen Frank- kins of the Novesta Church of lin, June 25, a son, named Thomas Af-M-M-M-M Christ officiated and burial was Mrs. Margie Renny Met Wayne. made in Elkland cemetery. Courses for All Classes A phone call Friday evening to STRAWBERRIES/" Mr. Strickland was born Dec. 17, Death Wednesday When Mrs. John Sovey .announced a new 1857, at Watrousville. Will Be Held Three Morn- great granddaughter, weighing 9% He is survived by a son, Homer ings a Week at Pool Driver Lost Control of Car pounds, who will answer to - the Strickland, of Saginaw and two name of Bonnie Darlene. The par- j daughters, Mrs. Minnie Whaley of ents are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dies-! Onaway and Mrs. Ivry Town of Mrs. Margie Renny, 32, of De- ing of Royal Oak. Muskegon. The Tuscola County Chapter of troit was instantly killed in an the American Red Cross will com- automobile accident Wednesday af- mence its program of swimming ternoon at four o'clock, one mile instruction at two points within west and a quarter mile north of Two Brothers the county—Cass City and North Cass City, when the driver, Mrs. Milk at 45 Cents Lake. Katherine M. Creguer, of Cass At Cass City, swim courses will City, lost control of her car. Dep- begin next Monday and each Mon- uty Sheriff John Zinnecker, who Drown in Lake Quairt Is Scarce day, Wednesday and Friday at 9 investigated, said the automobile a. m. during the summer. Should coming from the north on the the demand be sufficient, courses Koepfgen Road at a high rate of Near Pontiac In Alaska for six mornings a week will re- speed, zigzagged from one side of sult. All persons interested are the gravel road to the other, final- requested to report at the City ly turning completely around and Ralph and Ernest Stone Park pool at 9 a. m. Monday. landing on its side. Dr. H. T. Don- Jarmans Find Living Up Classes will be organized for all ahue, county coroner, was called Were Victims Sunday in in Price and Homes Ex- degrees of ability from non-swim- in the investigation! mers to senior life saving. Mrs. Renny and ten year old Fishing Mishap pensive at Fairbanks Albert MacPhail, who has just daughter, Margaret, had come to completed his first year at Michi- the home of Mrs. Creguer, aunt of gan State College, will be the in- the former, on Wednesday for a Two brothers, Ernest Stone, 25, structor at swim classes here. He of Hickory Grove Road, Pontiac, Mrs. Mack Little has received has served three years as life visit. When the accident occurred a most interesting letter from her j the two women and little girl were and Ralph Stone, SO, of 955 Beards-* d at the local pool> and at on their way to Cass City. Also in lee Road, Route 1, Lake Orion, ! friend, Mrs. Isabel Burgess, who Eas~ t. LansinT--,^.,g- followefonowfidd a course mi drowned when they fell from their went recently to spend the summer life saving and advanced swim- the car were two little boys, Frank with Mr. and Mrs. Ali Jarman at Bzich and Donald McNeil, of De- fishing boat in Commerce Lake, ming. He will be assisted by Ken- near Pontiac, about 10:30 a. m. on WNU Features Fairbanks, Alaska. Following are neth Price, another local young troit and both ten years old, who | some of the highlights of the let- are boarding at the Creguer home, Sunday. Both formerly lived at man and a Michigan State stu- Cass City. ter, written a week after her ar- dent, who was in the Pacific thea- a mile w'est and a mile north of iimiiniimimimiiiiiiimiiiiiuiimiimimmiiimmiiiimiimimmiimmitii rival. Cass City. Mrs. Creguer and the They went to the lake with Her- tre during the late war. He fol- man Siewert of Hickory Grove Oak Bluff Breezes { Mrs. Burgess went by plane tolowed swimming courses while in three children escaped injury. j Anchorage where she was met by Mrs. Creguer was ordered to ap- Road. As they decided to use two iiiuiMiiiiiiiuiimiiiuiiuiiuiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiim the Navy. boats, Siewert was fishing alone. This season has been an unusu- the Jarmans, former residents of At the close of each course of pear in Justice St. Mary's court to Sanilac supervisors voted last i Novesta Township. Her plane ar- •answer to a charge of reckless, Whether one of the pair fell and ally late one but the past two instruction, Hilton Foster of Mill- 1 the other went to his rescue could week to install mobile telephones rived on time at 11 ar.p m. whic, h„ , is ' ington, the Tuscola Chapter's sen- driving. A coroner's inquest will weeks have been perfect for fish- 5 p. m. our time on luesday. ihe . ° . ^ .,.__. •„ «, -™^,^^. ,* m be held here Monday at 1:30 p. m. , not be established as none of those ermen and all water sports so that in the county sheriff's cars as soon P instructor in swimmingm , wilr l j who witnessed the accident were the cottages are slowly filling with as the Bell Telephone Co. com- group travelled b^y auto to Fair- give tests to all folks participat- ! close enough to be certain. familiar faces. pletes the installation of their re- banks and arrived at the Jarman ing in courses here. Those who Change in Schedule ! Sheriff's Detectives Elmer Mc- Mrs. E. R. Wilson has her ceiving channel in Port Huron home Friday night. The roads are pass the tests are awarded Red j Quern and Delos Anderson and nephew, John Howlett, with her which will probably be in August. curves, steep grades, made of Cross certificates. All classes are for Veterans' Service j Deputy Robert Gordon recovered for a week. John has been well en- This service is the latest in com- gravel and very dusty. conducted free of charge. Courses i the bodies. a tertained with picnijps, fishing and munication. Sunse. t and sunris. , e at •,Fair T., - here are made possible through For sheriffs or local law enforce- banks now merge into one and-Mrs. | fe courtesy of the village council A change in the schedule for trying his hand with the Wilson motor boat. INTERPRETIN6 TWE NEW.S ment agencies where the volume of •Burgess writes of being able to - F mitting use Of the munici- And speaking of motor boats, calls is not large it has distinct read after retiring without lights. , j there are several new ones on the advantages over the radio service AA 1homU nw* ne sucr*ti-i rt"hU af* sCt 4-Vthl e/-* JarmanTo T»W1 O Ti sG -^ Mr-^. Foste* r is supervisin,. g simi•• - pendants, has been announced by i Times are going to be better now in use. No dispatcher is re- jhave, a log bungalow which con- ; beach this season. Myrtle Holmes on Michigan farms, daily at Murphy Lake, Richard . H. Calkins, manager.* ofv in the med- and Mrs. Wuhm have purchased quired and calls may be completed jsists of two oedrooms sitting Q of Fostoria. the Saginaw sub-regional office. That is — despite the 1947 wet with or from any telephone having room, kitchen and bath, costs ical corps, 833 Aviation engineers, .one and we understand Dr. Mcln- spring. and was honorably tyre too. connection with the Bell system. i $8,000.00 and wanigans in which Cupid is getting along pretty j many people live and which -are Oct. 8, 1945. He Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Schenck, A -call coming through to the car 1 B. A. O'Dell Is will be at the office of the Michi-'j well, for one thing. Only one not only rings a bell but flashes portable one-room homes, cost gan State Employment Service, lo-,' ployed in the powe Mrs. Holt, Dr. Delbert Rawson and divorce has been recorded out of Fisher Body plant in Pontiac. Er- ; Master Jimmie were callers Friday a light which remains on until the ' $2,000.00. Graduated from cated in the State Savings Bank! 600 marriages among members of telephone is removed from the j Butter is $1.00 a pound; eggs building, 230 North State St., Caro,; nest had been employed as a farm \ evening at the Burke cottage. the Michigan Junior Farm Bureau, hand for four years at Fairfield j Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ketchum and hook. Thus if the driver is away I are $1.25 a dozen; oranges, 49 Chiropractic School each Thursday, instead of Tuesday | according to Ruth Parsons, pres- j cents a pound; cucumbers are 65 Farms, Bloomfield Hills. Both j son, Thad, of Birmingham are en- ident T'hat>s. better by far than from the car at the time he knows as formerly. Also, ,on the first and' on returning that a call is waiting j cents each; a dozen breakfast rolls The genior d Paimer School third Thursdays of each month j came to Orion Township'two years.
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