Page Eight CRANFORD (N.J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1970 9 visory Commission, Union County grade; A. Odesky, seventh grade; Municipal Investigating Associa- Illustrated Lecture Douglas Boyden, seventh grade; 'Rejoicing in Hope Topic tion, International Narcotic En- Winners Told forcement Officers Association; Philip Castaldo, sixth grade, and New Jersey State Identification- On Oceanography In Poster Contest Gary Illein, seventh grade. For Presbyterian Sermon Officers Association, and Kenil- Judges were members of the GARWOOD ^--''Rejoicing in Hope" has been chosen by Rev. John worth Juvenile Conference Com- Given for HNS For Fair by PTA GARWOOD — William Orth GARWOOD — Winners were executive board of the Garwood mittee. He also is an instructor H. MeFarlane, pastor of Garwood Presbyterian Church, as sermon topic staff assistant in the Montclaif announced this week in V poster : at the Union County Police Chiefs PTA. '•"." for the 11 a.m. worship service on Sunday: He will base his te'x't on office of the New Jersey Bell contest held at Lincoln School to Training School. Romans 5:1-5. Sunday School wtlLjrneet at 9:45 a.m. Telephone <Co., gave an illustrated publicize the annual PTA fair to There will be a meeting of the" members of session at 3 o'clock He resides at 116 N. 21st St. lecture on oceanography entitled be held at Washington School on License Suspension Sunday afternoon. Youth Chorus ""\ ^ ^ with his wife, Josephine. They "The Silent World" at a 'meeting May 2. KENILWORTH — The driver's will rehearse at 6 p.m. and Juni- Kenilwortli^-faeility would not be have three children, Joseph, Jr., of the Holy Name Society of the Cash awards were presented to license of William W. Bogoski, Rosemary and Richard. Church of St. Anne Monday night Jean Madiara of the eighth grade, pers' Youth Fellowship will meet anse "sumptuou"cnmniiinntrNi*s '-as:^ thosthrtspe- in WesWostt- 26, of 122 N. 22nd St. has been at 7 p.m. on Sunday. Senior High field and Cranford. '\. in the parish school. Fred R. winner, of first prize; Karen Be- Bender, program chairman, was.in gue, seventh grade, second prize, suspended 30 days, effective April Fellowship meetings will begin Mrs. Kelly announced that ad- charge of arrangements. and Michael Wolski, eighth grade, 6, under the 60770' Excessive at 8 p.m. on Sunday. , , ditional copies of the pool brochr Kindergarten The 30-minute program explor- third prize. Speed Program, it was reported Hecond Clww Huaiags Paid The Wedlockers' kickoff meet- ures are available in the Municipal ed the potential of the ocean's Vol. LXXVII. No. 14. 3 Sections, 20 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1970 Crnnford, New Jeraay 07014 15 CENTS l Honorable mention went to the this week by Ronald Heymann,. ing to formulate plans for the Building for residents who did not natural resources — foods, chemi- following: Joan Schlecter, sixth future will be held in Fellowship receive one. .. Registration cals and minerals and reviewed grade; Nancy Balogh, seventh director of the New Jersey Divi- Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. The petition presented by Mr. the technology being devised to grade; Andrew Puszkar, sixth sion of Motor Vehicles. ..The. midweek prayer and Bible Rica was referred to the steering help man reap these underwater study group will meet; at 8 p.m. Dates Told cqntoiittee. GARWOOD • Registration for- harvests. •..._.'..:. :: ' '.:.'.''..:• .',--- on Sunday. ' Another storm developed at the " The lecture included highlights kindergarten for the t school year Board Adopts^eaeberSalary^Sehedule The Wedlockers1 kickoff meet- meeting during an assessment beginning next September will be of the United States Navy's "Man ing to formulate plans for the hearing on the N. Eighth St. side- held at Franklin and Washington in the Sea" experiments, in which Some 2,500 people from throughout the future will be held/in Fellowship walks. Residents of the street Schools from 9 to 11 a.m. on Mon- aquanauts lived and worked for state gathered here Sunday afternoon for a Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. claimed that the sidewalks instal- day, April-27, and Tuesday, ApriL long periods of time _ on.._ the march and rally .arranged by Northern New ocean's floor. The mdiweek prayer and Bible led were of poor quality", disput- '28. ver Jersey Region of United Synagogue Youth Providing Increases Averaging $1,000 study group will meet at- 8 p.m ing claims to the contrary by the BIG To be eligible for enrollment, a borough engineer, Frank Koczur. to protest the treatment of Jews in the Soviet on Wednesday. Under the direc- child must be 5 years old by next Union. ' tion of Rev. Mr. MeFarlane, they Council voted to continue the December 31, and immunizations Garwood Rotary A new salary schedule granting an hearing at the next meeting April Praise for the orderliness of the demon- will make an extensive study of for the following must have been average pay increase of $1,000 to teach- Paul's letter to the Galatians. 28. completed for entrance: Winner of Award stration in spite of the large attendance was •.-•' - Passed on final reading was a GARWOOD— The-Rotary Club isn't only expressed by Mayor Malcolm S. Pringle, SAMKY POLICY FOR TEACHERS* ers in the public school system was Smallpox; diphteria, whooping X. Chancel Choir will rehearse thi bond ordinance authorizing pur- VALUE 'Public Safety Commissioner William H. of Garwood 'received the award { evening at 8 o'clock. cough and tetanqs (initial series adopted Tuesday night by the Board chase of a. .$20,000 garbage truck. r^ having the largest percentage fiteyer and members of ihe police department SCALE I SCALE II SCALE III SCALE IV SCALE V SCALE VI ''~~Tlie~May fellowship luncheon and booster, shot), polio, and meas- and' police reserves who were on hand to of Education, effective July 1. les (unless physician's statement of its membership present at the Year AB DeKtee AB / 15 AB / 30 MA DEGREE MA /IS MA / 30 Ycair for Westfield area churchse will be 50th anniversary conference oi help keep order. held on Friday, May 1, at 12:15 is shown, that child has had meas- NOW REDUCED! The schedule, provided in the ac- Name DiMario the 751st District of Rotary In- The participants gathered at Memorial _..j;:.. rTt9Q0 p.m. at the First United Meth les). ^-7,600— $ 7,700 $ 8,200 $ 8,400:; •$• 87700\ 1 companying table, raises the starting (Continued from Page 1) ternational lasj, weekend/at Host Park on Springfield Ave. and then inarched 2 7,800 7,900 8/100 8,400 8,600 8,900 2 odist Church, in.. Wcstf ield.- Mrs. —Birth certificates and-completed FarmrMotel", Lancaster, Pa. teacher with a bachelor's TCenilworth" Lions" Club~as~"Out- to the Municipal Building, where the rally - ' 3: • 8,100 8,300 . 8,700 8,900 9,200 . 3 Joseph Beylon may be contacted standing Citizen of the Year" and medical forms must be submitted Attending from. Garwood were SCHENLEY was held in the nearby municipal parking a,obo for tickets. at the time of registration. 4 .• 8,300 8,400 : 8,600 9,000 9,200 9,500 4 Tee by $600 to $7,600. The new in 1967 by the American Legion president James Lesak and Mrs. 5 8,600 8,900 9,300 9,500 9,800 Any questions about the re- 8,700 maximum, $12,500, is an increase-of as "Policeman of the Year." Lesak, Secretary Maurice Liddy . Speakers included United States Senator 6 8,900 -9,000 . 9,200 9,600 9,800 10,100^- quired immunizations should be HALF GALLON $1,200. The local officer is a graduate and'Mrs. Liddy, Dr. and Mrs. Jus- RESERVE MARCHING HERE tfo)l SOVIJET JEWRY >- Shown is a portion of the Harrison A. Williams, Jr.; Seymour Goldberg, 7 9.200 9,300 9,500 9,900 10,100 lft*40D 7 Name Opie directed to the school nurse, Mrs. of police training, school. Norths tin Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. David 8 „ aimarch-of.^2,500 personsr from Memorial Parfe on iSpringfield Ave. pr;eilmin- natioinal vice-president of the United Syna- '; , 9,500 . '9,600 9,800 10,200 10,400-"-^0,700 '.•a-... Minimum salaries on each of the (Contintiedkl/om Page»I) western University, course in Rpl-i Constance Batich, R.l^, at the Murray, Mr.' and-JWrs. Edward Dii- — Now Available At — IP- 1 gogue; of America; Rabbi Samuel Cohen of 9 ' 9.800 9,900. 16,100 10.500 - 10,,?<WT 11,000. ••••9 • tory for the bureau, describing school office in Franklin School. * aryy tto rallrally helheld hetheree SundaSunday inin.. municipa municipall parking lot across from the other two bachelor's degree scales also ice administration; Federal Bureau- dick, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Marek, Temple' Beth Shalom, Livingston; Rabbi Sid 10 , 10,100. 10,200 10,400 11,400. 10 the present darkroom in the base- r 10,900^--Hu.ioo of Narcotics training in Washing- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Masino and Municipal Buildinff4o protest the treatment of Soviet ney.D. Shanken of Cranford's Temple Beth- 11 10,400 1,0,500 11,400 11,700 have been raised by $600, while min- ment of the Borough Hall as a 10,700 n^20(f 11 ton, D. C, basic and advanced Mr. and Mrs. John A. Theisz. CONTINENTAL TEA AND El, and Richard Corman of Cranford, presi- 12 10,700 10,800 12,000 health hazard because of condi- 11,000 ..-^U.,500 11,700 12 • imums on each master's scale have fingerprinting, basic and advanced Hospital Statistics dent of the Northern New Jersey Region of 13 12,000 tions there including flooding.
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