^^?1fiSpp^^pif^«^^P ••'••••. '.|*T""^ ' •'•••' •* , : -i "'';'.•••'••'-'" — '• * ' '..'.•--. .'J-: -u"' - •• • '•'.-'•• THXStSZUT. AUGUST *,!••• '•'-•#'•••: •••! y thrive • '<: Programs for the Coming Week in Cranford • ' . Walk Latheran Workers at Services at Osceola Catefulfy Guest Preacher Guest Preacher Cautiously Lake George School Eugene PB at-Westfieid,, Methodist labernack For y layman, wffl "be in charge of ser» GUILD Delegates from Calvary Luth- ces Sunday at 11 a. m_, at The Bev. William N. Wysham. 0J>, aeaetary of the board of for- eran Church attending the eight- Presbyterian Church. The Bev. Al- GAR WOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH eign n1'*^""^ of the Presbyterian eenth conference .of Lutheran bert G. Dezso, pastor, is cm vaca- Services Program . workers aft Silver Bay, Church, will be guest preacher tion.' • Hit OrutiExica," A xnnpitniTnifm -service will be Sunday at the 11 a. m. service at George, N. Y., iratri Jury 23 No. 29 be the sermon topic of Bev. Charges; to 29 were the Bev. William H. Dry OeQar CRANPORD. >IEW JERSEY, THURSDAYits . AUGUST II. 1949 18 Pages — FIVE CENTS conducted Sunday by Dr. G. A.' the first Presbyterian Church- He BDey of Verona at warship services [ J pastor, at the Cranfard has charge of all missionary liter- Niebanck,-pastor; Robert Baxter, Placing around the cellar traj» Sunday at 9:30 a. as- al Cranford f Tabernacle. The subject at the ature and publicity for the Pres- Miss Ruth Frost. Mrs. .A- L. Hop- ontafn^tg calctom chloride \% Caution for Motorists How to Get Help from the National Foundation Methodist CSrurch. The Rev. Mr. evening service will be "Christ, the byterian Churches in the 21 coun- kins and, soo. Hiss Carol Jaekle, suggested as a means of keep. loyg' Camp Kiley, who has held pastorales.. ia futkxv-foT a Victimized Warld/V tries of Europe and Asia. Mfics; Joan Mnnt^g. John Montag. ing the cellar dry, as this material Urged in Route 4 Area Parking Record v for Infantile Paralysis Wien Polio Strikes Texas, Chicago and in * * Ksst, M the 11 a. m. service last Sun- Miss Marilyn Vasberg, soprano Mr. and-Mrs, Ernest F. Muller and absorbs moisture from the Extensive Repairs A warning that particular cau- has preached in EIHEETOUS cities Miss Carolyn WuuT- day, the Rev. Donald Ward, mis- soloist, will CT»g "Morning Hymn," However, file method-is not too tion should be observed by motor- Current outbreak* of infaxtltiMpardlvsis throughout the throughout the coustry. He wCl by Hpnyt"'* Miss Mary Elizabeth The Bev. Royal E. Lesher, di- Readies for country have brought to many autattof )rfrom parents regarding sjonary to Trans Jordan, spoke on M Elibth amount o{ ists at the intersection, of Raritan Bannell, organist, win play as the Problem the mechanics of National FounddtUA'for Infantile Paralysis First Polio sing •"What «^iaii I Give Thee, the spiritual aspecf of Palestine rector of evangelism of the United water to be absorbed.is so large. prelude, "Second Organ Suite Pre- ge. road. Centennial 'avenue and Stiles - assistance when polio strikes that m foundation has prepared Master?" st **»» serrice- today. The Bev. Mr. Ward and Church's Board of Social street at the Cranford-Iinden ! Made in Schools amble. Pastorale, Epilogue," J Generally it is better to paint th* the following summary of procedure w guidance of persons in ' Nancy • RubrigM will lead a Mrs. Ward have spent 24 years in . , pg J ^ conducted a class-at the because of construction work in cellar walls with a eemem-bjsa inalWeiefc areas where oolio Incidence it rtvort I The services provided meeting of the Senicr FeUosrs^ip the missionary* field and are plan* James Rogers, and as the postlude, Lake George school to aid workers connection with the Route 4 Park- Discussed water-proofing paint. A number o| by the foundation ate mada potslbU donations to the March Case Here at 7 p. m. Sunday. The Wcoen*s ning to return to Trans Jordan "In the Cathedral," by Pieroe. in the fall evangelism, effort of the' way, tt contained in the August of Dimes drive conducted each January - Supervising Principal Society of Christian Senrice vriZl such paints are available Kindergarten Pupils aboard the S. S. Exeter on Octo- church. More than 600 church oaOy. ' road condition report of State hold its ="••'«' bus ride to Oceaa ISome Openings Still At the first sign of illneM, fktl your own doctor. If he ber 16. workers from New Jersey, New Highway • Commissioner Spencer Legion Post to Confer v Six-Year-Old Girl Expected to Total 315 Reports on Work Done Grove, aa Tuesday. Mrs. MelviDe Mcaunies Faond at Saqqara suspects polio he wilf report the CBM(& the local health depart- An address was given Sunday at ark, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, ' The Air We Breathe I Available; Best Camper Miller, Jr. issued this week. ment and arrange for hospitalization «> home care, as indicated. T. IAWSCWS is is. charge of tirfrets Ttow Mew Light on Egypt With School Board on From Burnside Ave. in Enrollment in Cranford elemen- By Janitors, Faculty 9: SO a- m. by the guest speaker be- Massachusetts and several south- The average man breathes ia sail Work on the first paving sections The National Foundation does hot seufet physicians or hospitals tary school kindergartens this Sep- 1 Tide to Bill McKinlav This is a family matter. If you have no family physician, call Those leaving. Monday tpr the; fore members of the BifrYp Sch The patchwork etnry of ancient em states attended the conference. gives out 480 cubic feet «f a» a" of the new parkway are under way Jersey Gty Hospital tember is expected to reach a total Extensive repairs, decorating ] Several'vacancies still are avail- Situation at Jr. College your County Medical Society, your Bofad of Health or the near- Junior H5g$i £nd Intermediate' BILET The junior departmeat sang sev- Egypt, gradually emerging through day. for three and one-half miles from of 315 students, it was announced and cleaning have been carried out Vie for next-week, the final week, Speaking before a meeting Tues- est hospital . \_,.--••; \ Barbara Du. Beau. 6-year-olc -Jif" Conference st Elarrstcnra -. eral numbers. Mrs. Hugh Moore dusty f»yf« in t^"!*'. temple and Centennial avenue, to Tfinmn ave- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis today by Dr. Howard R. Best,-su- in Cranford public schools during Trinity Service Cranford Boys* Camp, Silver the will be Eva Allinger. Bereriy i I'" \ . was soprano soloist at fog* morning Hji^mM is richer by 10 more mum- nue in Cranford, Winfleld, linden, day night of Cranford Post, 212, If your doctprjays-ifTs polio wiH requires hospitalization, Du Beau of 124 Burnside avenue, pervising principal. The large summer months, it was report- A Holy Communion service with ke, near Hope, Director Stanley todav Hawes. Bin Reed. Robert tow.OiurcIi Broadcast worship. ' " .. Good. sharp, wen-exposed pictures tike this are 'easy to make with mies, discovered in deep-under- and Woodbridge, the commission- American Legion, Harlon W. Drew, the local chapters! the National Foundation will help arrange for is in the isolation ward of the Jer-enrollment will make two sessions ^ °y **• Howard R. Best, and Phyllis Cove. They uill re- _i. ^.1 . .. Prayer was offered by the Bev. almost any camera. Know your equipment and how to use. it best (or groucd. rock-walled tombs at thelymns wiU be held Sunday at 9:30 transportation to a treatment center., As soon as the patient goes necessary and will require the ap-supervising principal. "The Finest ot r be made with E. Cal er's reported stated. , Jr., described difficult parking to the hospital — or if your doctor advises the patient can be sey City Medical Center with in- turn August is. • Inis Jttmday Morning top-High* results at all times. SaQqara cemetery of Egypt's old m. at Trinity Church. The Rev, pointment of an assistant in each E. Poppe^ of Woodhride, former Igistrar, 29 Adams avenue, Work preparatory to paving for conditions which many students, treated at home — get in" touch with your chapter of the National fantile paralysis. It marks Cran- Operations, carried out by a staff Officers of the men's Bible class; pastor of the T.<T»H>^» AJLLE. capital, Memphis. Prank V. H. Carthy, rector, wfll be ford's first case of the disease this of' the four elementary schools. of 12 janitors, included scrubbing. T>rgT > ter and the Com- Fine Foods" 1 Bill McKinlay was named bes the parkway is scheduled for nine Foundation to arrange for any needfed assistance. The Union jitae ^T7 T*r? d this xceek as in charge. > both - veterans and non-veterans, - jj the subject of a Christ- Church. ~at regular evening serv- Knowing Your New Camera This burial ground by the long- 0 cBom cou> cm nper during the fifth week, at and one-half miles between Cen- County chapter has offices at 17 Westfleld avenue in Elizabeth year. Roosevelt School's kindergarten and sealing of floors and cleaning lows: i President,, Chartf* C ^Jian Scen ices Sunday. There were several vanished fountainnead of early 0 BOn-UUI SAIJtM must face in attending Union Jun- and the telephone number is Elizabeth 2-1513. \ Taken ill on Sunday, she wastudents s are expected to number and waxing of furniture in all Jian Scene* radio program to be \*E of the standard rT*f*»*r yea for... bow to It... and wha' He was in Cabin S.super- tennial avenue in Cranford and musical numbers, including a Egyptian power already * has Banna* Fair j0 rmozxw rooos ior College. ' 87, while Sherman School will schools. | In every building at least erts; secretary. Charjes ^zyazrd.,hro^dc3S.
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