Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Student/Alumni Personal Papers WKU Archives Records 1955 UA94/7/2 Mary Grise Scrapbook Mary Grise Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_alum_papers Part of the Acting Commons, Community Engagement Commons, Music Performance Commons, Social History Commons, and the Speech and Rhetorical Studies Commons Recommended Citation Grise, Mary, "UA94/7/2 Mary Grise Scrapbook" (1955). Student/Alumni Personal Papers. Paper 99. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_alum_papers/99 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student/Alumni Personal Papers by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .. \ \ , :--"\ ., .i\. <If I \ , ~I '' ~"l'-i .. ~ . , ' \ '\\ \< 'tG·· ··· '. ' , ~. ' .' \ \ ..... ' ~:\ \ I, \ ; . ~ \ '- / " . o ( c " IV' v ~ J. J~ ~'" \ ":J - . _ .. " .. Jc::; t I Fore Chri;- ..,m3S fatter cail::; U.3 William, sister calls ~,nd 'I en old '>port h0 hang~ arour.1, so me I'lill His eyes t hoy seem a~sayin': "What s Mother calls me "ilEe but tlle felJers reM tel', li t.tl,e Bill " call me Bill The old '£It sneaks down off her perch 3 l/ighty glad I ain ~ a girl- ruther be " lVonial's what .3 become boy, Of nem t .. o ancmi e:, of hern thu t used t, Without them ,,,shea, Gurls, an' thing rna, e t. hings hem that S vlorn by fo'auntleroy RLt I a~ dO perlite an .enJ 50 sar nes I.ove to ChawT1k green apple an' go sflim. i o h ... ~, in the lake-- ':'hat mother ~ar.5 to father 'How impro Hate to take the cas~or-ile they give for OUI Ylillie is ' ' telly-ache Bu'O r"ther, havin bE-en a boy hisself, 'Most all the time, the whole year ou'd sus !,icions me, there ai n t no fii es on mil, I'Ihe • Jest 'fore Christmas, I m as good But jest fore Christmas I'm a3 guou e, sa T kin be l I kin be. G For Christuus, " hip:h its lots an lots ( Got a yeller dog named ::;port, sic~ tim on .andies J cakes an i to r;. t,he ,at: I:h.~ tl' do, t!;ey say, for proper !tids an f:'i.rot thing she ~~nows she .:!oe.jn I t kn0w not for n:;q~hty boys; where sfle is" t- b o )iClSh yer face an ~ bresh y r bair, an 'ot a cljpper Bled , an' Tlhen uc; !dds goe~ IDlnd yer p's ann q'j, Ol:t to slide, And don't. bust ot: t yer p:m taloons, a nd v long comes the grocery cart. ; 3n l we a.l1 don 1. T,ear out yer shoes; hook a ride' fla~ "YElssum" t o the ladies, 'nd ze;,slJr I Put nometime::i 7lh~n thu groc~:ry man i', ~ o he men, ")f'ornted an to cro':s, ~ . hen they':; cOIllp',ny. don't paes ye~ He reaches at us \lith his whip, .w· l"rrupJ pletp f~~ pie ara n ' up his hoss But: t,,1nhn' of the t hines ye:: dUke Ant ·'Jem 1 luff' dn holler. 'Oh, ye , eve ~ee cpOn tr~t tree, teched me. J est for" ('h r ~s t mas be us goo" as :rer Ru1 ..i"st fore C1II'istmas 1'm as ,;:ood ilJ be' I ~in be ~l'aY'~1!la 33;'13 sh~ hOtJ8:3 that tal ... n I "it.. o b" a .n~n, J'11 be e. missil.'11O.rGr like hB~' 0 Ct"s' l/. p.. >1 hrotnG!', IJaZl, /l I~~ P ;) was etup by Lbe r,' nnil"'·,ls o/::·h:·l live in eyle,] a [sl", ~€r9 (:v ry pros peck ;'Ilean '. n orl:,r v ... an is v: Ie I ff T ,.,;:/ I.r Eut ~!'. Jhe has neiTCl LJcea to see a _.--73£ 1-lljlY 'hId Ylo'" lor ::r.c f. 'ltor rea,j i:.ho life of Dan:iJ:l Beone . or e190 I guc"rs .3t"I'? U knC'lI . {\! 1\1 "'hat BJfi 1, B ill an cotlboy~ I~ goo'! L"" , V / " el1Cl.. Y gh for mo ' Except ju"t I fore "hristmils, Ihen r m ,,~ good a~; I k.1 n be .. ,', • I J KENTUCKY-INDIANA WAY NE BROWNING LUCY SHARP JERRY NASH Vlce-Pru.. Eunllt.. 810., Ullv.nl~ T. .. P",,". Carll.l. (lid.' , THIS IS TO C ERTIFY THAT YrJ~Y2!:u ~ THE ANNUAL BETA CLUB CONVENTION 00' 1 'SA!POJUO ~soW ' uoods , ,,sold 'f:)clef 0 Y'!M lp oa 'SJO! 55016 OM, 6 U!PIO Y pU O, S UO J! 1~ 6n oJ M ~'D lq V ,85 ..II/or pUD WDr ernoon. ,., Dr. Lyman V. Ginger, Lexing. ton, president of the Kentucky Educatio n Association, will speak at a 6 p.m. banquet Saturday. The ! annual Beta Ball will follow the dinner. J err y Nash, Carlisle. Ind., heads the Ke n t u c k y . Indiana group. J Th ere are 2,933 Beta Club members in 130 chapters in Ken- tuc ky and 688 in 27 chapters in Indiana. " • The Beta Club, a national Of­ ganization; is"' a leadership-service organization for high-school stu­ dents. - » c !II n :! ~ Z ::0 11 'U 1'1 ~ r ~ r CJ) !'I oj ... » z oj "'Z 1'1 !II 0 !II"' 0 r "' r "' 1'1 Gl !II r~3~ ~ . ~ l J ~ i " (Dally News Photo) Demoeracy con test Is II shown ft- r ~2 ~~~~i;~of the Jaycee :p ='0 OOID11l.lII<.. for the contest amonl hll'b tebool students In the city and M onty. Jaycee Presldeat Norman Upman loob on. Miss Grise is .... 0- ~ the daurbter of Westem State Collere Deaa and Mrs. F. C. Grise, Nashville Road. In addition to • certificate. abe also received a $2S :r I" ~ aYiDp bond and • chance to compete In the Jaycee state contest. "!> , ',J -~ ;;) r. v, () Shoppinq Tour, r -~ (i) ~- ~ •.,> Parties Set ?\ "") ,, Z For Dec. 17 \.C U ~, ., < » J: Dec. 17 Is to be a busy day for r.,." the local Jun10r Chamber of Com­ f merce. The day's activities w1l1 start with a joint luncheon meeting at the Helm Hotel with Jaycee-ettes, the Jaycees' auxiliary organIzation. Following this, Jaycees and J ayce­ ettes will condUC\, children at Pot­ ter Orphans Home on a shopping tour of downtown Bowling Green. At 3 o'clock that afternoon, par- ; ticipants in the tour will be guests at a tea at the borne of E. J . Bon- ! ner, superIntendent of the Na.sb. vH1e Road institution. I A t 8 p.m. the Jayc-ee8 have sched­ Uled a Christmas Tree party for Helm Betel" and this will be follow­ ed at 1:30 p.m. by a dinner and dance at the Boots and Saddle Club. This schedule was announced at Friday's luncheon meeting of J aY' I· cees at tbe Helm. ~ which also saw presentation of a $25 savings bond I to Miss Mary Ruth Grise, winner of the jujnior chamber's annual " Voice of Democracy contest. I s rise ud High, gave er winning speech dur_ lng the meeting. A recording of It wUl be entered in the state contest. Other partiCipants in the contest were presented pen and pencil sets. The meeting also included an ex­ planation by Dr. L. C. CUrry, city school superintendent, of the special school tax proposal and the appro­ priation of $100 to get a recreation­ • al program started among youth of .- the 0113'. The $100 will be used 10 I aet a basketball leaaue under way. , >t _. AUSTIN PEAY STATE COLLEGE C~RK8VILLE.TENNE8SEE December 3, 1954 Miss Ma ry Ruth Grise Nashville Road Bowl ing Green, Kentucky Dear Miss Grise: I h a ve b een r eading of your exploits in every newspaper that I pick up . Every time I turn on the radio I h ear something about you. The t el evisi on i mf oses your countenance upon my watch i ng moments. I have been so impressed by your deluge of publicity that I believe you are the one for me. I am looking for someone to play the lead in a new p lay which I have opening on Broadway soon. Since yo u won the Voice of Democracy Contest, you are well suited for this part. My play is entitled "The Verse of Demo Crazy". , It .is an ancient Greek tragedy about a poet named Demo who wrote so mu ch ve rse that he went crazy. I know of no one who is a s well vprsed in b eing ~zy as you are. Pleas e let me know if you can accept t his job. Only one t h i ng bothers me. I happen t o know that your father is a Republ ican. What are you doing in a contest wh ich is obviously run by the Demo crats? I will need a f a ir answer to thi s question before I can state t he salary wh ich I will pay. Best re ards t o you and all your i llustrious fanily, especially your di stinguished brother in Clarksville . CBDeM1BJT - --_._------------ --_. - -~ --- Awards are to be presented. at that IWinn~~Of Jayc~e lim., • Essay Contest To '!be finalists are Barbara DoM, College High Student I­ Be Decided Tonight North Warren; W1lma Itay lite. I Is Winner Of 'Voice wart, RichardS\!llie: Mary RUey. 'Of Democrocy' Contest I Essays prepared by aeveJ1 War.
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