University of San Diego Digital USD Print Media Coverage 1947-2009 USD News 1984-05-01 University of San Diego News Print Media Coverage 1984.05 University of San Diego Office of Public Relations Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.sandiego.edu/print-media Digital USD Citation University of San Diego Office of Public Relations, "University of San Diego News Print Media Coverage 1984.05" (1984). Print Media Coverage 1947-2009. 149. https://digital.sandiego.edu/print-media/149 This News Clipping is brought to you for free and open access by the USD News at Digital USD. It has been accepted for inclusion in Print Media Coverage 1947-2009 by an authorized administrator of Digital USD. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I ffhings were looking up down on Harbor JJrzve .. Iii, aid place,.~ AldreJ Gebel, pin­ Beverly 111d Bill lbcalc doo-wahia&i witb tlle ....... anw,ed tlle spJmdon ol. Su lland's -.walll. .............. Botel lllt,r-OmtlDentaJ 8alladl like '111 Never Smile Ap.iD" made danciq • .. aid, '\aft llee don lll!l'e '"'7 day. I W" . •partllen ol. Murem Kine and. Tom FD, Apes Crip­ pm IDll Jack Lni1 Powell. ADIi nm Llllili cat IDDowed party after puty Jut net • tlle 1oCJ1e d IIIDI rucoa roct, ~ llmiDeJ and .. Butlor Jkift lllldmart declared itlelf ol1k:iaily Cbarla llehilJe ud DO troabJe keepiDC Ip witb' tbe :C. ad lob., ti. ame taca tined ap at an o1. ,aatbht mlMiprnm a t11e jallior---. ID tlle IDJer, and tllen oa to tllelr tables la tlle ball- (TIie jlaion - wbo bandled tlle party's dleck-ln ..Bropby, far lmtaace,"nept lato tlle Grand room. • ' dlonl - iDd9ded Molly, Katy and Sally M•rchester, IIIDroom Saturday lllpt ftlrUII tlle wllite .... PortJ-lov nlten were llDed ap at attentioa wllea Jenai&lr Sclllllb, C.oartDey Crockett, Jeu Comito, 11111 tint ftr1I Wednelday afternooa ID t11e 11111e spot lbeltro Lester Lula pla:,ed tlle flnt fanfare. T!aen nn. lliddletoa, Nicole Jollmoo, Amy Cuuaa&h, - IDDdellDI far tlle AD B.aDo,n Womaa'1 Gaild at t11e tlle baml alld IIDOOWy Into •Jat ID 'nine..• 'l1lfnu ud Kristin KJnc and ltlmberly Almry .. --C"Spirit . ol. Su Diep" fmMIII allow. Road tallles were centered~ Amoa& tbe 1• mldlblpmea 90IDe Smrda,'1 bamboo poles were tnJm Ulla area, pla wa I beDeflt for tbe Ptlillp Y. IAlppOrtlJII bvlCI ol. dendrollUlm and cattleya crcllJdl, IDcladllla DaqJa Suvlctonl, Daloar YOGIIIII, Duiel llallD Sdlool ol. N11r111tc at tlle Uainnity ol. San prdmial,-. plu and ti )ems. (Credit Ricbard lllsbler, Patrlct Maloy' Diep. llldlael Casper' Brian Clart, ne ~ peop&eand DaqJa Widney 1ritll ~ famaiel.) ne mena ru 1o ricip­ Lawrmce La.plbl and Stepbell Smith.) Mencbeeter (hll firm ballt tlle llff c:araftlllll'J) --, -.food~ rnedaJH0111 nl ftll, and I Ill.ad It .. a lq alpt for lbort cir--. Mary Huard c:cIp tlle llall'I llllare ol. tlle party colb, aad other tllat ilmmd Boltoa lettace, claopped nlnatl, cnm­ and Marie~ dlole abcwe-tbe-wle llemliDel, ctGl'I toot care ol. tlle rest. Every peimy ol ll bled pt clleele and a drmliq al. walnat oil and and., did Bolemary Lopn, Donis Lofttt, Jean Pai&e ID a tlwlk-:,oa tout, USD President Autllor Bagbel ltmoa. ud Smlllle flcl. (Smanne bad jull remrned from ~ tllat tlle ni&ht will add "lomenere ID tlle T1ne duce floan - tme, coat 'em, tbree - c:ookiJ11 cl.- taqbt by Wolfpac Pa, tlle Loi All­ -,tdlarbood ol '125,000 lo '150,000- lo tlle xllool'I were packed tlle wtaole aqbt loag. TIie Walter Zablel &elea cief no made 1111 aame at Ila ..._ tllen lnll&acllolaraipfad. and tile Robert Adellml foand "New York, New went ae lo sr-ter pory at Spago ud ClliDois. 'Tm Nkilblpnee ID mappy wll1te 1llllfClnm were cm Yort" lrreliltible, and "It Dcm't Mee a '1'hllll'° had actu1ly &oiJIC lo art llam& dinner putla apiD.. ~ lo IUer tlle 50l &wtl to I CNmplpe recepticll Marleae and BID llcElroy, label and Bob Yor:rb and See BURL - Pace D-Z healay, May I, 1914 C..tlaaell ~ Pace D-1 ~ . LmiD hats, Presto! pil1an of tlle commllllity promiled.) turned into s.iaane Preppies. (Bruce Hazard, Evan Jones and Art Hopes got ne crowd iDclllded coaples lite Marilyn and Kim red bats; Art Rivkin got green.) P'letdlel- ~ recalled tlle 25tll amiiversary celetntioa Doq Mancbester sported I Laain llat, and his black­ oitlle lllter-Olatillmtal In Lisboa), Kirt and JollD Buller, and-wbile bow tie wu a c:mvenatioa piece, loo. (It was a Sally and JollD Tbontoa (Jollll recuperating from back subtle plug fOI' tlle upcomiD& Jewel Ball - "White 'nger mrgerJ, and waJkinc witl I cut), ltareD and Cllristopber le Tails" - planned by cllairwomall Carol Baumer, wbo Sldels, Virginia and Jack Moaday, the George Pardees, saw to It that ber bmband and Mandlester and Joa Bilger 1wt1aa and George Gafbd, Pbyllil and JollD Parrilll, all wore tiger-striped ties to tlle party.) !larbara and Frank Hope. die ,. Wlaitneyl, and Slllu Dr. Irene Palmer, dean ol. tlle Balm Scbool of N1ll'SiD& ud Barry Sammen. niced brief bllt e1oq11eat tllaDb ('1 never mew we bad'° IIIIIIJ friends."'), and Mandlelter propoaed a tout to tlle (Salll and Barry were married a couple of moatba ago memory ol. Mariel Ra.bll, "tile impiratioa and driviDC al.Lake Talloe; DOW tbey're lookin& forward to flnisllinc force" belaiDd tlle aunln& xllool named far ber mband. Ulm lift ocanfroat _. ill Del Mar - am door lo "Mmiel Balm ii here toaipt ill spirit," said Manche9- ,-ud Frut Wurm.) ter. '"Rlrs n, we're IIITIDC ~ a p,d time.• !. Ellie 11111 Frank w... were tbere to Rpport USD, • • • mi., were Edaa and Jolla Allao, Magie and Dr. Jolm T be Padres' Steff Ganey wu muter ol. cenmo- lma' (llagle llllltmDillded tlle party plam), Sm and aiel for a fuldoa/lmldleOII that packed I.lie Inter- Doyle. Dr. am. Edwardl, lla""1leell ad Dr. Tom Kravil CmtiDmta1 ballroom earlier ill tlle week. Otbers iD tlle (Ila,_._ ill spotllpt were Junita ftllenaDd, atia-llriped ~ by Bill BIia). Jane It wu tlle lllllaal saiate lo Su Dleao c:llab womm Beatriz Mort, Nancy Jolamoa, naala IDd Jaa ~,Oaiead BobGoidm, Griffttba, Carol Eltller'ud Dr. atapd by tlle All llaDon WC1111e11'1 Gailll. Slaively, Molly Loomil, Carol hgey, SDlan GarfiJI, Alli­ Edmml ltemly, RkW _. Tawtlq Dovy (Ridlel la Saa Flftla A,- sappUed I.lie dotlles, and MariaDDe - 'nbbitts, Reba Bropby and 1W Paniaa witl lier ltnplea bllct bf Naa Ried). tlle Ou lblvibllls, Jue Gotfredloa and lleJm Plcbrd were tlle women ID cllarge. claugllter, and Cbriltel (repre91!11tiD& tlle National Cllarity Rear Adm. 8erll S&oedWD and Jeanne Joaea witl TIie modeJI ol. boaor - rtjllE56ltiD& orpnizatklll like 1.-pe and Tlcklocms~ Dick Daffy and t11e N (ADdre7 Geilek. and ber belt-- Cllildreu's BOlpital, J11aior Leape, Las Dlmal Latinas, Ginny Gistaro was u lioDorN YOillllteer, ,ellluc. Plliber ~wlmlilll IDd ,o were .-e are olf. low~ -Globe Guilders, and more - iDcladed Tilll Breillaa, Katy Leonor Craig, Victoria llclntyre, Viola lmau, Jean loo - far I Wlaite eo- dumer.) - . I Ycltay, Nell Waltz, SIie Teadel, Maude Batler, Laurie Waboa. Nancy Olil~ Maria 1'agart ud Yolanda Wben tlle b?ndleader banded oat llil traditional Lester B1actingtoa, Dan Mattie,m, ltareD Nelson and Donna Walther-Meade I • • . ( IA'11 '384 .AH-'• ,. C. • E,t. "' r Coming Events COotlmrlnl F.ducatloo of the Bar. Program l'UESDAY, MAY I Regency, 200 S. Pine, 6 p .m. Yvonne 5-ita Monica Bar Asan. Luncheon to TUESDAY, MAY 1 2., q I OD " Pundamentals of Organlz.ing and Ad­ lD1aDd Counties at '>5 Brathwaite Burke to speak on "The Law, celebrate law week at the Miramar w- Law. Dinner at CondmllDC l!'.ducadoll of tbe ~- Program vising Callfornla Businesses" at the Holi­ the Red Lion Inn, Ontario. Gloria oo Politics, and Higher Education: Who Sheraton Hotel, 101 Wilshire Blvd., Santa day Inn, 10740 Wilshire Blvd., Westwood "Comparative Fault Practice" at the Needs It?" Wa.sllburn Axelrod on " Listening ana Queensway Bay Hilton. 432-5913. Monica. noon. and at the Holiday Inn, 3131 Bristol St., 700 Queeosway ContlDulng Education 5-1 Pernando Valley Communicating Tecbnlques." m 4> 623- Or., Long Beach. 7 10 p of tbe Bar. Program Women Lawyers' Costa Mesa. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1213) to .m .. 1125-5301. on " Continuing Assn. Executive 0535 Uamnlly Fault Practice' ' at the board meeting at the law 825-5301. els ~-Law School Alumni Hollday Inn, 3131 Bristol offices of Yvonne West 0ranee County Bar A.all. Ang v. Assn. presents a dinner St., Costa Mesa, Saner. 16633 Ventura Oraqe County Bar Assn. Business litigation In honor of Law 7to MJnnesota baseball game at Angel Day at Papadalds 10pm.(21311125-5301. Blvd., Encino, noon.(818) 990-5300. section luncheon at the OCMA. noon. Greek Restaurant, 301 Lawyers' Club of Stadium, 6:30 p.m . Pat Herln (714) 964- 6tb St, San Pedro Los Angeles- County. Lun­ THURSDAY, MAY 3 Panel dlscusslon on " Practical Pointers . RSVP: Kathryn Raf­ cheon at the 3963. fee (213> 868-9711 ext. 372. Promenade West, 880 W. In the Trial and Defense of Wrongful Ter­ Plrst St., noon. John Sheffield speaking Women Lawyers' Assn. of Los Angeles. Pro­ CGatim11DC Edllcatioa of the Bar. "OpeninR Soulbwest Dlltrict Bar Alm. Law Day pro­ mination of Employment Cases." Statemeota on " Immigration Into the 805." 624-2525 gram on " Money Management: Feast or and Closing Arguments" at gram In Joint sponsorsblp with the . San Fernando Valley Bar Assn. and tbe El Beverly Hills Bar Asia. Labor law section Pamme." Women's Center at Council 1be Pasadena Hilton.
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