MIT's The Weather Oldest and Large Today: louding up, cooler 70°F (20° Tonight: Rainy, 52°F (11 ° ) ewspaper Tomorrow: Unsettled, cool 61°F (16° Details, Page 2 Volume 118, umber 23 02139 Friday, May 1 1998 Uncertain Funding Vexes ILG Resident Tutor Pilot Project By Frank Dabek Funding for the program beyond NEWS EDITOR this first year is uncertain as well. A pilot program to place gradu- "One consideration is applying this ate resident tutors in independent reimbursement across the board," living groups is proceeding, but said Dorow. It is not certain whether questions are already being raised such funding will be available, he about who will fund the Institute's said. mandate requiring all ILGs to have Regardless of how much funding tutors by 1999. is available, Dorow said that the The office of Residence and "reality is that in 1999 every house Campus Activities has been allocat- is expected to have a residential ed enough money to reimburse six advisor with or without the money." houses for tutor expenses this year, said Neal H. Dorow, assistant dean Participants hope for funding and advisor to fraternities, sorori- For houses hoping to participate ties, and independent living groups, in the pilot program, the loss of a but additional funding for the pilot house bill is a serious concern. program and funding beyond this Tau Epsilon Phi Chancellor ARIFUR RAHMAN-THE TECH year is uncertain. Farhad A. Ebrahimi '00 said that Nicolas Cauchy '88, takes advantage of the good weather to practice his climbing technique along Dorow said that "a good number TEP had someone in mind to act as the brick walls near the Chapel yesterday afternoon. [of ILGs] have expressed interest in a GR T and was expecting to be participating in the pilot program." compensated for the house bill of its However, he said that "we have ten- tutor if it chooses to participate in tative approval for six participants" the pilot program. Ebrahmim called to receive funding. According to the possibility that funding would Boston Police Dispute CP Claims Dorow, RCA will "reimburse each not be available "less than ideal" of the living groups for the cost of and said that "if they're going to one house bill." The tutors ''would impose something on us, it's at least Of Inaccuracy in Crime Reporting be provided room and board [by] nice that they should pay for it." the house in return for the house bill He called the program "an By Douglas E. Heimburger Glavin conceded that the Boston when no incidents occurred in provided by us." inevitability," however, and said NEWS EDITOR Police have been providing accurate FSILGs, Glavin said. The limited nature of funding for that the house was participating in The Boston Police have disputed information since 1996, but she After The Tech requested the the pilot program could leave some the hopes of "doing our best to recent claims by the Campus Police maintains that records before then release of detailed crime logs from houses paying the cost of participat- shape what it's going to be.like." that they failed to report incidents at were not as accurate. all Boston FSILGs during the peri- ing in the experimental program. Eve M. Phillips '98, president of Boston-based fraternities, sororities, Before 1996, Campus Police od, the Campus Police requested the "If more than six houses express Alpha Phi, said that her house was and independent living groups in the officers traveled weekly to the more detailed computerized crime a sincere interest I hope that we can also considering participating in the public crime logs available at their Boston Police District Four offices logs from the Boston Pulice. work something out," Dorow said. program. AP, like other sororities, offices. to look at the public police log, At that point, the Campus Police Given the uncertainty of finding already has a "house. director" Brendan D. Flynn, administrative which is similar to the one that the discovered incidents at Boston funding, however, Dorow said that 'Yhich would be acceptable to the assistant to the Boston Police Campus Police maintain themselves. FSILGs that they had not previously "maybe some of them wouldn't get Commissioner, wrote to The- Tech During that time, the Campus reimbursement." Tutor, Page 17 last week to criticize the initial Police frequently observed weeks Pollee, Page 17 claims by the Campus Police that both the CPs and the Boston Police were responsible for omissions of Report Criticizes Focus crime data from 1992 through 1997 ["Campus Police Acknowledge Omission of FSILG Crime Stats", Of Research Universities March 31]. "The district has provided the By Zareena Hussain proudly the world-famous profes- information requested consistently" NEWS EDITOR sors, the splendid facilities and the since the Campus Police requested A report released last week criti- ground-breaking research that goes crime data on May 10, 1996, Flynn cizing research universities for on within them, but thousands of wrote. The CPs specifically request- neglecting undergraduate education students graduate without ever see- ed information only on crimes in favor of research and graduate ing the world-famous professors or required to be reported annually training continues to produce dis- tasting genuine research." under the Campus Crime Prevention cussion within many areas of the The report also made ten recom- Act of 1990, Flynn added. Institute. mendations to change undergraduate The Campus Police recently The report, entitled "Reinventing education. These included emphasiz- admitted that their federally- Undergraduate Education: A ing research-basedlearning,changing required crime summaries had omit- Blueprint for America's Research the structure of the freshman year, ted crime information from off-cam- Universities" was funded by a grant making the freshman year a basis for pus FSILGs due to accounting errors from the Carnegie Foundation for future education,linking communica- on their part. They also claimed at the Advancement of Teaching and tion skills and coursework, using the time' that the Boston Police was written by the Boyer information technology in teaching, Department had been providing Commission on Educating culminating the undergraduate expe- erroneous information both in its Undergraduates in the Research rience with a 'capstone' experience faxed reports since 1996 and in its University. The report has produced such as senior thesis or research, public logs before that time. a vigorous debate within the acade- improving training of graduate teach- A total of 135 incidents, most of mic community as administrators ing assistants, changing the faculty them burglaries, were not included and faculty members try to deter- reward system, and cultivating a in the annual crime summaries mine the the validity of the report sense of community. YlNG LEE-THE TECH between 1992 and 1997. Four of the and weigh its recommendations. "I think that the issues raised in Ja Hyun Shin '99 played assorted works of Beethoven, incidents involved drug, weapons, or The report asserts that "research the Carnegie report are the right Brahms and Kreisler In an Advanced Music Performance liquor law violations. Two forcible universities have too often failed, issues to be focusing on," said Concert held In Killian Hall Monday afternoon. sex offenses occurred during that and continue to fail, their under- Associate Professor of Political period. graduate populations." Chief of Campus Police Anne P. "Recruitment materials display Report, Page 15 1\vo of MIT's leading economists Dramashop's Comics World & Nation 2 mixed jokes, wagers, and witti- production of Opinion .4 cisms in a debate on a variety of The Illusion is Arts 6 global economic topics this week classic drama. On The Town 8 at the Sloan School. Sports 20 Page 14 Page 6 Page 10 Page 2 May 1, 1998 o Co er Request UIIGlJlJ.l.lUO THE WASHl GTON POST JERUSALEM r ____erRouge Tribunal With a nod to its Biblical charter, I rael marked 50 years of mod- em statehood Thur day by celebrating its strength and vowing an By John M. Goshko A draft resolution introduced by almost certainly would undergo eternal hold on Jerusalem. The anniver ary of the founding of the THE WASHl GTO POST the United States to the 15-nation revision. The debate over a perma- Jewish state was honored with swooping jets, the moke wafting UNITED Ano s council can for the proposed tri- nent war crimes court has revealed from thou and of barbecues, and the melancholy note of the The United States urged the bunal to operate in The Hague, that a number of countries, includ- Hatikvah national anthem. ecurity Council on Thursday to where the United ations already ing the United States, insist on strin- "We have sewn back the heart of the Jewish people. We have establish a war crimes tribunal to try has a special tribunal to try per ons gent safeguards to ensure such united this city, never to be divided again," declared Israeli Prime leaders of the Khmer Rouge for the accused of war crimes in the former courts do not infringe on the sover- Mini ter Benjamin etanyahu, peaking at the Hollywood-style murders of more than J million peo- Yugoslavia. eignty of individual U.N. members entertainment gala produced for the anniversary. ple when Cambodia was under Under the U.S. proposal, the new or cannot be used for frivolous, Quoting from Hatikvah, which means "the hope," etanyahu said Khmer Rouge control in the 1970 . court would have its own judges but politically motivated attacks. "hope gave u the immen e strength we needed to rise from the a hes. Pol Pot, who headed the Khmer would share the facilities of the cur- The potentially biggest obstacle and tart again.
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