Inspector’s Report 300440-17 Development The construction of a single storey discount foodstore (to include off licence use). The development includes the erection of signage. The proposed development will be served by 112 no. car parking spaces with vehicular/pedestrian access will be provided from the Strand Road. The proposed development includes the construction of a single storey ESB sub station, lighting, all landscaping, boundary treatment and site development works. Location Strand Road, Tramore, County Waterford. Planning Authority Waterford City and County Council. Planning Authority Reg. Ref. 17/697. Applicant Aldi Stores Ltd. Type of Application Permission. Planning Authority Decision Refusal of permission. ABP300440-17 Inspector’s Report Page 1 of 35 Type of Appeal First Party Appellant Aldi Stores Ltd. Observer Leefield Ltd. Date of Site Inspection 21st August 2018. Inspector Derek Daly. ABP300440-17 Inspector’s Report Page 2 of 35 1.0 Site Location and Description 1.1. The appeal site is within the built up area of the town of Tramore in relative close proximity to both the town centre and the beachfront. The site is currently vacant with no active use on the site. 1.2. The site has a stated area of 1.02 hectares and is irregular in configuration. The site has road frontage onto Strand Road to the south and southwest. The site also incorporates a roadway off Strand Road referred to as Crescent Road which loops in a semi circular manner around the rear of a number of properties fronting onto Strand Road. This roadway provides access for the site. 1.3. The site is also located to the southeast of the old Railway station which has frontage onto Turkey Road north of the junction of Turkey Road and Strand Street. There is a major variation in level between the appeal site which is low lying and flat and the site of the old railway station and there is an embankment defining this change of level. 1.4. In relation to uses there are tourism related uses on the southern side of the Circular/Crescent Road. To the south east Strand Road connects onto the promenade and the beach. To the northeast of the site is a leisure related development. 1.5. The site includes an area demarcated in red for the proposed development but other lands in the applicant’s ownership are indicated to the west with frontage onto Turkey Road and Strand Road to the south of the railway station and there are also lands to the east of the area demarcated in red which has no road frontage. 2.0 Proposed Development 2.1. The proposed development as submitted to the planning authority on the 25th of September 2017 was for the construction of • a single storey discount food store to include off licence use with a gross floor area of 1,729m2 (net retail area 1,254m2). The building is located in the north western area of the site set back from public road. It is flat roofed building of a ABP300440-17 Inspector’s Report Page 3 of 35 modern design and construction with a mix of external finished including stone, glass and plaster. The structure has a maximum height of 6060mm. • A vehicular entrance located approximately centrally along the site’s road frontage. • The provision 107 car parking spaces which includes dedicated disabled spaces located to the east of the store and to south between the store and roadway, the construction of internal circulation roads; a loading area and internal pedestrian circulation areas. • The provision of a footpath along the roadside frontage and onto Strand Road. • The erection of 1 no. free standing double sided internally illuminated sign, 2 no. internally illuminated gable signs and one entrance glass sign. • The construction of a single storey ESB sub station, • Internal lighting, • Landscaping as indicated on drawing no 17460-2-101 which is located primarily located on the perimeter of the site. • Boundary treatment works and • Site development and drainage works. 2.2. Other documentation other than drawings submitted included: • A retail impact statement. • A retail design statement outlining the design rationale of the proposed development. • An engineering report. • Landscaping details. • A Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA). • An archaeological assessment. • An Appropriate Screening report. • An Ecological Impact Statement. ABP300440-17 Inspector’s Report Page 4 of 35 2.3. It is proposed to connect to existing public piped services. 3.0 Planning Authority Decision 3.1. Decision The decision of the planning authority was to refuse planning permission. Three reasons were stated. The first reason for refusal refers to traffic hazard and that based on the TIA and information submitted that the development would not give rise to a traffic hazard. The second reason for refusal considers that the development would impact negatively on the old railway station which is a protected structure detracting visually from the architectural, historical and cultural character of the protected structure. The third reason for refusal considers the development premature pending the completion of an amalgamated city and county plan and strategy which would examine the strategic location and role of Tramore and also to permit this development at this pivotal location would prevent the development of a connection between the town centre, promenade, and tourism/leisure facilities preventing the development of the necessary links and permeability between same and be detrimental to Tramore’s long term growth potential. 3.2. Planning Authority Reports. 3.2.1. Planning Report The planning report dated the 16th of November 2017 refers to: • The site history. • A discussion with the conservation officer who recommends refusal based on the impact of the development on the old railway station which is a protected structure. • Relevant provisions of the current development plan including zonings on the site; • Submissions received including third party objections; • An appraisal of the development in the context of the information submitted; ABP300440-17 Inspector’s Report Page 5 of 35 • The report refers to a review of the area and the town centre and the ongoing development of a vision for the area which is outlined. • Based on this review it is considered that the proposed development is not in keeping with the long term development of the town and this area. • Reference is made to issues of traffic. • Reference is made to the relationship of the site to the old railway station. • The development is considered premature pending the detailed examination of the town centre area and the future strategic role and function of the town. • Refusal of permission is recommended. 3.2.2. Other reports. The report of the Senior Architect refers to a review of the town centre and the strand/waterfront area and also issues of traffic and transportation for the town. The review has examined the potential of developing the lower park area and also developing a transport hub focused on the old railway station and the potential of developing linear links from the railway station. The current proposal is considered to be a barrier to the long term vision and development of the park area and not in keeping with seaside activity and the tourism aesthetic for this area of the town. It would break the connection between the park area and the railway station and result in traffic congestion and be detrimental to the long term growth potential of the area. A report from DBFL Consulting Engineers engaged to carry out a traffic study of the town refers to concerns in relation to the proposal in terms of the access and accessing lands; the concerns in relation to exacerbating traffic congestion at peak periods and lack of information in relation to expected traffic flows; issues of increased conflict with pedestrian movements in the area; the encouragement of unsustainable transport and travel; the proposal could restrict the delivery of future parking proposals and objectives; there is a need to revisit the data to reflect the concerns raised. The roads and transportation report recommends that the development be rejected on the basis of the additional traffic generated and concerns in relation to conflict with pedestrians in an area which becomes congested in the peak summer period. ABP300440-17 Inspector’s Report Page 6 of 35 3.3. Other submissions. Submissions were made which refer to issues of design and layout, the appropriateness of the site in the context of the RPG, over provision of car parking, the isolation of the site from the town’s retail core and general policies in relation to retailing in Tramore and traffic. 4.0 Planning History 4.1. Planning history has not arisen in any submission relating to the appeal. There is reference to P.A. Ref No. 88/559 which related to an application for an extension of planning permission until 31/12/1999 in respect of 235 retirement/holiday homes. In relation to the appeal site itself the site has a history of previous permissions including a mixed use development of residential, retail and leisure related uses P.A Ref. 06/1649; and a hotel related development P.A. Ref. 03/661 and 03/1837. 5.0 Policy Context 5.1. Retail Planning Guidelines 2012. 5.1.1. The Retail Planning Guidelines published by the DoECLG in April 2012 are the current guidance document in setting a policy framework for retail development and for the assessment of individual proposals for development. In essence the guidelines have an overriding policy that retail development should be plan led and part of an overall wider strategic approach in cohesion with other development. 5.1.2. To this end the 2012 Guidelines have five key policy objectives: • Ensuring that retail development is plan-led; • Promoting city/town centre vitality through a sequential approach to development; • Securing competitiveness in the retail sector by actively enabling good quality development proposals to come forward in suitable locations; ABP300440-17 Inspector’s Report Page 7 of 35 • Facilitating a shift towards increased access to retailing by public transport, cycling and walking in accordance with the Smarter Travel strategy; and • Delivering quality urban design outcomes.
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