, . ^ - zm V . rABT 19M ■. vL'; ATWigo Daify N et'F I«« B itm The Weather War tee Week Ufade# temmqr 1, IN I Clear, colder tonight, law la in SeptemilMV HS1 tatt ter the aaanaartBtellte 2()b; fair and ihilder tomoROW, StesOey B ray.. iEupmtm six yshrs’teaa a gsheipt- Hs aktented BMy* 14,577 Ugh well up to iOo. Turkingtoii, G i?€^ to tocladt a twp- 'Wwft (vrfnBMBC ■HD piMRIDfc ____ _,-.J ta g on ate* Mmtehetter—^A City of Village Charm Qiirem attended XoiMSwfc Ool- owned by James XhCtatey sad, MgA AasDdatad OoUages of (Ctemtoed Advertlring on Page IS) PRICE SEVEN CBN lf H a tttartalit toiBor- tlie Xandiaster Chapter of Promoted at Herald Wui Ttawn PlMBitec ObafUBto- WHHam Pedc. TOL. LXXXV.n o . 79 (SIXTBEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY, 4, 1966 M tM Xanua AM 1. Wear ttefc, sad Boston teoa (TTO tonight W« hold .n,o ra^naat lor approvH <K SPBBBQSA .wm meet tonightni fitarold E. Turkington has been promoted to h M is ta m trnivendtjr where be reestoed a Soolkl iMoUr. Olw at d X the Bunoe SctMtdy Ol- potolte taeaitaigs and wffi conald- aubdlvlteon eomaS from the to managing editor and Alexander GirelU to aty edito m bachelor of arte degree in i » « . jkMtat X oiMi to thoM bi tbe cott St n e meeting or Mm appheaHona tor sons g^ank R. Wood OonstroeMon liuidMtUr «M awo*ar HMt- all man tetmeated to b S e rw Bmttcharige* announced today by Herald avpubtoher As a-gyhmte he >a^ ofaaagw to Purtnara n and ons q , local lota of a 24-lot fioi« « f u b wbo have twen or are ahop>sty1e atnging. and editor ^om aa F. Ferguson. The changes are effec- b ^ ilt o fcho^oC^Oo^^ tor Bppiteral of a aubdivialon. Mbdlvlslon In Bast Hartford and. Stolen Call tinted for meotal or tire immediately. B ^ hoU Ms meeting at 8 to jAmohester, north of m is S t tion and often has nspreeented pursuing tbe Joonadlem ooune. neegdiert Otoeee. It ta dealened Iflspah • Spencer Circle of In his new position, Turking­ the Munidpal BuUdfag Haartog ^ area WIU be served by White House Sees MACON, Qa, (AP) — Of- this paper at state and New to Deceniber of MI67 he at­ Aides flclala said someone broke Quill, t o Yulp tu m m pattaAe^adMt Sooth Methodist Omrch win ton will supervise the news access road and ulitolas team England newspaper \ to cuiuuMiaity Uvine. Tfcoee meet tomorrow at 12;S0 p.m. at room and be re^Kmsible for the confer- change »<iuerta are Bast Haittord. Into the Salvation Army of­ tu rA tT laComatton Susannah Wesley Hall of the paper’ s news content. ences. ^ areas now In Buitoess Zone fice here early Monday and 5 He Is aCUve in tha Masonic ■rmmy tlM CXplUd RoKton church, lira John VonDeck Press I^tute at Oohmtola j on both the north and the uaed the telephone for an 82- XeBtbd HaaHh Aaaoolatlon. win be program chairman. fraternity. In 1957 be was ad­ Unlveiaity. of Green Rd., a* mlnute, |16^aU to Fair­ ii; mitted to membership in Man­ Town Notified « l t THt: |yK», 217 Funda^ton Ave., Hostesses are Mrs. Charles A native of Providence, R.L, parker and Woodbrtdge Sts. banks, Alaska. Authorities chester Lodge of Masons and cnrA^wc E t e W d . Crocker, chairman; and Mrs. GirelU attfaided schools there, appheante for tha proper- declined to say how they sang with its choir. He joined entertog lha armed services ty on the north aide of the street Of FaU Qaim WASHINGTON (AP)— discovered the call. Held for Contempt Miller Haugh and Mrs. Nevin Wats of 8prtai«- the bodies of Scottish Rite when he was graduated from measuitog somewhat over ixie- Mrs. Anna K. Pantaluk o f 98 JlRTfl Capt. E^ve^ett Leonard, Decker. Masonry and the Shrine, where The White House predicted fleM. MSka, « « apeak tomor- nlgh sebooL During World War acre, Sre Laura A. Belfi- Charter Oak SL has hied an In­ Salvation Army command­ he became active with the today the new . federal ta w noon at a meeting oC the Manchester WATES wlU meet n he served with the First ore, Francis J. Oond, Norma A. jury notice with the town tnflsu er, said, "A s far as I can Sphinx Temple Shrine Band. budget will be $110 billion CIvltaia ClOlt at W illie’s Steak tomorrow at the Italian Ameri­ Cavalry Dlvtston In the PaOlflc. oonU and Green Rd. Reaky Irto. clerk’s office, stemming fr«n tell, absolutely nothing la Today he Is manager of that to $115 billion — cert^ly Boiaie. Hia topic wHl be “ A ir He is a charter member of The westerly______ ^ jportion___________ of the_ par- an aUeged fall on Dec. 11 on a ’riMtfst-Sacii Colter* gone or tampered with.” can Club, Kldrldge St Weigh­ band. He also plays with the M la tton Oaoaed by AutoanoWle ing in win be from 7 to 8 p.m., the Manchester Jaycees and in cel Includes an existing drug wet sUfawalk at Mato and Birch TOILETTANK BALL not less than $110 billion. Union Qiief Nutmeg Forest Tall Cedars The White House press secre­ XMMUata.” He ia ^tonaored by 1957 received a key man award store. Sts. Awenee'e tterfN ^Bbr before a business meeting. Band and formerly played with tary, Bill D. Moyers, said (»4gl- Iiti Maaidieater dlatributor, from the Jaycees. The south side parcel covers She claliris that as a result or Tlw Mo8i«r ifi8<«ntiy ilopf the Civic Orchestra. llte> flow o^ woNk floUilfig. * - ' .*8 r. ^■8‘j ManChedter Auto Parts, Inc., The lo d le s Aid t<utheran approximatdy two acres, and the fall, she suffered head and nal requests from government ]V p M )e Rips Mayor 270 Board St., and la avallaWe He 1.Is a charter member and inclndee a business bulldtog of hip Injuries which caused her to 7Sf AT HARDWAM STORES agencies of about H25 billion for Women’s bOsslonary League of senior deacon of ErlenddUp ^1 aa a speaker for any orKanlxa- now IlirM stores, a grocery, a bar- lose time from her Job. fiscal 1067, which starts July 1, Zion BlvangeUcal Lutheran Lodge of Masons. For Action tlon. A Wkn on Ole ‘Xotol>Ald- Church will meet Wednesday at have been pared slightly less Conn. 65 R,” one of the epeaker’s toven- ^ church assem- Turkln^n was president of than $115 billion up to this point. Omar Sli^e Club to and . willIVI be allehown. iissrn _ - M. __e ^ He said he does not want to Quill Stricken bly room. The Rev. Paul Q. belongs to Delta Chapter, RAM, Prokopy, pastor, win instaU of­ suggest the figure is final be­ Plan Ends NEW YORK (AP)^Ml- The Klwanis Club of Man- and Adoniram Council, RASM.. ficers. Hostesses are Mrs. Henry He was bom in Manchester, cause several Items of several ohael J. QulH, union president. diMter will meet tomorrow at Zeran, Mrs. Ccorge Adams and hundred mUlion dollars each Jailed Tuesday for contempt noon at Covey's Restaurant for March 10„ 1923, a son of form­ On July 1 Mrs. Raymond Bagita. er mayor smd Mrs. Harold A. are sUU In question. He did not of court In calling New York’s the instanation of otflcers. The Turkington of 184 Parker St specify any of these items, but bus and subway strike, was directors wiU meet at 11:00 a.m. Harold E* Turkington HARTFORD (AP)— Connecti­ Mystic Review, Woman’s He Is a 1941B graduate o f Man­ said they range across the cut 66, a pioneering health in­ stricken at the prison two Benefit Association, will meet Olrelll will Uke over charge chester High School. Sem i“Annual Sale board — through national de­ hours later and was rushed Gilbert and SulHvan Work­ surance plan for the elderly tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Odd of the city news staff. He and his wife, the former fense and domestic programs. sponsored by private Insurance tp a hospital. He Is a heart shop of Manchester ,wUl have FeHows Hall. Newly Installed ’Turkington is In his 18th year Marie Johnson, live at 15 Work on the budget, Moyers companies, will end its cover­ patient. K8 first rehearsal of “The Oon- officers will preside. Mrs, John In the newspaper field, all with Berkley St. told reporters, has moved ahead age when medicare becomes ef­ Quill was emrled from the doliers” on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Buck and Mrs. lUchard Qetzmer The Herald. He joined the staff In the past few weeks to the fective July 1, the plan's execu­ Jail on a stretcher and plaoed in cooper HaU of South Metho- will bead a refreshment com- K, ' In January 1049 al a sports re­ OF FAMOUS NAME point where the administration tive committee decided today. In an ambulanre. diet Church. Names of the prln- mittee. porter, later dividing his time no longer Is actively thinking of ’The plan will continue in busi­ He had been at the Jail Just f tpniii wtU be announced. over two hours after his arrest Chamlnede Musical Chib will between that department and asking Congress to extend the ness after July 1 but only to the city staff where he eventu­ deadline for Its submission. The I>ay outstanding claims for ac­ with eight other leaders of two The Regina DTtaMa Society have a potluck tonight .at 8:30 ally worked on all the news law requires submission of the cidents or Illnesses occurring unions for defying a court order win meet totoght at 8:30 at the In the Robbins Room of Cen­ b r a s and G IRD LES ter Oonghegational Church.
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