COYOTE DROPPINGS T H E N E W S L E T T E R O F C H A N D L E R E A R L Y C O L L E G E OCT. 2020, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 O T H E R G R E A T R E A D S I N S I D E : ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: A STREAMER? - 3 COVID AND YOUR PETS - 4 THERE'S MORE TO THE SEASON THAN JUST HALLOWEEN - 5 SENIORITIS AND COVID? - 6 Photo by Savannah McIntyre COVID AND 2020: A MATCH XBOX VS PLAYSTATION: THE DEBATE CONTINUES - 7 MADE IN OUR NIGHTMARES WILL THE REAL JOE PLEASE STAND UP? - BY SAVANNAH MCINTYRE 8 In December of 2019, the world would change ELECTION 2020 YUCK! - 10 forever. SARS-CoV-2, better known as COVID-19, would strike Wuhan, China, and then eventually AND MORE! make its way around the globe. Experts believe the virus originated from animal origins -a bat, to be exact. It then made its way to humans through “wet markets”. These markets sell live mammals for human consumption, which makes it a perfect condition for the spread of disease. As of October 26, worldwide, the amount of COVID cases is at almost 44 million. Fortunately, 29 million of these have recovered. Sadly, almost 1.16 people have died due to COVID. In Arizona alone, the number of cases has risen to 238,964, with 5875 deaths. The CDC suggests that if you have had close contact (15 minutes or more of being within 6 feet) of someone who has been confirmed with COVID- 19, or if you have shown any symptoms of the virus, to get tested. When the virus first hit, it was announced that Arizona, along with most other states and countries, would have to quarantine, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Photo courtesy fox10phoenix.com Similarly, sophomore Dahlia Torres has been spending COVID, cont. more time with loved ones. and during this time, students were to adjust “COVID has allowed me to spend a lot of time with my to virtual learning. Many students had trouble family, which you either love or hate at times,” she said. adapting to this drastic change. Senior Destiny Gonzales was one of them. Unfortunately, at this time, we are still left with a big question: Will the coronavirus be around forever? “I have a hard time concentrating when the Senior Denaejia Santa Cruz hopes COVID is one day a school is online,” she said. thing of the past. Senior Solei Salinas hated online learning. “I think COVID will always be around, but as the months go on, people will care less about wearing "I prefer in-person learning because it’s a masks and not having social gatherings, unless it's requirement,” she said "When it’s virtual, I strictly enforced,” she said. don’t feel pressured to do my work.” Sophomore Dyana Aguilar, believes the virus will Not only have students' school lives been always be around. affected, but also their personal lives. One "It will be a fact of life until everyone gets vaccinated,” anonymous student has had a change in his she said. mental health due to the quarantine. Whether or not COVID-19 will always be around is a “My family is home a lot more, and they're mystery, but, in the meantime, what we can do to stay pretty destructive when it comes to my safe is wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, and mental health,” he said. social distance. AT PEAK OF COVID, ARIZONA WAS THE STATE HIT THE HARDEST AOC STREAMS ON TWITCH WHILE PLAYING "AMONG US" BY KYLE CHAUS Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attempts to figure out who the imposter is. What is Among Us? Among Us was released in 2018 by InnerSloth, and exploded in popularity during the summer of 2020. The game can be played with up to 10 other players, with up to three of those players being imposters. The goal for crewmates is to complete their tasks, find bodies, and figure out who the imposters are. For the crewmates to win, they all need to finish their tasks, or successfully vote out the imposters. For the imposters to win, they need to successfully kill all of the crewmates. With the 2020 presidential election around the corner, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), decided to play Among Us, on the popular streaming platform Twitch, to connect to her followers, and to encourage them to vote. She also became one of the platform’s biggest streamers, peaking at around 435,000 viewers, and later became one of the top 20 biggest streams of all time. It all began when AOC tweeted, “Anyone want to play Among Us with me on Twitch to get out the vote? (I’ve never played but it looks like a lot of fun).” Several Twitch celebrities, including Pokimane and Hasanabi, responded and helped set up the cast, games, and streams. Within 24-hours, she was up and ready to go. Ocasio-Cortez kicked off her first stream on October 20 and chose to talk to her viewers before they started playing an hour later. She thanked all the people who helped her get everything up and running, encouraged people to make a voting plan and directed them to go to iwillvote.com. She then hopped into her first game, jokingly talking about how she was going to be chosen as an imposter. Sure enough, this is exactly what happened. Her first imposter game was pretty good for a beginner, considering she was competing with an experienced lobby of players. AOC first killed Maia (Mxmtoon) and accidentally self-reported, in a panic of clicking buttons. Later she killed Pokimane after saying, “I can’t kill Poki; Poki’s so nice.” She then proceeded to get caught by TSM_Myth. Her last words were “RIP me,” as she got voted out. She spend the rest of her streaming session that night doing her own thing, playing additional games with her viewers and connecting with them. The cast of the stream ran deep, with 12 streamers rotating in and out to play. AOC played with popular Twitch celebrities, DrLupo, Pokimane, and two music artists by the name of Mxmtoon and Corpse_Husband. She also played with another member of the House, Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, whose daughter also joined in. AOC was able to achieve the viewers she got because she chose to play a popular game on the popular Twitch platform. AOC has a strong social media presence, and utilizes multiple platforms to reach out to Americans, especially younger Americans. Personality-wise, she has been described as charming, snarky, approachable, and willing to criticize other politicians. She also communicates very well with her audience. She goes out and connects with the community, from volunteering to talking to protesters. There were also politicians watching AOC’s stream, with some people on the other side of the political spectrum watching to criticize her. "With AOC’s stream, it can certainly affect how other politicians want to think about how to connect with their audience," Senior Denaejia Santa Cruz said. "I think it could encourage other politicians to do more to try and connect with the younger generations.” Without a doubt, AOC’s stream was a landmark for how a successful politician can connect to their audience and followers. The quickness at which the whole thing was set up was the talk of the streaming community for days to follow. In the end, more than 400,000 people viewed the stream. She says she plans to stream again in the near future. HOW HAS COVID- 19 AFFECTED PETS? AND WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP AND STAY SAFE Your author, Catherine Young with my BY CATHERINE YOUNG guinea pig that I adopted during the quarantine. D u e t o t h e r e c e n t e v e n t s o f t h e C o v i d - 1 9 P a n d e m i c , a m u l t i t u d e o f p e t s h a v e b e e n a b a n d o n e d a n d s u r r e n d e r e d b y t h e i r o w n e r s . S o m e o f t h e r e a s o n s f o r t h i s i n c l u d e l a c k o f f i n a n c i a l m e a n s t o a f f o r d a p e t , f e a r o f a n i m a l - t o - h u m a n t r a n s m i s s i o n o f t h e C o r o n a v i r u s , a n d o w n e r s b e i n g t o o i l l t o t a k e c a r e o f t h e m . A c c o r d i n g t o t h e W o r l d S m a l l A n i m a l V e t e r i n a r y A s s o c i a t i o n , t h e r e i s s t r o n g e v i d e n c e t h a t C o v i d - 1 9 c a n n o t b e t r a n s m i t t e d t o o w n e r s b y t h e i r p e t s .
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