A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, March 25, 2004 Page 3 Scotch Plains Recreation Events DCA Awards $150,000 The Smartest Weasel in the knowledge of the proper placement World Science Workshop (1st-5th of objects, plants, and furniture grade): Weasel Robots- The wea- within rooms. With the use of Feng Grant to Union County sel has two motors, a 3-speed gear Shui, good health, love and abun- box & 2 photo sensors. It’s all dance are all increased. Dates: TRENTON – Department of Com- for additional more localized yours to make and keep. Learn Thursdays April 8, 15 & 22. Times: munity Affairs (DCA) Commissioner projects. about gears, sensors, electronic 7 –9 p.m. Susan Bass Levin awarded a Union Township received $80,000 components, circuit boards and Sweet Gatherings: What’s Your $150,000 Smart Future Grant to to creat a plan focused on mass tran- more. Design and program your Specialty? Cookies, brownies, Union County. The county will use sit development. own robot. Please bring a lunch. pies? Bake your best creations the funds to study land use and trans- Fanwood received $50,000 to cre- Date: Monday and Tuesday, each week, bring copies of the reci- portation issues linked to Route 28 ate a redevelopment plan that will tie April 5 and 6, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee: pes and share your secrets with and the Raritan Valley Rail Line, and the town’s downtown district to the $110 per person friends. Taste other delicacies, swap the needs of eight towns along these Raritan Valley Line. Fanwood’s plan Adult Programs ideas and enjoy your dessert! transportation corridors. will also serve to improve its down- Beginner Bridge Lessons: Dates: Mondays, April 19 & 26 and “Traffic is a serious issue through- town district by making it more pe- Classes will be taught by Wendy May 3 & 10. Times: 12-2 p.m. out the state, and with grants like destrian friendly and providing Golding, instructor for the past four Women’s Softball League: Con- this, we are working to create plans mixed-use areas where business and years. You will receive handouts tact Yvette Easley at (908) 654- that solve the problem,” said Com- housing can thrive together. each week to help you along. There 7131. Games will be played at missioner Levin. “This grant will Cranford received $12,000 to bal- will be 25 minutes of instruction Township Ball fields beginning at result in a tangible plan that Union ance the downtown district’s pe- followed by questions/answers and 6 p.m. Fees and regulations are set County can use to make it easier to destrian traffic and parking needs, travel along Route 28 and to capital- and to complement its planned pub- then hands-on playing. Need a by league officials. Season begins David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader minimum of eight players to have mid-April and runs through mid- THAT HAD TO HURT…October 17, 2002 archives: Former heavyweight ize on the exceptional NJ Transit lic space improvement projects. the class. Dates: Fridays, April 16- July. contender and founder of the Fighters’ Initiative for Support and Training, Gerry service provided by the Raritan Val- And Hillside received $20,000 to June 18 (10 classes). Times: 10 One Day Trips: The Community Cooney of Fanwood, delivers a blow to the chin of Westfield Police Sergeant “Irish ley Line.” create an overall redevelopment a.m. to 12 p.m. School of Scotch Plains/Fanwood Ed” McGuire. The punch was all in fun as part of the Celebrity Boxing & Dinner “Union County recently completed plan that links its local plan with Intermediate/Advanced Bridge and the Scotch Plains Recreation at Temple Emanu-El, which benefited the Weldon FOP (Fibrodysplasia Ossificans a study of the traffic patterns along the state Department of Progressiva) Fund. Mr. Cooney will be participating in another Westfield its roadways that parallel the Raritan Transportation’s Route 22 redevel- Lessons: Wendy Golding, Instruc- Department are jointly offering the charity event on April 24. See story this page. tor, will teach the concepts the following day trips: Valley and is continuing to look at opment plan and Union County’s class is most interested in learning. Historic Philadelphia, Indepen- the potential for increased service on plans to redevelop the Elizabeth/ A syllabus is handed out as well as dence Hall, Saturday, May 1. Fee is the line though its Cross County Hillside/Union area. a class schedule. (need a minimum $35 per person. Bus departs at 8:15 Cooney Charity Event Heads Transit Study,” said Union County DCA awards Smart Future Grants of eight players) Dates: Fridays, a.m. and returns approx. 6 p.m. Freeholder Daniel Sullivan. “This as part of Governor James April 16-May 14 (5 classes) Times: Register by April 1. Bus will leave For Westfield Knockout grant will allow us to tie these efforts McGreevey’s Smart Growth Initia- 12:45-2:45 p.m. from Park Middle School. Need a to economic development and help tive. The grants are funded through Feng Shui: Feng Shui, the 3,000 minimum of 15 people. WESTFIELD — Leaders from the a former heavyweight contender. us identify where new housing can DCA’s Office of Smart Growth, pro- year old Chinese Art of Placement, Touring and Tea at Liberty Hall, Westfield community will “fight” Gerry Cooney, who is donating his be built in proximity to the train. viding county and municipal plan- reveals the intimate relationship Friday, May 14. Fee: $45 per per- for charity, joining boxing champion time and talent to the cause, has also This will enable us to create a better ners access to state experts from between the needs of the inner soul son. Bus will depart at 12 noon and Gerry Cooney in the ring. Contend- set aside time to train with the “fight- quality of life and also jumpstart the DCA, the Department of Environ- and the energy centers of our living return approx. 4:30 p.m. Register ers in the evening of dining and fun ers” prior to the event. creation of new business that can mental Protection and the Depart- spaces. Through this excellent by April 14. Bus will leave from will include Westfield Police Chief Initially scheduled for December benefit from the county’s excellent ment of Transportation, as well as beginners course, you will gain the Brookside Park on Hetfield Ave. Barney “Grandpa” Tracy, Rabbi 6, 2003, the boxing benefit was can- proximity to Manhattan.” funds to work with outside consult- Doug “Preacher” Sagal from Temple celled due to a severe winter storm. In addition to the county, the eight ants with specialized expertise. Emanu-El, officers from the Food, which had already been pre- towns that will benefit from this study Westfield police force and local offi- pared, was donated to four soup kitch- include Plainfield, Westfield, Gardening Programs cials. The event, postponed in De- ens and homeless shelters in the area. Garwood, Roselle Park, Fanwood, McDermott Appointed cember due to a snowstorm, will now Richfield Regency, which will also Cranford, Union Township and Hill- On Tap at Arboretum be held at Westfield’s Temple Emanu- cater the April event, graciously do- side. SUMMIT — The Reeves-Reed Trustee at Kean University El on Saturday, April 24. nated a large portion of their expense Results from the study will in- Arboretum, located at 165 Hobart Funds raised from the boxing ben- as well. clude recommendations on how to Avenue in Summit, will hold a work- UNION – Frank McDermott, Esq. senate majority leader, and in 1969, efit will be used to support the com- Reservations made for the Decem- improve vehicle and pedestrian traf- shop/tutorial called Gardening One- was sworn in as a new member of the he assumed the post of president of munity-based Life Skills program at ber date remain valid and ticket prices fic along Route 28 and focus on the on-One on two Thursdays from 7 to Kean University Board of Trustees the senate and was also acting gover- Centennial High School in Westfield, are the same. The evening begins needs of communities along the 9 p.m. during its meeting held on March 8. nor when Governor Richard Hughes a Union County facility for students with a VIP reception at 6 p.m. and Raritan Valley Line. Specifically, the The April 8 class will focus on Appointed by Governor James was out of the state. From 1970 to with special needs. dinner at 7, followed by the matches plan will address land use and the light, soil testing and amendments, McGreevey, Mr. McDermott was 1973, Mr. McDermott was president Developed by Centennial Princi- at 8:30. Tickets range from $75 for ways that redevelopment can comple- tool selection, creating a paper plan, sworn in by Robert Cockren, Esq., Pro Tem of the senate. And, from pal Dan McMullen, “Life Skills” the dinner and matches to $200 for ment New Jersey Transit projects and locating resources. On April 15, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. 1976 to 1977, he was once again brings students into local businesses the VIP Reception with ringside seat- already underway in the area, as well participants will each be granted a A World War II veteran and former assemblyman for the 20th district. and other venues to gain the real ing. as focus on reducing overall traffic half hour consultation with a profes- New Jersey legislator, Mr. Though Mr. McDermott has an world knowledge they need to lead Temple Emanu-El is located at congestion.
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