,. ~ Friday, March 26, 1965 I, Vol. XLV, No. 19 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 t, HOYA Investigates , Student Officers Meet "Santa Claus" Im.age With Campbell, Dean Behind Council Gifts by Jim Capra by John McNally Recently, tw~ members of th~ administration of the University Various rumors and statements "" have found the time to hold meetIngs with class officers on various in the past few weeks by members ;i probl.ems ?f academics, curriculum, and student-faculty-administration of the study body concerning the '" relatIOnshIps. Very Rev. Gerard J. Campbell, S. J., president of the "Santa Claus image' of Student r University, has been meeting with the class officers from all three C 0 un c i 1 appropriations has f.. campuses, while at the sarne time Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald, S.J., Dean of prompted The HOY A to do inten­ the C:ollege, has been meeting with the class officers of the College. The sive research as to the basis for ;: meetmgs demonstrate the first steps in student-administration com- these allegations. After many in­ < munication. quiries to ·members of both Student The meetings with Fr. Campbell Councils, one predominant char­ were arranged by the Student Com­ acteristic of the appropriations is munications Office, and have been present--the vast majority of them run according to a pre-determined have been to sports organizations. format worked out by Bob Willard And the lone university-wide group of the same office. Among topics to receive a sizeable grant from discussed in the sophomore meet­ both Councils has been GUCAP. ing were those in the Nursing Appropriations School curriculum, problems in the The E.C. Student Council started faculty advisor program, and its activities with ,a cash balance THE CAUSE ... of Civil Rights has been of primary importance to freshmen orientation. Joe Baczko, left by the Gannon Council. To this a great number of G. U. Students and faculty members in the past Sophomore Class president from it added large .profits from its used weeks. Seen at right is the Rev. Richard McSorley, S.J., a member the East Campus, recommended an Book Store and the Peter, Paul, of Georgetown's Theology department. (Pete Carter) updating of the faculty advisor and Mary Concert. The appropria­ program. tions it made in the last few weeks "Paternalism" to the Crew and GUCAP did not The juniors were able to raise change the Santa Claus image. G.U. Students Join more specific questions, to which Showing that Christmas can be any they failed to receive answers. day, of tho year, it gave the Crew Phil Verveer, East Campus Junior a thousand donars and raised Civil Rights Activity Class president, questioned Fr. GUCAP's total appropriations to F ATHER CAMPBELL Campbell on what he called "pa­ a thousand dollars. It is difficult, by Mark Sullivan ternalism" on the part of the uni­ however, to see any consistency in If there has been any feeling that Georgetown students the Council's actions toward versity. He cited two specific ex­ were apathetic to ~he civil rights cause, it was expelled by . Assistant To Registrar, amples: the possible eviction of GUCAP. the Delta Phi Epsilon fraternity a series of events last week. The action began last Sunday i H. Zimmerman, Resigns from their house as a result of a when 13 students left Campus, planning to drive all night decision made seven years ago and and to arrive in Selma, Alabama for a memorial service ( After 23 Year Service also the unwillingness on the part ~ held Monday for the Rev. James Reeb. They were excused :.: Mr. H. E. Zimmerm'an, Assist- of the university to allow Com­ munist speakers on campus. These from all tests given while they issues, however, were side-stepped Ventures Headline were away. To avoid trouble ~ ~~!i~~nt~:s~W!~~:~' ~:s~:~~!~ and the meeting was continued ac­ ~', employed by the University since on the road, the students ,"' April of 1942 and was expected to cording to the fixed format which concentrated on only the most gen­ Spring Weekend; travelled under the pretense ~ succeed Mr. Paul L. Mason, who '" resigned l,ast December as Univer­ eral topics. The only conclusion Lawn Dancing Too that they were going to New );' sity Registrar. Howeve~, Mr. John reached was to investigate the forming of student-faculty aca­ Orleans for spring vacation. :~' V. Quinn, Assistant to the Dean of by Gene Quintano demic committees. However, the When they stopped at Student Non­ :,,: the College, was named to fill the The Ventures, making their first violent Coordinating Committee vacancy created by Mason unex­ objection has been raised that the entire matter was "dumped into appearance on an East Coast cam­ (SNCC) headquarters in Mont­ pected resignation. pus, will headline the May 7 and 8 gomeI'y, Alabama, the state capital, S.F.S. Alumnus the laps" of the students without any promise of help from the ad­ Spring Weekend. This popular in­ they were persuaded by leaders Zimmerman, an alumnus of the strumental group from California there to stay in Montgomery School of Foreign Service (Class ministration. Social Vehicle will be featured Saturday night, where another demonstration was of '43), began working as a clerk May 8, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 i!l progress. and secretary to the Dean of the Both Baczko and Ted Kenny, Col­ lege Sophomore president, stated p.m, in McDonough Gymnasium. " Foreign .service School in April, Brutality that as a social vehicle the meet­ Howard Devron ::md his 15-piece , 1942, WhIle still a student. When society band will provide the music After eating, a number of ", working ill the Dean's office, he ings were successful. Verveer re­ fused to comment except to say for Friday night's formal dance, Georgetown students joined a sit­ served as a secretary to the Army COUNCIL TREASURERS which will take place on Copley in in front of SNCC headquarters. Stu~ent Training Program, aiding that they were "very enlightening." The meetings with Fr. Fitzgerald Early in December, it cut lawn. Some time later a police ambu­ servIcemen in the study of foreign Ample Bar Service lance came up behind the demon­ languages. (Continued on Page 10) GUCAP's request ,and postponed Christmas until early in March Co-chairmen of the Spring Week­ strators and stopped. Before any &' A~ter serving two years in the when it appropriated eight-hun­ end Committee, George Mackiw and warning was given, a group of ~ servIce, Zimmerln~.n returned to mounted police and "posse" men, ~' G dred dollars to GUCAP. The ques­ Dick Davis, point out that Friday's " eorgetown to handle admissions event, being held on the Copley volunteer citizens who wear red and registration matters for the tion is: would this 'appropriation r have been made in its entirety if green with dancing on the White­ hats for identification rode into the Sch~ols of Foreign Service and Gravenor esplanade, marks the demonstrators, injuring several in­ Busmess Administration, which the Crew had not been given its grant the week befo:!:e and if the first time except during the annual cluding one elderly woman who ~as i~ Were without a Registrar. He also senior week activities that such an trampled. Although reports said " served as Registrar for the Insti­ student body had not been compar­ ing the two grants? affair has been held on campus. that this was done "to make way :., tute o~ ~anguages land Linguistics, Large society tents will be set up for an ambulance, the students a POSItIOn he y.acated in 1960 to Images pointed out that the ambulance The College Student Council, has on the lawn a!ld over the esplanade become Assistant to the Registrar to house the affair. Tables for five did not blow its siren until after of ~he University. built its image on a smaller scale. the police had begun their move. In contrast to the favorable bal­ to seven couples will be arranged t Smce becoming Assistant Regis­ with ample bar service. Flood lights Furthermore, even after the street rar, Zimmerman has been p'artly ance of the E.C. Council, the Col­ had been cleared, the police con­ lege Council, was burdened by complete the high society setting ~esponsible for the introduction of and a six-piece combo will perform tinued to press the demonstrators. "B:ty.r processing computers and better tl1an a thousand-dollar Some riders even followed them up deficit left by the Nastasi Council. during Devron's breaks to provide " . trIed to smooth out the wrinkles an evening of continuous n1usic. onto porches. In t?-e registration procedure." Since it is relying on its many di­ versified projects, greater empha­ Saturday's informal dance will At a meeting Tuesday morning, ~> f ZImmerman, who intends to work also present uninterrupted enter­ ~ttended by Ron Israel of George­ f o~ an undisclosed agency of the sis can be ·attached to those projects which now make small profits. In tainment with the beatlemania town, plans were made to join with :H eral government, told The sounds of the ,British Walkers, who Alabama State University in a I 0 ~ A.: "I regret leaving this job. addition, the Council can strive to leave next year's council a surplus ,dll occasionally relieve the Ven­ march on the capital. A permit had d enJoyed my contact with the stu­ tures. M'ackiw and Davis empha- been issued for this. However, when I ents. It has always been a chal- to work with. enge being here." FATHER FITZGERALD (Data on Page 10) (Continued on Page 14) (Continued on Page 8) Page Two rHE HOYA Friday, March 26, 1965 Editorial: In the Letters to the Editor section of this week's issue Letters To The Editor 1 there -is a lengthy missive criticizing The HOYA's handling tel', two thousand years ago, to re­ of the Graziano incident.
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