Angling and bathing are possible in almost every lake. Besides Old Beeches, Crystal Clear Lakes the waters of the Havel and Rhin, the Rheinsberger lakes Wonderful Time for the are particularly suited to canoeing. The Rheinsberger Rhin Beech forests and clear water lakes – these are the trade- Prussian King may only be travelled along from 15 June to 31 October with marks of the Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park. Forests a minimum level of 65 cm at the Obermühle (upper mill) in The Prussian king, Friedrick the Great, lived in Rheinsberger grow on two-thirds of the park’s area. The large beech forests Rheinsberg. Castle as the crown prince from 1736 until the death of his father are exceptionally beautiful and ecologically valuable. In It is possible to take a steamboat ride from Rheinsberg, in 1740 and later referred to this period as the most wonderful Germany beech trees no longer exist on only eight percent Fürstenberg/Havel and Neuruppin, among others. Almost of his life. In addition to the Mirrored Hall and the Mussel Hall, of their original locations – in the nature park they still cover every lake in the nature park can be walked around on foot. the castle also houses the Kurt Tucholsky Literature Museum. In about 25 percent. A hike along the 250km long Ruppiner-Land-Rundwanderweg 1912 the poet and satirist of the city built a literary monument The nature park has more than 150 lakes, including many (Ruppiner Land Circular Trail) is recommended. with »Rheinsberg – ein Bilderbuch für Verliebte« (»Rheinsberg – clear water lakes, which are here a relative rarity. About one- The Land of Forests and fish otter is found everywhere in the nature park. The beaver a picture book for lovers«). Rheinbergs is, inter alia, host of the half of all Brandenburg’s nutrient-poor, clear water lakes are to and the European terrapin, osprey and crane, kingfisher and annual festival Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg (Chamber Opera be found in this area. The Großer Stechlinsee – 425 hectares A Golden Eye Crystal Clear Lakes stock pigeon also live here. Castle Rheinsberg). The castle theater is currently used by the The heraldic animal of the nature park is the Golden Eye – Musikakademie Rheinsberg for events. Every other weekend in »In the north of Ruppin County, right on the Mecklenburg whose flight sound reminds one of the ringing of a bell. It October a pottery market takes place in the Prinzenstadt with border, a chain of lakes many miles long extends from the belongs to the diving ducks and hunts by sight. Because of House and Garden for the Senses over seventy exhibitors from all over Germany. small town of Gransee all the way to Rheinsberg, passing the golden rings around its eyes it is called »golden eye.« through a sparsely populated woodland with only a few old Discover, touch, experience – the NaturParkHaus Stechlin in Ministry of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection of the Federal State of The Golden Eye breeds in former black woodpecker hollows villages and otherwise occupied solely by forestry houses and Menz offers a fantastic journey through the natural spaces Brandenburg found in beech trees. Especially fascinating is the »foray« Editors: Brandenburg State Office of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection, glass and tar ovens.« and sensory garden. It is the visitors’ center for the Stechlin- Office of Press and Public Relations of the ducklings. The little »cotton balls« jump from nests Ruppiner Land Nature Park. Guests are invited on a fictitious 14476 Potsdam, OT Groß Glienicke, Seeburger Chaussee 2, Tel. (03 32 01) 4 22 - 0 eight meters or higher down to the ground and then waddle and Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park This piece of earth, which the Märkish poet and hiker Theodor expedition from the highest treetops to the deepest lake floors. after the clucking mother duck to the water. For this reason Photographs: Blechschmidt, Brandt, Kirschey, Klaeber, Krüger, Naturwacht Stechlin- Fontane described at the end of the 19th century, has kept its You can uncover the features of the nature park, enter the Ruppiner Land, Oldorff, Rasmus, Scheffler, Schindler, Schubert the area of the Stechlinsee with its clear water lakes and old Map: Pro Line Concept, Berlin distinct character to this day. It is the heart of what is today secret workings of ants, learn the language of the moor frog, beech stock is an ideal habitat for the shy ducks. The elusive Design/Production: Power DesignThing GmbH the Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park. The 680 square see the world through the eyes of a dragon fly or a fish and Printing: Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation meter area lies in the north of Brandenburg between the small telephone with a crane. Visitors can also take in the garden of Brandenburg As of: September 2013 towns of Fürstenberg/Havel, Gransee, Neuruppin, and Witt- the NaturParkHaus with all their senses. Many herbs, shrubs stock/Dosse. 60 kilometers from Berlin, it directly borders on and trees tell stories and invite tasting, smelling, feeling and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In the immediate vicinity is located wide and up to 69 meters deep – is the largest and most listening. The NaturParkHaus and the garden are both equipped the Müritz National Park (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) and the significant in the entire North German Plain. The originates for the handicapped, groups can book tours, and environmental Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Uckermark Lakes Nature Park (Brandenburg). comes from the Slavic: either from »steklo« meaning »glass« programs are offered for school groups. The NaturParkHaus is 17,000 people in 38 townships live in the nature park and in the and referring to the clear water or from »-tek« which means open daily from 10 am to 6 pm, in winter until 4 pm. Nature Park small towns of Rheinsberg and Lindow. Although for hundreds of something like »flowing, moving.« Even with moderate winds Lovers of glass can learn about the cultural history of domestic years subsistence was based almost exclusively on foresting and the waves on Stechlinsee are surprisingly high. The lake is in glasswares and the preindustrial production of glass in the agriculture, tourism is now a growing source of livelihood for the turn also the namesake of Fontane’s late work »Der Stechlin« northern forests of the province Brandenburg at the Neuglob- Landesamt für Naturpark Umwelt, Nationale residents. For this the landscape is their most important capital. and Brandenburg’s second largest conservation area. sow Glass Museum. Stechlin-Ruppiner Gesundheit und Naturlandschaften Verbraucherschutz Land a Mühlenb r Beenz Großer endo fer l od Kiewel e G Brückentin Großer See b Drewensee Eichhof e Starsow Dabelow- Brücken- N Peetsch Godendorfer see see Papiermühle Rutenberg Z Z Z Teerofen Dabelow Sewekow o Goldendorfer t Stabeshorst z tzsee Schneidemühle e gni n Drosedow an s W ee Türkshof e Damshöhe Altthymen Kastaven Buschhof Mecklenburg- e Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg- s Vorpommern Retzow n e i e Wustrowustr l s t Bartelshof z ä Harten- Stechlinsee with t l Nature Park Administration — Tourism Office “Rheinsberg” Schwarz ä P LYCHEN R Gobenowsee land Gr. Wurlgrund Wittstocker Kuhlmühle Schwarzer Thymensee Kastaven- See Stechlin-Ruppinerhl Land • Tourist-Information its unique four- Heide Neuthymen see pfu Berlinchen Sähle er Friedensplatzb 9 Remise am Schloß, Mühlenstraße 15 Fleeth O armed form and 122 Priepert Schlüßhof V i l z s e e Ober- 16775 Stechlin, OT Menz 16831 Rheinsberg Zempow ee 96 kastaven- the peninsula-like ns EichenfeldeDosse Labussee r see Grosser Langes Pälitzhof Ellbogen- Zie Tel: (03 30 82) 4 07-0, Fax: 4 07-15 Tel: (03 39 31) 34 94 0, Fax: 34 94 22 Alt Daber Canow Werder jutties can be Dranse Diemitz PälitzseePälitzse Strasen see Kleinmenow Hohen- Sängers- Griebsee Lychen- np-stechlin-ruppiner-land@lust lugv. [email protected] Neu Biesen Randow Canower See lychen Z h Ravensbrück see e c Steinhavelmühle n a Kleiner Menow- Drais s easily explored on B inestre ke brandenburg.des www.tourist-information-rheinsberg.de Biesen dter GroßzerlGroßzerlang Großmenow c e stä Grünplan Boberow- see ha Schwedt- e ck Dranser tein vel Moderfitz- Pian the 12 kilometer a Großer Twernsee Luhme Klein- see S See Sydow- Woblitz www.np-srl.brandenburg.de R See Kl. Steinförde linsee See Wummsee zerlang al Kolonie Pelzkuhl Gr. Glietzensee öb see kan PälitzseeP R Havel Haussee • Zechlinerhütte long walking trail. Groß Schweinrich PrebelowHütten Großzerlang Glietzen- S Naturpark t o l Klein Haßlow Gr. see p s Himmelpfort Foundation NaturSchutzFonds Rheinsberger Straße 14 Heimland FÜRSTENBERG/HAVEL e Haßlow Babitz Prebelow- Großer e see Adamswalde 16831 Zechlinerhütte Waldhof Naturwacht Brandenburg Flecken Zechlin Repente Peetschsee Augustablick FriedensplatzTangersdorf 10 Tel/Fax: (03 39 21) 7 02 17 ee B r a n d e n b u r g Carlshorst Regelsdorf WITTSTOCK/DOSSE ns Menzer Roseneckk Neu Lutterow Großer ze Tiefenbrunn 16775 Stechlin, OT Menz ot Kamper- Uckermärkische Seen Zechliner o Zootzen H See Z see Groß Dagowsee av • Flecken Zechlin Alt Lutterow Schlaborn-Zechlinerhütte er Tannenhof el Tel/Fax: (03 30 82) 5 02 14 techli Dagow S nse Siebmannshorst see ehemaliges e Drögen [email protected] Rheinsberger Straße 15 Bikowsee Kernkraftwerk Neuglobsow Fünfruten S p e r r g e b i e t Dorf Zechlin Sperrerrgebgebiet 16837 Flecken Zechlin N N al The rare Wild www.naturwacht.de e e n Wittwien Beerenbusch ka h Goldbeck Schlaborn h w Tel: (03 39 23) 71 50 13 o. 7 04 12 m Zootzen m zo Bredereiche Dosse ol Rosemary is a i i
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