The PCMI directory 2013-2018 Information gathered by the PCMI science council Jer´ omeˆ Pety (IRAM, Grenoble & Obs. de Paris), Karine Demyk (IRAP, Toulouse), Jean-Hugues Fillion (LERMA, Paris) Arnaud Belloche (MPIfR, Bonn), Olivier Berne´ (IRAP, Toulouse) Ludovic Biennier (IPR, Rennes), Gregoire´ Danger (PIIM, Marseille), Alexandre Faure (IPAG, Grenoble), Fred´ eric´ Galliano (AIM-CEA, Paris) Pierre Gratier (LAB, Bordeaux), Jean-Claude Guillemin (ISCR, Rennes) Annie Hughes (IRAP, Toulouse), Eric Josselin (IRAP, Toulouse) Rosine Lallement (GEPI, Paris), Franc¸ois Levrier´ (LERMA, Paris) Franc¸ois Lique (LOMC, Le Havre), Laurent Margules,` (PhLAM, Lille) Dahbia Talbi (LUPM, Montpellier), Patrice Theule´ (PIIM, Marseille) Nathalie Ysard (IAS, Paris) http://pcmi.cnrs.fr 16 June 2019 Version 1.0 1 Abstract This document gathers short descriptions of research teams and projects from the PCMI commu- nity. Its goals is to give a panorama of the community activities and skills, as of end of 2018. It completes the document “Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium: Review 2013-2018 & Prospective 2019-2024” available available at http://pcmi.cnrs.fr/IMG/pdf/pcmi-prospect-2019-2024.pdf, which highlights the main science strengths and the emerging activities of the PCMI community. Project and team forms were filled by the community following several calls via the pcmi newsletter. Each forms in- cludes the list of permanent members and technical staff, post-docs and PhD students, key research facilities and infrastructure, collaborations and provides the astrophysical context, goal and recent (< 5 years) highlighted work. The current state of these forms are gathered in the document and will be transformed as an online directory on the PCMI web site. Contents 1 Teams 4 1.1 Astrophysics . .4 1.1.1 AMOR: Astrochimie Moleculaire´ et ORigine des systemes` planetaires,´ LAB . .5 1.1.2 Galactic Star Formation and ArTeMiS,´ AIM . .8 1.1.3 Jets et chocs, LERMA . 10 1.1.4 Star Formation, LAB . 13 1.1.5 ISM, LERMA . 16 1.1.6 NUAGES: earby Universe Agents of Galaxy Evolution Studies, AIM . 18 1.1.7 UV spectroscopy of interstellar and circumstellar matter, LAM . 21 1.2 Laboratory . 23 1.2.1 CMB: Cross Molecular Beams, ISM . 24 1.2.2 CRESU, ISM . 27 1.2.3 CORINT: Chimie Organique aux INTerfaces, IPR . 28 1.2.4 DESIRS beamline, SOLEIL . 30 1.2.5 ESPOIRS, IRAP . 34 1.2.6 Laboratory Astrophysics, IPR . 36 1.2.7 MASIR: ???, MONERIS . 38 1.2.8 Matrix team, ISM . 40 1.2.9 Astro, PIIM . 42 1.2.10 Reactivity on cold surfaces, RCS . 45 1.2.11 Spectroscopy for Radio Astronomy, IRAP . 47 1.2.12 Spectro Lille, PhLAM . 49 1.2.13 SPICES: Spins, Photons & ICES, LERMA . 51 1.2.14 SYSTEMAE-VUV, ISMO . 54 1.3 Theory . 57 1.3.1 Chimie theorique,´ MSME . 58 1.3.2 Structure and Reactivity in astrophysics . 63 1.3.3 Space Chemistries: from the ISM to the planet Earth, LCT . 65 1.3.4 Reactive processes, LOMC . 68 1.3.5 Theoretical Astrochemistry, LUPM . 70 1.3.6 PCMT, PhLAM . 72 1.3.7 Theory and simulations, LERMA . 75 2 2 Projects 77 2.1 3DICE: 3D Interstellar Chemo-physical Evolution . 78 2.2 ASAI: Astrochemical Surveys At IRAM . 80 2.3 BxB: Interstellar B-fields crossing inflation B-modes . 82 2.4 CADE: Centre d’Analyse de Donnees´ Etendues . 84 2.5 COCOON . 86 2.6 COMs: Complex Organic Molecules . 88 2.7 Formation des molecules´ organiques complexes dans le milieu interstellaire froid . 90 2.8 COSMIDYN . 92 2.9 DustDist . 95 2.10 GALETTE: GALactic EnvironmenT in Three dimEnsions . 97 2.11 GCC: Galactic Cold Cores . 98 2.12 GENESIS: GENeration and Evolution of Structures in the ISm . 100 2.13 High-mass star formation and the origin of the IMF . 102 2.14 HYDRIDES . 106 2.15 Injection of stellar matter into the ISM . 108 2.16 KIDA, KInetic Database for Astrochemistry . 110 2.17 MIST: Molecules, Magnetic Fields, and Intermittency in Cosmic Turbulence . 111 2.18 Molecular complexity in high-mass protostars . 114 2.19 Nanocosmos . 117 2.20 ORION-B: Outstanding Radio-Imaging of OrioN-B . 119 2.21 ORISTARS . 121 2.22 PARCS . 123 2.23 PHANGS . 125 2.24 PILOT . 127 2.25 Radiative feedback from massive stars . 129 2.26 SICAL: Simulation d’Irradiation de Carbones Astrophysiques en Laboratoire . 131 2.27 THEMIS: The Heterogeneous dust Evolution Model for Interstellar Solids . 135 2.28 TRON: Tracing the Reservoirs Of Nitrogen . 137 2.29 VAMDC: Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center . 139 3 1 Teams 1.1 Astrophysics 4 Research Group: Astrochimie Moléculaire et ORigine des systèmes planétaires Permanent staff: Edwige Chapillon (AA), Emmanuel Di Folco (AA), Anne Dutrey (DR1), Stéphane Guilloteau (DRCE2), Pierre Gratier (AA), Valentine Wakelam (DR2). Technical staff: no PhD students (since 2010): Yann Boehler (2008/2011), Laura Reboussin (2012-2015), Maxime Ruaud (2013/2016), Jessica Pericaud (2013/2016), Sacha Gavino (2017). Thi Phuong Nguyen (2016/-) Post-docs (since 2010): Wasim Iqbal (2015/-) The PHD students and postdocs payed by the 3DICE ERC (PI V. Wakelam) are not mentioned here. See the 3DICE project sheet. Contact: [email protected] Laboratory: Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux, UMR5804 Institution(s): UBX1 Website: http://astrophy.u-bordeaux.fr/ Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure, Equipment, and Numerical Tools: We are intensive users of the IRAM instruments (NOEMA, 30-m radiotelescope) and ALMA. We also develop tools in radiative transfer dedicated to molecular and dust disks (Diskfit) and in astro-chemistry (Nautilus). Keywords: Interstellar medium, diffuse and molecular clouds, denses cores, protoplanetary disks, mo- lecular gas, dust evolution. Astrophysical context and goals: Our team is composed of astro-chemists (around Nautilus (gas grain chemical code), KIDA (Kinetic Database for Astrochemistry) and ISA (Interstellar Abundances Database)), experts in interferometry (NOEMA, ALMA), imaging technics (Gildas) and astrostatistic, observers in mm/submm and in optical/NIR, and modelers (radiative transfer in disks) working on star formation. We are working on the various phases of the low-mass stellar formation, from cold clouds and pre-stellar dense cores to gas and dust disks found around low-mass young stars. We study both protostars environment (Class 0 & I) and pre-main sequence protoplanetary disks (Class II) and the final phase of disk dissipation (class III, debris disks). The ERC Starting Grant ERC 3DICE (obtained by Valentine Wakelam in 2013) is more focused on how the chemistry evolves from diffuse clouds of the interstellar medium to dense molecular clouds. We are regular users of the IRAM instruments (the 30-m radiotelescope and the interferometer NOEMA). We also use the interferometer ALMA (Atacama Large Millimetre Array). We are also deeply involved in the software GILDAS, a radioastronomy tool dedicated to the reduction and analysis of mm/submm data and implemented on many radiotelescopes. We are also regular users of the ESO NIR/optical instruments such as the VLT/I. Collaborations: CID: Chemistry In Disks, an international collaboration with IRAM (V.Piétu, E.Chapillon, F.Gueth), the MPIA (Th.Henning, D.Semenov) and U.Gorty from Nasa-Ames (USA). Collaboration with Y-W.Tang and Paul Ho from ASIAA (Taipei, Taiwan) on the dynamics and physics of disks surrounding young low-mass multiple stars and Herbig Ae stars (https://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/people/cv.php?i=ywtang). Collaboration with S.Wolf on dust disk properties and modeling (https://www.astrophysik.uni-kiel.de/en/staff/prof-dr-sebastian-wolf) Collaboration around several JWST projects dedicated to disks. We have recently (2016) started to collaborate with E.Pantin (CEA), E.Habard (IAS), A.Gusdorf (Obs. Paris) and T.Beck (STcSI, Baltimore, USA) in order to prepare JWST proposals. Collaboration with the OrionB Iram Large Program group Collaboration avec nos collègues de l’ISM à l’université de Bordeaux (Th.stoecklin, A.Bergeat, J.C.Loison). Highlight: In between 2014 and 2018, we had several press-articles and press-releases, most of them were associated to ALMA results. First detailed image of the accreted CO gas inside the tidally truncated GG Tau A cavity. GG Tau A is a triple Tauri star: http://www.eso.org/public/france/news/eso1434/ Mesuring the dust temperature in the mid-plane of the TTauri disk around the Flying Saucer: https://www.eso.org/public/france/news/eso1604/ First image of the (CO) gas spirals inside the cavity of a forming-planet disk, orbiting around AB Auriga: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/node/6702 Figure 1: AB Auriga observed with ALMA at 0.03” or 7 au. Red : Dust emission at 1. 3mm, Blue : integrated area of the CO J=2-1 emission. The CO spiral may be due to one or two planets. From Tang et al 2017. Most significant publications (<5): New rate coefficients of CS in collision with para- and ortho-H2 and astrophysical implications, Denis-Alpizar et al 2018, MNRAS, 1112 The Flying Saucer: Tomography of the thermal and density gas structure of an edge-on protoplanetary disk, Dutrey et al 2017, AA, 607 Planet Formation in AB Aurigae: Imaging of the Inner Gaseous Spirals Observed inside the Dust Cavity, Tang et al 2017, ApJ, 840 The shadow of the Flying Saucer: A very low temperature for large dust grains, Guilloteau et al 2016, A&A, 586,L Dissecting the molecular structure of the Orion B cloud: insight from principal component analysis, Gratier et al 2017, A&A, 599, p. A100. Link to full publication list: http://astrophy.u-bordeaux.fr/amor-astrochimie-moleculaire-et-origine-des-systemes- planetaires/ Press releases: voir plus haut Research Group: Galactic Star Formation and ArTéMiS Permanent staff: Ph. André, A.
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