'Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Theatines Begin Drive for New Mission Church Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on a Molher'i day reception sponsored by the National Articles Otherwise Marked. Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Apostolic Delegate Attends Catholic Community Service in Waahingon. Arch­ bishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani is shown below receiving homage from WAVE R^m ary T. Voeicker Guadalupe Parish’s o f Rock Island, III. Onlookers are James J. Norris and Anne S. Hooley, executive director and assistant director, respectively, o f NCA^. Five hundred guests attended the reception after Mass in St. Matthew’s Cathedral. Mother’s day was kept a week early in the Washington Cathedral rite. ____________ DENVER C ATH aiC Present Building Is Totally Inadequate REGISTER More Than 250 Spanish Families in North Ths National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Denver, Census Shows; Growth in Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, Photo Features, and Wide World P h o^ . District Rapid VOL. XXXIX. No. 37. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944. $1 PER YEAR The Theatine Fathers of St. Cajetan’s parish, under the direction of the Very Rev. John Ordinas, C.R., provincial of Catholic, Protestant Systems of Theology the Theatines in this country, have announced plans and Study Are Different, Says Msgr. Ready begun a drive that will eventuate in the erection of a new church in the Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe in North Denver. The present mission church is located in a re­ modeled store building that met the needs of the Spanish­ Refutes Discrimination Charge speaking on the north side at the time of its dedication in 1936, but that has been com-1-------------------------------------------------- pletely outgrown by the expanding; i population of Spanish-Americans! Concerning Seminaries Under in that district of Denver. The present edifice, located on W. 36th and Kalamath street, was lanned to care for 100 families, Selective Service Act Rnling ut a census that is being con­ ducted by the Rev. Andrew Bur- guera, C.R., assistant in St. Caje­ Washington. — T h e following .students.’ I did so by the direc­ sure, make a distinction between tan’s parish, reveals that there are statement was i.ssued by the Rt. tion of the Administrative board of Notre Dame and Princeton as ‘col­ now more than 250 Spanjsh-speak- Rev. Michael Ready, general sec­ Bishops, National Catholic Welfare leges of our country.' Catholic ing families located in that part of town. i m i Y 21 retary, NCWC, in answer to the Conference. .Almost three years young men studying for the priest­ Five lots have been purchased ■harge by Protestant leaders of ago the board of Bishops urged the hood in our colleges—Georgetown, ‘discrimination’’ favoring Catho­ across the street from the present Holy Cross, Boston college. Villa- A letter from Archbishop Urban lics under the Selective Service rui­ ‘pre-theological’ policy before Se­ church, and plans are being drawn J. Vehr announces the annual col­ ng that cancels draft deferments lective Service officials. nova, etc.—are in exactly the same for a mission-style church to be 'or pre-theological students effec- "The charge of ‘discrimination’ position before Selective Service as lection for aged and infirm priests ive July 1: now has created a misunderstand­ students for the Protestant minis­ erected on this property. Although Sunday, May 21. The Denver Or­ ing both of the problem involved try attending Harvard, Yale, W'es the drive for funds has just been dinary al.so announces a general "One week before the Protestant dispen.sation from the law of fast leaders’ charge of ‘discrimination’ and of the policy pursued by Se­ leyan, Wittenberg, etc. begun, more than $700 has been lective Seivice officials. I know “ The Selective Service act uses secured so far. Archbishop Urban and abstinence May 27, May 31, favoring Catholics. 1 called on Se- J. Vehr made the initial donation and June 3, and from the law of ective Service officials to restore very well the distinguished Protes­ (Turn to Pape!— Column S) of $100 to inaugurate the drive. fast June 2. The letter follows: the deferment of ‘pre-theological tant leaders did not intend that reaction. I think we are happily Mo.st the parishioners of St. Caje- ' May 8, 1944 in complete agreement on this tan's and the mission parish have Reverend dear Father wh#le question. Personally I wish Army Mass Held contributed small amounts, and and Beloved People; May Coronation the Protestant leaders had stated some former parishioners, includ­ May I again make the annual their full concern about students ing some from as faFaway as Cali­ appeal to your generosity to assist for the ministry at the hearings in In Shadow of fornia, have made sizeable con­ the archdiocese in caring for those To Be Held at Congress on Selective Service leg­ tributions. Nothing ?an be done sick or superannuated priests who islation away back in 1940. If they on the new structure until after have no means of their own to meet had aided our efforts then, I think Hindu Temple the war, but it is hoped that volun­ their nece.ssary expenses? As you Regis Sunday all of us who now face this ex­ teer labor will care for a great appreciate, the salary of our priests tremely grave problem would have deal of the work involved in its i.s very small. They must meet gotten a better recognition in law A Solemn Pontifical Mass at erection. This was true of the re­ many demand.s of charity. Many for Church institutions. sunrise, sung in the shadow of a modeling of the old clothing store of them do not receive the meager Miss Teresa Anderson, senior that now serves as the church. ind prefect of the sodality of the "The .Selective Service act grants Hindu temple at an altar banked allowance provided by diocesan law Cathedral high school, Denver, will with exotic native flowers, with In his speech at the dedication l>ecause of the poverty of their exemption to students in recognized of Our Lady of Guadalupe chapel small churches and missions and be queen of the May crowning Sun- divinity and theological schools ex­ more than 2,000 soldiers present, day. May 14, at .S p.m. on the Regis was the first official act of Bishop on Dec. 12, 1936, the then Bishop have little or no opportunity to isting before 1939. Centuries Vehr expressed the hope and de­ save for the emergencies of life. I college campus. Mi.ss Anderson will before 1939 the Catholic Church Bernard J. .Sullivan, S.J., in the 1 le escorted by the prefect of the Indian war zone as Vicar Delegate sire that the new parish would The Church must rely upon this established her system of seminary grow and be a major influence in annual collection to assist our training’ for her priesthood. Cath­ for Archbishop Francis J. Spell­ man, Military Delegate for the the lives of the Spanish-Americans worthy priests who find themselves olic seminaries were reserved for Diplomas Will Go to 372 Students of that section of the city. His unable to meet the unusual de­ .students who freely accept long, American armed forces. Bishop Sullivan of Patna, India, is a na­ From 6 Catholic High Schools wishes have been more than ful­ mands of prolonged sickness and exacting years of di.icipline and disability. I feel this worthy and tive of Trinidad, <jolo., and is well SPLIT SECOND filled, for more than 300 people study leading to the sacred minis­ crowd the one Mass said every necessary obligation of the arch­ try. The Protestant leaders’ state- known in Denver. The account of the Mass was sent to America by Sunday in the mission. The church diocese will appeal to all of you who Iment refers to all students before About 31 Seniors in Armed ia attended by one of the priests can afford to give. If some of our [theology as ‘on the college level.’ L t Col. William F. Mullally, a SL Louis priest.^^o was a chaplain in from St. Cajetan's, as is Our Lady good people would wish to remem­ This is open to grave misunder­ LIES DEIWEEN of Victory chapel, another mis- ber the charity of the sick and dis­ World war I. standing as far as Catholic semi­ abled priests in their last wills and naries are concerned. Regardless .sion of the St. Cajetan parish. The deacon for the Mass was the Forces Before Graduation There are only two priests sta­ testaments, it would prove a great of the educational level, students Rev. H. J. R. Ulyatt, supervising tioned in St. Cajetan’s now, Fa­ blessing to the archdiocese. in our seminaries follow a special chaplain for the RAF in India Wishing you God’s choicest bless­ Thirty-one of thi.s year's 372 the City auditorium Sunday aft­ LIFE AND DEATH ther Ordinas and his assistant, Fa­ discipline and course of study. and Ceylon, and the subdeacon ther Burguera. The civil war in ings, I Am was Father Mullally, who is graduates of six Denver Catholic ernoon, June 4, at 3 o’clock. Rep­ Unfortunate Terms resentatives of both the state Spain and the present world con­ Faithfully vours in Christ. .supervising chaplain for the Tenth high schools will receive diplomas Letters from two Colorado priests flict have prevented the obtain­ + URBAN J.
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