Gene Content Evolution in the Arthropods Supplementary Materials Table of Contents 1. SUPPLEMENTAL METHODS 3 1.01 SPECIES SELECTION AND DNA ISOLATION 3 1.02 GENOME SEQUENCING AND ASSEMBLY STRATEGY 4 1.03 DNA SEQUENCING LIBRARY PREPARATION 4 1.04 DNA SEQUENCING 5 1.05 GENOME ASSEMBLY 5 1.06 PLATANUS ASSEMBLY OF A DIPLURAN 6 1.07 REDUNDANS GENOME ASSEMBLY IMPROVEMENT 6 1.08 SIMPLE GC CONTENT ANALYSIS 7 1.09 SEQUENCE READ K-MER DISTRIBUTIONS 7 1.10 RNA SEQUENCING 8 1.11 AUTOMATED GENE MODEL ANNOTATION 8 1.12 COMMUNITY GENE CURATION AND ANNOTATION 9 1.13 GENE MODEL QUALITY ASSESSMENT 10 1.14 ORTHOLOGY PREDICTION 10 1.15 PHYLOGENY INFERENCE 12 1.16 PHYLOGENY INFERENCE – AN ADDITIONAL POINT BROUGHT UP DURING REVIEW. 14 1.17 DIVERGENCE TIME ESTIMATION 15 1.18 SUBSTITUTION RATE ESTIMATION 15 1.19 GENE FAMILY ANALYSIS 15 1.20 JACKKNIFING TESTS ON PARSIMONY RECONSTRUCTIONS OF GENE FAMILIES 16 1.21 GO ENRICHMENT TESTS 17 1.22 PROTEIN DOMAIN EVOLUTION ANALYSIS 17 2. SUPPLEMENTAL RESULTS 20 2.01 DNA METHYLATION ACROSS THE ARTHROPODS 20 2.02 PANCRUSTACEA PHYLOGENY 22 2.03 GENE FAMILIES EVOLVING ON THE MOST LINEAGES 23 2.04 COLEOPTERAN GENE FAMILY EVOLUTION SUMMARY 23 2.05 DIPTERA GENE FAMILY EVOLUTION SUMMARY 24 2.06 PROTEIN DOMAIN ANALYSIS 26 2.07 PROTEIN INNOVATION: SILK AND VENOM DOMAIN EMERGENCES IN CHELICERATES 27 3. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES. 28 3.01. LIST OF LARGE SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES AS WORKSHEETS IN MICROSOFT EXCEL FILE “LARGE SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES”. 28 1 3.02. CALCULATED RATES OF REARRANGEMENT EVENTS. 30 3.03. CALCULATED EXACT NUMBERS OF REARRANGEMENT EVENTS. 30 4. SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES. 31 FIGURE S1. COUNTS OF 195 I5K NOMINATED SPECIES BY ORDER. 31 FIGURE S2. ASSEMBLY AND MAKER 2.0 CDS GC CONTENT FOR REDUNDANS ASSEMBLIES. 32 FIGURE S3. KMER ANALYSIS OF I5K PILOT SPECIES 500BP READ LIBRARIES AT 17, 21 AND 31 BP. 33 FIGURE S4. ORTHODB ORTHOLOGY DELINEATION FOR THE I5K PILOT SPECIES. 38 FIGURE S5: ESTIMATING GENE COUNTS AT ANCESTRAL NODES. 39 FIGURE S6. PROTEIN DOMAIN RECONSTRUCTION AND REARRANGEMENT EVENT INFERENCE. 40 FIGURE S7. PRESENCE OF DNA METHYLATION MACHINERY ACROSS THE ARTHROPODS. 41 FIGURE S8. PATTERNS OF DNA METHYLATION CPG 0/E SIGNALS OF 72 ARTHROPOD SPECIES. 42 FIGURE S9. SUPPORT FOR 15 ALTERNATE CRUSTACEAN TOPOLOGIES WITH 3 GENE SETS. 62 FIGURE S10: NOVEL GENE FAMILY EXPANSIONS AND EXTINCTIONS. 63 FIGURE S11: ARANEAE TREE. 64 FIGURE S12: HEMIPTERA TREE. 65 FIGURE S13: HYMENOPTERA TREE. 66 FIGURE S14: COLEOPTERA TREE. 67 FIGURE S15: LEPIDOPTERA TREE. 68 FIGURE S16: DIPTERA TREE. 69 FIGURE S17: FIG 2. WITH ALL NODES LABELED. 70 FIGURE S18: GENE FAMILY EMERGENCES VS. GENE FAMILY EXTINCTIONS. 71 FIGURE S19: RAPID GENE FAMILY EXPANSIONS VS. RAPID GENE FAMILY CONTRACTIONS. 72 FIGURE S20. RATES OF GENE FAMILY EMERGENCES AND EXTINCTIONS. 73 FIGURE S21. DISTRIBUTION OF DOMAIN REARRANGEMENT EVENTS. 74 FIGURE S22. DISTRIBUTION OF FUSION EVENTS 75 FIGURE S23. DISTRIBUTION OF FISSION EVENTS. 76 FIGURE S25. DISTRIBUTION OF TERMINAL EMERGENCE EVENTS 78 FIGURE S29. SIGNIFICANT GO TERMS IN GAINED DOMAIN ARRANGEMENTS. 82 FIGURE S30. DIPTERAN GENE CONTENT DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS. 83 FIGURE SG2_31: COMPARISON OF BRANCH LENGTHS FROM 150 BACKBONE OR 1,000’S OF GENES. 84 FIGURE SG1_32: JACKKNIFE TEST OF GENE GAINS/LOSSES AFTER RANDOMLY REMOVING SPECIES. 85 FIGURE SG3_33: JACKKNIFE RESAMPLING TEST OF PHYLOGENY BRANCH DIVERGENCE TIMES. 86 FIGURE SE1_34: JACKKNIFE RESAMPLING TEST OF TOTAL PROTEIN DOMAIN CHANGE EVENTS 87 5. SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCES 88 2 1. Supplemental Methods 1.01 Species Selection and DNA Isolation As the genome sequencing aspect of this project was a pilot for the i5K project1, a community genomic infrastructure initiative for arthropods, we took a community approach to species selection. A species nomination page on the i5K wiki website (now at http://i5K.github.io/legacy_i5K_nominations), combined with significant community outreach via multiple large email lists solicited community nominations for 193 species for genomic sequencing at the time of selection. The nomination list continued to grow to 783 species. The nominated species were highly focused on the four holometabolous orders and the Hemiptera (Fig. S1). Narrowing of this nomination list to the sequenced species was based on several factors: 1. Genome size (and thus cost) - initial budgeting for the pilot was based on 500Mb genome sizes as seen previously in Holometabola, but genome sizes are larger outside these orders. Mantids for example have genome sizes around 5Gb, many Crustacea around 3Gb, and spiders 1.2-1.5Gb (all sizes from the animal genome size database2). Many species were removed based on this size/cost criterion alone. 2. An active research community increasing the probability of analysis completion and publication and maximizing the number of researchers impacted. 3. The first sequenced representative of an order, both to sample widely in the arthropods, and to increase the probability of changes in gene content being representative of different life history. 4. Scientific significance - for example scientific model species such as the house spider or the milkweed bug, urban pest such as the bed bug and German cockroach, agricultural pest such as the Colorado potato beetle, etc. 5. Some sampling of non-insect arthropods. The Arachnid community in particular narrowed down the list to the four chelicerates chosen. 6. Availability of high quality DNA (50µg was a requested ideal given size cuts for larger insert mate pair libraries, and backup material) and ability to generate inbred lines for better sequence read assembly (although this requirement was often impossible to fulfill). 7. We additionally sought out “basal” insect orders in collaboration with Bernhard Misof and Oliver Niehuis and the 1Kite project3 to better understand insect evolution. 8. The addition of the velvet worm E. rowelli as an outgroup to the arthropods, although the large genome size prevented high quality draft assembly. DNA was isolated by collaborators using a variety of methods, the most common of which was the Blood & Cell Culture DNA Midi Kit (G/100) (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, California, USA). Genomic DNA was most often isolated from individual adults of both sexes, with additional RNA isolated most often using the TRIzol Reagent (Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham). There was variation in DNA isolation protocols reflecting the variety of difficulties in dealing with the different species. RNA and genomic DNA was shipped to the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center on dry ice for library construction, sequencing, assembly and annotation. 3 1.02 Genome sequencing and assembly strategy It is critical that sequence generation be designed with the assembly strategy in mind. We used an Illumina-ALLPATHS-LG4,5 sequencing and assembly strategy enhanced with Atlas-link and Atlas-gapfill (https://www.hgsc.bcm.edu/software/). This enabled multiple species to be approached in parallel at reduced costs. For most species, we sequenced four libraries of nominal insert sizes 180bp, 500bp, 3kb and 8kb at 40X, 40X, 40X and 20X estimated genome coverage respectively. The amount of sequence generated from each of these libraries is noted in Table S2, with NCBI SRA accessions. In some cases additional libraries with nominal insert sizes of 1kb or 2kb were prepared using the same methods as for the 3kb insert libraries and sequenced for an improved assembly, however the additional sequencing was not found to significantly improve the genome assembly for the additional effort, and the 4 insert library strategy was the primary sequencing dataset for assembly. In one case (the Dipluran Catajapyx aquilonaris) the small amount of input DNA precluded the use of the 4 insert DNA library / ALLPATHS-LG strategy so a PLATANUS6 assembly strategy based on sequencing two libraries of nominal insert size 400bp and 800bp generated from ~25ng DNA isolated from a single individual. Where possible efforts were made to generate at least some sequence from either sex, for example the 180bp, 500bp, and 3kb inserts might come from one sex, and the 8kb insert from the other sex. In three cases, (Hhal, Mhra and Lcup), an additional library was sequenced to generate sequence from the second sex. Finally, whilst the ALLPATHS-LG with the Atlas enhancements can be very successful in our hands7, the tools struggle on polymorphic input sequence data and approximately half of the genome assemblies had contig N50s < 10kb. Towards the end of this project new assembly tools designed to improve genome assemblies on polymorphic input sequence data became available, and one (REDUNDANS8) was successful enough to merit assembly improvement to be attempted on all applicable species. The REDUNDANS software and new assemblies became available late in the project timeline, and thus automated gene annotations, orthologous gene family identification in OrthoDB and analysis were all performed on the Version 1 ALLPATHS-LG based assemblies. 1.03 DNA sequencing library preparation To prepare the 180bp and 500bp libraries, we used a gel-cut paired end library protocol. Briefly, 1 µg of the DNA was sheared using a Covaris S-2 system (Covaris, Inc. Woburn, MA) using the 180-bp or 500-bp program. Sheared DNA fragments were purified with Agencourt AMPure XP beads, end-repaired, dA-tailed, and ligated to Illumina universal adapters. After adapter ligation, DNA fragments were further size selected by agarose gel and PCR amplified for 6 to 8 cycles using Illumina P1 and Index primer pair and Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix (New England Biolabs). The final library was purified using Agencourt AMPure XP beads and quality assessed by Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 (DNA 7500 kit) determining library quantity and fragment size distribution before sequencing. 4 Long mate pair libraries with 3kb or 8kb insert sizes were constructed according to the manufacturer’s protocol (Mate Pair Library v2 Sample Preparation Guide art # 15001464 Rev. A PILOT RELEASE).
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