The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Fall 11-22-1910 Maine Campus November 22 1910 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainecampus Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus November 22 1910" (1910). Maine Campus Archives. 3459. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainecampus/3459 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. E3 m to 2 P. M. !nts I Tbe o Tattiptth , Brown, Maim y, Navy, 3ollars NOVEMBER 22, 1910 I I oaaowo 1g The as- INNING )le to get making ' of Fall have we ZEinitier5itp of tHaine patterns im every ially in- :SIGN. any Vol. XII No. 8 E3 c3 tine 1 I THE MAINE CAMPUS ITH Ample Capital and Surplus, A Strong Direct- A College Man's Dollars 00a9)0016 W orate, Competent Officers, and Modern Facili- ties, We Solicit Your Accounts, and Promise MM are deserving of just as much protection, just as Courteous and Generous Service. convenient banking methods, just as liberal in- terest allowances as are the dollars of other REMEMBER people. We solicit U. of M. student accounts on this popular and proper basis. In a NATIONAL BANK Your Interests are Guarded by the United States I Eastern Trust & Banking Co. Government. The mos Merchants National Bank 43 HAMMOND ST., BANGOR Bangor, Maine CARL Branches in Old Ton and Machias CC:CC • If you want a first-class meal, promptly served, go to THE SE GOODE & DRISCOLL'S PARADY & LURO and OUR FINE .. RESTAURANT.. Plumbing the good and h LADIES' DINING ROOM UP STAIRS U. of M. Open all night. 42 CENTRAL ST., BANGOR Steam and Hot Water Heating. 16 MI Dealers in jarries IIIIN Paial Stoves, Furnaces, General Hardware, DEALER Gasoline, Paints and Varnishes Fancy Groceries,FRUITS Meats,IN SEASON and Provisions ORONO, MAINE egazt 22 MAIN STREET.Telephone - Connection- - ORONO, MAINE TELEPHONE 38-2 30 C. H. BABB & CO. TYLER, FOGG & CO. V'Jr 1E1 tI 4. - ck1 Pltirritoirs 212 EXCHANGE ST., BANGOR, ME. Bankers ESTABLISHED 1893 THE RICH CO. DEALER IN Investment Meats and Groceries Fruits and Tobacco Securities MORSE-OLIVER Telephone 35-4 ORONO, MAINE BUILDING, BANGOR, MAINE When in Bangor. Call at GORDON'S University of Vermont Brooches We Can Help Pictures College of Medicine Neck Chains You About Posters The fifty-eighth annual session of this College Lockets begins November 1, 1910, and continues eight months. Stationery A NEB' BUILDING Cuff Links WITH :— Post Cards LARGE WELL EOUIPPED LABORATORIES Scarf Pins XMAS Mottoes COMMODIOUS LECTURE II A LLS Rings Blotters PLEASANT RECITATION ROOMS EVERY Fobs Calendars FACILITY POR INSTRUCTION. GIFTS NUMEROUS CLINICS Watches NIODF.R ATE EXPENSE Mirrors For Announcement and further information, 10 address BERT 0. GORDON STATE ST. IVA M. GORDON J. L. JENNE, M. D., Secretary, WATCH HOSPITAL Burlington, Vermont We sell all Victor Records. Andrews of Bangor. THE MAINE CAMPUS MAINE MEN--- A. G. SPAULDLNO & MAKE BROS. The Spaulding Trade Mark is known ARE THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS CARL BEERS IN THE WORLD OF &Infect The College Florist OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT The most beautiful floral display East of Boston. FOR ALL ATHLETIC Call and see them. SPORTS and PASTIMES are interested in Athletic Sports, IC01.11[11%.113I Mi'T`• IF YOU you should have a copy of the CARL BEERS9 13.A. 1NT Spaulding throughout the world Catalogue. It's a complete ency- clopedia of WHAT'S NEW IN SPORT and is as a guarantee of sent free on request. quality THE SET OF YOUR COAT A. G. SPAULDING & BROS. or,) and shoulders is the key-note of your entire suit 141 Federal St., Boston, Mass. OUR FINE PRESSING AND CLEANING will bring out all of the good and hide all of the bad points of a customer's figure. U. of M. Cleansing & Pressing House For All Kinds of 16 MAIN ST., Tel. 37-2 ORONO. ME. Repairing, ware, PRESCRIPTIONS call on your Home Jeweler, where you can get best results for your money in the shortest time. Our J Ca5t 'ibe Wartnatp Co. stock is up-to-date and at lowest prices. Edison Graphophones 30 STATE ST., COR. HARLOW ST. BANGOR, MAINE ORONO o. JEWELER. The World's Standard. Tone jyrynnentin. s clear, mellow and very pow- "t erfuL Absomtely AINE perfect in Quttarr scale. Finest workmanship. Prices from $15 upward. Send for illustrated Cata- )rit log to the makers. For sale by all h ading music dealers. Desk D802 liege LYON & HEALY nths. CHICAGO SR tress nont Music—popular; classical; every kind—at Andrews', Bangor. THE MAINE CAMPUS SttrliN" TV:* CLOTHES College Chaps 0 Vol. XII Who are Discriminating Dressers Appreciate oor To Asst 1111111111111n111111111111n1111111111110111111111111I71111111111110111111111111CH Presider D., who re( E: ed out a Besse System and Society work. Bc 1863, he s age of fou Lt: Brands of High Grade Clothing g. school. 1- 531111111111110111111111111C1111111111111rmmimmnimummumming University where he "There's a Reason." "Let us show YOU." engaged it For four School at he was an Besse-Ashworth Co. University BANGOR of Bacheli master of of mathen a position position a matics. ii and 1895 JACOB REED'S SONS Stanford acted as For the co PHILADELPHIA Harrison ] We are justly proud of the fact that our busi svlvania ft ness in supplying in 1897. upon Dr. Uniforms and He was from 1890 It's a Risky Business Equipments he tendert to neglect your eyesight at a time when you are so de- FOR his positic pendent upon it. School and College Cadets Maine. It's Our Business to give you normal vision by In 1906, scientifically examining your eyes and making for you is the largest and most successful in the United cratic tick perfectly fitting glasses. States. of Schools Our store—where Mudgett Bros. used to be--is one We are also splendidly equipped with every- wishes as of the best and most thoroughly equipped in the county, thing that may be required in sequently and will at once appeal to you. Presentation Swords was again OUT examinations are conducted by registered Opto- Swagger Sticks office and metrists—experts in refraction— and we guarantee sat- Scarf Pins. at all to v isfaction. Fraternity, Club, and Society Hat Bands overwhelm Pennants his populai OTIS SKINNER OPTICAL CO. Presentation Belt Plates, etc., etc. For yea 19 Main St., Bangor, Me. Send for catalogue. editor of Journal at Only strictly one-price piano store in Maine—Andrews', Bangor. Tbe Olaine (tempts Vol. XII BANGOR, MAINE, NOVEMBER 22, 1910 No. 8 DR. ALEY ARRIVES of that publication. He is a Fellow of the American Association' for the Advancement of To Assume Duties as President Next Week Science, a member of the American Mathematical II Society and several other like societies. He is the President-elect Robert J. Aley, Ph. D. and L. L. author of several mathematical books and is a D., who recently arrived on the Campus, has round- popular lecturer. ed out a period of thirty years in educational On his trip east he has been royally entertained work. Born at Coal City, Indiana, May 11, by Maine men, receiving a most hearty welcome 1863, he started his career as an educator at the from the various Alumni Associations. At age of fourteen as a teacher in a small country Chicago he met the local association and was school. His next step was as a student at the given a splendid reception, presided over by University of Valpariso, Valpariso, Indiana, ex-President Harris of the University. At Wash- V131111111111110111111111111Cii where he remained for three years and became ington, D. C., Dr. Aley was the guest of Dr. engaged in preparatory and normal school work. George P. Merrill, '79, and there met Acting For four years he was principal of the High President Hart and Professor Bartlett, together School at Spencer, Indiana. From 1887 to 1888 with the Washington Alumni. New York was he was an instructor in mathematics in Indiana the next stop and over fifty of the alumni pre- University from which he received the degree sided over by Dr. Ferguson of the Cornell Medical of Bachelor of Arts in 1888 and the degree of School were there to greet him and to express master of arts in 1890. He became Professor their wishes to stand behind the University and of mathematics in Vincennes University in 1888, the administration. Hon L. C. Southard, '76, a position which he left in 1891 to accept the entertained Dr. Aley in Boston, but because of position as Head of the Department of Mathe- limited time he was unable to meet the members matics. in Indiana University. During 1894 of the Alumni Association of that city, he in- and 1895 he was cn leave of absence at Leland tends, howver, to ebe present at their meeting INS Stanford Jr. University, where he lectured and in the near future. acted as assistant Professor of Mathematics. The policy of Dr. Aley will be to become ac- For the college year of 1896 and 1897, he had the quainted with the Faculty and the student body, Harrison Fellowship at the University of Penn- to learn the customs and traditions and adapt it bust sylvania from which he obtained a Ph. D. degree his ideas to meet the wants felt by the Uni- in 1897. In 1909 Franklin College conferred versity. Every omen points to a most satis- upon Dr. Aley the honorary degree of LI,.
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