Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton County News Newspapers 1-3-1941 Fulton County News, January 3, 1941 Fulton County News Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fca Recommended Citation Fulton County News, "Fulton County News, January 3, 1941" (1941). Fulton County News. 354. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fca/354 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton County News by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MAD FULTON SUNDAY AND MONDAY' GINGER ROGERS IN 'KITTY FOYLE' WITH DENNIS MORGAN o•-• JUSI 170 ADVERTISING FoR GOES HOME Jolt PRINTING FULTON COUNTY NEWS IN SERVICE Your Farm And Home Paper - Superior Coverage "THE NEWS" • V01111141E FULToN. K1., FRIDAV, JANUARV 3, 1941. IIBER FIFTY. Trisscl Waives - Liberty Church Will COURT CONVENES Local Bearing OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat Ham Meetings''41 RATES ANNOUNCED HERE JANUARY 1T ...at, 19, of Ohio, charged Liberty Baptist Church, of IN CROP PROGRAM with st,•,ihng a car belonging to whale Rev. L. M. Bratcher Jr., i$ John Adkins, Cleveland Avenue, pastor, will hold u series of meet- The January ti in of the Fulton Conservation payment rates sub- and breaking into Pickle's Gripe.•,e ings beginning Sunday, January county Circuit Court will mien dt istatitially the same as in 1940 and anti Coleman's Service Station 5, and continuing throughout the Hirk/Mil on Monday. January 20, a total acreage goal for all soil- day night, waived prelimmarv week. The meetings are being Tut a tviii weeks Si•Ssion. Thu ie.,' - depleting crops the same as the hearing before Judge Lon AiliMIS BEGINNING WITH THE MUSKET held in celebration of the church end Weeis ed court WIII Coll Vent. in 1940 acreage goal were announc- Monday and will lee held for the having full-time work now for the FUllon Oil January 27. Judge L. BEHIND THE DOOR OF THE ed Deceniber 10 for the 1941 Agri- January term of court. Unable to first time ite its history. All mem- L Hindman will preside, and a CABIN IN THE WILDERNESS, cultural Conservation Program by make $500 bond he was taken to bers are urged to be present Sun- stay bidet docke t is expected. Fed AND THE VOLUNTEER FIRE the Agricultural Adjustment Ad- the county jail in Hickman. day morning when a picture will lowing are lists of grand jury and DEPARTMENT IN THE NEW, ministration. Trissel was arrested in Elizabeth- be taken of the church and con- pttit jury: town Sunday and brought tee Ful- GROWING TOWN,- gregation. The principal change in pay- Grand Jury ton. Iles is also wanted for ?weak- PREPAREDNESS HAS BEEN Subjects of the sermons through ments, as part of a continuing pol- Frank Crouch. S. L. Roy ster, Mg jail in Picard, Ark. NATURAL TO AMERICANS - the week will tee as follows: Sun- icy of placing more emphasis on John PYle, Ray Thoneas, Garther V. ONCE THEY KNEW day morning "Marching On," Sun- soil conservation, makes available Jones, Chas. N. Wright, Lexie Rice. day night "A Missionary Chal- a greater share of the funds for Committee Drives For THEY NEEDED IT lien Barnett, Johnny Cruce, Don- lenge," Monday night "God's Eter- carrying out approved soil-build- Perry, C. A. Lattus. W. II. Mad- Upholding Contstitution nal Word," Tuesday "Training for ing practices. dox. Shelby Wagoner, E. W. --- Services," Wednesday "A Praying The opening of the nation-wide A reduction in the acreage goats Adams, C. J. Muzzall, W. W. Thursday "Challenge of Lee Cook, campaign for a constitutional for dark tobaccos and a small up- Ams, Gus Barham. Elsie. Visitation," Friday "Personal Evan- Bradley, amendment to limit the tenure of ward adjustment in the acreage Sam H. Williams. Paul gelism," Sunday, Jan. 5, "Why Go Her- office for any President of the goal for burley tobaccos we...! a- Ernest Trams fl. F. Blanks, n, Church?" Sunday night "Christ United States was announced to- mong the changes in goals leer in- man Harrison the King." day by the National Committee ti dividual crops, but the total acre- Petit Jury Uphold Consitutional Government age goal for all soil-depletitog C. C. CcCollum. Leonard Dotson, South Fulton Keats crops in 1941 is 270.000.000 to 295,- through its chairman, Samuel It lord Hubert Wilkins, Willie McClana- Pettengill. ,Vctienzie Here Tuesday 000.000 acres, the same as the goal GtoARDS -FOREST RANGERS-PUBLIC HEALTH 1YORKERS - han, Percy King. H. L. Provow, Mr. Pettengill, former Demo- • COAST ----- established for 1940. INSURANCE -LIFE INSURANCE -THE POLICE - Hannibal Seat. J. A. Butler, Ray cratic Representative from Indiana, FIRE The South Fulton boys' basket- OR IF NEED BE, sNoTHSTAND Adjustments in rates of payment Adams, J. E. Melton, L. B. An. predicted the amendment would be THESE WE ARE READY TO AVERT, ball teams won over McKenzie in for compliance with special acre- thews, 1'. B. Nevis% Clem Atwell, sponsored in the next Congress by EVIL DAYS, AS WE NOW PREPARE WITH two games here Tuesday night. age allotments have been made W A. lohnstein, C. I. Shaw, V. A. leaders in both Democra.ic and Re- TANK.5 AND PLANES AND HOW/TIERS. The Red Devils first team won 39 because of changes in acreage for Jent s, dames flat per. CI,nt E. publican He srdd it would to 13, and the second team de- parties. the various crops, because a larg- Rfillic Pled Fields, J. 0. Childers, make any President ineligible feed feated the MeKetizie seconds 35 to er part of available. funds are be- Loyd A. Call, Jae Adams, Warden re-election after serving two terms I 17. Lineup: ing allocated for conservation Gray, Orville. Smith. Chas. Claser, or a period. Varsity Game stipulated practice's, because of increased par- J. P DeMyer. B F. Black, Ronald "Many whip did not oppose a S. Fulton Piee McKenzie ticipation in the program, and in Elliott, Chas. lierring, Jim Mar- this fall because of the Yates..Sullivan 3 third term some cases because of increased shall Alexander. war 'emergency are. ready to back flarwood 12 F Pratt average yields. such an amendment now," Mr. Pet- House It) C Akers 7 1 tengill said. McKinney 14 G Atkinson Rates at conservation payments Haws-11' curer Hospital . G W. Madden "This third term issue is for us Woodruff 2 to be made in 1941 to Kentucky -South Fulton, Mc- iv. N( AV If wee fail tee sool‘' Substitutions Farmers who plant within their V. E Jackson has been dismiss- Sanders, Dyer 1; McKen- :•,1 in the fulci • Connell, special crop allotments are as fol- ie. flra-'.• Rat 2. If we allow ii.. to indefim- zie, iie." lows: Corn (in the 12 cemmercial Miss Alice Lunsford of Hick- Preliminary Game tenure in the I a ciodency to go In corn counties of the state,. 9 cents mists remains about the same. Pos. McKenzie default now, it will be more diffi- S. Fulton a bushel; cotton. 1.37 cents a pound, Mrs. Georges Winter Sr., has . F Headden 2 cult to put up the bars in the mid- Brundige 2 wheat (on farms with commercial been dismissed. Income Tax Blanks Rev. Woodburn . F .. Ferguson 6 dle (Pt another so-called emergency Brooks 10 allotments) 8 cents a bushel. pots- Mrs, Ray Tucker and baby have Mailt2 Arrired Here Fridan C Taylot 2 or the future." 'To Be IZOSS 5 tons (on farms with commercial uf.s.en doSfie Lssed. G Brooks 1 Mr. Pettengill announced that - Wall 6 allotments) 2.3 cents a bushel; Mrs, Dora Beaver has been dis- January 15 the State Depart- Rev. William Woodburn, pastor . G Ramsey ti the Committee will also fight for On Finch 10 burley tobacco. 0.8 cents a pound; of Revenue will mail ap- of the First Christian church, and Substitutiens-So. Fulton, Con- a Congresee and keep isrgan- ment fire-cured tobacco. 1.5 cents a 17.02.4.;tel r Moore was dismissed last 05,0001 income tax Ins wife and daughter arrived in Jones. Greer, Dal- i io 11 eilveliVe. scat ion• ides proximately ner, Brewelese pound; dark air-cured tobacco, 1 Wednesday. to corportions, Fulton last Friday from Morgan- Bowen. McKenzie. Buckley. .o•ly for instant mobiliza- forms ton 2, cents a pound; and vegetables (On Christine Babb has been dis- partnershirs and fiduciaries in field. Rev. Woodburn is recovering' tion e of public opinion when :env farms with commercial allotineentss, :nr5sed. April 15 is the front a serious illness and only constitu- Kentucky. While $1.30 an :sere. 'these rates are Miss Nelle Wolfe has been ad- critical issue endangers talk last Sunday. deadline for filing. the Department made a short •1. C. NEWS leased on the normal yield of the for treatment. tional government. preach to trotted will start receiving returns short- However. lee plans to 1941 acreage allotments. "Our Committee will work day and Reeder Miller, son of Mr. and the first of the year. the congregation next Sunday. F. R. Slays. vice president in. day out to arouse citizens every- ly after The 1940 conservation payrnert Mrs. W. W. Miller, was treated for states income tax yield was general manager. Chicago, was in were: where to the impeertance of a strong The rates for these commodities a broken leg. $4,900,000 in 1940. $3.809.000 Fulton Thursday night. This is our ones remain- about LOCAL BOY ENTERS Corn 9 cents a bushel: cotton 1.44 Mrs.
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