SAMADHI JOURNAL OF THE LONDON BUDDHIST VIHARA THE FIRST AND THE FOREMOST BUDDHIST VIHARA OF THE WESTERN WORLD ESTABLISHED IN 1926 BY THE ANAGARIKA DHARMAPALA ISSUE No. 55 & 56 JANUARY 2020-MAY 2020 B.E. 2563-64 ISSN 1368-1516 Covid-19 and the Greatness of Humanity An appreciation of the service of our fellow human beings during the catastrophic events of Corona by Ven. B. Seelawimala Nayaka Thera Head of the London Buddhist Vihara hilst this deadly Corona Vi- rywhere you look, both locally and for each other. Wrus Covid-19, was speeding globally. People have actively start- all over the world like a venomous ed to think of the well-being of, not Clapping for the NHS is a prime wind, thousands of people became only themselves but, for the whole of example. People volunteering for victims of this deadly disease and society. all sorts of charitable organizations, lost their lives. Covid-19 has no con- giving their time for free to help oth- sideration for power, status, wealth Everyone has started to share their ers. The kindness of strangers is very or any other criteria. personal experiences so others heartening and proves that human- might benefit. Personal knowledge ity can work together for the greater Over the past few months, our entire of home-based medicines, natural good. world has been terribly overwhelmed ways of strengthening your immune and gripped in a cycle of fear, anxi- system through good diet, exercise, We wish good health to all. Human ety, uncertainty and helplessness. In meditation, are being advanced in nature is such that we do not wish brief, this is very much part of the the media: Also, practical advice to see others suffering. We all wish Buddhist concept of Dukkha. like social distancing, helps us to happiness for others - they suffer, do as much as we can to stay safe we suffer; especially elderly people, At present, scientists in every coun- and healthy and to protect ourselves as they are more vulnerable, and we try are spending long hours at uni- from the dangers of Corona virus. will all be old one day. versities, in their laboratories, work- ing very hard to find a vaccination By keeping healthy and being care- Youngsters showing their love by for this alarming, unpredictable vi- ful ourselves, we can prevent this protecting them, looking after them, rus: And, as is proven in the history disease from spreading to others! keeping them safe in their homes by of scientific research – they will fine providing practical support for their a medicine. Once again, it will be a Because, at present, there is not a needs – remember, actions speak new era in the advancement of the particular vaccination for this virus, louder than words. medical sciences. the complex challenge is to find one rapidly. We all understand the severe This is how it should be - benefit is As the effects of corona virus became threat of Corona. Therefore, coop- to the whole of society and is very more and more dangerous, we slow- eration is vital and people from all much appreciated. ly become aware of the greatness of backgrounds have put aside division humanity. Exemplary qualities of with focus on developing a mutual I also want to acknowledge the ad- the human spirit are on display eve- kindness, compassion and empathy Continued on page 2 The Four Protective Meditation INSIDE Back to Basics A-Z of Buddhism THIS ISSUE Impermanence Benefits of Contentment Obituaries Programmes and activities 1 1 ISSUE No. 55 & 56 JANUARY 2020-MAY 2020 SAMADHI Chief Executive: Ven. B. Seelawimala Nayaka Thera Editor: Ven. Tawalama Bandula Continued from page 1 to change or to become as we would mirable services of the medical field. like them to be. ness or suffering. Impartial attitude. Doctors, Nurses, Carers, Clean- It is manifested as the quieting of ers and other members of the NHS Karuna means concern for all living resentment and approval. This is not staff working in hospitals and in the beings who are suffering, in trouble the same as mere indifference and community. They are all dedicated and affliction. It is a fundamental should not be confused with it. It to discharging their duties without tenet of Buddhism that all beings is not dullness or cold-heartedness. hesitation; with humility they dis- suffer. When we see this state in all It is not the dead, unfeeling quality play bravery and courage, by putting beings and we experience the wish of cold stone, but the warmth which their own lives at risk, in service to to help them alleviate the condition, comes of deep understanding. It is society. then we have compassion. Its proxi- not a state of "emptiness", but of mate cause is to see the helplessness "fullness".During this period of ca- We hear how many of them have lost of those overshadowed by suffering. tastrophe Equanimity is very chal- their lives leaving their loved ones I always like the prayers of San- lenging mental state.But it is a great behind. They truly practice the oath tideva, a Buddhist monk in the 7th spiritual quality to cope the disasters of Hippocrates, at a great risk to their century in his marvelous book call of life. So upekkha is to be devel- own lives. Bodhicaryavatara. oped together with karuna (compas- sion), giving it courage, fearlessness Not only medical services but all the “May I be a guard for those who need and patience to carry on in spite of human services to keep society func- protection the terrible things that may happen tioning, like ambulance staff, rub- A guide for those on the path to all of us. The development of up- bish collectors, providers of utilities: A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who ekkha does not lead to any lessening wish to cross the flood water, electric, farmers, transport of of the compassion which we feel for May I be a lamp in the darkness food, supermarket staff and delivery all suffering beings. drivers - all work hard, as a service A resting place for the weary for the well-being and safe function- A healing medicine for all who are sick A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles According to the format of the four ing of our society also essential ser- And for the boundless multitudes of liv- noble truths we can view Covid-19 vice of police and firebrigade for the ing beings this way too. The nature of Covid-19 society is outstanding. May I bring sustenance and awakening as it really is: The cause, the cure Enduring like the earth and sky (the cessation) and the medicine (the These human qualities are highly Until all beings are freed from sorrow Path) to cure. praised in every religion and civil And all are awakened” society. According to the Buddhist The answer to this crisis lies with Among the four Brahmavihara, the point of view they are the divine our scientists in the medical field more powerful and active quality is qualities: Brahmavihara, loving involved in cutting-edge research. compassion; because as far as ‘help’ kindness - develop these qualities in- Certainly, scientists will in time, pro- is a way to alleviate the suffering of stead of bearing ill-will. Compassion vide a positive response to this chal- others. above cruelty, appreciated joy over- lenge, inspiring the whole world. It riding jealousy. The fourth quality will, no doubt, open a door for a new Mudita is appreciative, sympathetic of the Brahmavihara is equanimity: era in our evolution; just like when or altruistic joy. It is joy or gladness this is very difficult to maintain but the entire world became so joyful experienced at the success of others, we have to contemplate on the vicis- at the end of the world war. Like- sharing with them their rejoicing. situdes of life. wise, the entire world will celebrate When the patient starts to get well and welcome the solution to Corona and is cured, then we can share their Let me summarize the four Brahma- Covid-19. viharas: happiness. In this forthcoming new era, all hu- Upekkha The fourth “Brahmaviha- Metta means the sincere wish for man-beings will be more aware for ra” is known as “Upekkha” or equa- the welfare and happiness of all liv- the need to change. To learn from nimity and is arguably the most diffi- ing beings without exception. Metta this to better enhance, nourish and cult to achieve as we hear on a daily is unconditional love, not love in cherish our environment and pay basis of thousands of deaths, during the sense of wanting to possess or gratitude to it. Everyone will feel the this pandemic period. belong. On the contrary, it is being need to contribute towards preven- open, accepting what is, without tion of its pollution and, at least do Upekkha is complete evenness of making demands. It allows people our little bit to contribute towards to be as they are, not forcing them mind in perceiving other's happi- Continued on page 3 2 THE FOUR PROTECTIVE MEDITATION by Puṇṇadhammo Bhikkhu s anyone who has done a retreat 1. Loving-Kindness universal. The meditator must learn Aknows, the mind is a difficult The sign of this meditation is an to love all beings without discrimi- beast to tame. During the course of emotional state, an open-hearted nation between the near and far, the a session, it is inevitable that various acceptance and feeling of goodwill liked and disliked, the good and evil difficulties will arise.
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