AVEBAOB DAILY CgRCCLA’nOM tor the Maath al Mavaaabar, ISIS THB WBATHBII Foreeaat ol U. s. Weather Burtua 6.193 nartfnrr! Mmakav al Mm AudH Pklr, aoumwkat odder la the ta- Bureau al Ofaeulatlaaa terior toalght; niuraday ’rmaalag clondlaeaa and not ao eold. nrnlmtili light maw at night. MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VIIJ.ARE CHARM VOL. LVm .. NO. 74 (ftoaainad ASvurUalng mm Pag# U) MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 28.1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS INTENSE COLD Musica Secretary Testifies INSURGENT TROOPS OVER NATION SENEGALESE TROOPS PUSHING CAMPAIGN FELT TODAY ON W A Y TO DJIBOUTI ALONG EBRO FRONT Norttwest Winds Carry Icy and Chin Caphire Of 386 Square Princess Will Be Sting To Eastern Seaboard TO STIFFEN DEFENSE Miles Of Territory, 16 Mid-January Bride And Sontb While Midcon- t. Towns, Many Villages tinent StiO Miivering. j Would Like to Play Sharpshooters Arrive At BUCKMAILERS I Scullery Maid Role And 7,000 Prisoneri Jty ASSOCIATED PRESS •i- Marseille From C aiqe OF DRUG HEAD TOe Arctic chill of the aeason’a Hearby Preparatory T# Hendayt, France (At the Spanith moet Intenae cold wave waa felt to- day from the Rockies to the Atlan- PTontler), Dec. 28.—(API—intur- STHl SOUGHT tic. Emkarkmg On Lawn Dqe it armlet were reported today to Northwest wlnda carried an Icy 1^ continuing thel** drive Into Cata- sting to the eastern aeaboard and Two Men And Woman To Be To Sa3 Dec. 31 Per on all fronta" along the 78- the aouth today while the midcon- le line between Tremp and Rlbar- tinent continued to shiver under a roja, on the River E%ro. blanket of cold that aent tempera- Arraigned Today At In- Freock Somafland Gapifad turea below sero. Insurgent newspapere said that Weather observers predicted _ the six-day-old offensive toward Tar- qniry Is Resumed Into ragma and Barcelona, on the Medi- •low rise In temperatures for tomor- Parte. D ec 88.—(A P )—A bate terranean, had captured more row as northwest winds abate but tallon of the French mrtay'm Benegito there waa no promia of appreclabla 1,000 square kilometers (886 squaiu Views Of Firm’s (Mficnals. iM abarpahootere strong a*» relief. 1,000 miles) of territory, at least 16 towns, rived at MarseHlM today on r o ^ scores o f villages and 7,000 prison- At least 16 deaths were attributed to Djibouti to Btrengthen the gap* era. to exposure and traffic accldenU New York, Dee. 88.— (A P )— cauaed by the weather. rteon of that East African port, oa Fresh gains were reported es- Brien McMahon, asalstant D. 8. Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, obJecUve of Itahan clamor fM pecially southeast of Lertda, the la- attorney general, returaed fram French territory. ,> aurgent baae. Oranadellas, 30 mliet Iowa, Minnesota, Wlaconaln, Indiana, WaeWn^on todat to rraume di- Katherine Sykora, who waa The soldiers moved to the oUfa south-southeast of Lerida and an DUnols, Michigan, and tba Dakotas ^ - aeoretary to Robert Dtetrich-Mustca. rection of the Inveatigatlen Into were the prinripal cold spots on the youngest of the four Musica brothers In the McKesssn A Robbina port from camps nearby preparatofY Important center on the highway F. Donald (Vtstcr-Muelca’s ae- to embarking on two liners duo’jSe weather map. Sub sero temperatures drug Arm, la shown being escorted from the Federal building In New tlvltlen as president o f MeKee- and railway to Tarragona, was re- all Doe. 81 for the French Bomaft. ported surrounded. were generM In Minnesota, and the York, where she wai quectioned by Acting U. S. Attorney Gregory F son and Bobbins, Ina Dakotas. Noonam She waa expected to return later for quesUonlng befoi^ a land capital. The) are the Bpbtofl. MHlttomen Coveriag Betreat gnuia jury. wboM departure, set for todayw S Holiday VMtera Marooned Now York. Dec. 28.—(A P)—Po- postponed ^to permit her to eernr Insurgent headquarters at irun Prinoess Maria said government ndlitlamen were Scores of Christmas holiday vlsl- lice conttoped their search today troops, end the CSiantllly. strengthening their llOb In thu tora were still marooneo In northern for hlackmatlera euspeeted of pro- The rcinforcemento wore requMp. area largely to cover the retreat of Rome, Dec. 28.—(AJ>)— The wed- Michigan where county officials tecting at their own prices—toe se- ed by (Tovemor General Hubert Dm . Hetaa Heye larger bodies of troops. ding of Prince Louis of Bourbon- prohibited travel on enow-blocked cret of F. Donald Conter’s Identity ehampe officiate said, to *teMlst‘-$a or Ice-covered highways. Five deatha THIRD OF NEW PANEL maintaining order” amM lepotto The government’s main report ot Farma and Princess Maria of Sav- success waa in holding In su r^ t at- were attributed to the cold, and as PhUlp Musics, arch-swindler of Phllr.delphla, D ec 88.— (A P )— that Italian trtMps ware boing eoto ola, youngest daughter of King Vit- toe pre-war ora. tacka north of . Tremp to no gains. slippery highways. In aome araaa Holen Hayes, the actroas, fa tired of centratad near the French Somalfa torio Emanuele and Queen EUena. rural mall deliverlea were cancelled. Two men and a woman, accused land port InsurgMit aviation led the on- EXEMPTED BY JUDGE of extortlnlr tbouronda of dollars ptaytog queenly rotes and Just for will be held Jan. 16, It was annoiutc- slaughts I below Lerida, said Inaur- One death from exposure waa re- a change she'd like to bo a aeultery Bogaifl Ofaepalga As Bfadf ed today. corded In Indiana where tempera- from tho president o f McKeason gent dispatches, blasting the roads and Robbtos, Inc., by preying upon Tha FrMcb praoe aad the puBBp leading from Gandesa to Falaet aad Tito cerenMBy will be performed turea dropped steadily to sero and were toeltood to regard tba Itaaffa In PaoUna Chapel of <)ulrinal Pal- sub-sero ievels. A veteran woods- hla lifelong fear of the exposure “Every play I get la about a from Lerida to Valla. Cavalry was Action Taken At Request Of that flnailv ndned him, were to be queon,“ lamented the live-foot ac- campaign for DJlbouU m a bluff a ia activa In cleaning out government ace. Their engagement' was an- man frose to death la nortbem to have con fid ed to Fraaeeli aJbO)- nounced Nov. 14. Pennsylvania woods while walking BLAZE DRIVES arraigned today. trsM to an Interview test night. Just pockets between Aspe and the Ebro. WhUa toe roundup continued, the before hurrying to a thMter to por- ty to defend her oolanlec Government forces were concen- to a lumbering camp. Veniremen As Waterbnry everal eoneervethru inaQiaiiwe The cold wave brought Intenae atato attorney-general’s office re- tray “Vletorta Itagtaa’* for the trated at the textile town of Artaaa, sumed its Inquiry Into the views of 980th time. Utolted their oommont aolety to p OB the northern aeetor of the Inaur- suffering to the poor In purse. Hun- 125 PERSONS gorgmosMSt oonmtnilqtig dMQnup dreds sought shelter at police sta- Fraud Case Resumes Aft- McKesson arid Robbina offldals think Tvo dOM an of tham gmt oflensive Into Oatalenla. BUDGET OF STATE tions la the larger dtie4 Thou- toe corporation prestdent’a acttvl- aad eomaona eaiM along reoantly reports of Itoltea troop concM tr(a- Drap Sfaella lato Stoeeto tloM to Bthlopta ead Eritrea, ^ of homeless slept la Hew ties, and t l ^ roaetioM at ttnws aod waated to wrIU a mw ona ter Inaurgeut field guns b^an ffrop^ York sobfasyi or to crowded Bow- er JRecess Over Holidays. OTTO STREETS when their SMplcloQa were arouMd. ma.mi the Itf^ef Quean WUhelniiBa thabordfr of rrsaeh SoamUlaad. ping ahalla into the atroeto before SHOWS INCREASE ery misaiona and Welfare Depart- Not until too day before he com- of HoUead. Biit I’d^ like to be TM teft-wtag preoc tbs da^ but tba government lighters ment oheltera The metropoUa mitted suicide at his Fairfield. soultery maid tor a changa.“ right and ootne eenterlsts wantofl Mtumad the Are. ---------- - mlaaed'the main force of the storm Waterbury, Dec. 28—(AP)—SUU Two Hoteb Destroyed In Conn., mansion wm Ooster-Muai- toe govonuMat agatoet capItulatMR 71m Insurgents advanced to dull but temperatures fell far below and defense began examining today oa’a- true character generally to the ItaHaa demends. —oaoffM al tBg .p<^tlon of Artesa, a communi- freeslng. end mode through the ocotiaaed Tentatiye .Fisiires Reveal a new panel of veniremen, fourth known. Friends, relatives, extor- que said, with capture last night of “Moob Odder- for New England. Fesetet preoo. summoned since the trial opened a Early Morning Fire At tioners, all kept their secret weH, Aloa de Balaguer. 18 miles to the A temperature of 36 was record- but be died leaving a lament that CHAR(;ES FRAUD Goveraraeot sprtiaoBMa. OMoa- south and on tba northern bank of month ago, to an attempt to flU the white, left no doubt ot Proariv Dal- Services To Cost More ed early today at the nation’s capi- he had been IHackmalled for yeari. the Segre river. tal aad colder weather waa In pros- two remaining vacancies on the Temperatnre Hovers At adteifs determination to lead tha BM Waterbury mUllon dollar fraud case ArrMted After PlgM Artesa is In the northern moat of pect “Much colder today was the nnse who knew him befoie be IN RELIEF LISTS tlon to war if Italy tried to sstoa the three main sectors of tb- of- ThaD Income In Bieimiinii general forecast in New England Jury. Djibouti. SMumed the Ooater peracmallty fensive begun Dec. 38 and to which Temperature readings of IS .<U Of the 100 men and women on 20 Below Zero Mark.
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